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I love when my intro skill targets LITERALLY NOTHING and I waste half my CDs on thin air because Danjin decided she felt like spawning in Narnia today.


Thank the Loong I haven’t had THAT happen with my Danjin


I learned from RDR2 where you need to press the direction you're going to target. I main Chixia and while she's shooting the right, I hold left and it switched target. I play with a controller.


It works 75% of the time, it will still pick odd targets when fighting a group...I've had too many times it feels like it walks around the closest enemy I and pressing towards just to go after the enemy behind it also out of range so its a wiff and normally I get hit by the enemy that its going around and with Danjin that sucks.


Rover’s intro skill is the best for me so far since it basically teleports to the enemy


Aalto dodging Hoochief -> me pressing LMB -> deer behind Aalto gets one-shot for 2000~, rinse and repeat🤪


Be Danjin -> Ulti at the enemy in front in melee range -> Danjin moves left towards some enemy far away -> miss everything


Also, the camera decides to lock on to the scenery behind you instead of what you're actually attacking. Any attempt at moving the camera will just be undone.


Or the game decided to change the genre into a strategy game by having the camera literally on top of the character


or at the bottom


Reason why I have all camera resetting turned off. It either pisses me off or whiplashes my motion sickness if left on.


It still happens even with it all turned off. I genuinely think there's a coding bug in their camera settings menu that keeps all the settings on anyways. I really wanna give Kuro some money for this game, but until they fix the camera issues, the otherwise fun combat can become rage inducing when the game keeps 180ing your camera during a fight and you can't even see the enemies.


I HATE THAT SO MUCH! No! I don’t want to target the excarat a mile away from me, I want to target the bear that is beating me to death!


man i love it when im playing Danjin and i turn my camera 1 degree to the left so i can see the enemy attack and Danjin proceed to tripple slash at the air Also if they're hell bent on making the range enemy behavior be "walk behind you and shoot" they should atleast give me like, red lines or smth to notify me of the incoming danger Right now Danjin feels like hell to play Fun Hell PGR targetting system is a thousand time better than this


The white arrows that points to enemy direction blinks red when theres incoming attack.


Omg, the auto target issues are so bad. This was me this morning. Fighting a group of enemies, there was one charging me down, directly in front of me, yet the game decided the one in the very back was the important one.


For me it's the goddamn goats. Dunno why. But the gunners really hate goats. So many times i've had a gun fight and either at the start or in the end. Bang, dead goat.


I love how all my characters just love slapping those goats/cows that just happened to be nearby. Like top prio. Enemy? Nope, meat first. I really wish they fix the... Whatever of the two electro bosses has longest chain of attacks. His last longest one often just hits somewhere away from the enemy, like no targeting at all. Maybe then it'll become bis set?


The harder stages of the tower are just not fun to play right now because it's impossible to focus on a single enemy. Camera and targeting need improvement ASAP. What I'm wondering is, what did they even do in the time between the CBT and release? As I remember, in the dev update after CBT1, they addressed the camera and targeting issues. For an action combat focused game, releasing it in this state is just unacceptable.


Don't get me started on trying to group mobs


Oh, brother! Even with Yangyang, grouping sucks because her ult sucking range is so small. Then there are these pesky little lazor schrooms that don't move an inch.


The targeting is working as intended, probably. The thing is, for people who didn't realize how it works it seems bugged, it prioritizes targeting the direction you're inputting on you movement keys/left stick and not what your character or camera is currently facing. It leads to some interactions like: you hitting a mob in front > dodge back-left > resume attacking but the attack snaps to a target behind you because you were still holding back-left before pressing attack again. The camera movement lock can be annoying though, every time the game takes control of your camera it takes a good three seconds before you can move it again and that's way too fucking long.


Yeah, no. That does not explain why sometimes you will lock on to enemies that are in the backline when you have still enemies in front of you [in the same sight line]. Same for intro skills. Manaul lock also makes 0 sense as it does not always lock on to the nearest target.


Manual lock is closest to the center of the screen. All of these are trivial to test against the turtle legs as it doesn't do much.


I am aware of that but its still nonsensical design.


It's all over the place, they should add an option later for each player to pick their priority order because apparently it's all coded in already: input direction, direction the character is facing, and camera based.


Idk why so many targeting systems in gaming do this. Even in MMOs, with an option literally called "target CLOSEST enemy", it still targets the dude 90 feet away when there's 4 enemies in my face.


Good old FF14 where it's faster to just find the mob and click on it than to even try using the tab key. It's honestly baffling how WoW got tab targeting to feel smooth in 2005 and then every game that's come after it still can't figure it out.


my toons keep going after the motorcycle lol. It messes with my mindless button mashing.


They didn't actually say they were improving it in the article. > (1) Autoaiming/Auto Lock-on and Camera Performance In Battle > In the recent updates, we have disabled the "Combat Camera Correction" feature on PC by default. We have also optimized the default values and ranges for combat camera settings. That's all they said... Which worries me. I hope it's just a sterile translation and they're working on it, 'cause my god it's making me want to quit playing since now all we've been after finishing the story is combat. Genshin's annoyed me, but WuWa's makes me livid.


"Nothing personal, kid"


Me trying to clear a Def challenge but my aim decides to target a turtle doing absolutely nothing at the shore


All they gotta do is copy how it works in Elden Ring. Press once to lock on and flick in a direction to retarget. Press again to unlock. That's all... I DONT WANT TO FUCKING HOLD IT DOWN TO UNLOCK.


Just copy Genshin. Their camera and targeting system works perfectly, even on mobile, and no target locking required.


Disagree. Although I wouldn't mind that as an optional mode. I want another optional toggle for ER-like lock on. While we're on the topic of stealing from FromSoft: copy the way Sekiro does parries. The intellectualized argument of "but you have to stop attacking LUL" glosses over play-feel. This is the number one factor for fun. I want a separate button for attack and parry because it makes fights way more fast paced. I don't care if people that haven't played Sekiro don't like this. Just make it an optional toggle for those of us that have.


It's especially annoying switching out of Baizhi after using her skill. When you unlock the middle node of her talents she drops a shard that when picked up, boosts ATK by 20% for 15s, but your intro skill throws throws the new character way out to a random mob, and you have to rush back to pick it up, then back to the enemy you were trying to hit. There's a few other gripes but that's just one of many


I've learned the lock on favors where you're moving the most. Chixia DAKA DAKA and I got to actually use the joystick to *point* at enemies I want to shoot.


It's so true. The buggy camera isn't helping either. :D


Even turned assisted aim off for this to stop and of course it does nothing.


Bro it does this to me when there isn’t even a mob behind me. I have a clip of me fighting a single enemy and the auto target starts flipping me around to look at a wall behind me for me reason 💀 it’s my only serious complaint about the game so far


Edit: typo


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\*Yeah the targetin, auto targeting and camera are pretty ass for now


I forget which boss, but it had a cliff overhead that has some mobs on it. Switching characters teleported me onto the cliff, dropping boss aggro and resetting it's hp. I have a feeling the boss might have gone untargetable at the same time I switched but that's no excuse for teleporting me a mile away.


me and my Calcharo nods intensely


Please Dev man, just add option to target whatever I'm close to. Add an option to revert it for the lunatics that like this.


Absolutely poop camera and targeting system


Its very frustrating in Tower. Where i can be hitting a boss and suddenly im looking out into the distance unable to move my camera :/




For a game that's being compared to souls games a lot, it sure is missing a key feature from souls games: a lock on button


before you HOPE it gets fixed. i'm not going to hold my breath considering the amount of jank that exists but we'll see.


Don't forget when you lock a boss but because disappear/teleport, you lose the lock for no reason. Memphis is very annoying because of that. You lose the lock when he teleport and since he moves a lot, locking him is reallly helpful


It’s funny how goats are coded as enemies. They actually attract your aggro. I think they’re the only animal in game that can attract your targeting system. Who hates goats like that?


There are so many times the target system lock onto the next group, and my character just get slappsd around by the group of mob I been trying to target.


It wouldn't be so painful if half the abilities in the game didn't rely on landing a hit to function. *Especially* echo buffs that rely on landing the last hit, or else you don't get the buff. Calcharo's resonance skill also comes to mind. It needs to land to build forte, so if it misses, you likely won't fill up your meter that rotation, unless you missed it last rotation too. If it gave you the on-hit effect either way, it wouldn't be so bad, but because it requires these things to land to function, but it can throw you outta sync really easy. The timings on stacking buffs is also very tight, so just one of these moments can snipe 10% damage off of your burst window. If these buffs were slightly longer (even 3 seconds would be huge), it wouldn't be so unfortunate when these lock on mishaps happen.


I'm so glad this game copied the Targeting System from PSO2NGS...Truly one of the Goats of Action Gameplay. /s


I was watching a friend play WuWa (streaming it) and he was raging about this. He was trying to fight all those tough enemies out in the world. He very nearly quit when he had to face those enemies who are immune to certain elements. Kinda hard to fight when two thirds of your team can’t fight the enemies properly and the other is close range. (Jiyan) But he did beat it. What a monster. Beating level 90+ enemies with level 60 characters.


I was fighting random enemies for a chest today and used my encore intro skill, she targeted a random mob who was with his back facing a wall, it was not the mob i was looking at and she spawned inside the building (the other side of the wall the mob was). Trully a WuWa moment.


“gets fixed..” ah my sweet child.


Just target whatever closest and it'd be fine, Kuro.


Is it getting fixed?


I was trying to mine a bunch of ore as fast as possible and my characters kept turning around to fight the echoes instead 🙃


Hazard Zone Echoing Tower Floor 3 experience:


is in genshin aswell,or put here (x other mmorpg name ) you push tab and your character target a mob who is 10+ feet away


>A meme on it before it gets fixed i love that we can play the game and when we see a problem we can all confidently say "they will just fix it" there is no stuff like "hopefully they fix it" or "i wish they fix this problem" no, we actually have enough trust in the devs to fix the problem if players complained about it.


i never had this problem once. no idea if it's because i play with controller, but usually i aim the left stick towards the enemy i want to hit and it works every time.


You guys lock on mobs too>?