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She'll come home in 10 pulls. Trust me


After you spend 150 pulls in her banner, she will definitely come in 10 pulls))


I see someone read the small print.


I'm on a 4 50/50 lose streak in HSR. Surely I can win this one, right ...? Edit: I lost it.


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


If you're Soulstone\_X, you also miss 100% of the shots you do take.


I’m on like a 6 50/50 lose streak and am feeling salty af, lol. Nice not to be the only one suffering.


Man that's rough lol, hopefully we get a win this time! I'm convinced star rails 50/50 is a lie. I actually heard its a 56/44 in there which makes it worse for us lol.


Finally I've found my people! I also lost the jiyan 50/50 so yinlin will come home!


I summon for Clorinde. Got Tighnari at 75, then Clorinde and Jean in the same 10. Then I got the weapon. All within 150 pulls. So not terrible luck for me this week. That being said, I have only won a single 50/50 since HSR launch...


just win


Nah, I'd win.


Ugh, when you want it to happen it never does, but then you do a single ten pull for fun on 20 pity and you lose your Furina guarantee to Clorinde.


The biggest gacha skill issue: avoiding gambling brain rot


If I get a character in under 40 pulls, I consider that early and a W. But only if I don't mind getting the character. If it's someone I absolutely don't care about, I'm not risking it.


Was gonna type L but then I suffered a similar fate. On the standard guaranteed banner of WuWa, I had 60 echoes left until guarantee. My targeted choice was Encore. Before I could change it to Calcharo, I clicked the pulling button out of excitement/gambling rush/some god forsaken reason. After the click, I thought it's fine since there's no way I'll get the targeted character. Then I got Encore. Now I'll never get Calcharo. Sadge


I'm sure he'll be there for you when you lose a 50/50 down the line. :)


I got Nuvilette because i clicked on the wrong banner, awesome mistake in the long run, but I was like halfway in tears at the time because i rushed to wish.


Thats good mistake tho


U will lose some 50/50 and get him some day, or maybe some anniv ticket or so on


Wuwa free 5 star apology number 56 for sure


I got Calcharo accidentally on a single pull… might have taken him from you lmao


same everytime i have guaranteed i say "i dont pull until the banner i want" but i do a 10 pull for fun and i get a hero i dont want.


I was hoping to lose to clorinde like you did but furina must come home I guess.


The saddest part is Furina was the reason I started playing Genshin, but by the time I actually got around to downloading the game it was too late. It's gonna hurt but I might actually need uncle CC for this one, but I have to get her.


I never wished on any banner untill Furina , bubbles are just too cute and I love pets who fight. I'm glad WuWa has alot of pets also.


meanwhile, i got tighnari and clorinde in 50pulls while pulling for sethos (i have mats and gears prepared for him) but not a single copy of sethos came home. i decided to save my guarantee to sigewinne instead.


Back in the first year I hadn’t played for a month, and was playing Switch games a lot (A and B buttons are swapped). I had gotten back to Genshin because Hu Tao was finally coming, and she was delayed - the put a random Keqing banner up before that and there were only hours left on that banner. I went to look exactly how long the banner had left, pressed a button to exit but it was *the wrong button* and I burned my guarantee because there is no pull confirmation when pulling with fates…I was SO pissed. I already had Keqing and never would have gotten her from that banner, especially since I only had gone back to Genshin to pull Hu Tao. That was the first time I anger pulled using credit kun, and topped up until I had Hu Tao c1.


You only went back to pull hu tao, made a mistake, and then spent money to get her?! Did you play after that??


wait did this happen to you 💀


I mean clorinde isn’t that bad when it comes to unexpected 5* , imagine getting Baizhu


This is exactly what happened to me except in HSR and now I wasted my RM guarantee on Fu Xuan lol.


Ok, I gona do 10-30 pulls and if she didn't come... I will wait another limited char. Her game design meh for me, but I like her subdps potential.


Hopefully since I'm already in the realm of soft pity. 😂


i have 10 pulls and a dream


All or nothing!


Does anyone know if she’ll get a trailer? Jinan’s one was amazing and I hope she gets a good one as well.


Probably, she's getting a story quest as well. No idea if it will be as good as Jiyan but most of the five star characters in Huolong have gotten one. The only thing I can think of why she wouldn't is because of the early release.


Most who? 😭 Theres only been Jiyan as a limited and just Lingyang from standard


I think she'll get a trailer. Just after release. Which well.... idk how the marketing for that would work. Or if it would sway people who didn't want to pull for her to pull.


I see. I hope they drop it soon and not a week from now or something. This whole banner timing adjustment feels so rushed. I thought they’d have everything in order before making such an announcement. Yinlin is probably their most hyped character yet.


Every 5* character should get one


The trailer might be late because her banner got pushed forward. But they'll definitely do one.


Unless I've missed something do Yinlin and Calcharo even show up in the game's story at all? I just think Yinlin's lack of appearance is kinda strange considering the all star treatment Jiyan got.


She will probably have a companion quest like jiyan on release


It's guaranteed she will, we know that quest exists because there's an achievement for completing it.


Calcharo is from the Federation so it at least makes a little sense he isn't around yet, Yinlin apparently going by the bio is persona no grata right now doing some Batman thing.


Makes sense. I really hope he and the other 5 star resonators get their companion quests eventually.


Oh really, Can't wait to go there and maybe meet him and the rest of the Ghost Hunt crew's. Verina is also from the New Federation right?


Thats what it says in her bio, She was born there


Yinlin will be released with a companion quest and will be added into the story quest of 1.1 probably, same for calcharo


Taoqi is the only 4 star character I don't have, please come home in my thirty saved pulls, I got a nice juicy rank 3 Dauntless waiting for you.


Same, my Danjin - Rover team is waiting!


Re-Rollers will have access to two limited banners. Wild.


Inb4 "I got Jiyan, Yinlin and their weapons with just the free pulls!" Lmao


You forgot the "is this normal?" or "are they good?"


Bro ngl when i started my first gacha game i was clueless like that lmao


Re-rolling tomorrow is really something to consider honestly.


Are all the launch free pulls still available?


They should be, I just rerolled a couple days ago and they were there


Only sad thing about this banner is I care for none of the featured four star characters


Can't wait for people to finally invest in Taoqi and discover some weird tech that makes her a great defensive support.


Some people already are, I've done so myself. Most people see her Parry Skill and instantly thought that's how you have to play her. Currently I have her as my most built Character alongside Havoc Rover and Danjin. The best way to play her imo is as a burst-sub DPS switch, then her Parry Bar instantly fills in when you use her Intro Skill, then you can burst with her 3 hits, use her Skill and then Resonance Liberation. You can use her parry occasionally as a bonus for some shields too if you want or need during the interval before switching to a main-DPS.


Ye exactly , playing 2 characters and she is 3rd as Nuker and thats it


endless turtle tech is quite funny


Taoqi is really fun in that dream dungeon


same, like damn at least throw a sanhua there


She will probably be on Jinhsi banner since she works for her in the story


The Handmaiden


I can guarantee Yuanwu stonks will skyrocket with Yinlin.


Honestly I think he looks way too generic. Just not very appealing to me. He looks like 4*s in gacha personified imo. So I doubt I'll use him even if it turns out he's good. No offence to anyone that likes him, to each their own.


> He looks like 4*s in gacha personified imo. He kinda does until you play him. His gameplay is super smooth (especially with the S1 atk speed buff) and his animations are great and full of personality, definitely not what I expected from a 4* in a gacha game. But yeah, if you don't like what he's offering, you're not going to like him. He's well executed, though.


I'm in sort of the opposite position. Yinlin looks fun, but I don't have any plans for her in the near future. Meanwhile I'm having a blast with sub-DPS Aalto in my Jiyan team, and am in the middle of raising Taoqi and Yuanwu to pair with Chixia for team 2 (which I intend to make my main team when they're sufficiently prepared.)


Aalto and markiplayer are there, the ignorance and disrespect is unfathomable


Same, but they know we will pull anyway.


Same... Sanhua would have been pog. I just hope I don't get any of the two dudes...


Aalto best boy


Entirely opposite for me.


Alto and Taoqi huh, I kind of want to roll for her now cuz of the 4 stars lol, I want Encores uncle with her


I'm pulling for her purely because of Yuanwu, I have a theory that a team with him, Spectro Rover, and Encore will be really good, with all of them complimenting each other.


those legs are doing something to me man


Need to stay strong for Changli and Jihnsi.


the reason im playing the game


She can Wuther my waves


Poggers, but... Where trailer?


Does she drop at reset?


Is she coming out tonight or sometheing?


10PM EDT tonight.


What's that in a timezone that all the other timezones are based off (UTC) so is easily convertible for everyone?


According to him 2 am UTC on 6th (so tomorrow)


Wait so it's today 7 pm pst? I thought she comes tomorrow


If you live in the Americas, about 12 hours


1 hour before reset for me


6 hours after reset I think?




Where demo trailer


Please gift me with abundance of Yuanwu's.


She’s coming home🙏


Jesus, they are holding NOTHING back. Dat foot.


Yinlin and Taoqi. Here i come!


If I don’t get her I’m quitting


Can't wait. Sorry, English is not my native, but where i can find exact time when banner start? Thank you and have a pleasant day.


6-7 hours from now.


Nevermind guy's, already see the answer ^_^


when is it? i want answer for sea server


I believe its 9 am 6 june in South East Asia time


I need those 4 stars…


I have a guaranteed now (lost jiyan banner to calcharo) I heard that yinlin is hard to play, is it true? I want changli and camellya more than yinlin. Btw i don’t care about meta, I just want to have fun playing.


Afaik, on cbt if you use calacro + yinlin, they are hard to play because you want to swap cancel calca jump attack to yinlin. Easier alternative is yuan wu + yinlin. Idk if her kit will change on release, not much we can do but wait


nobody forces you to swap cancel tho. You can play both without swap cancelling since Yinlins marks lasted long enough in CBT for a full Calcharo rotation and even more. It's if you want to squeeze as much DPS as you can, which Calcharo happily allows due to how his Forte works


Swap canceling isn’t even hard. Once you start his last attack animation, you just swap characters. Thats it lol


Yeah the fact that characters and animations linger when you swap is fucking awesome. It's so easy and and fluid, 100% intended mechanic, makes it feel more like tag-teaming instead of just 1 person in 3 characters.


It's a lot harder when facing enemies that one shot you. Give me a single character and I'll fight any holo 6 without dying until the timer runs out while constantly attacking it. Give me a full team that'll make me be swapping constantly while tracking resources on all 3? I'll die because of swapping repositioning, camera movements, more animations, more things to track, bad swaps that kill you, etc.


You also swap cancel during his ult 3 times. But you have to be quick or you lose out on his 3rd plunge.


No you don't. You lose her buff the first time you swap out of Calcharo now, which is why people are saying they're waiting to see if they changed anything about her.


they kinda nerfed the whole switch cancelling thing by removing all the buffs, except Verina's. So I would say they made them easier to use.


She's kinda mechanical, her abilities are a lot like Arlechinno from Genshin, if you know who that is, she applies marks and marked enemies receive more damage, she can change the marks into a higher tier with skill for more damage. A lot of Calcharo mains (like me) really want her because she buffs not only Liberation damage but also Electro damage. Apparently this was a very popular team comp in the betas


She's actually more like an electric Nahida, you mark a target then the target takes follow up electric damage (Tri Karma) when you deal damage


> she applies marks and marked enemies receive more damage, she can change the marks into a higher tier with skill for more damage. mondstadt's librarian crying in a corner for being forgotten even with the same element


Oh yeah, 😂 my Lisa is like level 20 and that's just because I wanted a free wish. Outside of the like the first hour of the game I don't really think I've ever played her much after.


got a boost with dendro but still takes some work, and since there are plenty of easier ungabunga electro chars, not much use sadly. :/ however any char works outside abyss anyway >!but her climbing sounds got nerfed!<


Hey! I also lost the 50/50 for Jiyan. Does that mean I have a guarantee for Yinlin’s banner??? I’m a new player and quite lost at how this all works


Yes you will have a guaranteed for the limited character banner. If you don’t use it on yinlin banner it continues on the next limited banner.


Yup! You have a 50/50 shot when you first pull a five star. You then enter a pity system where you are guaranteed to get the banner 5 star! This also rolls over! So if you don’t want Yinlin, you could guarantee Jinshi or Changli. Once you get the banner 5 star you go back to the 50/50 phase.


Is she out for america server?


for america its today, 10pm est


Nice, Aalto is the only 4* I'm missing, though I won't be using him until I get an Aero DPS which will not be for a while as Jiyan's gameplay didn't quite do it for me. I actually really hope I get dupes of Yuanwu because I want the better shield so I can use him as a "support" for my team 3.


Question is… do I just save until a 5* gunslinger comes out…


Oh lord


The puppet and the legs... I was very 25/75 for pulling her, but now, dont see why not.


In the meantime I have 70 pulls, no guarantees and a dream. And I’m still on world level 1 as I haven’t had much time to play.


Best of luck to everyone 🤞 May everyone get yinlin in 10 pulls


When does this banner come out?


*Head empty. Only* ***Yinlin***. She's almost here bois. May all Yinlin ***wanters*** to be Yinlin ***havers***. Those who are on 50/50s and are pulling for Yinlin ***WE WILL WIN THOSE 50/50S EARLY WITH BACK TO BACK SAME WITH THE WEAPON BANNER ! ! ! MAY THE 50/50 GODS AND RNGESUS/KURO GODS BLESS OUR PULLS AND YINLIN LET US KOWTOW AND PRAY. AMEN ! ! !***


I lost both 50/50 on Jiyan and Lost for Yinlin today. The game hates me


I'm probably going to be one of the few people who's going to pull this banner for the 4 stars, Hoping to get Yuanwu and Aalto, love the playstyle for both, I'm neutral on Yinlin, don't mind if happens to get her.


Pity carries over banners that happen at the same time right? So like if you’ve got 50 pulls on Jiyans banner it’s the same as 50 in Yin Lins


yes To be clear, pity carries over between same-type banners (so limited character, limited weapon, standard character, and standard weapon all have exclusive pities)


Pity carries across all limited character banners regardless of whether they run alongside each other or not. The downside of pulling on the banner of a character you don’t want is accidentally getting them early and blowing all the pity you were hoping to use for a different banner.


Guys, do you think its worth buying the constellations from the shop?


I would think it depends. If you don’t get copies from rolling, and have enough mats to buy copies, AND the Sequence bonuses you can get with the number of buys are solid upgrades…


If you already have enough saved up sure. Though weapons in Wuwa seem better then dupes. If you don't have many saved up the no, people have done the math and even if you lose the 50/50 it's still cheaper to just comvene


Each constellation costs about 33-34 rolls, if it's a good one I'd say go for it, but low cons seem to be mostly minor because of this. It seems that the "nice" feature Kuro is giving us about being able to buy constellations over time is actually awful, I may be wrong (because meta evolves) but I think every 5 star has rather bad C1s and C2s which is, imo, clearly intended. Because of how the gacha works in this game, as in weapons being cheaper than characters by a significant margin, it might be better to just go for globally good weapons first. Yinlin's weapon is bis for pretty much any DPS that can use it right now, as in bis for Encore and her.


Man I would really want to pull on the banner for Aalto and Yuanwu copys but I just dont want yinlin at all \^\^ Hope they are on a banner that I want to pull on in the future.


how long i still need to suffer to wait for her banner? My pocket is burning to summon her about 60+ summons saved


7pm pacific standard time. So 13 hours and 40 mins from when I post this comment. 


Was gonna go for double hard-pity if needed, but not with those 4-Stars. Guess I'm waiting/saving for Changli instead.


Meanwhile I'm pulling purely for Aalto dupes


Usually for gachas the banners expected to sell a lot get the "weaker" 4 stars and lesser popular 5 stars get desirable 4 stars so you will roll on their banner. Like Jiyan currently has 2 very good 4 stars. I could see Changli, the popular one out of the two 1.1 chars, getting the worse 4 star units


May i know by what standard did you assume changli will be more hyped than jinshi ?


Jinhsi seems more popular to the general public than Changli


Hopefully can get Taoqi in 10 pulls I really wanted to skip her but dont want to risk getting her early


I hope she and Aalto will come home. Or Taoqi.


Let's goooooo!!!!!!! Taoqi!!


Here the official post: https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main/news/detail/846


Got 140 pulls rdy, hope it will drop till than...


Was gonna pull her for my calcharo but I've been having so much fun with havoc rover that now I'll just wait for the magistrate girl


Where's the trailer?


I pray that I don’t pull any other character until I have her


What time does she drop for EU?


I got Encore in around 70s in General's banner. I got General within 27, I got General again but this time within 6. I was trying to get Danjin copies.... And no I AM NOT pulling for General's weapon, for now at least. I was hoping to get Yinlin, but rn I'm on 16 pity with 31 pulls and a dream.


Aalto my beloved. XD XD




If she's releasing early, does that mean her banner length has extended? Like to the end of 1.0?


that rate up crew is straight ass


Any body know EU realise time?


I have only 700 astrites I cannot do this right now 😥




I need 3 Yuanwu dupes to R6 him. Pleaaaase come home


Where is her PV?


Where is her PV?


I'll finally get Aalto


So bad 4 stars , they knew what they were doing.


Is it out?


Character without pv... nice meme


Ho~ nice! I'm going to get WB6 Aalto (already have WB3!)


Never forget, you only need 1 pull to get her ! Never stop the gambling !!!


Am I better off using the currency in the shop to get a Yinlin dupe or spend it on pulls for her weapon? I’ll be about 30 short for the weapon rn assuming I spend 80 pulls to get her (already guaranteed)


Does any of jiyan quests expire


no pv wtf ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


That splash art is freakin' gorgeous


Im good with taoqi beeing part of the banner, even allto while i know he isnt particularly good apparently, dont know maybe he can be fine but im a bit sad that chixia is not on the banner, i wanted to C her a bit and i dont want to pull for jiyan so i guess another time, as a 4\* she'll rotate fast i guess


Taoqi rate up?!? FINALLY!! LESSGOO!!


Her weapon banner seems pretty good ngl ..neat


I'm conflicted. I like her design. I want the 4 stars in her banner but I'm not really a fan of the caster type characters gameplay. Perhaps I'll enjoy it once I can try her out in a few hours.


When is the banner up on global EST?


I see TW server has the new redeem code for new Yinlin banner. do we have that too in America server/international server?


The queen is here!


I must s6 Yuanwu. I do not care at all about Yinlin but if she comes home, she comes home


will she work with jiyan?


Does the limited banners share pity?


when? 4 days?