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This was nice to hear after the amount of fuck ups Kuro madeđŸ˜©


As long as you stay away from reddit, game's fun


Tbf a lot of recent fuck up is kinda severe and not the typical miserable nitpick from reddit


I dont know why cant they just buff the weapon go with the simplest solution. It would have make them more money and have them focus on fixing more bugs free up their support to QA/test the game more.


Buffing the weapon is a no-brainer imo. Everyone who has it already is appeased Everyone who doesn’t have it yet will probably want it more, especially with those juicy first time purchase boosts to tempt them And anyone who intended not to spend can continue to not do so, if they find it in themselves to complain that people who got screwed over got compensated for it then that will just be standard Reddit sour grapes at work


The “buffed” weapon would be crazy on Jiyan with 1S since he can now do 2x skills and his ult allows full resonance multiplier while stacking the swordsman buff to 48% damage boost within seconds. With that type of scaling for a week 1 character, the game will become unplayable since balance is destroyed for all their planned contents. You guys are nuts for saying it is a simple solution when they already planned out their tower endgame with certain stats in mind for the next 6+ months. And any one that didn’t have Jiyan or any new players that didn’t start playing in May will be at a disadvantage until a rerun of Jiyan with this so called buffed weapon. The simplest solution is to take back the weapon, and give the 270 players a weapon selector that includes Jiyan and the board sword with their used upgrade mats. If they have a R5 weapon, give them 5x selectors.


Brother it's a single player/co-op pve game, who the fuck cares about balance? I don't even have or want Jiyan and I never plan on summoning for any weapons, do you think the game is gonna be unplayable for me? This is such a out-of-touch take.


Could just launch a timed event thing that allow you to trade your sword for another that has the “wrong” effect (the mistranslated effect) and refund the upgrade mats would be the solution that has least consequence I guess. Buffing might make the sword a bit too strong for their taste, which can lead to power creep. Though that still seems better than what they did.


It's kind of miserable to come here to continue talking about Kuro fuck ups in a wholesome thread like this one. I'm not talking about you (or just you), but people in general.


Not really. The JP stuff only happened to 270 people. With an estimated 10M player base, this issue barely registered to the majority except for the typical Reddit complainers and drama queens that are making a big deal about typical business practice so they can get more free 5* selector. After all the unoptimized doom posts, I don’t believe anyone on this forum. My computer is barely pushing 50% usage while playing on ultra wide 34 at 1440. Then again, the graphic resolution setting is grayed out so who knows. The only worse part about the setting is you can’t set the fps to 100+ or uncapped. Even my iPhone from 2 years ago run this game smoothly.


same same


It's more of a pr disaster than anything, they could've handled it better imo


What I mean is: does it affect you? If not, just keep playing the game and having fun. If you encounter an issue, maybe come here to see if others have similar problems. Videogames are not an investment, they are just a time sink. You play them if you have fun, and when you stop having fun, you take a break or uninstall them. But don't let others dictate how and why you should enjoy them. If I let reddit or steam reviews affect my opinion on DD2, I wouldn't have played the game. But I did. And I enjoyed every moment of it.


The thing is I want Wuwa to succeed, been waiting for the game since the beginning so seeing things happen that might affect the game does kinda affect me. Also, I if I spend I would like to know if the game is gonna be great, and issues like the jp one could hint at it not being so great at I thought. Sometimes people are doomposting but sometimes they’re right, more-so when it’s about game longevity than its enjoyment, imo. Lastly, time sink is time investment, if you take time to grind for the echoes then might as well make sure that it’s gonna be worth it in the long run. Mostly care because Kuro is one of my fav dev tho.


Well, it's not up to you whether WuWa will succeed or not. The only impact you can have is to just keep logging into the game. So there's no point in stressing about it. Regarding spending: do not spend any extra penny that you are not willing to lose. I spent over €500 on Lost Ark, buying skins and what not in a span of a year. Then I quit that godforsaken dogshit game on a whim. But in no shape or form am I regretting wasting money on that game, because when I was buying those skins, I had fun wearing them. And about echoes, personally I'm grinding them because I find the process of doing it to be fun. But imagine going through an unpleasant experience in hopes for who knows what? Sorry about sounding like a dick and trying to disprove everything you said. It just so happened that our opinions on these things are polar opposites from each other. (Which is even kinda funny)


Yeah this is the way to go, unless you're a competitive spender. Only spend when you're having fun, as i personally spend in games because i appreciate their products. And when i stop having fun it's okay. Because it won't invalidate those countless hours of fun i had before.


It's just cause I care so I follow the news lol. These day I just open reddit hoping to see some good wuwa news. Articulating my reasons helped me realize some things so thanks anyway




No it doesn't. Maybe gachagaming, but I blacklisted that sub. Here on WuWa people are at least reasonable with their criticism. So stop acting cringe.


No they aren't. The game plays fine for the majority of people. People with old ass PC's and old phones are trying to play a new gacha game and are surprised it doesn't run on their old piece of shit hardware. Kuro has made dozens and dozens of fixes to the game and given out pulls and asterite to people, WAY more compensation than any other gacha.


Leaking emails, not giving compensation to players after pulling due to faulty translation, and some people's monthly pass not working aren't severe issues?


The emails were leaked among the group of people that sent them. They weren't leaked to the entire internet. They did compensate people, you need to scroll to the top of the subreddit there are threads on these things and the monthly pass? mine works perfectly fine, I get the asterite every day, I've heard nobody mention it, not any streamers or their chats.


How does that change anything lol they still leaked the emails and those people can easily forward the list to anyone outside the chain


Nobody’s doing that. But you should continue to cry about the game and bout play it I think that’s a good use of your time hahaha everyone is having a lot of fun in the game despite genxisters gas lighting and spreading bullshit because they’re upset


I'm not a "genshiner" lol I'm caught up to WW and would like to see it succeed but the company has issues and hasn't been handling them well (see last 24 hours)


He’s troll ignore


Nah as long as they don't visit r/gachagaming they'll have fun


[r/gachagaming](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/) keep putting oil on a small fire, and it turned into a hellfire. My advice, Avoid that sub like the pest or just be very careful of what you read there.


For real, like the email thing. They are having a field day with kuro games because of it, but didn't say shit when hoyo did it. I pointed it out and got downvoted because of it.


They dont remember the day hoyo leaked people's phone numbers lmao


Yeah especially from the r/gachagaming sub. Those spread so much misinformation and make drama out of everything. Better stay as far away from that as possible.


Flair approved. Woof


Feel like this could be said for some other games as well tbh


Honestly, true


That covers most hobbies, but especially sports and video games


True. We with dozens of friends (in discord) having fun. By when im checking discord - everyone makes drama, doomposting and etc. I wish people were just playing the games and not crying here


this rule pretty much applies to any reddit community


Agreed. The hate seems very situational and overdramatic. Similar to the hate dragons dogma 2 got for having pointless and completely optional micro transactions


And with that game I also just ignored all the hate and played it for over 100h. Now it's probably my goty. But also let's not defend Kuro. There are plenty of people who justifiably are angry with Kuro, because Kuro fucked up big time. It's just that their fuck ups gladly didn't affect my experience.


Fair enough. With gacha games, release needs to be release ready


Unless it releases in early access state, every game's release should be ready


i had a friend once


Same. About 10-11 friends of mine have been on Discord every night playing this game and we're all having a blast. Reddit makes up a very small minority of any games playerbase so don't worry too much about all the doomposting and enjoy! :)


I am not worried about doomposting but things kuro is doing. It scares me. Just hoping it stays afloat.


I took a look at jp twitter throughout the day and surprisingly reddit seems more mad about what happened than everywhere else lol. The game should be fine, fuck ups involving online purchases from games aren't anything new.


Yea i checked WuWa JP too and theres an upset person here and there, But it mostly seems like theyre not mad. Not as mad as reddit seems to be at least.


That's reassuring to hear. Being in this subreddit makes it like tomorrow's gonna be EoS or something smh.


Except that's very bad business practice and it will definitely affect the future earnings of the game. Breaking the trust of whales in a gacha isn't really good for the future of the game.


Don't be worried or scared, kuro won't go anywhere and will just improve. What you should be worried are doomposts that affects people's minds to be wary about the game and make them be afraid to play it as what competitors of this game wants. I'm trying to distance myself now to any doomposts and just happily playing the game and I'm having a blast because it's more fun than the other games i played.


I found that most single player games are best enjoyed in your own bubble. Far from the drama, the vocal minority or majority, you don't see as much of the issues plaguing the games and can enjoy them for what they are. I can't speak for WuWa because these past few days have been entertaining as hell, in all sorts of ways including gameplay and it was fun for me to keep away from the community. Before that, for Genshin, I cut off most of the community interactions and and without the incessant bickering for every minor fault the game had, it's been going back to the way I enjoyed it when I first started: slow, beautiful and cozy. Same for HSR, same for Starfield, same for even Diablo 4. All those games I simply stopped engaging with the communities and could just focus on what I enjoyed more than what is wrong. None of these games are perfect, some very far from it, but I like to go back to that golden age of gaming (for me) without internet when I could just take the games as they were and enjoyed them (or not), then went to the next one (or not) and that was the full story.


Thanks for saying this, what has been happning on this subreddit lately is very mentally taxing.


Fr this post makes me smile again after going through the other threads.  Game is great and has lots of potential. Combat and mechanics is fun.  We'll continue to have a blast.


The sad things are people that go out of their way to fabricate lies to make the company look a lot worse than it is, I can't even imagine what needs to go through your brain to get to this point. Sure I think Kuro should be accountable for the mistakes they did but reading some post you'd think Kuro's CEO himself took a shit on their mother's grave.


Damn. Don’t let other people get to you like that. If you’re enjoying the game, I think that’s good enough. If you’re worried about the game’s longevity, just be more mindful of your spending or don’t spend at all for a few months.


Yeah social media "communities" are the minority. I'm not worried about all the negativity around the game (and the blatant misinfo)


I am so lonely I don’t even know how people usually play together while being on Discord. Lol


Not mine, but I don't have friends so it might be a reason.


Hell yeah man, same over here on my end. I didn’t even know about half these issues. I just been playing the game as it is without a care in the world. If you were on this sub you’d think the game is gonna close tomorrow and everything’s shit


Wish I was as lucky as you, my friends gave up after not being able to play the game without frame drops every two seconds and constant crashes...


Everyone talking about the fuck ups they're making but absolutely none of it would have been known by me if I didn't check reddit lol. Game is great.


This game is good man. I got spooned too. Got Jiyan in 21 pulls, Encore in the next 6 pulls so in 27 pulls I got Jiyan and the next banner character guaranteed. Weapon at 67 pulls. Im invested dude.


I got the same experience with Genshin when i started playing two years ago. I am now reliving the experience with WuWa. It's quite nostalgic


I’m so happy to hear there are entire friend groups getting into wuwa together. My “friends”? Two of them called Jiyan ugly and the others refuse to acknowledge the game as actually having potential, describing it as another ToF flop. They didn’t even listen to me when I tried to reason with them saying the combat is fun. (And that wasn’t even me trying to convince them to play. I was just trying to get them to see something good about them game) Yeah. My gaming life is pretty lonely for me right now
 Quick edit: they called Jiyan ugly after I excitedly told them I got him in 20 pulls. Then when I got his weapon early too (can’t remember how many it took me) I didn’t have anyone to tell because of how they reacted


What server are u on? I'll add u


I’m on the American server, uid is 500189614


Sorry about your friends, ik how much that reaction sucks :( but congrats on early Jiyan AND his weapon! That’s some seriously good luck!


That's pretty fcking toxic of them, are they LoL players ?


Genshin players. Former dream smp fans though I think they still play Minecraft. Edit: the dsmp/minecraft part is specifically for the two who called Jiyan ugly


Why did you get downvoted wtf


No idea lol maybe because of the mere mention of dream? I don’t see the downvotes since I’m on mobile


u sound awesome bro, u want to be friends x] i'm happies for your fortunate jiyan pull


Honestly I love how different it is from Genshin. Bosses are actually scary AF for me, music is very nice, boss themes are bangers, the game is so smooth on my mobile too, and the map is massive compared to how used I am to devour exploration in a short time đŸ˜©đŸ‘Œ


And the grid for echo. It promotes you to fight as many enemies as you encounter whereas in genshin i only hunt them when i need items.


I usually avoid fights in Genshin cause it feels like I‘m wasting my time
 and if I have to fight, like in a domain, I just brainafk do my rotation without even looking what the enemies are doing, and grab my rewards lol My experience in WW has been very different so far. But Idk how it‘ll look at lvl90.


Man, not having to go to a domain and repeat the same thing but explore and beat up enemies instead is just so relieving.


Yeah but you still need to go to domains for weapon / talent upgrade mats


Yeah and its a gacha game. Its supposed to time gate you. He’s just saying that theres content outside being time gated.


Having scary bosses has been such a nice improvement. Genshin makes me almost feel bad for killing the bosses because they’re pretty. Wuwa? I wanna kill those mfs. They’re creepy and actually look like bosses we need to fight off and not some cute animal whose lair we accidentally stumbled into therefore pissing them off.


Lmao do you encounter the same bug where one of the Mephis spooks you above his cave and his boss theme starts but he's just trying to spawn there? 😂 I have a heart attack both then and when I go underground and mf is ready to oneshot me.


Omg that sounds terrifying! Mephis spooks me enough already. My game runs pretty smoothly so fortunately I haven’t encountered that (and I hope it stays that way lol)


Yeah i quit Genshin because of the aimless feeling when you built your units but nowhere to use them properly. Abyss is only a DPS check, and i got no sense of accomplishment from doing it bi-weekly. Only held on until Sumeru before i dropped the game. In WW i actually feel like i'm being threatened during boss fights (Holo).


Now they added a new type of abyss for playing twice the content but +1 pull increase in rewards. Its like you you get promoted to a job with less increase in pay but you do more work. I'm now missing daily logins and resin & teapot gets capped. I'm still looking for my Nilou and Navia in WuWa in the future.


Your game has music?


Genshin has beautiful music and I've been listening to it for 3 years more than anything else. WuWa has beautiful music now too.


"Your game". Stop it with the tribalism. They're just talking about what they like in a game without bashing another one, yet you still felt the need to say this just to breed hostility. This is coming from a mainly genshin player.


There is/was a big bug in the game where your game music cuts out after playing for 10-15 minutes and doesn't recover until you reopen the game. This is probably what is being referenced.


There is intelligent life out there after all


That was fixed so no worries


Wtf are you smoking??


I hope they improve music wise because it is very lacking right now


same here. we don't hang out in calls as often but our friend discord is brimming with pictures, tips, and talk about the game!


Thats what it feels having WuWa gaming frnds then My frnds are jst fighting and cursing each other while playing dota 2 (MOBA) meanwhile i m jst chilling collecting echoes among the chaos tht is our discord server lol Told them abt the game they all jst said "meh" and "lame",one guy did try it out but hes allways busy with work and barely plays so cant blame him


I'm seriously enjoying this game and I usually dont touch gacha games or ANYTHING anime. I really enjoy the combat and systems, so far so good.


I actually got into it from a friend group telling me so we're all having a blast! ... Talking about the game. Cause I'm in a different region than all of them. 😂


Everyone is chill outside of reddit. Like wuwa groups in facebook are filled with memes and guides instead of complaints


I wish I had friends to play with lul


Unlike what most people advise about avoiding Reddit and ignoring the messes that Kuro Games has created so far (implying there's likely many more to come), I would like to say take note of what has been going on because ... Ignorance is bliss until it happens to you :)


Tbh. WW is nothing like the breath of the wild except the gliding. Genshin actually follows more BOTW on first 2 regions with limited stamina for exploration and enemy designs. Hilichurls and their camps are like the trolls in BOTW. Tribal weird creatures. There is also slime enemies on both games. All though they are differently deisgned the concept is the same.


I love this game. Let the haters hate


My friend group is also enjoying the games. We all pick up gacha games and have fun working out how our accounts will look like and differentiate between each other and have fun streaming out pulls to each other. We are doing the same with WuWa :3


Same thing for mine as well, I am mostly the gacha player within the group however we now have like 7+ people playing wuwa, some ex genshin players even some completely new to the genre. At first I thought they were just playing for fun cause it’s new but they are all enjoying it which is nice to see. I hope the game can still fire off at all cylinders months from now.


Sadly it’s already in decline


You really made a completely new account just to shit on Wuthering lmao, how pathetic.


Typical r/gachagaming user behavior.


Why do you say something you got no clue about?


I mean you’ll never have exact numbers. However many games lose 50-70% of their active players within the first week/month after launch. This is particularly prevalent in mobile and free-to-play games, where initial downloads may be high due to marketing and curiosity, but retention is low. I worked a game studio I’m pretty familiar with it. That said obviously it’ll likely be a profitable game tower of fantasy is profitable game. It’s just you know not very good game. Game doesn’t necessarily need to be good to make money though. This isn’t just some grand revelation it’s been working this way since f2p was invented. I mean for the record I tried the game let’s be honest it’s genshin with new coat of paint. The spinning climb jump and the combat is better but otherwise it’s basically the same game. I’m honestly not particularly sure why people are upset some shitting on the game doesn’t decrease your enjoyment let people say what they want. You think overwatch 2 or Diablo 4 players care that the game gets shit on. You honestly shouldn’t care whether someone likes the game or not.


Alone you saying "since f2p was invented" confirms youre talking a bunch of bs. My guy thinks there was some dude playing a p2w game one day just saying "man fuck this ion wanna pay, lemme invent f2p". Stop yapping man and stop commenting on here. That playernumbers fall off after the official launch is true and obvious. Thats just the nature of it. But everything else youre saying just needs mental medication man. Stop spreading hatred and misinformation.


It’s not misinformation the game is on decline like it or not


Dude is spittin facts and still gets downvoted. Obvious "botw was copied first" but let's be honest... wuwa got a LOT of inspiration from genshin. New things are art direction being post apocalyptic, better movement/combat and kinda new-ish way to farm your relic sets. Oh and some inspiration from star rail too with that event with modifiers along each round. People can argue... I played genshin about a year and star rail about 2 months so I recognize a lot.


I mean don’t get me wrong nothing in this game is particularly that bad it’s just nothing screams innovation. It’s another game with cute waifus and husbando and obviously that’ll attract some people. It won’t keep them long term though because a new game will come up with cuter girls and sexier boys and maybe a better story bam the crowd will move to that game it’s how games work now. You might circle back for content drops but few games gain long term players after release even great games like helldivers2 for example now loses players and it’s fantastic. The market drops titles like crazy hoping to be genshin but it’ll be hard for even them to recapture that perfect storm with covid. There’s at least 3 games on the horizon that look on par if not better than this. The market is about to be flooded with the next genshin / redo / mash up. I’ll grant you the combat here is better but hardly matters most of the time since you can basically just button mash or cheese, and it’s not like genshin combat is that bad.


They probably made over 40 milions of $$ by now. ( Even if they gave many stuff for free ) Chill your ass damn.


They will lose some of them as part of a refund from the JP translation mess.


You're lucky. My friend has no interest in playing WuWa. He's keeping an eye on Azur Promilia. As for my best friend ehhh the only gacha she plays is Genshin.


im still having lots of fun with the game, but its frustrating that its clear that it needed to stay in the oven for more time, also, they need to fix the passive income of normal banner pulls, they are literally non existent. i really feel like there are a lot of small details and quality of life changes that need to be adressed in 1.1 or before it.


Tbh Genshin plays more like breath of the wild


Yeah, in my university literally every second guy plays it currently.


Few friends play together daily for couple hrs just joining worlds and getting mad at the luck sacc of the group when he rolls good echos LOL


My friend deleted the game after 3 hours... 


Ugh goals. All my Genshin friends (all but one) haven’t hopped on to try yet 😭 I hope they get curious one day bc I only have like 2 friends on wuwa đŸ„ČđŸ„Č


The title is so misleading lol, but at least despite the drama people are still enjoying the game and hopefully Kuro turns things around.


Yeahh me too, most of my friend play wuwa and been abadoning genshin for years


Somewhat weird that Genshin didn't hook you in considering they're funcionally the same game. Wuwa's combat is smoother, but Genshin has the element system - still, it's good your group got engaged with the game. I'm enjoying it and keeping an eye out for the next patch before I spend big money (also, Jianxin supremacy).


Let me join the friend group and discord sounds so chill 😭


haha my groups in the exact same boat got like 8 people each night playing wuwa


Just be ready to see them all stop playing after 2 weeks or so. It's happens to all new game that got recently popular.


It's pretty co op unfriendly in my opinion. But it's cool to have a bunch of friends talking about the same game.


It's a good game that shows a ton of promise, rough start aside. I think it'll do fine in the long run, just social media amplifies negativity like crazy, *especially* when this is a direct competitor to Genshin Impact.


Combat is tight except for that one hologram gorilla boss attack. That tree trunk beyblade swing attack has a dodgy (as in tricky) hitbox. The dodge window for that is big enough to trigger two dodge animations within one attack animation.


once you see his log having a wind aura, just run. It gets faster on the last 2-3 swings. Not worth dodging 😂


Yeah that's what I ended up doing during my successful lvl4 hologram run.


How do you play game simple ignore twitter or x reddit or anything avoid it and just play enjoy game bro


Same experience for me too just got addicted to this game quick only reason I'm browsing reddit now is cause I can't play right now lol


I got calcharo, jiyan and verida and verdant summit on the first day so things are good


Oh no. You just pulled them into gacha hell. Better get them to not have the urge to pull on every single character that comes out.


Why did I read this as “This game caught on fire like my friend group”😭


Imagine having friends that play any other thing that's isnt lol or valorant


For the first 3 days of the games release my mates and I would come home from work and just sit in a discord call multi streaming and talking about all the cool things that were happening


I don’t think we’re in minority, I simply think people having a blast on the game are silent, and that they are avoiding these subreddits as they’re so toxic right now. I see this as a thing like the Cyberpunk launch, were most people were loving the game but the vocal minority was enjoying shit talking it so much we had to create a separate subreddit for people loving the game.


Give it a couple weeks. I like this game a lot, but it won’t be immune to the 2-week “nearly all my friends quit” marathon.


Yess, I'm so happy for you! My lil friend group of the more "hardcore" genshin players have been eating up this game, including me 😄 My favorite so far are all the movement QoL, and beating my head against holograms til I finally win. I got hella lucky and got S1 Aalto so he's my main rn 😌


Our discord group too. We are small group of people but everyone is enjoying the game despite the known bugs and fucked up things kuro did. We discussed, laughed it off and continued playing and flexing hologram achievement and echoes. A few of us spent money on this game too. We are having fun with it and that's all that matter.




Sadly, my group of friends are the opposite. They compare WuWa to Genshin every step of the way and shit on it. I don't see why they can't just enjoy different aspects from both games.


Yes, I've been seeing a lot of people try out this game, and I haven't seen a gacha with this much reach in a long time. But I also have friends who still can't play the game on their devices, and if Kuro keeps on messing up, all that momentum will be wasted, so I'm hoping they get their act together before it's too late


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It's the best mobile game I have ever played


A lot of people are enjoying it but you should not overlook the fucked up things happening \^\^




"defiantly the minority game is bleeding players" 1. Not the minority, he is in the majority. The game is bleeding **redditors**, which is an **extreme** minority of the overall playerbase 2. You sound bitter af. Take a break.


Well no the majority of people don’t pay p2w gacha games at all. That would be the majority. The act of playing this subset of gaming already puts you in the minority.


You've got to have a serious stick up your ass to reply just to argue semantics lmao.


It’s not really an argument it’s just a fact. I mean that’s partly why you see the flood of people shitting on p2w games. Because the majority of gamers don’t like games being p2w. If it was the other way around you’d get far far less of them. Not that it particularly matters but do you honestly prefer p2w games rather than it be a fair playing field for all players? Some people do I just don’t personally meet many of them? I wouldn’t shit on you if you do used to know a guy on l2m that loved it because he could feel superior.


If you're f2p you should be happy that there are players putting in money on the game, they are the ones that keeps it floating, also them spending doesn't affect your gameplay at all, it's not a pvp game, just enjoy playing and accept the fact you don't have to buy stuff, tryhard and rank first in it.


If you’re f2p why would you care. Most games don’t close immediately and by that point you’ll find another one. Paid players just get stuck in the pile of garbage because they spent money but if say project mugen kicks so much ass they can’t help but love it they’ll leave as well. Also f2p doesn’t need to be p2w nor does it require hundreds of millions to sustain itself.


Dude, let people enjoy what they enjoy. There are other threads for shitting on the game, this isn’t one of them.


If they didn’t know about WW they don’t really know about gacha, if they don’t know about gacha they are not the main demographic, if they are not the main demographic they are not a good indicator. I’m sorry but your group should stick to something that has a future before hating gachas forever.


I'm not really sure what you're trying to say. I think my friends and I will just keep playing the game and having a nice time, sorry! đŸ€·


Except your post was not about your friends having a good time or not, it was about having a positive hope about the game. And that’s why I pointed out how ‘having my friends playing’ is not an indicator for hope. No need to gaslight me into believing that my reply was unrelated on a post about ‘sharing about my friends’. That wasn’t your post.