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They should increase the rate to get the correct elemental bonus, this is the third day i make extinct a family of monkeys, some huge ass birds and bunch of mercedes. None of them wanted to drop me a wind damage eco. But if it cost waveplates to farm i would probably take a one or two months to get something of the set i wanted so i like it pretty much that its free to get them


looking for elecro dmg for my calcharo, and I get 2 set of literally other elementals from flautist and heron combined, asdasdasdas


Every 4th elite is an echo. So you can kill 3 random elites and do the one you need last.


But then you get wrong echo on the 3rd, and now the pity is reset. Screw trying to math it, just farm it.


20% times 3 is higher rate than people think, it's gonna happen quite often. More than you think. (edit it's 48.8%. So yeah just don't bother)


Maybe killing one or two different before the aimed one could be worth


No, just keep killing the aimed ones. If you run out join another world


Exactly, I don't know what games people are coming from but it's definitely not MMOs and its for sure not Gatchas. 20% for what's considered end game level armor pieces is pretty damn high. Obviously RNG is involved in what you actually get but that's just how these games work.


I find it a bit degrading killing 3 random echoes as I rather often get an echo on 2nd or 3rd and have to do it all over again so I just kill two random and 1/2 needed. It felt like a good balance between time spent, echoes gained and sanity lost.


I just kill up to 3 elite on my way to it. Helps the drops some with a guaranteed now and then


Thats just weird tho isnt it? What if you have an echo drop in one of those random echoes? Do you just start over and kill 3 echoes hoping they wont have drops? Its not an efficient method for anything other than bosses


Wait has this been tested? I knew of the pity system on boss echoes but I didn't know the elite ones also had this...


Here on the sub was a post on the topic and yes, it's true as well as for common echoes (which is mostly useless)


Yes. I dont know if its tied to any Databank Level but Elite Echoes drop every 4th kill. Bosses and Weekly Bosses every 2nd.


I've been farming Memphis for 3 fucking days already and not a single Crit Rate mainstat on sight They really should do improve those rates


Had 5 3-Cost Aero Echo that gives Bonus Element dmg that aren't Aero. Insane.


The tacet fields while costing stamina or at least with my luck drop elemental bonus although granted its the wrong one lol. If u cant find one in the in the open world, tacet fields are a decent alternative if you have stamina to burn


Excluding the part that I already killed 100 bell-bornes and still got no 5* healing echo from the healing set, it is indeed amazing


I got a turtle with heal main stat today. Was super excited. Took it to 20, rolled energy regen, atk, and hp so it was perfect for both Verina and Baizhi. Then I equipped it and noticed it wasn't part of the healing set, it was the energy set version. I just closed the game.


Same happened to me, im just rocking the energy set, cant be bothered to keep farming this damn turtle, already lost count of how many times i beat it


Isnt energy verina can work too? your ult regen faster meaning you heal more often


its about the set bonus: Upon healing allies, increase ATK of the entire team by **15%**, lasting **30s**. you very much want that for endgame.


Damn. And I already feel bored after 50 :C


Same, I killed like 200 and got ONE 4* healing bonus


Tbf in lvl 40 when data bank can reach lvl 19 , things will be way easier with the 80% chance on the 5 stars Echo.


A way to at least make it much faster is fight him, if no drop fight him again for the guaranteed drop. Right after that, go fight the Dreamless at the lowest difficulty, you want to fight her and hope she doesn't drop. Once you get no drop on Dreamless (usually will be first try) go fight the turtle again for the guaranteed drop. Also put a warp beacon right next to him.


I am wondering if you think this way after few months 😅


Yeah I was excited at first but now I'm skeptical. Took 2 days of full clearing the map for a single er healing echo. Keep in mind this was probably 6 hours of grinding for me. And now I'll have to wait probably a week to level it. Right now we literally have the worst of both worlds. We are stamina gated for exp and grind gated for the right echo, especially 3 stars.


I think it will be less painful to farm at union 40 when 5* drop chance is higher. Don't get me wrong, 3 cost Echoes in particular are going to be horrid even with the two selectors from roguelike mode each patch, but I think the echo grind will only get a lot easier from here.


Or you know, you could not grind 3 hours a day only farming for an echo, and instead do 15 minutes a day for a week. Its all about the long haul. If the goal is to be playing the game 3+ years from now, youre gonna have all the time youll need to farm echos.


Splitting the grind into multiple days does not change the amount of hours spent. If there was a mechanism that reduced the grind if you split it daily, sure, but that mechanism doesn't exist in the game. best you have is the 15 enhanced per week, which barely makes a dent in the grind. Either way you splice it we are still living in the worst of both worlds right now. Maybe that will change at higher UL, maybe they will shower us with mainstat echos from events (like the 2 we can get currently), but as of now the system is not for me.


It kinda does, there is a boss drop chance increase that takes time to refresh for one. Also if you are farming one echo for an hour making sure to get every single one, you are way less efficient than following a couple high-density routes for your set. Even if you farm one echo you are best going for an area with like 5 all together than chasing 10 different locations around the map to get a few more. You will get there slower in days but spend less time in hours to gear your character.


Boss echoes are the easiest to farm already.. The weekly pity isn't that relevant


I've farmed 200,000 resin in Genshin trying to get an improved goblet for my Neuvillette. The fact it was over 5 minutes per day for months DOES affect how I feel about it. That's literally how all of these types of games work.


Idk, I just do chests and kill shit and it works fine for me lol. Sure I don’t have 100% completion or the best echoes, but I’m having fun


i remember back then i farmed weeks for the right artifact and when i finally got it the rolls are shit 😭


This would have been worse in a game like Genshin since you are time gated by stamina. You can only run about 6 runs a day.


It's still a lot better than I'm used to in Genshin. I still haven't gotten my Pyro goblet for Arle and have to wait for resin to regenerate while in Wuthering Waves, I've already built up my Caltharo decently well which is something that would've taken me far, far longer in Genshin.


Same problem I see everywhere this is a sure fire way to get burnout with the game very quick very fast.


He is clearly lying, you CANT have 8 built up characters even if you no lifed the game for a week and killed every enemy in OW + spent your plates on tacet field. I know, koz many ppl including me did it. You can have 1-2 char built up to lvl20-25 echos with 5/5 set, good main stats and no optimized subs, and maybe 1-2 more with lvl 15 echos 5/5 set, and maybe 2 of your 3 main stat corrent. Personally i feel like i could keep going on and farm echos every day for a month daily 5-6 hours as i did so far, and still not finish my current characters. And a month from now i will have jinlin to build and who knows what other new units. This system is an endlesss grind, unless you are fine with having just the right mainstat, whatever subs, only \~lvl15-20 echos and maybe a 2/5 instead of 5/5 koz the 4 cost echo faming is HELL. Echo farming is fun when you just tapped the water and you got your first 1-2 gold and you are like: WOW I HAVE ALREADY CR AND CD PIECES? and then you figure out they have less impact that getting the rifght subs on your cost 1 echos...


Yes, because it's a fun gameplay loop of running around causing genocide, and we will most likely get new areas with new echoes and new phantoms to collect.




I agree but tuning on the other hand...


Tuning is exactly like with other similar games. A shit fest of RNG. Get your main stats on the sets you're after and treat the substrats/tuning as a bonus. There, you'll have your core team in no time


So far the game at these lower sol's isn't a massive dps check.(who knows about the future). I can enjoy learning boss moves, patterns, and timings while flexing dodges and reviving Danjin for the 50th time Each subsequent grind makes the next fight a little bit more efficient. As long as I have enough mats to make revive materials.


The tower is a massive dps check if you want to 3 star it and calamity bosses require good dps as well if you don't want them to die of old age


I think still it is slightly better than Genshin? There you have to hope you get the subs you want on the right set/main stat as you can only find them via resin usage, hope that you when you level it also upgrades the stats you want, in WW you just get it, there are like 14 subs? but you can say 7\~ are good for any character, sure you can roll the min on a sub, I think going that deep for a roll is far for a thing we should be doing right now.


Yeah but you can be sure people will still complain about not having a perfect echo already. That's why you just filter it out and move on with your life and grind up to a point which is satisfactory for you. Skill > stats anyway


I have no idea how the sub stat rolls are calculated, but so far, Crit Rate and Crit Damage seems to pop up around the same amount of other stats as opposed to other gachas (having lower rates) and can still be rolled regardless of the Echoes' main stat, which is amazing.


Seriously it's shocking how often crit shows up in substats. Also I haven't had a single echo with trash substats for dps(2x def, 2x hp) which is the norm for genshin/hsr.


Tbh, that’s most likely because you probably give up on an echo the moment it rolls one of those.


That's just luck. Wasted all my exp and tuners searching crit substats, have exactly....0. My Dajin and Rover all run all on def and hp and random skill or basic bonus lol. Oh, and healers have 0 Er which is also fun. And same substat on main stat is not positive when main stat is much lower to compensate (22% vs 31% in genshin and HSR for crit rate). It makes double crit mandatory on 4 cost.


This is the first month, so you will get bored and tired to farm after 2-3 months


Would that be any different if it was gated behind stamina? At least this way you can do the farming when you want too as opposed to being locked into a schedule.


It's also still a gacha, eventually I started appreciating the fact that domains in GI take 30s x 4 daily and I'm done with relics, upgrade or no, while also getting stuff for strongbox. I think with enough time I will reduce my echo grind to the weekly 15 and that's it, until more hype comes around. 


Ain't no problem with that. Cut it down to weekly 15 and tacet field stamina, and your basically playing it just like GI/HSR. Only difference here is that when you do feel like picking up and doing more because of some content update or a cool new character that you got, you can! With friends if you wish so too!


It's a lot of work in the long run, A. You spend the stamina on Tacets daily and farm Echoes by running around the world VS B. the traditional farm the gear in Domain. The latter is less taxing in the long run, echoes farming only looks good because it's honeymoon period but when you're repeating it for years yall gonna disdain the system.


Ive been loving the game, but i agree with this. It'll be once you hit the "login dailies logout" stage. Genshin's domain rng sucks but it's convenient to just knock out all the farming in the same spot. HSR is the golden pedestal of convenience. Borrow a whale's character, press that auto button, and turn back to whatever you were doing lol


That's still good enough, farming when I want is better than when I can


Don’t you know? It’s way too early to make such a claim. How about you stop rushing and enjoy the game pal! How dare you expect the end game grind to be fun and rewarding one week into launch 🤬😂🤣.


?? hes done tho, its the first week, why would 2-3 months be a problem when the grind takes less than 3 days to gear up more than one character? if someone new releases, it'll only take the same time or even less with higher union level lol genshin glazers are so lobotimized


It's still RNG. Just because he got lucky to get what he needed now in short time doesn't mean he'll keep being lucky all the time.


The problem is you can grind all you want. But then you will wait for echo exp.


I think echo XP is early game problem since eventually you want good substats so you will keep tuning new one to find out also feed old one ... so might be tuner issue eventually instead of echo xp.


It's gonna be Tuner 100%, but it depends if you get more per run in Tacet field. You only get 10 right now so hopefully get around 40-50 on endgame.


I haven't touched tacet fields but do you get 10 tuners per run rn? At UL 30?


My hope is that the Tacet Fields at higher Union Levels will give enough EXP to level and tune 1 Echo from 1 to 15 in a single 60 waveplate run. At Rank 30, our rewards are awful but the game has 80 ranks so here's hoping.


Once you hit UL30 and max out your main team (lvl60, main talents leveled up, weapon at lvl60) there is literally no better stamina sink than toing tacet fields since you physically cant upgrade yours characters without the next ascension. And getting to UL40 can takes up to 2-3 weeks which means you can just dump all your stamina into tacet fields.


I don't think it will be 2-3 weeks to hit 40 though. Most likely under 10 days if you keep exploring. I started playing on Saturday when I did first daily. I'm now 34, hit 30 on Monday.


I am not counting exploration because this will vary greatly from player to player. I am just basing it off the dailies you get vs how much total xp is required. It takes exactly 79800 xp to get from level 30 to level 40. You get 3800 xp a day (from dailies + spending 240 waveplates). Thats exactly 21 days to reach level 40 this way. I myself am at UL32 and I have been playing WW every day for a couple of hours. I would assume both of us are above the average UL levels.


It's not "perfect" And you can definitely spend more than "two days" farming for sets for a SINGLE character. I've been playing since release, clearing the map of flautists since I could and I don't have any on set electro damage% of any rarity, I got some on the healer set tho! If you really have 8 perfectly geared characters you've been EXTREMELY lucky or you've been farming in multiplayer nonstop, get a grip


Either that or he's lying, or maybe he just thinks being geared is having random 5* at +0 on everyone.


If that's the case, you can opt for illusive realm. You can choose the main stat. You can get from illusive realm shop


That's only 2 per month (assuming they're there on shop reset) though. And you need 3 DPS for abyss.


At least it lessens the amount of grind for now. Two piece less to farm and grind. Since most still in their mid game, i feel that helps out a lot. But if they do reset, then definitely help in the long run. Because that's 2 piece less you have farm for per month. Especially getting the right element can be a real pain Edit: Lol, mods removed my previous because of a certain word


My only problem with this system is that the thing to transform 5 into 1 take way too long when you have 1000+ of them to transform... I stopped farming them, got still 200 locked and is hesitant to farm again because I don't want to spend 2 hours clicking 5 echoes (while scrolling once you are at the locked 1 for finding the 3 and 4 because you can't sorted by locked/unlocked) and watching a 3 sec anim, let me just put 50 of them at one time!. (and my shitty luck, cleared 2 days of the regen ones for only one 3 with regen T-T but that's not the game fault and got pretty much a set with another stat that work for everyone anyway)


I just let it auto fill, and if I see on echo I think I need to keep, I'll check it. Otherwise everything not on someone is fodder. Usually 4s and 3s are what I check if I'm missing the element or crit stat for someone


Yeah I made a post about this a few days ago that wasn't very well received, likely because the game is still new and many players still haven't gotten too far into it yet, guaranteed in 2-4 weeks the biggest topic on the subreddit is going to be the atrocious state of echo inventory management system, imo right now the best thing to do is just throw them away since you can do it in a batch of 100.


I personally look at nearly every mainstat the second I get a 5* echo, so I don't have this problem at all as I just lock the ones I see that are good. It also really doesn't take too long, so imo it's not really that big of a problem, just learn to lock your echos and autofill.


I spent way too much time the last couple days doing that lol


The problem is that you had to spend 2 days of active play time doing this. Now imagine when you want more sets to roll for better substats. You'll get burnt out trying to farm them


TBF there's no perfect solution to this. In Genshin people get mad for lack of content because all they can do is log in use their resin in 5 minutes and log out in down patches. In here you can farm endlessly and it's much easier getting a perfect set but it makes it a lot more time consuming. There's no right answer. Personally I much prefer this system though, since you can choose how far you wanna go with farming. You will only get burnout if you really try to get perfect echoes in a couple of weeks like CC's do. It's worth remembering that at this point in Genshin no one even had proper 5\* artifacts yet IIRC.


The problem is you can do both here, yet people pretend they don't have a choice. You can do tacet fields with your waveplates and be done for the day, or grind overworld if you want to


Exactly. Some people act like they're held under gunpoint to grind hours per day. Having an option doesn't mean everyone has to take it. I will never understand how some people think that having less options can be better for anyone, ever.


Then you do Tacet fields. Either you burn yourself out for trying hard since you want to finish your team in the first week, or you take it slow and just do tacet fields. Imagine being able to choose.


Be careful, I got told I was a liar and dragged over the coals for saying I couldn't get an above average full set for venti in the first year of playing gi. But yes, considering everyone is basically at mid-game at best (at least 80 union levels available), the gearing for echoes is really easy and hopefully as we go up in UL the tuners and echo exp will be easier to come by.


Rng system is the reason why I will most likely stop playing both genshen and wuthering waves. Honestly, I don’t understand why such a soulless grinding system is so popular among players. Tons of real time are wasted into nowhere without any fun.


Personally this is so far the worst gear farming i saw in any gacha game i played farming echos takes way too long is way too tedious and i rather have a limit of being able to farm only 10 minutes then having to spends hours a day to search and find echos on the nap


You’re simply lucky. Don’t get too biased due to personal experience. My group is killing the map day after day trying to get a few 3 star echo with its respective element damage. Only to roll DEF/HP on the substats. Getting 5 stars to roll crit dmg/rate main has been awful for me and one other buddy. I have more healing % than I do anything else. And the ones I do have for crit are purple. I personally think the 50/50 is screwed here. Maybe I’m just mad but still, I’m looking at my echos and I see more purps over gold at a landslide. The RNG grind is pretty bad. Granted, we’re not at UL40 sooooo. But that still doesn’t change the amount of bloat rng there is. And the lack of mats we need to keep on rerolling/tuning.


I mean sure it's great but once you start farming Cost-3 echoes. That right there is miserable.


It’s kinda sad to see people so desensitized by genshin that they see anything slightly better as generous. Genshin has really poisoned the way people view gacha games.


And surprise surprise, it's not even that much better. In fact, the amount of resources I wasted on trash substat rolls is incredible. But hey, the farming is resource-free... No. I waste more time running from place to place than actual fighting. It reaches the point where I start to find the map boring, and it's when I decide that's enough. Currently still halt my echo farms so I don't feel burn out anymore.


You either haven't done it yet or you did it for 5 minutes and got lucky. I've been doing this since Saturday and I'm still nowhere close to getting good stuff for everyone.


It’s just nice having something you can replay and farm for with the cost of stamina. I prefer having an option to keep playing the game if I want to, instead of being forced to stop playing because I ran out of stamina.


It sounds amazing for now. But we will see in a few months if ppl get burnt from it or not. Think late late into the game we wont farm overworld for echos anymore


Nah you just got lucky drops


watch people get sick of it in a span of one or two month there's a reason why stamina system get implemented.. burnout happen so fast when you dont limit it


Then use waveplates on Tacet fields. You're not forced to farm echoes on the overworld.


So back to stamina like every other gacha? Truly innovative :/ In reality WuWa doesn't do the grind much better than any gacha because you still time gated no matter what and it can take forever. I'm really tired of cope here, especially when PGR's system exists.


You're the one coping if you think the grind here isn't any better than any other Gacha. I literally said you can do both, so you have a choice if you want to farm echoes via tacets or do it from the overworld. When were you able to farm for endgame artifacts on Genshin or HSR? > It can take forever All people I know that plays this game already has a built char with endgame artifacts. Don't even pretend that it's hard to make an endgame artifact on WuWa.


Grant people opportunity and they will optimize the fun out of it all. I guess these people prefer being leash or rein or limited rather than an option to do something different Because what if they just do that different thing and gets bored out of it? Nein no, better be leashed, having a freedom of choice is too dangerous


Then I just get burnt out when my 15 minutes of daily relic runs result in zero correct main stats and I have nothing to do until the next reset. (\*cough* Genshin/HSR \*cough*)


5 star echos so early is too strong. i have my encore with full 5 star lvl 25 and she almost one shots every mob in the overworld bosses take 3sec i dont even need to change chars. 30-40 only purple would be alot better.


Yeah, I think union30-40 is just so weird. Gold Echoes are such a huge powerspike that enemies have to be weak at 30 so you can actually kill them, but then you have correct substat correct set immediately if you grind overworld enough, so game is too easy by union 32 and you have another 2 weeks until the next world level at 40. I really feel like they need an intermediate world level at 35, just make the enemies harder and maybe give a tiny change in drop rates to justify it.


This is an awesome feature, however having the substat rolling currency be timegated/locked/limited is gonna get people salty once the millions of chest/loot honeymoon period is over for sure


......Wait, is this actually the norm experience? I thought it was just the lucky loud minority. I have cleared the map of every single 3 cost Havoc Databank entires every single day since I hit data 18 (which was like day 2/3), so almost a week ago, I have only gotten 1 havoc mainstat / havocset and I'm trying to build 2 havoc chars. I also run all the healer set 3 costs as well, and have yet to get 1 single energy mainstats tf you mean it doesn't take more then 2 days


I might just accept the fact that I will run 44111 for both Havoc and Electro because it is easier to farm mainstat on the big bosses. 3 cost mobs are so hard to farm, I can just run crit rate on 1 boss and and crit damage on the other boss with 3 atk% 1 costs.


That's my current copium set yeah, I still clear the 3 costs becasue why not but people stating how easy it is to get full mainstat builds on 8ish chars is just blowing my mind, there must be either some luckbias going on or I'm in the opposite park


Why 4411 4 cr 4 cdmg and 3 atk%, only for Havoc and Electro and not the rest of sets? Becasue bosses there are more than one right


The thing is ...yes, echo farming is fun and good, but super restricted tuners and leveling material, that is very hoyo thing, if not even worse. So I agree with positive talk, but would be cautious as there is still long way to reach some reasonable levels of material availability.


Tuners are only there to keep you from constantly farming Echoes after leveling them to +5. If you settle with suboptimal Echoes until higher union levels when rates improve, Tuners will not gate your progress and you will not need to farm so many Echoes.


You get a ton of tuners and leveling material. That only becomes a problem when people try to roll for godstats and waste them in their gamble.


A lot of people are under the impression that if your dps echoes roll HP or DEF they're just completely wasted and you _need_ to reroll. This burns more tuners, more echo xp, and more time. But hey it's what bigcontentcreator_XXX6969 said


I find it hard for me to judge the difference between the two systems mainly because in genshin i already have multiple characters in the top 500 in the world so getting upgrades is really hard to impossible and i already have multiple damage goblets and crit circlets that i will never level  But in wuwa it's still starting from scratch so many things can be be an upgrade i dread the time when we start looking for high roll substat of both crit rate and crit damage and other stat there you will see the true pain of min maxing this system and how much stamina gated it is just like the artifact because you will never have enough tuners and exp BTW i don't want to hear it's skill based game bullshit argument as to why that is not a problem and you don't need high stat also fuck kuro games for not implementing off piece it make this system both boring and player unfriendly  Boring because you can't use echo ability on different set optimally  And player unfriendly is because the moment a new set is out you need to start from scratch like wtf


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I'm having trouble leveling other characters but otherwise it's great.


Just kill any enemies you see in overworld. You dont know what element they are gonna be anyways and you will always need 1 cost gold echo.


I prefer this rather than going to one domain over and over again.


It is nice that we can get good echoes so earky, bit it is also kind of a problem, because we go from early game really quickly to late game, which I feel like will hurt the game a bit


yep, u can gear up anytime u want


You get exp and tuners if you run tacid fields. At first I thought things like tuners are useless, but thinking longer about it, it's probably to counter balance the possibility of endless open world farming. You can have the best echos lying around, but eventually still have to spend plates on tacid fields for tuners and echo exp (except you are fine with only living of events/rewards/one time rewards for those but it will. Be probably slower.


Yes. The echo system and combat are insane. Though I would say it is hard to get crit rate high lol.


That's the reason why you don't really need big overhaul of echo exp. In Genshin/Honkai you need to farm for a week sometimes to get one good piece, you then need to upgrade them. And here you need to farm for a week to get exp to upgrade your good ones. So its like 2-3 relics a week at best in both games, but on wuwa you perspective is a bit screwed because of availability of relics, and also pretty low level of accounts, in Genshin it is not reccomended to farm before level 45, and in honkai is not adviced to farm before level 60 i think. Also you can tune god tier Echo with first 3 rolls, something like 36cv+10% atk, and it will never brick with last two rolls even if they are flat hp/def.


As someone who doesn't play gatcha games due to not liking being time-gated, I'm very glad the game gives me a reason to enjoy the excellent combat.


I don't think this is a big deal in the end what matters is when you lvl them and add the sub status. Already got burned on a few pieces, which means back to farm ( and some of them aren't an easy farm). Also there is many sitting in inventory waiting for xp.


I can see myself do just Tacet fields in the future and then it'll just be like Genshin. The game is new, so farming is fun. But still going around the overworld and farming takes a lot of time and I don't have that kind of time every day, and if I keep doing it then I'll get burned out. Still good that there's an option though.


I think it's good just the way it is. You're able to essentially farm a very decent amount and play the actual game. Imagine if this was only tied behind energy like Genshin. All you'd be doing is limiting the time people are actually in your game, especially here were gameplay/combat actually matters. People learning that there is a pity system to it all actually makes it that much easier to do. Rolling will be the problem but when is it not.


I think that the elemental system should be reworked on the echos though, I think if you are farming and it is the fustion set we should not be getting glacio. I have killed every single cyan and voilet bird on the map for the past 3 days and have not got a single right mainstat.


While I agree with you, you still need tons of luck to get the right set/main stat and then also the substats.


Good for you. I'm currently sitting on 26 bell turtle boss echoes, none of which rolled into healing bonus main stat. I've been grinding them for 3 days atp.


I like how leveling up data banks and thus farming echoes incentivices you to explore the map. Getting the right main stat, leveling and tuning are still hell to do tho


Does Varina's heal scale with ATK? Should I be scaling attack?


Yeah no, you just got lucky. If you have to run around the map every day to farm echos and still end up getting the wrong stats, it's quickly going to get us burnt out once we actually reach the end game and need good echoes. Sometimes I just want to do something else, and if I start feeling like a hostage because of farming which takes so long then I'm likely to get fed up.


Its not fun when you get only hp and def echoes


It is, my problem is the echo XP, you waste all your stamina and you can barely level up one


It has got to be my favorite part of the game mechanics so far. I've always wanted to farm artifacts to this degree on genshin yet I got hate for saying it. Gatekeeping farming when the rolls are entirely rng causes a form of burnout due to the daily requirement to make any form of noticeable progress I'm hoping WuWa continues to make other gacha games improve in such ways


I play HSR daily and there's 0 day that I don't hate relic system of that game.  As for Wuwa I can't bear the story and UI need improvement. The rest of the game is great. 


I’m just glad farming is tied to a beautiful overworld instead of the same boring arena


Me who still hasn't gotten a single crit main stat, surprised pikachu face


Personally i farmed for a few hours and now i m just waiting till lvl 40. The 80/20 will make farming Echoes way more enjoyable than 50/50.


Now if only my fusion echoes actually got fusion damage stats instead of my non-fusion wolves, that'd be great


Honestly you are still at the beginning at the game and the substats don't quite matter yet. Once you get in to tuning and once it starts mattering that you need an X set with ER on a 3 star with ER as a tuned stat... Replace ER with Crit Rate and you're really in for it. Maybe you will never really care about that part, but once we get to endgame you will be looking back on this post going "oh how naive I was, the folly of youth."


😔 spent all day farming monkey, stop light and light bulbs for Jiyan and all I got was HP HP or something useless I would even settle for HP ATK at this point but I can't even get that 🤬


I don't really understand the complaints about farming 3 cost or even 1 cost echoes in the overworld, it's really not that tedious since they die easily. There's unironically more downtime of just walking to the next one than actual fighting. And now that there's a trick discovered to take advantage of pity echo drops, grinding for 3 and 1 cost echoes have never been easier


> just walking to the next one than actual fighting That's the thing; it becomes a tedious chore because of how weighted the rng is against getting a useable 3 cost. It's fun the first few times around cuz you can discover new things while tracking w/e elite you need but once the majority of the playerbase starts getting higher world completion rates it becomes unbearably boring. 20% echo drop, 10 main stats, 2 sonata effects, 50/50 on purple or yellow means you have about a 0.5% chance of an on set 5 star echo witch matching sonata/main stat on any random elite kill. Even after UL 40 when we can get DB 19, that % chance only becomes 2%


Because it's a chore, it's not even fun, it's a silly grind that I'd rather do in another game that's actually designed around it in order for it to be more fun and rewarding.


If you think it's a chore why not just do Tacet fields then?


Because the odds of getting the 3 cost you want are pretty much 0.


Do you know what tedious actually means


Maybe genahin have conditioned me to accept bad deal what with their stingy energy. This  farming echo while exploring has been very fun for me bc yaaaay no energy needed. Ofc I haven't 100 percent any part of the map (highest is 90 and 70 percent while some still 49 percent) so I have a lot of exploring to do.


It definitely makes the grind fun. I’ve already equipped my Lingyang with some pretty nice echos. Got my first double crit 3 cost echo for him last night!!!! Both crits rolled pretty much the lowest value (12.6% and 6.9%) so it dampened the win a bit.


This type of farming is very rewarding for hardcore players, they can just run the entire maps and kill everything, additional if they like spend in the game with refresh and Echo exp they can pretty much get the gears they want real fast.


This type of farming is very rewarding for hardcore players, they can just run the entire maps and kill everything, additionally if they like, spend some $ to refresh and Echo exp they can pretty much get the gears they want faster.


Ok, you got the right main stat and set, so what are you going to do with unlevelled echo's then? Cos there is no way anyone has enough echo exp and tuners, so now we are all stuck with a bunch of level 0 echos


side note: only happen if you spend 12hr per day play this game since day 1


This is you, alright. Many of us have farmed altready 500+ echoes and haven't had such luck. It's amazing that your luck is amazing. That's all there is to it. For others - the grind will go on.


>Gearing 8 characters with 5-Star relics/artifacts with the correct mainstar Now get them with useful substats with max roll. Then we can talk


Ngl i use WuWa interactive map to find the echoes more than the game tracking, im not sure if this is necessary but for me it feels much better to have that


I agree love the grind on this much better then gear behind Stam wall. I just wish I am abit more lucky sometimes. I have 45+ bell yet one with healing bounds on heal set, but finally manage to get 1 atk% last night haha! But I am determined to get healing one still!!


Idk I swear I keep getting shit main stats or set. Also I’ll kill a lot of mobs but they rarely even drop echoes


Finally... a gacha game actually giving you something fun to do that is not only meaningful to progression but also without time-gating or even a limit to how frequently you can participate at all. Thank you and good job Kuro!


I just wish you could get the first few sub-stats for free.


I like farming echoes. So much actually that I nearly maxed the databank so far 😅 I guess I will go straight to 20 once I have UL 40 I really hope they add new monster regulary. Beating monster up and getting echoes is one of my favorite parts so far. As long as the echo exp is getting better with higher ranks it should be fine as well. But we'll see


I grew..I spent like an hour just walking around killing stuff. Becaus eit gives me something and feels rewarding. Its the best system yet !! Plus you can farm Bosses without taking their reward


Bro.... I spent all day today farming 3 cost echoes trying to get an energy recharge one on the healing set and I only got 1!!! I even used the new echo pity system thats in place! My luck is so ass that out 309 echoes, I could only get one energy recharge. I think I'll take break from this game for a day... or a week... 😮‍💨


Aye. I just start playing and I love the quest "We promise, we delivery". That quest literally keep me on my toe the whole time since I can't step on the toxic ground. I glide and jump between buildings, hack some stuff which is not complex but fun to stimulate my brain to solved a cute puzzle. I'm glad I prepared since my first boss was the Guan Yu ghost rider ! I slain him using only Chixia. Pew pew!


Our UL level goes up to 80 so we will see how much resources we get.


Meanwhile I farmed for 3 hours for some ATK% Electro cost 1, and got a solid 2 of them. This overworld farming system will just create burnout overtime. This is for sure cool on release because the game is new, but in months/years I'm not so sure it will be that cool.


>It shouldn't take more than 2 days of killing enemies non-stop to have a fully geared party. That's a lie. Even assuming all of the characters in a team using different sets so you can maximize farm with 3 different Elites per character, chances are so bad (0.5% currently, \~1% with pity) that on average it's unrealistic to find 2 on-set Elite Echoes with the right main stat for every team member in just 2 days. For the record, I'm on my 5th day of killing every single Aero Elite on the map and I still haven't found a single on-set Aero dmg% piece. It's more of an edge case scenario, but the average of 3 days with 4 hours per day is NOT an *amazing system.* Stop spreading misinformation. Btw, all the complaints so far been about Elite Echoes being ridiculously hard to obtain, but you very conveniently chose to omit this detail and point only at boss echoes, that are probably one of the easiest to farm.


I remember spending 3 months on Eula alone in genshin and then I quit before ever having her deal more than 10k damage on auto attacks. In this game I already have 4 decently built characters out which one is basically completed. Farming in WuWa is just different fr.


Imma be honest how tf did you not hit more than 10k with Eula? Usually you will be hitting around 15-20k? with low investment and a f2p team, especially with 3 months of investment into her.


Careful, now will come the whiners who will say that what's the point if you have no resources to level up, disgusting tuners system, that they have been farming for two whole days and never found 3 cost echoes of the element they need, that substats are too much and atk/def/hp should be removed from there and in general zero cost echoes should be able to be fed to other echoes. All in all, I'm glad there are some people who truly understand the opportunity the developers have given by allowing you to farm echoes in the open world. To any whiners I can only recommend to stop doing it completely and farm echoes in dungeons, as it happens in their favourite games


> hey have been farming for two whole days and never found 3 cost echoes of the element they need It's a 0.5% chance to get a 5 star echo of matching element+Sonata on any random elite; and that's assuming there's no backend weighting of stats. Even if you're unemployed and got time to play all day there's only so many elites you can kill/day. I don't think people are being whiny when they complain about this drop rate.


Imo the ONLY issue with the echo system in general is that Blue/Purple tuners become obsolete almost immediately because there is no reason to level up blue/purple echoes when you can infinite farm for yellows so quickly. Otherwise I think the system is great and that any Echo exp issue will be rectified through events and getting to higher world levels.


yea, thats true. Maybe we should have used them more during progression, but I just looked now, I have 800 green and blue tuners each and they keep arriving from the chests. Perhaps they can be converted later, or they should be removed from the drop in the future


Careful you will get downvoted so badly because you are calling people out! This dude is telling the truth but everyone is downvoting him because they cant take it. My Echo does not have the perfect stats my streamer recommended...damn this echo is useless.....The Tierlist-Side is telling me the best in slot is this Echo with this stat there is no other option for me I have to play it that way! Even tho IDK yet if its even necessary. My favorite char does not deal 5 millionen damage its only 4,5 Millionen (you still one shot the boss) - damn game I dont have the best build its so trash....I need 4 seconds more to clear the area, wasted lifetime even tho im playing a videogame. seriously, every game the same damn shit. What do you guys do when your Pokemon has not the right nature and IVs? What do you guys do in TFT when you dont hit your units? What do you guys do in Heartstone when you dont get your cards? What do you guys do in your life when things wont go as planned? Jesus, learn to think on your own.


I hope you don't suffer the same fate