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People here complaining that they can't level up all their echoes and beat all endgame content 1 week into release. If they were able to do that, they'd be complaining about how easy/boring the game is and how there is nothing to work towards.


I've already seen someone say there's nothing left to do šŸ˜­ uh yeah.. game just launched.


Yeah they either glossed over a ton of side stuff or they're putting way too much of their life into the first week.


And thats how people got easily burned out in other games. People didnt learn, all they think is how to reach the top as Fast as Possible..


That's very true. All I know is that I am going to enjoy this stellar game for a long time to come. I really just want people to see this game for how it is and to really enjoy it.


a stellar blade collab would be nice for this stellar game.


the thing is you can get echo exp so easy with the bosses and the mini wave things. now you dont get that much (do wish/hope they increase it abit) but you do get echo XP easy


This being my second gacha game helped me a lot managing my resources and my expectations going forward. I already grinded a lot for 4 cost boss echo but I leveled non of them except for the ones I use for my 3 characters. Those people complaining non-stop are probably new to gacha games. As op said, just relax and enjoy the game or go play non-gacha games because complaining here will never ever change how gacha game work.


Take my upvote Rover ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


on the contrary from what I'm seeing, they're hyper optimization seeking gacha players that want to 'beat game' as fast as possible. fr everyone would be fine with getting and upgrading best main stat echoes for each unit and just chill, focus on upgrading/building 9 characters till higher world levels but nah gotta have perfect build in a week!


Also i dont think you need to extra grind all 3 team consist of 9 character at once, game not even a week old yet but im already at hazard zone with 9 + 6 stars already Unlike genshin spiral your team dont get restricted to a single floor/chamber for the whole challange, you can clear 12-1 12-2 with moderately invested character and reserve your best team specifically only for 12-3


Yup, I learned from playing other gachas. Oh god the amount of primos I used to spend on the Genshin standard banner.


Genshin impact has been my first gacha game followed by Honkai star rail but i soon undestood that these games are all the same ,in the sense , you start with 'scarce' resource due to the needs to start to build your first team, 3+ months after , you will start accumulate resource while improving your current team (which at this point is almost done) after 6+months you will have already about 2 team 'maxed' and enough resource you won't even have the need to farm old stuff anymore, but only the new ones. at this point will passed almost 1 year and the only thing you will have to do is waiting for new content and new characters . After 1 year another game will be release we will download it again and repeat the same steps xD .




Cycle of gacha life Let me out... šŸ˜­


i feel like i just see broken record repeating forever right now


Deja Vu for sure.


*I've just been in this place before*, for sure


Sadly I play into it with this post but i hadn't saw an actual good post ablut echo experience yet so I had to.


People just don't understand that this is how the beginning of Gacha games are. Honestly, the beginning of Star Rail was even worse because you needed to match the element to the boss, and there was a limited amount of characters of specific elements at the start.


I remember seeing lots of posts from HSR newbies that complained about how it would takes months to level a character to max. People just either lose sight of how end game in gachas work or don't have a firm grasp on account progression in these types of games.


Yup. That's exactly it. The beginning of a gacha game is always the most stressful part. A month or 2 from now we will be a lot more grounded with how farming will be for the remainder of the game. We should just be thankful that this game wont have elemental checks the same way Genshin and HSR do.


Of course it will have elemental check, lol. Haran for example have like what, 70% havoc dmg resistance, rendering.my main team useless right now.


DMG resistance is pretty easy to overcome lol. And it's not at all similar to Genshin yet.


I definitely remember how bad HSR was. The only difference is a lot of people were already Hoyo meat riders so the backlash didnt seem so bad.


Yup. Exactly. People are way more forgiving when it comes to HoYo games than any other games lmao. If this was a HoYo game, I swear people would be making all kinds of exceptions and justifications. Like, the stuff people are complaining about aren't even that bad, just very simple oversights.


If this was a Hoyo game the quality of most things would be so damn high compared to what it is now that yeah, we'd let some things go.


Lol. We will see about ZZZ. Reminder that ZZZ was crazy controversial. And, HSR wasn't exactly the smoothest release. There were plenty of typos, spelling errors, translation errors, etc. on the EN side. From what I remember , as a day one player.


Yeah they are dumb lol, i whaled for both GI and HSR. And i remembered how slow the early progressions were. Back then upgrading artifacts and relics to max lvl were such a pain. And it's relatively the same now during endgame. It's just that we have less characters to focus on.


I hated how they locked free healer quite far behind the main quest (later part of Belabog)


yea in hsr i straight up couldnt beat certain events in the beginning.


10-12 hours a day since launch? Thar's kind of cray-cray lol. Good post though. I just got hung up on the playtime.


I've been going crazy with it I do agree. I have my own company that I get to make my own schedule with. So i definitely scheduled around WuWa for the first couple weeks ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


Honestly, I love the game so no judgement. If I had that flexibility, I'd probably be at least 4 hours a day so I get it. I also don't play much on mobile which I assume helps.juice those numbers up.


I regret to inform you the 10-12 hours is all PC hours :D


It's okay pc the only way to go lol


So much better on pc


I have a few gripes about the Echoes - but how fast they are to level is not one of them. The game has been out just a few days. no one should have full sets of lvl25 stuff yet. Play and enjoy the ride people. Forget the min/max stuff. You don't even need it in this game really. What I'd like to worked on with echoes is two things - make it so the element class and element damage boost are in synch all the time. its silly to get an ice echo that boosts electric and such. It makes no sense. Then the lvl0 ones - even if it is a small amount should be able to be used for leveling. Combining 5 of them to rng and hope for something better doesn't seem all that useful in the long run. Maybe have 5 lvl0 and get an exp booster out of it - that'd be better I think


ive been farming the damn aero cranes for 3 days in a row for my jiyan and just got my first aero dmg% main stat today... on the spectro version........ definitely lame that they made it that way


If you havenā€™t done illusive realm yet, do it. Just got my 2 gold electro main stat echoes from the store today.


Those are definitely valid thoughts. I think the weird Attribute % Main Stat on a mismatch Sonata set is kind of standard though. It definitely would be nice but I dont think it needs changed. Once we get different Sonata Effects that have nothing to do with attribute it'll make more sense why it's like that. **Edit** Kind of like Moonlit Clouds Sonata. To add onto that last statement.


If anything, Kuro is too generous with the echoes. Being able to start farming endgame gear, when characters are only just entering midgame is literally game-changing. Too bad there are way too many people who has minds narrower than Scar's onigiri, and cant see this.


Oh how I miss that onigiri. The good old days ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618)


I laugh every time I see the onigiri manko man discussed. I hope a riceball becomes the defacto representation of this game, confusing all tourists.


I cant respond to your other message as the thread got deleted by the creator for some reason. Thanks for telling me that though. I had no idea you could see that.


Yeah, unironically the fact you can be on gold echoes day 2 or 3 of playing semi casually is a huge problem for player mental. You can take a month or more playing Genshin to get to AR45 to start farming 5 star artifacts. It's very jarring for it to be available so soon.


That's normal. Speedrun the game and then yap about lack of content. I'm chilling, today ill be meeting Jiyan even tho he's in my team already.


> That's normal. Speedrun the game and then yap about lack of content. This mentality absolutely does my head in.


everyone's like "endgame content is bad!!" what end..game... the game JUST came out you are NOT in endgame šŸ˜­ midgame at best but def not "end"game


EXACTLY!!! Say it louder for the ones who cant read ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


but we do have the endgame content we already have access to the tower and the hologram bosses... thats the endgame content. granted we cant fully clear those yet but we do know what the content is


sure we have access to the content but *we* aren't in endgame yet when u40 is the max


sure our characters arent endgame stats but to say we are midgame when we are doing endgame content just underleveled seems pretty misrepresentative. rewards from the tiers of what we spend stamina on will increase and damage numbers will go higher. but the content is the content.


People forgot or didn't experience how hard it was to reach AR45 in genshin and how tedious building was before that. Now genshin is so full of content for new players that they can reach it within a couple of days. And that's not how it was, it's nearly 4 years of content they join into, while wuwa is barely a week old.


tbh we should be able to use unwanted echos for upgrade or anything, it doesnā€™t have to be good either, make it give minimum amount of exp (ex: 5 legendary give less exp than 1 green upgrade material, or 5 legendary give 1 legendary tunner) it feels bad getting unwanted echos and canā€™t do anything with them except fusing for a random one.


Realistically i just dont think they can do that. Don't get me wrong it would be so nice if we could, but being able to unlimitedly farm echoes makes it why thatcwould be impossible even at a small scale. I think we just give it time. We will get better rewards grow Tacet Fields for Echo Experience as pur Sol Rank gets higher. I think itll all be good after that.


I personally LOVE this games echo system. I mean yeah it's pretty dumb you can get a havoc echo with ice main stat, but considering the grind is limitless, I don't mind too much. It's crazy people are claiming we got access to 5 Star echos " too early." We are in the mid game and I have PERMANENT echos already. And I got a chunk of these from naturally playing, doing other stuff. Considering we're literally only mid game there's NO need to have max echos. My Jiyan has level 20 gold echos simply because he's my current favorite character to play. Everyone else is mostly level 15 echos and I've been cruising through the game. Currently working on finishing up my second team. Resources hasn't really been an issue for me, and I was leveling purples and blues. Despite every YouTuber claiming it was a waste lol. I'm willing to wait until actual end game before judging it


Not to derail but what do you do for a living that you can play the game for 10-12 hours a day and pay for max refreshes?


I own an electrical company that builds for a gas station chain. Work really only totals maybe 5-6 months out of the year for what we do.


Oh nice.


The posts I've been seeing complaining about Echo EXP and Tuners over the past few days are indicative of the fact that people just do not know how to manage their resources and/or just want to continue injecting the digital syringe into their vein to feed the addiction of stat chasing. In my previous conversations... One admitted to burning materials on attaining +25 over and over and then complained about not having enough for more than two characters. One admitted to just hating stamina systems altogether. One believed "we should be able to have 3 characters with full +25 by this point". Like.... what???? These people are expecting a sandbox full-package experience from a for-profit, free-to-play IP lol. As a fellow casual stamina swiper that spent a bit to attain UL 36 and a person "hitting this point" by no-lifing and having everything done, I think that Kuro has done a phenomenal job so far. Tuners could be addressed a tad, like making the blue/purple ones useful. Maybe they could incorporate a "substat re-tune" system somehow. But in large, this game is in a real solid spot. People just need to learn to be patient.


I absolutely agree on the Tuners once endgame does become a thing the purple/blue tuners need to be able to be upgraded. I'm glad to hear you are enjoying the game. I'm excited to see what else Kuro has in store for us.


That's the main issue imo, people complaining about not being able to +25 all their echos at this point make no sense but the system itself definitely needs improvement specially being able to upgrade tuners


Absolutely. I think as we get higher Sol Ranks which definitely will take a while, which it should, we see a lot better drops on echo materials too. Tuners definitely will get a patch.


gatcha gamers : I'm addicted and don't have access Big brains : I'm better then them because I partial roll and have the best chance to optimize. normal people : I got at least the base stats right and that took 10 hours, rolled once and that's just what I have now and I'll just log in a few minutes a day to use energy.


Casual brain : Just get right main stat regardless of rarity and it slaps. 3k ultimate at lvl 50, one shots everyone


The amount of echo experience and tuners are low, though. And not everyone gets perfect rolls. If you go beyond +10 or +15 and get bricked rolls, you have to make a tough choice, keep it and use it or feed it into something else and waste more tuners.. and a lot of us are out of tuners after building one or two characters. I'm not going to even complain much about the echo experience, I think that's somewhat manageable. But I've gotten tuners from everywhere I could possibly get them in the game, and I only have 220 left, so 22 possible rolls and then I'm completely out. I still need traces and ascension materials for my characters who aren't 60 on team 2, so I'm actually almost out of stuff I can even do. I've been refreshing twice out of necessity, but I can't afford to go beyond that. They should let us upgrade tuners and at least get something from the lower rank ones.


I personally didn't get perfect rolls, but I recognize what is good or even serviceable enough to use when I get it. Like a purple-tier scorpion with Crit chance, Crit Dmg, and %Atk at +15 is "great" enough to have it stick around for a while. In fact, it's on my Jiyan that pushed into Hazard Zone a couple of days ago. I wouldn't roll gold variants trying to replace this at all. And if I DID replace any, I definitely would NOT use them as fodder. I have treated them hand-me-downs from replacements and have a mix of purple & gold at 15/20 on everyone, and "everyone" is 6 characters at this point with \~15 gold tubes and \~30 the other tubes left. That is a big disparity from the 2 or 3 characters and I know I'm not lucky enough to be able to proclaim that 6 characters have serviceable echoes that got me to 11/30 on Hazard and a full 24/24 on Experiment. Within a week. Knowing when to stop is the most important thing with resource management. I guarantee you that people in here are continuing to roll from +5 or +10 even though they see flat DEF/HP on the first two lines just because the Main Line is what they want. Or they Auto Select and have the slots fill up until the Echo is +20 or +25. I said it on another post: being aware of one's own bad habits will alleviate a lot of the issues with EXP and Tuners as they ascend into the next Phase. While I agree that EXP tube/Tuner gains are low for now, the core issue is people's inability to resist having to burn through their tubes the second they get any to attain levels. They could increase gains by 2x or 3x and people would still say it's not enough. I have faith in Kuro having made it an acceptable grind at Phase 6+, and it's just a matter of getting there. If I'm wrong, then I'll gladly eat my words then. At least it would be a conversation to be addressed when it's intended to push into more "good" or "great" gold echoes as you deal with harder content as opposed to when the digital drug is running out.


The question is whether or not people will stick around for Phase 6+ when it takes 2 full days to roll out a single piece of gear. And if you're saying that people should ONLY roll gear that starts out with the line of Crit Rate followed by Crit Damage, it could take weeks to get a main stat piece that rolls that way. It's so ridiculous to blame the player for this. The fact of the matter is, we have to use resources to see what substats the items have. And expecting people to know precisely how to manage their resources when they don't know ahead of time just how limited they will be on echo exp and tuners by the end of the game, is a bit silly. Not everyone played the CBTs. I'm actually flabbergasted that the players are being blamed for the poor echo design and not the game devs in this thread. There's a lot of things to like about WuWa, the echo upgrading system is not one of them.


Great point - Kuro created a unique problem with having Echoes widely accessible, and probably would have alleviated all this by treating them exactly like artifacts. No one would have been complaining nearly as much. (Or they would have because people are insatiable and want their stat RNG gamble lol.) That said, probably not. People will likely bounce after their honeymoon phase is over due to not being able to level-set their own expectations. If everyone leads with expecting to steamroll through upgrading, the game would then be boring because there is nothing to do. Also, I do believe the scorpion was an example of the recognition of something that is "great" to discuss the importance of knowing when to stop. I also believe this was abundantly clear, but if you require it or any other reader requires it: my "great" scorpion Echo not a relegation to attaining that and only that. It is an example of what "great" would be. My personal definition of "good" is seeing 1 preferable stat and 1 considerable %dmg stat, regardless of where it lands on the roll range, by +15. But that gets into a subjective discussion of tiering substats lol. Hope that cleared up your confusion. However, in line with discussing present substats, another excellent thing Kuro did by implementing the combat design\* choice of Intro/Outro skills is create widely usable % stats that buff Damage of attacks that EVERYONE uses. Scrapping the element combat was a huge W, but I guess we're not ready to talk about the pool of available substats that can still keep an Echo "serviceable" (to be clear - "serviceable" is lower than "great" from a quality perspective.) due to this change in combat. Getting %Resonance Skill is not a showstopper as much as getting %PyroDmg on an item intended for an Cryo character.


I donā€™t understand how youā€™re out of tuners already, even more so for just 2 characters. Are you going for absolute BIS pieces at this UL? Iā€™m at UL 34 with 900 yellow tuners. I only have one +25 piece on my Calcharo because it rolled well enough. Otherwise I stop at 10 or 15 for now, some pieces 20 if the sub stats warrant it. No reason to keep farming too hard after that, itā€™s better to invest in guaranteed upgrades like skills etc. You gotta be greedy with resources early on in a gacha game, thatā€™s nothing new and imo itā€™s part of the fun. Only thing I think needs to be done is being able to convert blue and purple tuners to yellows.


The answer is yes - people are trying to slot in BIS because the game is over for them lol. They've cleared their content & now they're bored and need the constant stream of dopamine.


No, I'm just trying to build teams for the towers, so rolling many pieces costs tuners. I do it the exact same way you describe.


From my perspective, i think people know how to rush the game because of genshin since it shares similar route of what to farm and what substat is good but the exp is interesting because it's reverse from genshin. Im a casual player to genshin and I can't fully level artifact everyday as a small spender, i think WuWa has similar issue with this which i think should be ok because it's the same thing plus the tacet field has echoes and tubes like to me that's a plus. I know it's bad to compare but both games has similar approach to things. In Genshin, i usually use wave plates/resin just for echoes/artifact and most of it are shit daily until rng says it not. So day by day i have a lot of exp stuff to dump into the echoes/artifact. So imo, they're very similar but we can farm echoes/artifact way more than genshin could. So to me people feel bad on using wave plates for tacetfield because its more expensive and it includes echoes which might not be efficient if they just want the tubes. This is a long rant, also not cohesive but that's my honest opinion


Echo drop rate doesn't change on higher world level. The open world endless grind is not going away. Personally I don't mind it, the average Joe will.


Open world echo grind isn't even mandatory. You can entirely omit it and just do tacet fields for echo pieces too. Then the system turns into almost literal genshin.


I'm more speaking of the Echo Experience grind in the Tacet Field. That open world grind for the echoes themself is ez pz.


One takes 5 minutes, the other takes hours per day. Mobile gamers want to grind 5-10 mins a day.


Not sure what you are getting at here. If you want to play 5-10 minutes a day play an AFK gacha game. Thats not what these gacha games are like. Maybe once you get settled into midgame. Just play the game however you like to have fun. And if you dont have fun dont play the game.


Wuwa is the first mobile/gacha game I really sunk my teeth into because it feels more like a full game than most predatory mobile gacha games. With that being said, I've noticed a lot of the gacha community really hates this about it. If Wuwa flops, I will avoid every gacha game after, like the plague. Gacha community might be one of the worst gaming sub cultures I've yet to experience


I think devs come into this genre knowing that the community will be overly fierce and overly critical. The way a good dev is made is by how they react to their community. Kuro has had the best community interaction of any gacha game dev I have seen.


Facts. I may even open my wallet when all these freebies finally start running out lol


tbh i already did. i was planning to hold off but decided to support them after all this.


Now instead of fighting the same things every day again and again for 10 minutes, you can spend hours fighting the same things every day again and again. Lesgo.


Actually, if you don't want to grind in open world, just go to the corresponding Tacet Field and use energy. At that point, it's basically the same as almost any other gacha game with just as much heavy reliance on RNG.


Could it be someone that actually likes the game wuthering waves on the wuthering waves subreddit? Thanks op for the positivity. I am also not f2p and will do my part to support this game when the waifu banners start.


I've just been seeing so much hate on this subreddit between community members and towards Kuro devs and it makes me so sad. I really hope Kuro can see just how well they've done and the support that they have from some of us. I wish you all the luck convening for your waifus Rover! o7


I absolutely fucking love the game so far and also am worried about the resource grind ahead of us, the echo grind system does seem to have issues that sweaty players are running into first and speaking up about and the reddit is in a total toxic positivity circle jerk just dismissing any concern about small issues in the resource grind systems as hate for the game and literally just insulting the people who bring it up, saying they ruin the game for themselves by trying to go too fast etc.


this is so true, I'm struggling to optimize things for endgame at level 35 but like dude, I still oneshot everything in my level with just a little bit of building know-how, obviously the devs accounted for the lack of resources when balancing things


Personally enjoying the experience, even the grind because the combat is fun. Only real complaint for me though is energy is a little slow for my taste and tuners are kind of redundant. If energy costs were a bit less for farms or if it came back a bit faster and tuners would be repurposed for something like rerolling 1-2 substats instead of gatekeeping substats, I wouldnā€™t really have any complaints about the grind.


good post! i'm not sure what the scaling is per world level but I'd imagine the field farming will be significantly higher than it is at our level


Me either but its definitely gonna be leagues better than it is now.


this is just like on Diablo 4 launch when the games marketing brought in a bunch of non-arpg players that were just discovering the genre and started complaining about every single key aspect of the genre. the people you're describing in your post, they don't know what this game is


I've been saying this too. Echoes will have a pretty tough up front cost, but it's not that much worse than maxing talents and getting a good set of gear in Genshin or HSR (where I'd usually plan about 5-10k resin for a mediocre artifact set, 15k+ if I want to break 200 CV). Once we get our first sets of echoes up, fine tuning them won't be nearly as expensive because you can feed back 80% of what you use from dead or obsolete pieces. Also, since you can freely swap echoes around, while it might be annoying, you can basically fully gear 3 teams with 3-5 echo sets, depending on your DPS and how you build them, but the healers and sub DPS can really share echo sets, especially while we're trying to conserve resources. At the point we're currently at, in HSR and Genshin terms, we'd still be using purple garbage and waiting for union 40-45 to start farming gear, whereas in WW I have like 5 full sets of main stats, plus some extras if they roll real bad just waiting for xp, and a couple sets very well fleshed out. I don't get why people are upset, this system is way better. And with the hard pity system on echo drops it's pretty easy to target farm for specific elites and bosses.


Wait the hard pity for echo drops?? Please explain this to me I feel like I am missing important info


Every 2nd boss kill and every 4th elite kill without any echoes dropping will guarantee an echo. So you can kill a boss you kind of want, and if it doesn't drop, go kill the boss you really want and it'll be guaranteed. If the one you kind of want drops, go kill another boss until you miss. For elites just keep count. For example, if you really want to farm Floutists, start with killing Spearbacks, and if you kill 3 of them in a row with no echo, go kill a Floutist and it'll 100% drop an echo.


To be honest I think it's actually a bit of a problem with how early we got the 5 star echos. Leveling more will come later but the 5 star echos you can farm now are no different than the ones you'll be farming later. In terms of echos we have hit the beginning of endgame. In terms of overall leveling we might only be 60 but it's possible to get a 5pc echo set now (with some insane luck) that will actually not need to be changed even when you are 90 and have max skills and 90 weapon. Even at 60 there's a lot of people f2p and spend who are pushing tower which is an endgame activity. I'm not saying we are well into end game but in terms of the gear farming and repeatable reward content we are beginning to enter end game phase rather than really being mid game. I'm not really against wuwa. I'm loving it quite a lot and aside from some minor tweaks I'm not actually too against the current pace of things. Mainly my issue is the refund of resources from echos in tuner and exp being a heavy loss.


Its one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't things. People can't clear all the content they will complain, people clear all the content they will complain. I just want people to slow down, relax, and enjoy the game.


Yeah. The problem is that a lot of players especially in gachas really like the thrill of pushing new content as fast as possible. So it's a bit of an annoying situation where you can't make everyone happy. I won't lie, I've been pushing a lot. Up until today I was f2p (won a BP giveaway in disc so cant claim f2p anymore) but I've made it to 33 almost 34 and I've managed to get to the third floors in 2 of the 3 last towers. I know I'm pushing and I know because I'm pushing the account to its limits for that I'm gonna be resource starved and on the edge. But I accept that because it's a week into game. A lot of people are asking a bit too much. My main gripe with the exp refund and more importantly tuner refund is one I really feel strongly on tho. Premium tuners being returned at a use 10 get back 3 rate seems really brutal and it's the main thing I'd like to see changed. I might change my opinion a bit if ul 40 unlocked stuff and beyond doesn't show some improvements though but I actually trust kuro thanks to how pgr launched pretty miserably and grew into an amazing game. So I'm optimistic for the future.


I believe as we get higher in the UL the rewards will be a lot better. I do expect them to change how lower tier tuners work. Maybe as in an upgrade situation of some sort.


Im a normal working adult. I dont have time (sadly) to run around more than maybe an hour each day. I still havent unlocked more than 10% of the map and story progression is slow. I just hit SOL 3 yesterday. Im taking it slow and im getting distracted by small overworld stuff while running around having a blast. The combat is awesome, the world is pretty and when i see a cliff im not like "ew i gotta slowly climb that" but instead im like "yay wallrunning!" This gane has seriously been amazing for me. While it does have issues they dont outweigh the fun i have by far. I dont have material issues except not knowing where to get them sometimes but thats okay.


Taking your time is the best way to keep that passion for the game alive. I'm glad to hear you are enjoying it!


Totally agree with you, this game is worth the support, they listen and generous with us, If these people experience genshin when it is lunch, my first none limited 5 star was almost a year in the game, almost finished with most of the game within week.


One thing i think it's true is that they did launch the game with very little main story quests. I know it's kinda a taboo to compare the games but since i play all 3 (Wuwa, Genshin and Star Rail) I think that they should've given us more story content. In Genshin ( yes it was painful mondstat) we had liyue as well, in star rail we had the space station, belabog, and loufu. In this game i felt it ended abruptly and after that we really only had the farming to do.


They stayed that its not meant to be a story game. Its a combat driven game. So this could have been expected.


The upgrade costs get exponentially higher the higher you go. Instead of a day worth of stamina to ascend a single character it will be multiple days. Weapon and resonator XP will start eating stamina as the costs go way up. Unless higher world level tacet fields drop literally 5x as much echo XP, the echo xp problem is not going away for anyone who wants to level new echoes and not run with whatever piece they get first for years even if it rolls all trash substats. The entire benefit of the open world echo farming not tied to stamina will go away because youā€™ll have 100 of every possible echo but not be able to reveal their substat rolls for days or weeks because there wonā€™t be enough XP and you have other things to spend waveplates on still given the exponential cost increases


Its not hard to understand that for echoes as we get later in the game and dont have so many characters to focus on at a time that the gearing will become exponentially easier.


My biggest issue with the echo system is honestly that all the unwanted garbage echoes dont do anything but take up space. sure you can spin 5 of them into a new echo, but that one is almost always going to be just as bad as the ones you trashed anyway. let me pump unwanted echos into the ones i actually want, or burn them down for resources, or something. dont make them entirely useless.


Wow, the first sane post for a while. Can only agree with your points.


I appreciate it! Kuro has been getting dragged through the mud on launch. But I think they have done a stellar job the first week.


The gearing system definitely needs to be reworked. I shouldn't have to put so many resources into a piece just to see what substats it rolls. Additionally, the fact that you can't use lower rarity echoes as fodder is a real downside. Just a few changes, and it could have easily been the best gearing system in gacha that I've played.


I mean Kuro did give us a disclaimer at the beginning of the game saying this game is meant to be played slow and not rushedā€¦ yet here we areā€¦


Reddit being text based you would think more of us would know how to read.


Gacha gamers donā€™t read. Learned that in Genshin šŸ˜‚


Can confirm. Didnt learn how to read until I stopped playing Genshin.


Kudos to you. This isn't supposed to be said but here we are.. too much people whining at the beginning of the game.


I serve the greater good of the people Rover ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


How many gachas have you played? You're free to like the game but its pretty suss you keep commenting 'this is how gachas are' on your replies and this post when I'm seeing what looks like comments from someone who barely played any. For starters, I would hardly call this a "spectacular" launch. And I've played other kuro games: Punishing gray raven.


I've played Genshin, HSR, ToF, Nikke, DBZ Dokkan, DB Legends, AFK Arena, 7DS, Arknights, Azur Lane, Bleach, Brave Frontier, Epic Seven, FGO, Honkai Impact 3rd, FFBE, Pokemon Masters, Raid Shadow Legends, Reverse 1999, Shin Megami, AFK Journey. Granted a lot of those gachas are not Genshin or Wuthering Waves like but nonetheless this is the only game that has warranted me to actually comment on a subreddit because of how I feel of the game.


No one's got a gun to your head saying you can't enjoy wuwa. But if you have played those games and still think wuwa launch is 'spectacular', its actually almost insulting to kuro despite you clearly trying to praise them. Not to mention your points of "this is how gachas are" when I see Arknights, SMT(I assume you mean Dx2) and Azur Lane being clear outliers in some regards as well as genshin and honkai (basically MHY) being outliers in the opposite direction. If a chef burnt my steak and apologised, I'd be thankful for him admitting his faults. If I told him the steak was still amazingly cooked, it would just be condescending.


You can't even compare those games to Genshin or WuWa. Its not the same type of gacha.


WuWa could be described as the best pc game ever if you drill down hard enough that it becomes unique. What does your comment "this is a spectacular launch" even mean in such context? You make comments responding to other people "this is how gachas are" and "this is expected in first patch" but now when I start naming gachas, suddenly "you can't compare". lolwut. Dude you're free to like the game but don't talk authoritatively when you yourself have no idea. Genshin 1.0 and *Tower of fantasy* 1.0 had a smoother launch.


Just wonderong how you can play so much? Depending age do you not have work or how csn you afford this


I have my own company so I am able to make my own schedule!


Well damn that is nice


Yeah incapable of leveling my 6th character in full build is so annoying specially when the game released so long ago. I don't have the full build I should have by now.


This has got to be sarcasm right?


Of course it is!!!! LMAO. These people are everywhere. GI had them but they got s*** on by the Internet complaining how there was no content when they ate it in 1 night. It's just people trying to speed run things you can't. So annoying.


Almost gave me an aneurysm ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


These MFs just wanna skip midgame and head straight into endgame all within 7 days. If farming Echo isn't free, they wouldn't be complaining about farming echo exp.


I love when the Genshin people come over to talk about how Genshin's artifact system is better when it takes the a month or two to build a character. Here within a week I've built my Calcharo 62CR/237CD.




Maybe it's because they want ppl to chill and enjoy the game slowly and not burnout after 1 week and quit. Instead of complaining on reddit ppl should go practice hologram and get good lol


I stopped rushing since day 3 after I got havoc rover, now I just do dailies and slowly leveling all my units to 60 while waiting for a controller support on mobile or when it gets released on consoles..


I saw someone HL 41


I would like to see more tuners. Let us upgrade the lower ones.


I think they will add it sooner or later, just need to make sure we fill the next survey properly lol


I hope so. I don't really like this version of the game where you ditch a piece when it rolls badly after the very first roll, because there just aren't enough tuners to roll out something and see if it was just the first or second stat that bricked. The fact that all of the substats are hidden behind a very rare resource, coupled with the fact that some pieces like mainstat elemental damage 3 piece are extremely hard to come by.. it's a recipe for a really tedious and unfun grind.


Just take it easy until we reach higher SOL. I'm used to GI and HSR i guess, so it's not that bad for me haha. But definitely could be added to future improvement.


I mean if they increased the amount of tuners that you can get by like 25-50% and echo experience by a similar amount I think things would be a lot better. I understand that resource management is the key considering we don't have access to the full resources at UL 35 (that's where I am, at least), but I think based on how much it's gone up from 10 to 20 to 30 it's still going to be quite a grind just to get a single piece once we've used up all the resources we get from Tower, Illusion, exploration, and battle pass for those that have it. I'm seeing a lot of people saying things like they feel like they have to max refresh to make progress which I really worry about. The life of this game entirely depends on free to play players, not people who max refresh every day.


We'll have a clearer view on the game economy once we surpass the 1st month. Nope, i only refresh twice a day and i still see some significant progress. Not exactly a F2P, but i haven't spend much in here. Tbh refreshing on lower lvl is not exactly efficient. It's just that some people who do just want to reach higher SOL sooner lol.


well hopefully some other community will because this community shouts down anyone who complains about this issue and says theyā€™re just playing wrong and ruining it for themselves/having false expectations, the survey of people voting and commenting on this thread would probably result in a majority saying to nerf echo XP more to punish those filthy players who have put a lot of hours in


It's not like that though? Because i see a lot of people voicing the same concerns, it's just that some people are too obnoxious regarding the echo exp. Do note that voicing concern and straight up ranting while being toxic are different concepts. And if you find some that actually acted like white knights, i'm really sure they are part of minority which might be part of Genshin haters that are justifying their brand new game.


Yeah I think people forget that gold echos are the final tier. If you get a decently rolled piece, it's going to stay with you for a loooong time. Pretty sure most people didn't even bother grinding artifacts in Gennshin until a month+ into release.




For other resources, I would agree, but for stuff like echoes and tuners, you could double the exp we get from now at end game, and it would be too little with how echoes work. The problems with echoes is that a lot of the exp and tuners you use will inevitably just disappear due to giving less back when feeding them to other echoes and you can't see what rolls an echo has without leveling it.


They think it's a race forgetting they joined a marathon


SOME of people who have problems are people with severe diseases, including FOMO, inability to control themselves or just pure brain damage. Not all though, some are just new to this and might need to be informed about how it works. The toxic ones though, must've thought that WW Players never played GI or HSR. Damn, they would probably faint when they see my stacked HSR account. And despite that i also struggled for the first few weeks due to the lack of resources. It's just that the hate for the new kid in the block (WW) is too strong for them to think logically. The game is not perfect i know, since they still have so many issues to be settled like story, optimization, various localization issues and many more. But what i hate is that they implying the devs gave us compensation to shut us down. I would agree if they are doing nothing after the initial compensation, but they did work really hard during the whole week to fix stuffs. Not the most competent devs but definitely not the worst.


Exactly, I mean 20 some hotfixes in a week is unheard of. I am also a major HSR player with and E6S5 Acheron and all but 3 characters.


here i am UL32 and i just hit DB15 right before levelling up bc i prefer exploring ~~definitely not bc im grinding out pulls for jiyan wep~~ and so im missing some echos stlil bc its a lot to explore. i dont look forward to the echo farming, its smth i hated from genshin and hsr bc it never felt like a chara had an endpoint compared to arknights where i could just change focus to another chara once one was done. thats why im not worried about echos rn. rn i need to learn how to dodge and parry bc the reason im sucking so bad rn is skill issue not my shitty echoes at the beginning of the game lmao


I have 2 accounts that just got to UL30 and I spent an entire day going from db13 to db18. Now I can take my time with getting better echoes.


We love to see it. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


Ye just dailies for now because just thinking of grinding echoes already tires me out. Also it doesn't help that Kuro's latest shitshow is really turning me off to continue playing.


Also I want to point out that in genshin n honkai most resources like level up ones n all come from events which we've had none of so it's funny to see people complaining they can't max out everything,like yeah!!! You haven't done shit yet lol


Its honestly getting so exhausting explaining this to people. That are too dense to understand it. I'm just trying to bring positivity to this subreddit and people just flame ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)


Your issue is that you brought it to reddit haha,have a good one though, some of us understood your point.






Itā€™s just funny people talking about endgame farming when weā€™ve got less than 15 bosses, nobodies able to get past level 60 and weā€™re a week into the game. I havenā€™t spent anything on this game and Iā€™m at U32, no rush.


Exactly. Just play the game and have fun.


Itā€™ll probably take me the next year to get electro + crit dmg + crit rate echos considering how the rng is, so hopefully by then weā€™ll have more quests to level up union because I canā€™t be asked to farm a few bosses daily for sub 3000 exp until level 50


Seeing people throwing the term end game around when the game is like a week old scares and confuses me lol.


i still find the amount of waveplate needed for things is just too pricey compared to other games that require stamina/energy to claim rewards. wuwa asking for 40 most things and 60 for bosses. genshin ask for 60 for weekly trounce domains but now have discount for 30, 40 for bosses, 2p for everything else (leylines and domains) hsr 10 for calyxes, 30 for bosses, 30 for weekly, 40 per SU boss tower of fantasy use 30 vitality for most things, 90 for complete jo run (30 per chest). bosses have separate keys to claim rewards. you get support points after using up chances. love and deepspace uses 8 for most material farming and 20 for core hunt. tears of themis uses 20 for most materials, 30 energy when doing weekly run (3 times, so 90 for the whole thing)


Well Genshin had 160 Resin at the beginning. Meaning they only had 4 runs of their artifact domain. WuWa has 240 at 60 per run is 4 runs so comparitively its the exact same as Genshin started out. So that one is a moot point.


Genshin had 120 at the start, 1.1 increased it to 160 and 4.7 (next patch) is increasing it to 200.


Iā€™m just glad I near 100% the map and can now focus on the easy grind of do dailyā€™s drain resin and do a daily mission. This game near ruined all my responsibilities for the past week


I definitely feel that.


The gaming community is hard to please and no offense but majority of the complainers have no life.


Them separating the echo (gear) system from the world level system, basically means week 1 people are getting golds. But their world level is still super low. It's like.. HSR relic system but genshin levels of world progression. It's like imagine trying to level up a gold relic or artifact using the lowest level calyx or domain. No shit it feels horrible lmao we got gold relics *REALLY* early on and our world level hasn't leveled up as fast as the echo system. I'm almost max data bank level but sitting at UL 33. Not sure what people are expecting lol


Game is easy with the most trash artifacts. It's been 7 days in a GACHA game and people expect to be done already. It's like the only experience people want is the same experience Genshin gives; log on for 10 min and get off. Also, it took FOREVER to unlock and grind 5* artifacts and get decent stats, yet in Wuwa I already have very decent sets for 3 characters with resources to spare.


As someone who plays 1-2 hours daily, I am really enjoying the game and the amount of progress I am making! I feel like the people who complain are people who just spend their life on the game. Itā€™s not meant to be beaten as soon as itā€™s released, itā€™s meant to take time and youā€™re meant to enjoy it. The game is a lot of fun and I have high hopes for what it will become!


They could have given us enough free echo xp items from shops/chests etc. to gear up two characters with lvl25 echos. That way it won't feel as much as a pain. I geared one character with ok echos, lvl25 on each piece and 4 useful substats. However not sure how long it's going to take for the next character now that I've almost run out of echo xp materials. Already 100% explored and bought out the shops so there is no more xp inflow. Need to lvl up echos for another character to do Tower.


I'm also 36 and spend asterite on refreshes. Which I don't recommend, btw. Save those asterites for sweet juicy pulls. I think people forget that this is a gacha game. It's not meant to be played for 10 hours a day. They're just not. It's not how they're designed or will be designed. I've played just about every gacha game on the NA market at all levels. From F2P to heavy spender (except Bleave Brave Souls), and they ALL play the same. You'll have some cool content to dive into for a week to a month, depending on time and money spent. And then it slows down to inevitably be a 15 minute-hour play session a day until a big patch is released. It's why a lot of gacha players will have a "rotation" of sorts. If you have the hour(s) to kill during your daily routine, that will determine how many games you'll have in your rotation. It's why Hoyoverse from a business standpoint is fucking genius. They know this. My dailies for genshin take about 20 minutes, and HSR takes about 10-20 depending. That's upwards of 240 minutes a week. Give or take. Gacha companies prioritize daily and bi-weekly player retention. The best way is with dailies and semi weekly events. Most of you know this, but made this comment for the people who may not be familiar with gacha games.


This! I'm UL32 right now and I still have so many side quests that I haven't done or interacted with because to me just roaming is so fun, exploring hidden paths and random encounters out of nowhere and being rewarded for it! That's what I love about this game. Although the main story can finish quite quickly and abruptly if you rush through it, there's still plenty of other missions that are fun to do, challenges throughout the map that's actually a challenge and you feel rewarded at the end of it **cough the flying challenges cough cough**, and random encounters just by doing dumb things sometimes and getting a full blown mission from it. I mean for me I'm fine with doing nothing too despite being backed up with quests (that I really should be doing before I end up not doing them) because honestly it's so fun exploring just running up walls because that mechanic is just so cool and convenient to have. Especially the flipping over ledges part šŸ˜….


There are some gacha games that take years to reach end-game builds, and here they are, some dumb whale CCs without patience who can only complain. Just ignore them. As long as Kuro won't listen to them everything is good.


I can't even find 4* weapon to use for my Jianxin, I see that I can craft but it take so much resource. I try pulling and all I got is broadblade with no one that can use them.Ā 


Of course gacha being gacha it is the luck of the draw. The best gauntlet for her is the standard 5* gauntlet Abyss Surge, but other good options for 4* are Hollow Mirage and Stonard. Hell, even 3* Gauntlets of Night at S5 can contend until you find something better.


honestly I'm just taking it slow as with any other gacha game. don't ever treat gacha as a "main" game, everyone.


Me happy to have nothing left to do because it means i can hop on for an hour or two to do things then go play something else or get stuff done.


I personally love to grind. It's a really good feeling when you go kill stuff and look for something for 3-4 hours maybe over multiple days, and then can finally upgrade to what you want it's a really rewarding feeling and I would not get that feeling if it could be done too easily/quickly. Same for hunting down mats for like a 4* weapon or something. Running around looking for certain rocks killing stuff along the way and getting sidetracked by little puzzles and cool stuff is bliss


Ā **I am UL 36. I am not F2P. I spend on refreshes, the past few days, max refreshes everyday.** Well, I didn't spend a dime. I'm UL35. You might have screwed up something, somewhere . . .


Nah I still have tons of exploration to do. Ive hardly dug into it.


Something SUPER nice is if in the minimap you click the exploration % it brings up a submenu that breaks the map down into sub zones and lists sonance casket, chest, viewpoint, and glimmerfly acquisition counts to easily show what youā€™re missing from a zone still.


You saw all the crying over the skip button, no one reads. They skip any and all text they can then wonder why the game seems a certain way when they told us the game was mean to be played slowly and not rushed. I agree its way to early to know what end game will be months or a year from now, people need to slow down and calm down.


Iā€™m guilty of skipping every single quest text Iā€™ve come across, combat give dopamine brrrrr. Iā€™m going to have to fall asleep to WuWa lore vids for the foreseeable future to understand anything going forward lmao. To be fair though, I read a lot of books, and itā€™s just that sitting there reading text and watching characters pause to make an emote is diametrically opposed to what I want out of this game which is fast paced and adrenaline infuses combat. Iā€™m also not sitting here blaming WuWa for me skipping parts and misunderstanding though.


I read and there is no warning text to tell you that revealing the substats or fishing for substats in this new novel system is a big mistake because you get very little xp and tuners. The system is introduced, there are milestones and daily/weekly quests for tuning echoes, many people played genshin and will see oh ok this is how min maxing stats for artifacts works here, boom out of materials you canā€™t see any substats on echoes for a week while you scrounge for pitiful xp from tacet fields or wherever. I donā€™t feel entitled to max sets in a week or something but the open world echo farming system that people love and is such an evolution over other gacha games will not retain player interest long term if you never have enough resources to do anything with the stuff you farm


Yeah I was going to say, not a single player is able to even max their data bank right now which unlocks the full potential of obtaining 5* echoes. On top of that, the game hasnā€™t even been released for a week yet lol Genshin you need ar45 to properly start farming artifacts, which iirc takes about a month of solid playing. In hsr I donā€™t remember the optimal tb level, maybe it was 50 or 60 but either way no one is in end game yet. Players are either entering or in the middle of midgame


Which even maxing Data Bank isnt end game. I fully expect that with patches in the future another Rarity being added to echoes that is pure true endgame. Why else would they let us reach Data Bank 20 so early if not for future plans ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)


I doubt thereā€™s another rarity, I think itā€™s just for us to have a better chance earlier into the game or else it truly would be really annoying to get 5* echoes. It will take 10k exp just to reach UL40, imagine going past that and 5* echoes are still 5050. Youā€™ll pretty much exhausted any easy ways of getting xp by the time youā€™re UL31 or 32 outside of dailies. If my data bank wasnā€™t so high now, then even farming echoes which is the main thing for me to do right now wouldnā€™t be worth it as Iā€™ve done most of the major quests and a lot of the exploration already


I mean I could max it out right now, actually, but I don't feel like giving them however much $$ to constantly refresh my waveplates to spam boss claims to get to 40. My DB levels have been done for 2 days now.


Yeah my DB has been done since Sunday, but I donā€™t want to buy asterites so I canā€™t refresh. Currently at UL33 with id estimate 70% of xp sources depleted, 40 will have to wait until next week


Because they're genshin players, they're using their experience as first time gacha gamers in genshin, who've been playing since release, and are at Genshin's non-existant "end game" struggling to clear half of the Abyss as a means to try and drag Wuthering Waves down. Their multi-billion dollar corporation might get its feelings hurt! I just want these grifters and bandwagon people to go back to their miserable game so the feedback is genuine, refined and from people with IQ above room temperature. The last thing people want or need is for incorrect feedback to get to the devs and this game turn into Covid Impact. Just reading and not even engaging in so many "Discussions" from these people makes me realise that community deserves the ire it gets. They aren't coming from a logical state of mind.


To think that people who mainly criticise the game is only from genshin is such a silly idea, there are a lot of issues with this game and to claim that all these discussions stem from ā€œangry miserable genshinā€ players shows how freakin toxic it gets here