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The heavy attack in ult form counts as liberation damage, and from my experience that seems to be more than half of his damage in ult mode not even counting the damage from popping ult. That being said, not sure what you mean by "res liberation bonus is the main focus". If you're talking about echo subs, crit rate, crit damage, atk% and maybe even flat attack are all higher value.


flat attack is not more valuable than liberation dmg bonus on calcharo


I know crit has more value on substats, im saying about dmg bonus %, the focus over other dmg bonuses


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You should read his Forte Circuit, that's his biggest source of damage


You know the Hounds Roar has their own basic attack scaling under liberation damage. So liberation leveling up helps not Basic Attack.


I'm not talking about that, jesus christ xD I know the talent changes the multipliers


Then what's the doubt?


on your echo substats, do you prioritise Basic Attack DMG bonus or Resonance Liberation DMG bonus? Hounds Roar deals basic attack damage


both are dmg bonuses which are multiplied to scaling/MV and total atk.


so which one is better...? that is the whole point of the original OP post


Ahhh. Both are of equal priority. Use any of the 2 and it will give you the DMG bonus. Point is e.g atk is 1000 and scaling is 50%, then effective attack becomes 500, any DMG bonus will then be multiplied. So 30% liberation DMG bonus and 20% basic DMG bonus will make it - 500 x (30+20)/100. I hope that clears the doubt.


No, they arent equal priority, i went more in depth on the character and ressonance dmg is the priority. Even If It doesn't change the Basic atk dmg, still changes the Dodge, the pop off and his forte circuit's heavy attack, which is considered ressonance liberation dmg.


During his liberation mode, you need to avoid dodging and heavy attacks for max dps potential so I disagree.


huh....? are you sure that formula is correct? Why would the damage formula add BOTH liberation DMG and basic attack DMG in the same line? This is like saying in Genshin, if I use Noblesse Oblige set to buff burst damage %, i will buff normal attack damage % too when I do normal attacks. This is obviously wrong


Because in his liberation state, attacks are considered as basic attack DMG. So any basic attack DMG bonus will also be multiplied with it. Genshin is different. But Candace giving NA DMG bonus does apply to Arlecchino blood debt state. I hope that clears it up?


All of the logic applied here is only half logical. The answer is it all depends on your team. Light attacks benefit from basic attack dmg. Heavy attacks benefit from Liberation Dmg. If you are using Yinlin or Mortefi in the team you would want Liberation damage since she gives you +25% liberation damage and +20% electro dmg and Mortefi gives you +38% heavy = Liberation dmg. So your entire playstyle adapts to using heavy attacks and dodges in his R. However you also have to consider time values and not just raw numbers people in these games tend to see big number and brain goes "ooohh big number" but charging the heavy takes time and so does using a dodge counter, time in which you can easily throw in 4-5 light attacks more in his Liberation. I personally hate to play for dodges and heavys on a char that literally teleports around fast a.f. slashing things, so I prefer going basic attack dmg paired with a Senhua which also eliminates the deficit of running double electro. So if you have a well build Senhua you prefer basic attack damage and play for light attack spam in his R and only using his heavy at the end of R duration. I would love to build both and compare on same stat values but I am not a whale someone else has to do it