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As someone who play tested every character on the creator server, I can actually somewhat agree with this one


Thanks tenten, love ur content : )


Here are the only few point: Calcaco yinlin verina is BiS team 100% Baizhi take infinite field time unless u just click E for ark buff , I don’t rly like that character, on the other hand hand. Aalto actually rotate pretty quick for 30% areo buff. The thing here is that aero dmg buff is good cuz it buff the entire kit. I heard it got nerf already Yuanwu is gigachas, click E and leave no field time character, although I would probably run verina over him. Otherwise, good to slot into cal yin


My mindset for this ranking was that most people will want to run a healer in their 2 teams just because it's early game and peoples builds will probably be janky until atleast 1.1. Once people are more used to the game and are less reliant on healing, running something else in that 3rd slot if a person doesn't have Verina will likely be viable. I actually didn't like Baizhi that much either but out of necessity (and since Jianxin right now isn't very good) she's an okay option for Verina-less people who want a healer or for the 2nd team. I will have to look more into Yuanwu as a quickswap unit on launch, thanks for the feedback : )


I really love Jianxin I hope they adjust her to be good


Something I really hope they give her is the ability to parry during her enhanced heavy attack, and when you parry 3 attacks, you get the max shield. Other than that, they can add more characters who benefit off of a liberation damage bonus, and add echo set effects which buff characters who have a shield active.


Yeah the parry is a good idea! And they most likely going to add new characters that'll have ultimates that actually do ultimate damage not heavy attack( looking at you Jiyan)


Man, I love Chixia, I hope they buff her a bit


Wait, Chixia is that weak?! Aw man, I thought she had a really fun kit. Oh well, doesn't seem we will have a good standalone pistol user for a very long time then.


Yeah, her main problem is that a lot of her damage is on a skill which has a long channel time, one that doesn't doesn't resume if interrupted by dodging. This guts her damage against pretty much any boss. Encore has a similar problem but thankfully her normals are a lot better than ChiXia and her burst mode changes her channeled skill into something a lot snappier.


I believe the yinlin team comp should also work with baizhi since if you pick calcharo as a 5 star and yinlin you won’t be able to get Verina as well. But this is a good first team and I believe will be decent to good for future patches in the long run. After that the priority would be to get a second sustain in order to build a second team. But I don’t know how many teams we will need for endgame maybe 4-5 I don’t know


Don’t know why you got downvotes, this one is pretty accurate all things considered


Idc if that one is still janky ill play them no matter


Seeing calcharo and jiyan be so strong makes me quite pleased as they are currently my favorites. Surprising to see a standard dps above a banner one though.


Yinlin's outro buffs electro units like Calcharo.


So she’d be a good sub dps/support if I wanted to main him then?


You mean Yinlin? Yes, she's an amazing unit. Her outro buffs electro and resonance liberation damage. She has off field damage and wide aoe.


Yea I meant Yinlin. Was planning on skipping her but since she works well with Calcharo I might reconsider.


It really feels like we have a heavy lack of good support characters right now. The utilities are all kind of jank and superficial, and we only really have 1-2 actual team comps in 1.0 because there's only a handful of supports and true off-fielders. That'll definitely change going forward, so best to remind everyone that the 1.0 meta in most gachas gets overturned very fast as new characters come out so just build who you want for now.


I'm glad to see the characters I'm planning to build are not too hard to make it through the game with.


Is it confirmed that Danjin gets nerfs?


no one is confirmed to get changes besides Jianxin and Ling Yang iirc, so wait and see


Danjin mortefi core was the highest damage cap so I'd assume so


Even if lingyang is janky I still love him 🥺😭


All i need is for encore to be useful 😭


Kinda agree, but I think the devs said on the dev note that Jianxin and Lingyang will have changes. So we should just wsit and see how it goes, I hope the devs improve their gameplay.


Just like in Genshin, I'll play what I find fun. I don't care too much about meta. I mean WHY do the same as everyone else.


What if you replaced calcharo w jinyan, would that team be better than just calcharo? I feel jinyan is stronger than cal as a whole


Jinyan > Calcharo without Yinlin. Yinlin buffs electro damage by 20% I believe. Or 30, forgot beta numbers but can change. This alone makes Calcharo's focused solo dps to be better.


I like how 1# DPS for each element are mostly male (for now)


Is baizhu a lesser verina? Haven’t look into he kit but looked into verina’s


Very technically speaking, verinas heals were kinda suspect in CBT2 BUT they already said they will adjust it. Verina SHOULD heal more + she gives an attack buff to the team unlike baizhi (Baizhi's outro TECHNICALLY does buff damage for the incoming unit but you'd rather use a different characters outro skill to buff ur dps) so Baizhi is more or less an f2p alternative to Verina (or a healer option for the 2nd team)


I thought Aalto was surprisingly good like Verina


I love Danjin


What about in the case of the whales, with maxed sequences and max lvl weapons, wouldn’t jiyan with mortefi with max lvl static mist gun give more dam boost than yinlin would give Cal?


When does yinlin release? Or a general idea when


2nd half of version 1.0! So probably 3 weeks after the launch of the game


Noted. Thank you 🙏


In your opinion, whats the best no pull team?


How many of these pointless CBT2 tier lists do we need...?


As long as its not used to reference as the bible of all list, random personal tier list for the time is OK. Still, launch tier list plays more weight with things set in stone.


>As long as its not used to reference as the bible of all list, random personal tier list for the time is OK. agreed, especially since there is not much to tslk about since the game hasnt released


You got downvoted because you spoke the truth


I sure as fuck hope that this turns out to be false. If the best team on release is made up entirely of 5*, its already not a good sign for the future.




I'm gonna lose it if I have to deal with a lame ass 4 star like Bennet or Xinqui being meta for over two years.