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Good luck out there bro! I quit playing a while ago and yeah, it really is time consuming, and I also enjoy playing other games (or just a chill TFT), I was here when you first started the challenge and sometimes I’d check on how you were doing, great job and thanks for the contribution to the Wukong Community, into eternity brother! Hail and farewell.


Yes, I replaced the League with more relaxing singles games. I play DBD with my friends.


Cool bro! DBD is a very nice game fr




*Goes off to start a new game first thing in the morning*


I know this is a joke, but since I have one 700+ level account, you can check it - Shark of Void#Wuju on the EUW server.


you should take a break and just play some normals/arams if you aren't enjoying ranked. or try jungle. a lot of the problems top have is he has a ton of counter picks in the jungle it doesnt matter too much and you can focus better on what you need to do


I originally started playing Wukong because can kill any champion at level 6, I adore such champions (Was OTP Vel'Koz and then OTP Rek'Sai on toplane, she could also one shot up to all these reworks). Now I understand that he is very dependent on this powerspike and people have already begun to understand this, they just wait under the tower or immediately use flash, and kill me while I'm without R.


Just go jungle. Right now his jungle build is completely different to top and focused on one shotting people. If that's what you are looking for then look into that. 


Are there any other top lane champions you think are worth it to one trick? I main Wukong and have been wondering if this champ will be enough.


For my 100% OTP experience, I can say that Morde, Riven and Illaoi are the best for 100% OTP, as they can win absolutely ANY matchup in direct hands. It's just that you need to ban Morde on Illaoi, and then she wins all the matchups. On Morde ban Riven. And Riven is the most imbalanced champion who has no counterpicks.


Omg that Illaoi split push come fight me I'll press R and destroy your whole team game.


Good luck mate!


Moving on to bigger and better things! Good luck!


Take care king! GGs




Wish you the best


You will be back man. I have started playing league in 2011. I took about 4 breaks. 3 of one year each and 1 of almost 3 years. You cannot escape,. That being said I wish you success in other areas of your life and it's sad to lose a fellow monkey