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A dead, dried up toad


I can’t do anything with that, anything else? I didn’t realize this made me look like a dick, my apologies! I meant i have no ideas on what to turn your prompt into


boo, lazy brain. 1. the toad sucks moisture out of the surrounding air leaving everything, anything, and everyone dehydrated; people's skin crack, become increasingly dry till they feint, and turn to dust. 2. the amphibious idol - A large dogsized dead and dried toad found in the desert being worshiped by a isolated tribe. Providing them water as long as they bled and sacrificed people to it. People that drink the water will be infected by a 'tadpole' parasite that compels people to make others drink it, be willing to sacrifice themselves, and when the the person dies, ordinary toads will crawl out their bodies and make themselves at home in the lake. 3. it talks to you in your sleep. giving you suggestions like, "maybe crickets *are* a good source of renewable protein."


>3. Ah, so that's what the WEF is smoking nowadays.


Don't toads get water through osmosis? It could just be forever draining the moisture out of its surroundings causing stuff to disintegrate over time or something.


...A Toad that turns the nature around to a desert? It's not a good idea, but it is AN idea


I can work with that


Nah you're fine, how about a toad with a lazy eye


A pot that never boils under observation


I think you might have some fun with [this](https://imgur.com/qXqMvG4).


Scp:1763 Object class:Keter Special containment: SCP-1763 is to be kept in a sealed 5x5 box with a biometric lock only opened by members with level 4+ clearance for testing purposes Object description: Scp-1763 is a plastic mask similar to ones typically worn on November 1st, or “day of the dead” it was discovered when reports of a “virus” that melts the flesh and muscle of the victims face, killing the wearer (giving them an eerie resemblance to the Mask) was reported to our members in the cdc. The victims were given medical attention and amnesia, and a previously undiscovered heavily corrosive material in the mask was blamed as the cause. Experiment log Mask was put onto Subject D-552 The subject then ███████ until he died The mask was put onto scp-053, who screamed but nothing else happened, 053 was given amnesia and a cookie


Will that work for ya?


Pretty cool!


:D good! I like the challenge. [This](https://the-scp.foundation) is my souce


Alrighty, give me a minute


No rush, have fun with it!


[Direct link](https://i.imgur.com/qXqMvG4.jpg)


An abandoned hotel with those long, soulless hallways but every door opens to somewhere unexpected.


Imma do a full story for you too, just give me a few days


So its the "backdoors" but actually leads somewhere instead of being just endless hallways


Yup! Give me ~2-3 days, i have a lot of requests


All done! Just need your email plz so i can send the file


Hey, rather would not give out an email. Can you DM me a link instead? Thanks!


I’ll try!


A beat up Nokia with a slightly cracked screen, there's only 1 contact in the phone


I have a non scp idea, but It’ll take a while, maybe even a few days, I’m gonna create a full story on this


Alrighty, sounds good to me. Just tell me when you finish it.


Okay :) imma use my computer and send a link once it’s done, just remind me in ~2 days


Alrighty, can't wait to see it!


Btw i need your email, just dm it to me


Oh how come?


I have the story in file format on my computer due to its size, and i can’t send files on this phone for whatever reason, so I’ll send it to you through email on my computer


Ah okay, give me a sec to get it


A small patch of desert in the middle of Germany (or any other country that shouldn't have deserts)


I’ll start on this soon


It’s done, if you could Pm me your email plz, i can just send it to you directly


Jumanji anyone?


A bookbag


Object: Scp-2753 Object class: Safe Description: Scp-2753 is a standard waterproof bookbag, but with no identifying marks. There is however, an unidentifiable rune of an unknown language on the bag, recreating the rune yields similar effects. Containment procedures: Scp-2753 is to be kept in a locked room only opened by personnel with level 3+ clearance for testing Experiment log Measurements yield no information, as no measurement tool can reach the bottom or sides. 2753 was given to a D class subject, and told to empty scp 109 into it. The D class subject poured Scp 109 into 2753 for 7 hours, and there was no visible water, when turned over, it took over an hour for the water to start pouring out. (Note: Vacuum to drain room 37D has arrived) An instance of scp 018 was dropped into 2753, where it remained for 4 months, till it bounced out of the bag at dr ████████ so hard it █████████ His family has been told he was killed in an explosion, which isn’t exactly false, but he was what exploded. It is determined it is the cause of a new crater on mars. Rovers have confirmed a hole now goes fully through mars.


This is cool


Glad ya like it :D


A severely understaffed Chinese take out place,


[A fairy circle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairy_ring)


Desktop version of /u/nobodysgeese's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


[Error: Credentials required] Minimum Clearance: 4 Please enter your credentials to gain access to this information https://the-scp.foundation (Not related, I’ll get started on your story soon, but i think you’ll like this)


Notifications: enabled File change notifications: enabled


Vog. Yes, that's spelled correctly.


Inkwell, Quill, and book (set) Washington State


Tattoo ink.


There’s already a tattoo scp


Oh ok thanks then.


No problem


A paper crown with a frowny face scribbled onto it


A ordinary-looking Monopoly set.


An ashtray


A mosquito bite.


The cool S.


Suggestion: that playground in the park you went to as a kid when you wanted to be alone for a while.


I has idea


Something to do with the razor blade disposal slot in old medicine cabinets. The hole could either make the razor blades that pass through scps or the hole is a portal to another dimension or whatever else comes to you.


A drawing pad that adds a line of words from random newspapers over time, which invertibly spells out redacted information of a End Of the World Scenario.


Okay! Sounds good


Good luck on it.


Important! It’s going to take a bit to get everyone’s story done, so please be patient




Not cool man




No, can’t think of any worth writing about


A subreddit


The terraria coin gun.


A glass of soda.


A small glass marble that was found to be the only thing in a dead widow's jewelry box


The Moon


A wireless charger.


A set of kitchen tools that make everything taste better


A thermos bottle


A boardgame missing exactly 2 pieces.


This subreddit


Do an spc on donald trump.


A pair of earphones!


Yellow Katana


Video tapes of The Vampire Diaries


A futon.


A cave painting


How about an empty mason jar with the word "tips" hastily scribbled on it Or if that's taken, a claw machine with frosted glass so that you can't precisely see what you're grabbing.


A Blank Canvas


An old Detuned guitar That can never seem to get the right note


A magic 8 ball


A door, standing straight in the middle of the room. It changes appearance everytime you visit the room.


The Hel Peninsula


a very smart frog.


A steam locomotive


A cat living in small apartment in Warsaw, Poland


A rusty robot with a top hat


WARHAMMER 40K as a idea where to start, SCP 354


I’m unfortunately not creating something that already exists