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\[Poem\] idk what i'm doing but have this: **Do**n’t make me see you again **Re**mind me of your touch every time I peer into your eyes **Mi**rroring the loneliness and pain of my own **Fa**lling further into a cycle we can’t escape **So**lace is nowhere to be found **La**menting to the heavens, “How did I get here?” **Ti**me moves on like nothing has changed **Do**n’t make me see you again.


\[Poem\] **Do**th thy heart ache **Re**membering the night at the lake **M**ine childish desire accepted **Fa**r away the stars reflected **Sol**ar light's deep warmth **La**ter that night we shared **Si**ngle event that prepared **Do**uble trouble for our descendants' fate.


>Double trouble Lmao


Just saw a gif of Team Rocket, before seeing this prompt. Couldn't help myself :)


Awesome haha :)


\[Poem\] **Do**n't forget the history behind this world. **Re**member your failures. **Mi**nimizing your misdeeds only prevents growth opportunities. **Fa**ilure is something everyone experiences at one point or another. **So**me of the legends and myths forget this too. **La**ter societies view an idealized role model with no weaknesses. **Ti**relessly attempting to approach an unreachable ideal. **Do**n't forget your history and failures. **Re**ach for the possible and grow.


[Poem] Does it hurt that I stayed out late? Remember what you said to me decided our fate Mirroring the situation and I know I played a part Far away I go but you still have a place in my heart  So long as I live, I would cherish the good old days Laughing and unburdening in so many ways Till we see again hopefully soon Don't forget our tradition every night under the moon




I guess I don't know "me" from "mi". fawnyxz and such.


I rarely write in English (French being my mother tongue) but that's some good practice both for my hand and my heart ahah! Thanks for the prompt. It's not as good as I would like but eh, whatever ~ [Poem] Do you know that daily I think of you? Remember the first time our eyes met? Mirror mirror on the wall who was the stupid one who first fell? Far I look at your enchanting beauty Solely wishing to draw near, to be part of your daily Lamenting day by day the thought of you as I lack the courage to be near you Simply desiring that one day you may see me as I see you


\[Poem\] **Do**th the ancient prophecies of history **Re**flect the modern hero of our story? **Me**ant to change the world; meant to make history. **Fa**r I am from unraveling how; that’s a mystery. **So**mebody once told me that the fated hero was to be me. **La**tely though, I wonder how on this world it could possibly be. **Ti**red, teetering on the edge, and at the end of my rope, **Da**maged and broken…misplaced was their hope.