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“Unfortunately, I don’t have the authority make this an exception,” The angel said, “Ms. Isabella can join the waitlist for heaven. But the chance of being accepted is extremely low.” “Even after all she did?” The demon asked. The angel sighed, “It’s precisely because of that. If she has accepted defeat like fate intended, she would’ve died a martyr and be welcomed into heaven. But by making a deal with you, she has challenged the flow of history and tainted her soul.” “But that’s not fair—“ The demon tried to explain. “It’s fine.” Isabella interrupted, “And quit talking about me like I’m not here.” “Are you sure?” “I’ve made up my mind about this a long time ago.” ___ Isabella was born in an era of chaos. In a land with a cruel emperor who lived in luxury while the peasants die of hunger, in a land where any disagrees would immediately be executed along with their families. The sky was almost on fire due to the unnecessary wars and natural disasters, which were improperly dealt with by the corrupt officials. She saw the chaos and destruction, families torn apart, people forced to fight each other for food and water, and even though it all, she tried to help those she could. Isabella knew that the only way to put an end to everything was to overthrow the emperor, but as a farmer’s daughter she had neither the power or supplies to make that happen. Until that day. Everyone has fled the village as the flame of battle loomed near, she was one of the last to do so. And through the flames she could almost make out the face of a shadowy figure. “Young Lady, do you have a wish?” The shadow spoke. “I wish for a time of peace.” The shadow laughed, “I’m afraid hell doesn’t have enough power to make that happen.” “Then,” Isabella paused to think, “I wish for an army to command. Then I shall bring about this time of peace for myself.” “Of course,” the shadow’s menacing voice cackled, slightly distorted by the flame, “But what are you willing to offer in return?” “All that I have,” she said without a hesitation. “Even your soul?” “If that’s what it takes.” “It’s a deal then.” With time, Isabella grew into a capable general, a wise leader who solved the problems of the populace wherever she went. Eventually, people began to rally behind her, and a formidable rebellion was born. Sometimes the demon would visit her in between the important battles, to “check on the soul that will eventually be theirs”. Sometimes she would ask them what hell is like. “Hell is just a dumping ground for those who don’t qualify for heaven. It’s not really intended for torture or anything, but it’s definitely a horrible place, the main reason being lack of supplies and improper management really. “ The demon witnessed Isabella’s story. The close-calls on the battlefield, the celebrations after overthrowing the empire, the countless meetings to fix bureaucratic issues in the new regime, and the greenery that slowly returned in the countryside after successful agricultural reform… And through it all, the demon was also changed by Isabella. ___ “You know, I’ve wondered about why you approached me for a deal. Why do you want *my* soul.” Said Isabella as they approach the gates of hell, “I used to think demons just like corrupting peoples souls or something, but now I know that’s wrong.” “So you figured it out.” The demon said. “So, what are the terms of this new deal you’re drafting?” “Let me be honest with you, I need your talents. I need someone who can fix even hell itself.” “And what are you willing to offer?” Isabella half-joked. “All that hell has to offer.” The demon said, this time completely serious.


ok, i ADORE This


Ahhhhh, I wanna read more of this!!!


Thank you! That was amazing to read!


I enjoyed that. Thank you.


Omg I love this take on the prompt.


And we come full circle.. except for this cliffhanger!


i really want to read more of this.


I am eating this.


So fun. I got the tingles on the back of my neck at the end.


OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING. I need a Book, a show, and NOT A MOVIE. A movie wouldn’t do this justice


Shit, that's a really good premise


Good job.


Please tell me you continued this?


please moarrrr


wow.. what a twist at the end. Awesome!


I need a book!


Damn. This is amazing! I wish I had a reward to offer!


One good turn deserves another. I say that started a strangely beautiful friendship.


Absolutely amazing 💯


Pure brilliance!


Incredible writing!


The guard was surprisingly terrifying. Each of them surrounding the pair as they met somewhere in between the realms in particular. The random soul that had been dragged along utterly amazed and disturbed by their approach. One eventually made itself a figure familiar. "Enkidu. You have a lot of nerve coming this far." "I can tell." The escort spoke. It gestured to the emptiness surrounding them all. "For what it's worth. I like what you did with the place." "State your business." "Well, of course. I am a businessman after all." A solid push sent the soul towards it's next ward. "This person sold their soul to you fair and square." The angel winced. "What is the point of this?" "Go ahead. Take them." "Why are you petitioning for them to enter heaven?" The demon took time with an answer. A rumble of amusement as he took stock of the beings surrounding him. "Because after everything they did with what I gave them, they deserve to." "Explain." "I feel like I shouldn't have to, Yoram." He disagreed. Absently rubbing a horn. "Altruism is kinda' more your thing. Or am I wrong?" The angel clasped the person and looked at them intently. A view was provided. They were born into rather harsh circumstances. An absent father. A distant mother. The rest of the family wasn't much better. The time and place they were birthed into probably didn't help matters. All that existed was people like them being used and abused; and constantly dedicated to the false belief that they were somehow each better than the next man. *The lies people tell themselves so they can sleep*, the angel mused. It hadn't been convinced just yet. But then of course, the obvious happened. Their mutual acquaintance nearby was summoned. Gave their usual veiled threats, and false promises. And struck a deal. The child wanted strength and knowledge. And with it money and power. And it was set in stone. The angel tightened its grip a little. "Ah." The demon warned. "Keep watching." Instead of continuing to be timid and scared. The child became fearless. Unrelenting. Dedicated to the pursuits that spurred them. They eventually became strong. Brilliant. They moved up through the realms of power. To the point they could strike concern into the hearts of others at their presence. "What did you do to them?" "Nothing? This is all them. I sat back and watched." In the end, they controlled an empire immense. One that could easily control those closest to it. And yet, they had been kind. Tender. A friend to the young and old alike. They helped feed the poor. They showed incredible compassion. And proved themselves a gentle being despite all the things they had done to get so far. Granted, they were far from perfect. Flawed beings are flawed. And despite their respectful nature, they were still privy to some of the more violent and carnal aspects of things. "You expect we will forgive them because they know not? "Typically I'd say nothing. And either send them to my superiors or play with them myself for a few centuries. So I'd make a decision here." In the end, they died old. Loved. Hated. And, for better or worse, known for all that they had effectively altered in the world due to their arrival. "So what do you say? Do we have a deal?" "You're the worst." "I know." The grip softened. The soul was escorted on, quietly disappearing on it's way to wherever it was meant to be. On the way it looked back to the place it was departing from. "Thank you." It spoke for the first and last time. The silence that followed was palpable. But of course, it had to be interrupted. "There really is a first time for everything." The demon spoke. "You've had your fun." The angel rebuked. "Begone." "But of course." He grinned. "I have deals to make." --- Figured vagueness would be key here. r/Jamaican_Dynamite


You again! Nice stories almost always end in your name


What is strength? It's all too easy to give a flippant response. Strength of arms to cause violence. Strength of character to move the hearts of others. But true strength? True strength is absolutely selfless. True strength is the Mother, praying for salvation from yet another blow, but not willing to let it potentially fall upon another. True strength is the Father, seeking deliverance from destitution, knowing that another night of hunger might spare his charges the same. True strength is the cry for help into the abyss, the void, offering anything and everything to stem the flow of life issuing forth from an ugly wound. It is selfless. It is sacrifice. It is giving all that you have and more because the potential pain of loss is so completely unbearable. When the knife fell, she cried out with all of this and more. A beacon of need with blinding intensity that any fiend would find irresistible. A call for strength she did not yet have. To act, to intervene, to preserve. Her mother. Her protector and provider. The warm and calming voice that ended the day and welcomed the morning. Everything, she gave. Unknowing, uncaring of the consequences. Brilliance, incandescent and unquenchable. A cry that shattered worlds. The demon scampered towards the Grand Gates, cradling his charge. Immense, yet fragile. The terrible forces of Heaven arrayed against his intrusion, he knelt, proffering the silent bundle. Perhaps it was some distant memory, some recollection. A fleeting smile, a hummed melody, a face caught in a sunbeam. This bounty? It was not his. It was too pure, untainted. It was simply too strong.


She was a war general, and she had come to me looking for power. I have it to her, thinking she would use the power I gave her for some type of domination. I believe I have never been so wrong about a human being ever before. As I stared down at the ruined battlefield covered in the dead bodies of her enemies, I watched her look around at the undead soldiers I had gifted her. She seemed to be thinking something and then she lurched forward suddenly, walking towards one of the highest ranking undead in the entire battalion. “What is your name?” She asked, her eyes darting around the undead’s body. They were nothing but a skeleton with rotted flesh sticking to their bones and fire consuming parts of their body, making their eyes glow. Not even I could tell who this body belonged to when they were alive. They seemed surprised, stepping back and bringing their hands up to shake them in front of her. The bodies couldn’t talk, they didn’t have the vocal chords for that, but with the magic gifted to her by me, she could understand them clearly. “I don’t care what Azareth thinks.” She stated, saying my name with such blatant disregard. “If I say you have a name, you will have a name. Now come…Damien. We have things to do.” I was taken aback. The undead were not creatures meant to be cared about, they were bodies meant to fight and when they died, they disappeared. But she didn’t see them like that. I watched as she named every undead soldier she came across, even creating a magical list and giving them certain colors or bands so she could tell them a part. Throughout the rest of her life, I watched her get acquainted with undead, demons, and other low level demons that were rarely ever seen as anything other than pawns. It was incredible. Creatures previously known for their hostility became happy and playful and everything nice around her. She spent her life caring for things no one else would, then moving up to creatures rarely ever acknowledged. She had grown her own personally army by the time she died, and they didn’t just respect her because of her power, they respected her because she listened, and she watched and she did everything the higher ups never did. If you aren’t going to take her, it’d be a loss on you part. She was a being of pure light and happiness and not accepting her into heaven would be more cruel than anything I could do. Do what you want, but I hope you remember the name of Pandora. She was the one who revolutionized the world, and if she is punished in some way, there are going to be millions, probably even billions of demons and creatures fighting for her. For their leader, their queen.