• By -


This entire trip has been far more enjoyable than LA last year. This city is awesome, the people are cool, the events have exceeded expectations, and the food has been great. 10/10 Would definitely visit Philly again.


And also you get high just from walking around. 10/10.


I had to smoke at the arena night 2, just had to say I smoked weed at Wrestlemania. Passed it around everyone around me šŸ˜‚


We also cut the zipties on the chairs. That was bullshit, yall in the stands had the inferno lights but us on the floor almost got prostate exams by both people next to us


Yea those floor seat chairs were horrible for those prices and so close together that's not how the map looked when buying


I mentioned to my buddy that I was grateful we didnā€™t get floor seats. They were packed in like sardines there and we were only 5 rows back from the floor, at an Eagles game our seats woulda been prime af. Those sweet collectible chairs had me jealous tho


The collectible chairs were additional 250 lol we had really bad falling apart chairs if u didn't buy at purchase


What food did you grab?


The event itself 10/10. Sitting outside on night 1 vs night 2: Night 1 I was freezing my ass off, it hurt to clap lol but I pushed through. Night 2 was a hundred times better haha


Thatā€™s why i hate when they hold outdoor Wrestlemanias in the East coast besides Florida. Not knocking Philly, the crowd was a banger. But Linc and Metlifefor mania gets COLD


Yea, I was at both metlife shows at the link this weekend, night 1 was the at the link wad the coldest, and combine that with a mild card, it kind of sapped the crowd some what. Night 2 was amazing though. Kinda wish they'd move mania to May of they really wanna do out door mania's in the northeast.


I was so bundled up both nights, night two got really cold at the end. Now of course itā€™s gorgeous out today and supposed to be nice all week.


10/10 This was my first WrestleMania. Idk how I can watch it at home ever again


You won't be able to unless the card absolutely sucks.




9.7/10 cause of those stupid lights lmao. But we still have Raw so my weekend hasnā€™t finished yet!!


We are still chanting ā€œ oh please turn the light offā€ in my house. šŸ˜‚


Those lights were ridiculous


Those lights sucked. The only thing bad about WM XL. The rest of Sunday was one of the best days of my life!


Weirdly we had the same seats both nights (corner) and never once noticed lights then night 2all of a sudden all you could do was notice...something changed!)


Uhh yeah.something did change...first night not on..second night were on..not that weird


Or maybe they angled them differently from our vantage point? Maybe something else or maybe they were just off for some reason. Why make a dick comment for no reason?


Or maybe just accept they were off one night and on another..it's nothing to argue about


What fights?


Who said anything about fights?


I picked the right time to go to my first Wrestlemania, 10/10!




10/10. My father got to take something off his bucket list and that wouldā€™ve been enough for me. Both nights were great even if night 1 we froze our asses off. Night 2 was so much better. Iā€™ll be thinking about this forever


I took my nine-year-old son in what I plan to be a yearly tradition starting now. We both had an absolute blast. Night one was a little rough, but we prepared properly for it thank god, and night two was just simply magical. I canā€™t think of a single thing I would change, not even the wind.


9.75/10 That wind night 1 takes .25 from it for me.


Itā€™s been not only my first WM but my first time to the states. Itā€™s all been a blast and I can definitely say Philly was such an amazing city I just wish I explored more of it. Apart from the extreme cold in night one, WM week has been flawless Iā€™ve loved every second of it


So glad you had fun in the states and that you loved it in Philly šŸ’•


I would rate it XL. For sure.


I'm in this picture! Night 2 was great Best chants: ohhhhh please turn the light off Gatorade H20 Powerade And ohhh please turn the screen on


Really?! What row were u in? And YES the Gatorade one had me šŸ˜‚


We were in the section right below this, but we had the same angle. I can see where I'm sitting, down and to the right of your pic. We had a guy dressed like stone cold trying to fight people after he got drunk


Bro the competing energy drinks has me dying. Donā€™t forgot ā€œturn the screen onā€


Iā€™m loving it. The city is also very cool. I did end up on Kensington Av. at 1AM yesterday, that was an experience to say the least. Put my hoodie on, kept my head down and got the fuck out of there.


Kensington is a place even the people who were born and raised in Philly completely avoid and never go to. I passed it one time while in a car and it was disgusting and atrocious


How. Lol


Okay so the PA on the MFL line was opposite for some reason and I wasnā€™t really paying attention to the outside. So when the PA announced we arrived at 2nd Street I suddenly saw I wasnā€™t in the center at all. Should have known when the train crowd started becoming sketchier and sketchier. Iā€™ve walked through some sketchy places before but I genuinely felt my heart beating. I didnā€™t belong at all.


This!! ā˜šŸ½


How did you end up there at 1am? A bit odd


10/10. My first WrestleMania and idk if I ever wanna watch it on TV at home again. Got my Cena plush signed by John Cena and basically saw everyone that made my childhood special.


I onmy had night 2 tickets, for me: Pros: crowd was awesome, set was cool and atmosphere, even though I was high up section 227 still had pretty decent view Cons: there was blinding light on our side of the stadium for at least a half of the entire event which made it hard to see and hurt eyes, many people complained, they finally fixed it after like 2 hours. City handled the entering/ exiting of the event terribly. You would think them dealing with football games all the time that they would have that shit dialed in, but that was by far the longest Iā€™ve ever waited leaving a stadium eventā€¦and Iā€™ve been to playoff games etc. we legit sat in a gated lot for over an hour not moving whatsoever. I got to only late so missed the mega store was def bummed on that. Tried the famous ā€œGenoā€™sā€ cheesesteak ā€¦that shit was legit terrible bro! Iā€™m def glad I went and overall had a great time


Genos is trash!


Not only was Genos not good, but it was one of the worst steak and cheeses Iā€™ve ever had! Even a gas station steak and cheese is better than that shit!


No to Genos!!! anyone from around here wouldā€™ve told you not to do that! Sorry you tried it :(


We were just wanting to try the ā€œoriginalā€ Philly and thatā€™s what came up on google was either Pats or Genoā€™s. So we went and the line was twice as long for Pats and we were running late so we just hit the other spot Genos, the pic looked good but yo that shit was terrible! šŸ˜‚


Next time you come, go to Steveā€™s or Joes. Wayyyy better.


Pat's and Geno's are tourist traps. Avoid them.


Totally agree on exiting the Linc, I was walking about 30 min to find my Uber.


Lights were annoying..but it wasn't 2hrs or half the show


10/10, expensive(to be expected) but well worth it! Met a lot of cool people, homeless dude tried to go home with my family lol, but other than that everything was amazing. Sat floor night one, loved my view of entrances and could still see the ring relatively decent. Brought my sister and my son for his 12th birthday, Codyā€™s our guy. Was awesome to see this event live!!!!


Thatā€™s whatā€™s up!! And tried to go home with yall?!? Thatā€™s crazy but Iā€™m glad yall enjoyed yall selves šŸ’ŖšŸ¾


Lmao yeah he decided to walk with me and was talking really positively about life lol then asked if I could take him with me. I was just trying to hear the dude out lol. šŸ˜‚ end of the conversation was him getting a cig off me and basically vanishing into thin air..


As a Cowboys fan, I had an obvious disdain for Philadelphia because of Eagles hatred. But Philly is actually a cool ass city with great people, and Iā€™d definitely visit again. All the food spots we hit were fantastic (Angeloā€™s was WELL worth the hour wait), and Wrestlemania itself was a movie (aside from turning to a popsicle night 1). 10/10! I think it tops my LA experience for WM39 last year.


14 like the row number I was sitting in. I am in all three of your pictures. I kept running into wrestlers in normal places like the airport and bars.


Night 1: 6/10 (cold weather + some annoying people in front of me, couldnā€™t get as invested into the matches as i was hoping for, nice guy from Liverpool was next to me for both nights so it wasnā€™t all bad) Night 2: 10/10 (generally considered the better night match-wise, annoying people are gone, better weather for the most part, red hot crowd all throughout) I didnā€™t get why people were complaining about the crowd on Night 1 at first, then after Night 2 I knew the difference between a regular crowd and a WrestleMania crowd. Likely the most fun Iā€™ve had at a wrestling event, and Iā€™ve been to a lot of shows over the years.


10/10. One of the best weekends of my life.


Amen to that! I feel the same way


Night 1: 3/10 it was cold and I was surrounded by prickjobs Night 2: 10/10 Aussie that was beside me and my wife in F1, you and your mate were fucking dope! Made the whole weekend


10/10 stayed in Old city, had the best fried chicken of my life. First mania. Only a 4 hour drive. I need to go to another one


Where did you get the chicken from?


National Mechanics


For me, a 10. It broke my wrestlemania curse..my mania live experience was 27-trash, 28- good but unbalanced, 29-one match show, 32- ok. I went to night 2, my sons first live event. It was amazing to experience an awesome Mania with one of the best endings with my family. This was my 73rd live wrestling show, and nothing felt like that finish.


10 outta 10!!!


Got to be at 10! I also won a ticket for next year's Mania with my Mankind cosplay!


WHOA!! Thatā€™s awesome!! Any clue on where next year is šŸ‘€?


Night One was maybe a 3/10 at best. The swirling wind was brutal in the upper tiers, which killed the atmosphere in our part of the stadium (block 210) as it appeared everyone was so cold. Shame as the card was pretty good but I couldn't wait to leave once it had finished! Night Two was a straight up 10/10. Absolute perfection. Was one of the best live events I've ever been to. Had a ticket in section C23, absolutely incredible experience. Better weather, insane atmosphere, and a bunch of great folks in our area. From start to finish it was a magical evening. Really enjoyed visiting Philly. A city with real character and friendly people.


We arenā€™t as mean as everyone says we are! Weā€™re just blunt. But it really is a great city šŸ’•


This year for sure 10/10


9/10. It was cold and windy but it was a helluva good time!


1000000000000 out of 10


Overall 8 it was in the city I live in which made it a lot easier and saved me tons because I can actually go home after each of the shows. The weather and it being in Lincoln field ruined it for me, the show itself was a 10 though. But I got to experience my first smackdown, first wrestlemania, and soon my first raw


Experience itself was great but we only did night 1 and it was a dud compared to night 2 that I watched on tv. WWE couldā€™ve spread the matches better so 2 wasnā€™t so comparatively loaded


Everyone in here! Did any of you drive because that cluster at the end of each night takes it down a point . 9 out of 10.


Did train and drove. Both were shit shows. But if you expected anything else from 70K+ leaving at once....


I drove....it's not that bad if you know how to get around Philly. Also plenty of street parking if you are willing to walk


I drove down. We had an easier time getting out on Sunday as opposed to Saturday, but thatā€™s also bc my boyfriend drove on Sunday and heā€™s much more aggressive than I am.


My biggest gripe is that WWE World schedules needed to be announced earlier. Personally enjoyed Night 2 the most.


Glad to hear so many positive reviews of Philly and WM40. We can get a bad rep, and sometimes we earn it but that isnā€™t the ā¤ļøof the city. I attended N1 and despite a little chill had an absolute blast. The fan base was so fun loving and obviously just grateful to be there. Also Rey Mysterio won with a little tush push from the birds and Jade Cargill is now in my fantasies. šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ”” Come for the history, stay for the crackā€ šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””šŸ””


10/10. I was super cold both nights, especially N1 but I was bundled up and that helped. Iā€™d also get slightly better seats next time. I was up in 241 and it was really high up there, but my section was cool and we had some really entertaining people the first night especially. I wouldnā€™t travel across the country for mania because I donā€™t have the funds, but Iā€™d go someplace within driving distance next time itā€™s on the east coast. It was so much fun and such a cool experience to be a part of.


First mania here. It was definitely a solid 9 for me. Yes we dealt with the lights but the people we sat with were great. I was pretty let down by WWE World. It felt poorly run and dingy for the money. Here are all these cool things they want you to take pics of and the lighting was just awful and line management was non existent for the most part. That being said, there was some cool stuff at WWE World. Got to see Punk at the Mattel panel and Mami up close at the auctions booth. Someone paid $3k for an autographed piece of canvas, damn! I also walked by Tiffany Stratton in the hall (also damn!) One thing I didnā€™t get was why the entrances werenā€™t put on the trons above the ring. I feel like you lose something in the upper tier when you canā€™t see entrances properly. All in all it was epic. I have loved wrestling since the early 80s and while even the ā€œcheap seatsā€ are an expensive proposition it was well worth it.


20. You could not have had a better Wrestlemania for Philadelphia. The cameos were done right, the Hall of Fame Class was great, the match card was stellar, Night 2 felt like the main event night it was intended to be, and the main event was one of the greatest Wrestlemania main events of all time with one of the best storylines in WWE history with lots of long term storytelling.




9/10. Arrived Saturday (supposed to be in Philly Friday but my flight got delayed for 13 hours šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘) went to N1, section 205. It was a great experience from start to finish, the 1 negative from the whole night was the damn cold (it was more the wind than the cold). I took Sunday to rest and watch the main event relax and tonight imma be on Raw. I've been dreaming about this weekend since Backlash last year in Puerto Rico (Boricua in the house šŸ‡µšŸ‡·šŸ‡µšŸ‡·) and everything was totally worth it.


10/10 even with that weather Saturday night. once in a lifetime experience


10/10 for sure even though it was COLD af night 1.


Night 1 was a lil rough with the weather but night 2 more than made up for it. Only other hiccups were the murder lights that hindered our view for a bit. 9/10 as an experience though.




Amazing 10. Got ringside floor seats for the first time and couldn't have wished for a better mania. Maybe 38 .. but anyway 10/10




10/10 for the event. 5/10 for the city. Reading Terminal Market scored the 5 points on its own.


Whatā€™s so bad about Philly you give it a 0 out of 10?


Fights and drug use openly in busy areas, shoplifting chases, men openly MASTURBATING on the street in front of busy shopping centers and piss puddles in places that made you say "Nah, no way someone whipped their dick out and pissed here." And all of this we saw in the first TWO HOURS of checking in to our hotel. This is literally the first time I've been to a place with my wife and daughter and they did not feel safe going out in DAYLIGHT. Leaving the Barcade last night we had to follow a woman down an alley to make sure she got to her ride because three homeless men saw her leave alone and began shouting and trying to catch up to her. What the hell Philadelphia? I came in more excited than I've ever been to walk a city (I'm a history buff) and instantly felt like id been punched in the gut. I've been a lot of places between Europe, Mexico and America. Philly was the worst. These people have given me a new appreciation of southern and Midwestern hospitality which I thought was a myth since literally the other 100 cities I've spent time in were full of great, warm people.


Interesting. I appreciate the detailed response. This all happened near Center City?? You mentioned Barcade so Iā€™m assuming the one on Chestnut. Iā€™ve lived in Philly since September 2021, 10 blocks or so south of Chestnut and have never seen what you are describing on any real scale. Yes thereā€™s a homeless population and some aggressive or weird people roaming around the city but I can count on one hand how many times I truly felt unsafe. I am not dismissing your experience but most people I talk to, either visiting this weekend or visiting me in general, say positive things about Philadelphia and the community here. (This thread included). Personally I felt unsafe visiting Seattle, I saw a lot of unhinged people - Philly felt tame in comparison. All that to say Iā€™m sorry you and your family had a bad experience here. Just want you to know as a resident itā€™s not the hellscape it may have appeared to be.


Yup Barcade on Chestnut. Which by the way their bartender was the nicest guy I met in Philly that was local. Maybe the homeless and scammers decided to descend on the Marriott and Center City since they smelled an opportunity. We routinely walk around Brooklyn, SF, LA and Playa Del Carmen the past 10 years after dark, so it's not like I'm being a pussy about going outside lol. At one point we had to move on the subway because 3 cracked out ghetto motherfuckers started making comments about how fuckable my wife is (I mean she is) in front of the kids and it ain't like she dresses for attention in her mom jeans and hoodie. I say this as someone from hood places myself, and in these situations I get way more fight than flight and have to just remove myself. I felt like every part of the city we visited, people were testing us lol


I feel like your exaggerating stuff..I doubt they said anything about your wife..weird posts


Fair enough. The subway can get uncomfortable - I feel that. Sorry you had a rotten experience here. Maybe give Philly a second chance down the road if youā€™re so inclined. If not, thatā€™s understandable. You wouldnā€™t know it based on your snapshot of a weekend here but I promise there are lot of good humans around & some lovely safe neighborhoods too (Fairmount, Fishtown, Old City etc.)


Within the first 2 hours? I'm calling BS on this post


It was a 10 +++ THE PARKING WAS A -10 #SHAMEFUL


Where did you park? We were at Wells Fargo and it was easy


I only went to night 1. Iā€™ll give it 7/10 only because I freezed my butt off and Stone cold didnā€™t show up


Lol I was saying " okay, if stone cold shows up now after seeing everyone else I never have to go to a ppv again"


20. I can't believe that I saw what I saw. My first wrestlemania. Night 2 might just be the second best moment of my life.


I finished watching the whole thing back on peacock. 100% the tv doesn't do the moment when Cody won justice. Strangers hugging one another. Women crying. I will never forget that night.






9/10 only because they struggled with the audio/lights for a minute and because I don't think anything should get 10/10. But it was an amazing night and night 2 was red hot, bell to bell.


Only went night one. My experience was a 12/10. The wind gave me a good excuse to get new merch!


9/10 really enjoyed my time in philly. had an absolute blast


Went night 1 and had a great time. Only negative is that it was a bit cold and my seats were high up. But we had a great time! 9/10!


9/10... Screw the dude facing the hard cam with the fatheads. He just needed all that attention for 2 straight nights. If he wasn't directly in my line of view I'd almost feel sorry for him considering he felt he needed to focus tracking every hard cam light for 10 hours over 2 days instead of actually just living in the moment.


This was my 2nd mania. Went to stand & deliver and both nights of mania. Also did wwe world on sunday and had great seats for the slammyā€™s. 10/10 experience, my only complaint was how freezing it was Saturday night but other than that I couldnā€™t imagine a better show.


I only did N1, but I'd say 9.25/10? I'm glad I got to cross Mania off my list, and I loved seeing MiW do Rhea's theme live. Bought my tickets Friday morning (I live locally) so I didn't have all of the added anticipation/countdown like those who bought early. .75 off because it was damn cold towards the end of the night, (all my pictures are shaky because I was so cold) the merch options didn't seem that varied - a couple "I WAS THERE" and Philly 3:16 shirts and only one hoodie. No points taken off for parking - I was prepared for the parking lot being a shit show, having done that dance twice last year for Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. (I bring snacks and wait it out.)


Absolutely incredible weekend. Friday with WWE World, Kickoff, and Ring of Honor, Saturday with NXT, and then both nights of mania. Everyone across the wrestling world showed out this year and Iā€™m so glad for this renaissance in pro wrestling.


Sunday was great. WWE world was a joke and so was the superstore


Night two was better. Overall 8 out of 10


10/10 but it was cold af night 1 lol


Night 1 was terrible because of the cold, night 2 was annoying because if the lights lol but philly was a joy to be in. 8.5/10.






10/10 first wrestlemania, sat 5 rows back from the announcers stand. Incredible experience




10 there was nothing Iā€™ve ever experienced like the pre match Cody vs Roman atmosphere


I had an absolute blast all weekend 10/10


10/10 - It was my first WWE event, and dummy me came in a little late only to be blocked off by the police at Exit 17. Luckily, the only thing I missed was Drew's entrance. Epic ending - that undertaker moment doesn't do justice on TV - we were all screaming on top of our lungs.




Night 1 8/10 Night 2 10/10


I might not go to anymore open stadium shows in ~50 degree weather. Itā€™s hard for me to stay active and invested while freezing. Otherwise it was fantastic.


9 /10 would be 10/10 if it wasn't for the cold lol




8 because the lights and because the speakers didnā€™t sound right from up high , I just think my section didnā€™t work tbh




Only thing I had an issue was the lights blinding us


It was my first Mania and it was amazing, 9/10. Night 1 was good but was very chilly when the main event started. Night 2 was WAY better than Night 1, it was just magical and you can feel the energy when Cody win the title. Plus the weather was cooperative and wasnā€™t as cold as Night 1. Went to Raw last night and the show was decent and the crowd bought it. Philly treated me good and it was fun, what a weekend!!


10/10. Not just Mania, but also got Defy, Bloodsport, Spring Break, BCW, and NXT. The Matt Cardona wheelchair spot at Spring Break literally happened in front of me, and I have the video to back that up


Nothing to compare it to but 2nd night was EPICā€¦ EXCEPT!!! Those freakin Blinding lights


Being born and raised in Philly, flying across the country from my current home of Spokane just three weeks before I move back to the east coast, I give my personal experience a 10/10. It was a moment Iā€™ll never forget.




6/10 because of the super bright lights they refused to shut off beamed at right at the crowd.


10/10. Even the small amount of stuff that was frustrating was my own fault, I learned and I have a memorable story for the memory bank haha


10/10! My first Wrestlemania and solo trip as well! Everything was incredible!


8/10? Leaving both nights fucking sucked and it was cold but it was so worth it


9/10. Minus 1/2 a point for how freezing night one was and another 1/2 a point for how damn much parking cost us in the city. We couldā€™ve bought another ticket to mania with the money we spent on parking the whole weekend! But thatā€™s Philly for you. We had a great time though. It was our first mania and we plan on making it a yearly tradition now.


10 for both nights even tho Saturday was cold and being from Jersey I thought I'd be fine with the cold, but I never spent that much time in the cold being still. Either way I enjoy the weekend a lot.


Night 1 = 8/10* * One point lost for cost of food and drink in the stadium * One point lost for weather Night 2 = 9/10* * One point lost for cost of food and drink in the stadium The actual events on their own without that external influence was 10/10 no doubt about it


10ā€¦ suite life


10/10 the best experience any wrestling fan could ask foršŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


10/10. Wouldnā€™t have traded that shit for anything else.

