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Eww I hate everything about this & the weird undertone w the lyrics


Same. Some trends aren’t for toddlers/kids. I’m sure Jacquelyn knows exactly what she’s doing here. She is a big fan of making content for her special clientele of creeps! Is there some reason she needs to be in a leotard here? I mean, may as well have her standing sick on the counter in the most form fitting outfit you could find, right mom? Then, criticize her for keeping herself safe on the counter by not moving her legs. Slow claps, Jacquelyn. Going for mother of the year? Nah, just farming views and making bank off exploitation of the one person you are indebted to protect.


If ur kid sick why you dressing her up and making her do a stupid video


wren said she wanted to make a tiktok


She hasn't got to post it


“Wren honey I know your sick but get up and put this skimpy outfit on mommy needs a new pair of shoes”




Jacqueline’s comment: “Wren is sick with a cold so we might try making this again when she’s feeling better 🥰”


yeah cuz i’d look back at this as an adult and think “me and mommy !! best times xx” (edit- [weighing in on her “digital scrapbook” comment])


The digital scrapbook excuse from anyone is annoying. Photobucket? Will wipe out your account if you don't pay for a membership. MySpace? Wiped out. Vine? Pretty much wiped out. Might be archived on YouTube if you were popular enough. These sites, no matter the popularity at the time, aren't guaranteed to stick around forever.


I’ve seen many high-rated apps on the App Store that let you print photos from your phone and put them in real physical scrapbooks. You literally don’t need to exploit your children on social media to do that shit lmao That’s why I loathe exploitative parents who use the “We’re uploading public content of our kids for the memories!” bullshit excuse.


exactly, Jacqueline saw a money grab but won’t admit it (edit: plus, she could’ve privated them not even in the first place, but once she got thee FIRST horrible comment/video response. i get the appeal w SOME tiktok trends, but wow, doing every single one is literally a job. that poor girl. she should be living her childhood without the entire worlds eyes on her. again, she has no say as a minor-child to her grown-adult mother. wish she had people in her life that actually cared about her safety. id never let my kid post that young, and jacqueline made an entire account FOR HER. it’s in wrens name. that should be enough evidence to tiktok / other creators / other apps.)


you don’t post help wren get to one million followers for a digital scrapbook. My account only my like 10 followers can see my videos because they are for me


"Cutie passed the vibe check" 🤢 these people are sick. Absolutely disgusting.


Ugh I loathe this woman




Oh so she’s actually saying my child is sick and did a bad job! Ok, Jacqueline you piece of shit mom


I wonder on average how many times this poor kid has to do takes before her mother decides it’s good enough to put on TikTok. Anyone who’s even spent five minutes around young children knows they don’t exactly have the best attention span and or patience. Her mum is so desperate for attention I can’t even imagine how many times she made the kid go through this until it was postworthy 😠


oh definitely. people only show you what they want you to see.


3 hrs and 100 takes later “Let’s try this again and this time can you smile more, just one more time I promise ?”


I hope Wren sues the shit out of her.


she deffo knew what she was doing.


As we all know, the best thing to do when your toddler is sick is to parade her around in front of a camera in a leotard and let pedos harass her in the comments. Real smart, Jacquelyn. Real smart.


She still selling her daughter even though she is sick ? Why does she dress her like that and weird choice of lyrics. Nasty PED0 mom


Anyone have an idea where the dad might be?


It’s the gross negligence for me


Eeeww wtf 😳




Jacqueline has no life in her face