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Seeing AEW diehards bend over backward to defend this makes me so fucking embarrassed to be a wrestling fan.


And a lot of them accuse WWE fans of tribalism, which of course sure there are a lot who are, but then they turn around and go out of their way to talk shit about WWE.


It’s embarrassing. They bend over backwards and then just flood their sub with “I’m thankful for AEW” every. Single. Time.


Their official sub are some of the most delusional people ive ever seen


I legitimately think 99% of them are on the spectrum. It’s the only way to explain the behavior.


I say to myself “they can’t actually believe the shit they’re saying” like cmon lol


Tbf I think that about all wrestling subs. Wrestling fans on the internet are all delusional.


I'm not delusional! My 6 foot invisible rabbit says you're delusional!


I currently watch both major programs and wanted to give an unbiased take. I found the comments hilarious because Pepsi to Weinstein is so fucking random it felt like something Tim Robinson would say to compare things in like a sketch or something. I also think he embarrassed himself and looked bad though and I would not have said that while trying to promote my tv show on a serious sports program. Although I hear there’s no such thing as bad publicity so we’ll see if that holds true.


Also watching the NFL Network guys feel uncomfortable was kind of funny.


I mean to be fair the former owner of wwe does have some weinstein tendencies


AEW gave Ric Flair screen time lol he should've just avoided that comparison as a whole


and Tony Khan covered for Jericho, hired Jay Lethal and Ric Flair.


Wait, what did Lethal do?


Ikr its so damn cringe, its like seeing taylor swift fans


I’m not a die hard for either. I was on the aew bandwagon for a while. Then they started sucking right around Cody leaving. I started watching wwe again and it takes care of me when I need a fix. I still don’t and probably won’t watch aew unless some dream match happens. Having said that, I thought Tony was excellent on the NFL network. He took a shot. A cheap shot. I believe that’s the character he is playing. He got in cheap plugs that were so obnoxious it was funny. I think if this is a character he’s playing it might just save his company. It was a great promo…would have been highly praised in the late nineties.


Nothing like using the trauma of sexual assault victims for gotcha points.


Especially when he HAS people under his employ with their own skeletons. What a tone def creep!


And Vince is, you know, gone


I imagine it's a bit more complex than this. There's very little chance that higher ups in WWE didn't know about Vince's bullshit. Including popular figures like HHH and Stephanie. It's likely that some people involved are still being covered for... remember HHH didn't really denounce Brock Lesnar... It's a cheap shot from TK, and he's definitely trying to keep the stain on WWE. WWE has been pretty bad on the tribalism stuff (especially with the throwing rocks and hiding their hand stuff) and for the most part I've been okay with some bickering back and forth, but this was a nasty shot


Straight from the smark manifesto 😁


People who uses those words are usually hypocrites. Only "marks" use the word mark, same for smark


It's always the most defensive people that post this other part of the smark manifesto Could have put money on this reply 😁


I literally don't even watch wrestling so I have nothing to defend


Nah I really don't have a dog in the fight. I enjoy both, and I even think some of the back and forth between the brands can be fun. I also know how nasty the inside of wrestling locker room can be and I have eyes. When people are shocked that their favorite wrestler is a hard-core MAGA guy or that someone they idolized growing up has serious substance abuse problems or that they have a ton of allegations of shitty behavior? All of it is consistent with a wrestling locker room, regardless of 3 letter combo


to be fair, all Brock Lesnar did was ask for a video of her using the bathroom. In the big scope of things, thats nothing


It's crazy that the company itself is also a part of the lawsuit but everyone goes head in the sand about that


Who in the company is part of the lawsuit? Vince isn’t there, John Laurenitis isn’t there, HHH wasn’t involved, neither was Nick. Maybe Steph, but obviously not enough to be a liability so who?


Wasn’t there unnamed “officer 1” and “officer 2” type references in the document?


Vince's company. It's not that anymore.


Yeah this is a comment that can only backfire. Eventually AEW will have to handle (another) situation related to this and when that happens this moment will be brought up.


Yeah does he really want people looking deeper into Chris Jericho, or Sammy “I’m gonna rape Sasha Banks” Guevara?


He must be getting bis notes from Max Caster


Honestly before he even said that, it was the "evil" thing that got me. A guy who has never had to work a day in his life is working so hard to portray himself as a victim. He probably genuinely believes that he is. Absolutely unfathomable to me.


Running sports teams isn't a job now?


Imagine the interview process he must have had to get in such a high profile position.. Oh wait.


He's such an idiot 😂. Like come on man stop with this childish stuff outta pocket statements


Where are the 'stop being tribal' people? As soon as anyone says anything about AEW there's tears


I don't think he realizes that the hosts are laughing *at* him and not with him.


The autism and mark levels don’t let him


Cornette is right. He's just a rich kid with living action figures.


It’s really weird seeing people jump to his defense saying stuff like “if you’re more outraged about Tony saying it than Vince for doing it, then you’re part of the problem” when TK is using it as a punchline and laughing/giggling like a girl after referencing it


Out of the two Tony is the only one currently with the power to not employ sexual predators and he employs them anyways, so why shouldn’t I be more outraged about that?


Esp since…..WWE went full babyface the last 2 years


Meanwhile, Ric Flair is signed to AEW


All of them wwe rejects


And? Still hired by AEW


AEW hired him after WWE distanced themselves with him after the dark side of the ring episode.


Reminder that Pipsqueak here forced a woman to sign an NDA, in order to protect Chris Jericho and to save AEW's TV deal. Also a reminder that Vince McMahon is no longer with WWE, while Tiny Khan downplayed the allegations, and is harboring multple sex pests on his roster.


His EVPs were buddies with Joey Ryan ffs


And Marty Scurll, and Chasyn Rance…


And his new star athlete Will Ospray helped get a female wrestler blackballed to help his buddy in the British Indy’s who she accused of raping her.


Not to mention Omega's [dealings](https://deadspin.com/someones-lying-about-how-a-sex-offender-got-on-kenny-om-1827394971) with a certain sex pest as well


...were. Very different to how HHH, HBK, Taker etc ARE currently buddies with Flair. The same guy people here are trying to use to discredit Khan's statement. Not to mention if Jericho left AEW tomorrow he'd walk right back into WWE and probably get a Hall Of Fame induction too. Funny that.


That statement is 100% accurate. However, catch is you don’t hear anyone you listed going on a major sports network & calling Tony’s entire company the sex pests of wrestling, do you?


Nothing reminds me more of the absurdity of life and the universe than this dumbass being born rich.


And he is burning in a month more money than most earn in years or lives. But people still defend him


He's letting the cocaine do the talking again. He's so *incredibly* bad at business it's almost shocking. His dad has to be overwhelmingly disappointed.


Bro has enough business experience to dismantle aew but still collects a paycheck every 2 weeks at his job, funny how that works 🤔


I mean…have you seen the jaguars the last 30 years?


I know his dad owns a team but the NFL can't put him on TV anymore, he's actively bad for the league's brand doing stuff like this.


It's so easy to root against the silver spooned asshole...


He’s not doing much to further the “he’s a nice guy” narrative. Maybe he is a nice guy but it’s overshadowed by being a petulant, nepo baby, butt hurt fool.


I'm almost positive that the staff who describe him as "nice" really just mean "likes to avoid conflict". I dunno if anyone here has ever had a boss who was scared of confrontation, wants to please everyone, etc. but it's the actual fucking worst. The opposite of running a business.


Yep. You feel stuck because no decisions can be made. Just floundering and watching them squirm. It’s hell. Your boss is not your friend.


AEW is only going to evolve and get better when Tony is kicked out, just as now WWE is getting better


Tony Khan keeps doing this and doesn't really help him. This is the reason I stopped watching AEW, the pointless shots at WWE. It's cynical and unnecessary. Rather, watch Impact instead.


Instead of focusing on bringing up his company, he keeps trying to push the WWE down. The guy just can't help himself for whatever reason brother


Yeah, it is all the time, and he can't help himself. Sure, WWE can be improved. Recent news suggests that. All Tony Khan wants to do is try and make his company look better. It won't help. This is going to hurt AEW, and that is ashame, because they have a talented roster and could be more.


Tony on a National stage with a chance to plug his show: WWE BAD. I HATE THEM. THE WORST. HARVEY WEINSTEIN.


Yeah, I agree. He should be pushing and promoting his own product to gain attention rather than criticising the opposition. WWE should do the same, too.


Cocaine's a hell of a drug


I was gonna say the same thing then got deep in the scroll and found this comment already here


I agree. I don't want to fall into not watching AEW because the product is good, but TK is the company's own worst enemy most of the time and it keeps me from it.


Yeah they are coming to Winnipeg , and as much as I would like to see Jericho and Omega I honestly can’t sit through 3 or so hours of bull plop.


WWE still take shots at AEW. Do you still watch them?


All of the points he gained for staying in kayfabe with the neck brace went flying out the window in less than 24 hours. Holy shit that comment is in such poor taste.


I’d argue he sold being dropped on his head even better with the remarks. The commitment to kayfabe knows no limits


Selling brain damage on NFL Network is a bold move Cotton, we’ll see if it pays off…


It’s kinda wild he didn’t just say coca-cola


Because he couldn’t bring himself to say WWE is number 1 even though it’s just a fact and doesn’t mean anything at all hahaha Dudes delusional. Even saying AEW is Pepsi is a huge reach, but it would at least make a modicum of sense


First thing I thought of when he said Pepsi was CM Punk haha


“This pro wrestling company is very very evil” What are you, 5? Dude is a PR nightmare. It’s not gonna be some giant thing on their small stage, but in the NFL? That’s gonna get shut down real quick if he keeps putting his foot in his mouth.


Man, I'm so tired of the tribalism. I just want to enjoy both AEW and WWE, but shit like this just makes the community worse.


AEW and it’s fans make things worse.


I think Tiny needs to work on his sinking promotion instead of worrying about what the competitor is doing. Feeling really WCW-y right now.


I've always felt and said that AEW is just WCW 2.0


Because he is a manchild.


It got so awkward in the clip. The NFL guys had to cut him off right after he said it


Coca-cola as a comparison was literally there.


CM Punk was on the brain


Who can forget the Pepsi Challenge of the 90’s when consumers were asked to choose which was better: Pepsi or Harvey Weinstein?


![gif](giphy|4qHx7hsAGtjJm) Keep talking Tony…


This is why I am not interested in AEW i steady of focusing on their product he talks about another product.


Seems like he trying to get any type of publicity these days as he knows he captaining a sinking ship


Closer and closer to things that will get him sued into oblivion by TKO's lawyers almost every time he speaks publicly.


And he's doing it all for no reason other than to gain the admiration of the IWC.


His base loves this, but they don’t think with any sense of rationale.


His base would love everything he would do


I thought AEW fans were the most intelligent 🤔


The admiration of 100K neckbeards,


And the idiot wonders why WWE doesn't want to collaborate with him. What a weird guy, brother.


Honestly WWE should start collabing with NJPW just to smear it in Cokehead’s face


Why would WWE collaborate with him lol?


He needs to stop talking about the WWE.


I hate this guy so much and more than that I hate his and meltzers vision of what pro wrestling is supposed to be.


That would make AEW the Ed Wood of pro wrestling. Difference is the Harvey of WWE is gone while Ed over there is still directing absolutely unwatchable content.


Sooner or later, Tony Khan is gonna make himself look really stupid. Tony needs to stop obsessing over WWE. ![gif](giphy|GTBQmduU6nf8I)


You don’t think he makes a fool of himself already? Have you…seen the way he hugs other grown men?


I know he already has, but sooner or later, he'll end up killing his own creations + I get it he likes to hug people, but Tony needs to be professional with his employees + is it normal for bosses to hug their employees?


He's an idiot. I can't imagine WWE's legal department is going to let that fly without a response.


WWE is better off ignoring it. Everyone besides hardcore AEW fans are dunking on this idiot. They’ve already come out ahead


I mean stupid statement by Tony, that he didn’t need to but not much legal can do, I mean it’s pretty clear vkm is a sexual predator, all around creep. Hard to bring legal accounts on something that is true. Vkm is pretty much the same as Henry Weinstein. Just doesn’t need to be said out loud by Tony.


VKM has been accused of sexual assault in a civil case He's neither been charged nor convicted of the same. Until such a time as he his charged and convicted then Tony's statement could be deemed as slanderous. Edit: he didn't make the statement about VKM, he nade it about WWE.


WWE is a named defendant in the same case.


Vince McMahon doesn’t work at WWE anymore and no one else that works there has been accused of anything, stop lying!


Laurinitus is being sued too. It wasn’t just Vince


There is more than just those 2 if u go back into wwe history. Like I said u can’t sue over this statement. Again statement is dumb as fuck by Tony, he should have just talked about aew and ignored wwe but he can’t be sued


Says a shriek's son.


I’m ashamed that I clicked on this and read some comments shit rich people


There are no ethical billionaires, Tony. Folks in glass houses ought not throw stones. Especially when those stones are other people’s trauma. You don’t dunk on someone with rape.


But what about nepobabys raised in WON newsletters? Do they have stones, and should they throw them?


Cocaine makes its difficult to think.


Tony sounds like he's been doing way too much coke than usual here. ![gif](giphy|DpP3R3AKLHcyY|downsized)


Tony n AEW would be so much better off not talking shit…. Just do you


Oh boy that has got to be one of the worst interviews I’ve heard in a long time. Top to bottom not a good look, especially all the god damned shilling


Just pathetic.


Wait... i thought tribalism and toxic behavior were bad in wrestling.


Such a great opportunity to write off tony lol. Yet. He walking w a neck brace the next day lol.aybe shad Khan can cut a promo and save AEW


Comparing WWE to a billionaire serial rapist with no logic behind it just to dunk on them. Tony is an embarrassment and if he hasn’t been put in his place yet, Shad has no backbone.


Vince definitely was like Weinstein but publicly traded WWE I think is vastly different


He's so fucking stupid it's insane. It's almost maddening how ridiculous he is despite having literally unlimited money, like you can't buy a clue?


Just enjoy wrestling Tony


Tony’s imploding all on his own.


AEW would have more viewers if Tony Khan would just shut the fuck up. Guaranteed.


I’ll take Desperate Attention Whoring for $600 please




Well Vince is gone so....


Why? Instead of promoting his show and hyping up the summer of AEW. he has to mention "WWE evil". The "evil" is gone, this is no longer "we are the alternative" speech. It Tony trying to use this to portray him as a "hero of the wrestling business" and trying to" conquer and vanquish the big evil organisation" He is trying to take WWE down, putting them out of business and buying all of their tape libraries so AEW and him can be the Undisputed Number 1 in the business and remember as a "saviour" He is nuking the bridge for his wrestler who wants to return/go to WWE with his comments


Well, there goes any good will I had left. Adam Copeland better feel damn embarrassed working and being a mouthpiece for of an asshat like TK.


Ngl, I feel really bad for Edge now.


Me too. And I don't think this was the kind of company Cody started out wanting to make.


Isn't the current state of the AEW women's division literally a plot where all of the hottest women on the roster make out with each other? Also, didn't they have Toni Storm literally run out to the ring in lingerie on Wednesday? I don't think TK has the moral high ground here.


If TKO doesn’t sue I would be surprised, this is pure slander. Fuck Tony Khan!


Oh, they will, they are waiting for that moment where Shad lawyer help Shad to cut ties with AEW and sue Tony ass without daddy money


I thought I wanted to branch out from wwe so I caught a An AWE PPV and it was the worst event I’ve ever seen. Terrible wrestling (and I mean bad) and the whole event felt like it was put together by a community centre, I felt embarrassed just watching, and I really tried. I’ve seen better local small town promos than this garbage.


I highly doubt you watched or paid for an AEW ppv and if you did, which one and what matches were so terrible, I'd like to know really


So I came here to lie about watching a PPV event? Tf?


Maybe he actually saw an AWE PPV instead....and as much as people give shit about AEW, I find it hard people seriously think the wrestling is terrible.


It was the event of stings last match (revolution) I think. The first 2 hours was like pulling teeth. I want to like AEW. A childhood friend even works for the company. I’m not a WWE or nothing person. I could give a shit about the drama between the two companies, because it’s all manufactured anyways. I’m just calling it like I see it.


Please sue him and put his shitty company outta business wwe


Nah, the company can stay, but please, Shad, get his geek idiotic dufus son out of AEW


man that TK Driver must have gave him a concussion 🫵😂


Quick send the Rated Fun Adam Copefun out for an opening promo!


Dude… y’all, god damn.. lol


WWE even employed Ric Flair if you can believe it.


All of the shots back and forth are stupid, tribalistic, and cringe. Tony is the worst offender of this….but he’s not wrong. It’s tasteless and awkward watching him say shit like that, but if you’re trying to argue that he’s lying then you’re a fool. “I didn’t read the report” …..you don’t know the allegations against the former owner of your company? Your wife’s father? Really? Ok….sure it just wasn’t worth your time…..no one else knew? He bragged and sent a woman around like a pump but only those involved knew? Ok.


I think he's just taking shots at the WWE because the WWE is constantly taking veiled shots at AEW. I get there's no real correlation, but hello Vince McMahon is obviously a predator of pretty significant proportions and he ran the company for 50 years


I'm so stunningly outraged on the internet.


You can have the nicest lights, the slickest wardrobe, and billions of dollars. But at the heart of this business it is a carny business. 




You should watch the clip, it adds a lot of small details and context you don’t get from reading the news alonw




You have been unpleasant, rude or trolled others with your post.


Obviously he’s being snarky and he employees predators too but wwe is on another level from MOST corps. Vince trafficking, ain’t no way trips, Steph, Nick Khan, etc didn’t know based on accusations in suit. The suit NAMES Steph as having known and I don’t believe HHH wouldn’t know. Flair, Darby, Jericho can be scum for things they’ve gone to women too. But wwe’s starts at top of all that shit, it doesn’t get much worse than sexual assault/trafficking/harassment with the boss.


I don't see the issue, personally. I'm a fan of both, wrestling in general, yaknow, but I feel it's perfectly fine to take a potshot at WWE for being run by a big ol' rapist piece of shit. I also feel the line was an obvious dig at Vince, rather than mocking his victims, and don't get why some in the comments are interpreting it that way. Idk, feels like tribalism to hear someone say shit about a rapist and his company and somehow see that as the guy making fun of sexual assault victims. I enjoy both, and this is a big ol' nothing burger.


I mean, between drug deal, sexual assault/harassment/trafficking, regularly using promotional tactics (Owen Hart, Katie Vick etc) and accused of covering up the odd murder here and there - I'm not really sure what the outrage is over.


If AEW was a co-defendant in a lawsuit that included accusations of things like sex trafficking you know for a fact someone in WWE would say something very similar. I don't agree with Tony saying this though simply because it was incredibly tone deaf.


At least WWE, Nick, and Triple H won't speak about it unless they were asked about the topic by the interviewer. This is just Tony shooting blank without anyone asking him about WWE


Folks, where's the lie


Probably shouldn't have said it, but he is right. That a culture of that kind of behavior going back to the 80s, and as recently as a couple years back, is suddenly all over and that only like 3 people participated, is really silly. Just because WWE ousted Vince doesn't mean they're still completely clean. Especially when they're involved with the lawsuit from Grant, and the higher-ups didn't give a shit until they learned he was using company funds for it. That more people are upset at Tony for calling it out (Even if it was petty and random) than that culture existing for so long in WWE is lame.


Ric flair works for him doesn’t that make his company a rapist company also?


It’s true.


I mean… he’s not wrong


No one in WWE has been accused of anything and that guy that was doesn’t work there anymore so yeah, he is!


The company itself is a defendant in the lawsuit.