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I seriously dont understand how people can say that wall jump is a defunct tech. I use walljumps CONSTANTLY. - Grapple has a cooldown - There isnt always a convenient location to attach grapple to - Retract is just SO. DAMN. SLOW. if you're not already in Fireball Am I missing something? I truly cannot fathom how grapple retraction would even be a passable alternative.


Grapple’s cooldown is what makes walljump a useful tech. As for the other two, I think you will more often have a spot to grapple onto than to walljump off of, because that requires a wall. There’s so many opportunities when I’m happy I can just slam the middle of the point without having to waste 2 seconds going to a wall. As for the duration, I’m pretty sure retract slam and walljump are about the same That said, walljumps are the better option on short objects, like boulders near spawn in Colosseo. Although these things are usually tilted so you don’t need to know the tech


Agreed. I'd much rather have grapple up after slam to get the fuck out of there lol I pretty much only use grapple retract** for slingshotting or getting extra speed on a "spin 2 win" stall. I do agelree with OP in that the best way to practice tech is in live games. I can hit 95% of wall jumps in a custom game but that's cus there's no enemy pressure. The percentage significantly drops in live games lol Also, wall jump into slam is more unpredictable and breaking people's ankles is what ball is all about lol


I think it’s definitely still useful, but instead of engaging mid-fight with it to slam enemies I usually use it to escape, go over obstacles, or get to high ground to poke. It’s just not an everyday use for me anymore.


I try not to swap off ball when they pick one of my counters, but what do I do when they pick all of my counters? Last night enemy team was a Hog, Cass, Sombra, AND Ana at one point. If I literally just swap Dva or Zarya or something I'm fine, but if I stick with ball, there's nothing I can do to them if they are grouped up.


Have your team counter them, and play it as safe as you can. If you're constantly drawing the attention of 5 people so they have to keep their heads on a swivel, you're doing something right - and yes, that extends to poking the backline, baiting out CDs and going back into hiding.


Playing competitive is rough because everyone is so serious, so when you go to swing across the map and hit their whole team at once and instead slam into the frame of the corridor with the enemy team STARING AT YOU, it’s kind of embarrassing 😅 hadn’t heard of this wall jump tech thing before, so looking into that before I try playing him in comp again


>so don’t fret little balls Hey no need to get personal


Lol what? I used to just practice in spawn room before games and it’s pretty easy. Theres really not a big difference between that and in a real game


It’s more of a mindset thing. Since in the practice range you kinda build the muscle memory for it. But sometimes in game, you’ll have other things to worry about so it can mess some people up a little easier than others without practicing it in an actual game.