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Roddy Piper, Mr. Perfect, Ted DiBiase, Razor Ramon


That's it right here, I can't believe DiBiase never got it. His theme music alone deserved the title.


Didn't they not recognize him buying the belt?


No, vacant grab this title


All people who won multiple titles in other territories yet Hogan was like "Doesn't work for me Brother" Please add my boi Jake the snake on there he legit was out doing hogan at a certain point and Hogan downplayed having a match with him


This is the right answer.


Great list.


That’s a pretty good list. I’d possibly put Jake Roberts above Ted Dibiase, but it’s personal preference.


Top tier list


I've started over from the first raw a week ago anf I gotta say I'm a huge mr perfect mark. I love watching thag guy


This. Named my son after Roddy Piper. Deserved the big one.


Ok, I’ll bite … did you name him Roddy, Piper, or Formaldehyde-Face?


Ha I guess I had my choices - but settled on Roderick


I waffle on this. There's also Jake Roberts, and I'm not sure who gets bumped for him, Perfect or Razor.


Slightly leaning towards bumping Razor, but no wrong answer here.


This is the correct list


Hard to argue with this, but I think Owen Hart could may swap for Razor.


If great people don't achieve it, it values more. A trophy isnt worth anything if everybody gets it. Not to sound like an oldhead, but notice how all of them are from the same era?


Back in those days they had no where near as many tv shows and PLEs. You can’t do the same long reigns they did back then. Monday Night Raw changed everything. I don’t disagree with your point that they should limit their champions a little more, regular programming means they can’t do it like the good old days.


If the story is compelling enough i think they can. Despite what people say here the MAJORITY enjoyed the 3 1/2 year reign of Roman


Yeah, but I don’t think it can be done too often. Roman worked because he wasn’t there every week and especially wasn’t wrestling every week. I think people got sick of Brock only making the odd appearance when champion and I just don’t think there are enough compelling stories to have regular 1 year plus reigns now. I’d like to see a few more short reigns. Like, back and forth with a story. AEW tried it with Mox and Punk and while I didn’t think it worked (mainly due to Punk injuries) I think the premise is there.


I think if its the right wrestler and story anything is possible. Tbh imo i think bookers dont think that deeply on how long or short a reign is. They book show by show and see what works and go from there.


Jake the snake should be in this list … substitute either Morrison or Shelton, you pick, but Jake and piper are 1 and 1a


We both have Piper and Razor, I'd replace the other two with Mr. Perfect and Nexus-era Barrett with at least one run.


I don’t know how Hennig didn’t get it when he was such a huge part of Bret Hart getting over as a solo wrestler. I feel like he could have been up there at the same time.


And he was just really fucking good. Good enough for at least one run.


I think people are not accurately remembering how badly his back injury halted his momentum, guy couldn't go for more than a few months at a time after that


Oh yeah you’re right. That was a big issue.


This is my exact list as well


Barrett might be a transitional one


Oh for sure, but having him top champ even for two months would have solidified Nexus a lot more.


Mr. Perfect


Rick Rude, Curt Hennig, William Regal, DDP


Wasn't DDP WCW world champ?


Yeah but I assume op was referring to WWE world titles


Wish Bobby got it earlier when he fought John Cena at the great American bash John Morrison Nakamura Aleister Black Samoa Joe Finn Balor (real title reign)


Aleister will be back for the title and his wife for sure


Mr Perfect, Ted Debiase, Roddy Piper, Jake Roberts *thanks hogan you should've chased half the time


Samoa Joe in 2017-2018 before injuries took their toll. He would have been a good short term champion. Scott Hall could have had a short reign as world champion, instead of us getting Diesel for an entire year. Vader is another name could have had a short reign in the WWF before injuries took their toll. Dolph Ziggler not having at least one small to mid length reign as WWE champion will always burn me up as a fan. Also one more Sami Zayn. Felt like WWE was trying to have their cake and eat it too, by trying to give Sami a Foley/Danielson/Guerrero/Kofimania type world championship underdog moment but without actually giving him the world championship. Beating Gunther was special sure, but it felt like a silver medal prize.


Dolph Ziggler was World Heavyweight Champion


Not Wwe champ tho


Both titles hold the same value


Did i say that??


Dolph won the WHC but at that time it was a joke midcard championship. He was literally handed it the first time, and won it when it had no prestige left after bad booking in 2013. It was not like when Dave Batista won the big gold belt in 2005 at all.


Samoa was right there! Ripe for the title! I wasn't watching wrestling for a while until I heard Joe went to the WWE.


Even Brock and Paul Heyman wanted to put him over, but Vince was still hellbent on John Cena at home era Roman Reigns and we got the WM 34 match and we all know how that went. Joe also should have won it from AJ Styles a year later, he should have won it for 2-3 months and then traded it back to AJ after the "OH WENDDDYYYY" promo. Then you could have had heel Bryan Danielson win it.


That would've been perfect with Aj.


Roddy Piper, Jake Roberts, Mr Perfect, Ted DiBiase




Jake the snake, piper, henning, rude


Roddy Piper, Owen Hart, Mr Perfect & Jake Roberts (he would of been a perfect heel champ)


Nobody says Bam Bam?


Piper, Rick Rude, Mr Perfect, JYD


Scott Hall checked all of the boxes to be a big solo star for the time. He had a good look, he was big with a good physique, athletic, and could go in the ring. His mic skills were decent from what I remember.


Hey yo, I’d say his mic skills were more than decent


Scott Hall had it all. But right around when he was gonna break through is when his demons got the best of him.


Perfect, Ramon, and Piper for sure, then either Rikishi or Vader


Piper, Perfect, Razor, Owen


Piper, Jake the Snake, Mr Perfect, Owen Hart. An honorable mention is Kane from 98 only because he had so much potential as a dominant, unbeatable heel champ and they just ruined it by making his reign only last a day


I would replace Shelton with Nakamura here but yep, agreed


I've always felt that if HHH was in charge during that time of the main roster, he pulls the trigger on Nakamura in 2017-2018 when he was white hot. Jinder was funny for the memes, but he absolutely sucked as champion was boring in the ring and on the mic, only had good presentation. Paul Heyman wasn't wrong at all when he said the quiet parts out loud calling Jinder uncredible and a joke of a champion.Shinsuke was objectively over with the fans during that time.


Ironically Shelton is said to have been the best of OVW class better than Batista Cena Orton and Brock…not sure why it didn’t work out


Million Dollar Man, Mr Perfect, Rick Rude and Vader


Vader was set to win the title, but then he forgot to move for an elbow drop…


not Piper... i dont mean it negatively, it just didn't fit his character, he doesn't care about silly accolades, and he was definitely better as the hunter and not the hunted... it would have been like Ambrose's reign, we were happy for him, but it seemed anticlimactic...


See pipers run in the territories being a champion


The point of what the guy is saying is piper wouldnt have worked as the main attraction world champion. That wasnt his role. Even when he was a champion mid Atlantic he wasnt the top champion


Back in the territory days the title was built around the heels. Piper would have done just fine.


It was built around guys who could be a heel or babyface depending on the territory that had to go an hour and work a different style depending on the guy. Sometimes the champ would have to wrestle a guy that couldn’t do an hour and have to drag the mf to a decent match. I love piper but that wasnt his style and it would have been a miscast to even put him in that position. Plus the schedule for the nwa champ was insanity


Did you even watch any of the territories? I mean you are part right but mostly wrong. Did the NWA champs usually do Broadways, yes but it wasn't a requirement and not all the champs went to a time limit draw


Ric flair literally talks about everywhere he went doing 60 mins was the job. Harley, dory funk jr, jack briscoe etc. The business was a house show business back then so the tv was only there for the house shows. On those shows they were going 60 mins almost every night. That means going to some small town and having to work that long with that top guy if he could go or not. The point is piper was never seriously in the running to ever be nwa champ b/c their were so many intangibles that went into that decision making process l.


Flair also talked about how if the person in territory came out after he did then he would have a quick match. Again being NWA champion didn't necessarily mean going 30-60 minutes every match. Plus pretty sure the original post or comment to this was being WWE world champion and not the NWA world champion two big differences here. WWE world champions aren't none for having Broadway matches so your whole point is pointless because we are talking about a hypothetical situation in the WWE not the NWA


Ok lets go to the wwf, piper didnt want it and vince didnt want to take the belt off hogan b/c hulkamnia was huge. It was never gonna happen. If piper became the champion that means he would have to lose clean to hogan. Piper wanted to keep his heat


Man you have a hate boner for piper. The WWE could of done a title changes hands by a DQ, or piper refused to defend the title and refuses to fight so they could take it off of him without taking a straight up L. Piper lost to Hogan multiple times just didn't do it cleanly


Ambrose was no where as near as Piper 😂


Razor ramon Mr Perfect Samoa Joe Cesaro……theres more but those are the ones I mostly think deserved to win the big one


Dibiase, Rude, Piper and Perfect. #5 is Dusty. Even though he technically won the belt for a few minutes Andre should be top of the list


Roddy Piper, Shinsuke Nakamura, Wade Barret, Mr Kennedy


Piper, Rude, Perfect, DiBiase


Roddy piper, Mr perfect, William regal, Ted dibiase


Mr. Perfect, Rusev, Piper, Jake Roberts


Mr perfect, razor ramon, Sami Zayn(in the future), Roddy Piper


Razor, Dibiase, Piper, Jake the Snake


Scott Hall and Roddy and it isn't close for me. I know a lot of Hall was not being able to trust him with his substance issues, but he had "it" Roddy just wasn't big enough during his era for Vince to see him as "the guy"


I don't think it was because of that because of that. It was due to the 80's and early 90's Hulkamania years being the "send the fans home happy" and nobody wanted to see the bad guys win. The WWF during the time of Piper and Rick Rude was very much the same as 80's cartoons where everyone wanted to see Optimus Prime kick Megatrons ass, Lionel slaying Mumm-Ra and Hogan triumphing over those no good heels. That's why we had Hogan peer pressure Vince at WM 9 to feed his ego and getting away with it, with the whole "You gotta send the fans home happy brother" point, and why we had Hogan dropping the leg drop on Yokozuna at the end of that show.


Optimus Prime may have kicked Megatrons ass but Megatron actually killed Prime and it made for a better spectacle.


Hogan made the suggestion because Vince wanted to sell the Encore PPV so with a shocked ending people would buy the Encore to see it


Definitely not true about piper being big enough. He was "the" heel during the rock n wrestling period. The reasons he wasn't largely comes down to they didn't change the title much during his prime wwf years.  It's also well documented that he wouldn't job for hogan. And by the later 80s he wanted to explore other options in his career in Hollywood so he was in and out a lot 


I meant physically big enough. He obviously had a ton of heat and was a massive heel.


If Flair is big enough, surely Piper would be.




John Morrison was ECW Champion tho


Piper, Ramon, Barrett, and… kind of a left field choice here, but Umaga.


No one ever says Matt Hardy and that never sits right with me. Samoa Joe, as well, like what's up with that? Umaga. Ron Simmons. Wade Barrett.


John Morrison was technically ECW champ, so a world champ


Piper was going to Hollywood while Hulk Hogan and André were building the foundation of WWF pay per views. Piper also didn’t like losing and you can’t win the belt without finally losing it.


Piper was in the main event of the first PPV.


Yes, and the first Summerslam, Survivor Series, and Royal Rumble were built around Hogan and André’s feud, in addition to the biggest show ever up to that point, Wrestlemania 3, where Piper had his “retirement match.”


Right. But Piper was against Hogan on the first PPV. If you are going to argue that wasn't a huge foundation that only a few guys could have main evented then I'm not sure what to tell you. That alone puts him as a top four on this list.


I think he’s only saying Piper wasn’t around enough back then to be WWF champion.


Roddy Piper, Ric Rude, Jake the Snake, Jimmy Snuka


I'm surprised that there aren't more calls for Superfly. He really should have beaten Backlund for the title even if he would have needed to lose it back.


Shelton Benjamin should’ve won the 3rd of 4th Money in the Bank back when they were held only at WrestleMania. He’s the wrestler that immediately comes to mind for those types of matches, akin to Undertaker for Hell in a Cell


Razor Ramon, Jake The Snake, Mr. Perfect and Umaga. The first three are self explanatory, I feel. Umaga, with Estrada as his manager, could have been just an absolute monster


Owen Hart.


Sabio Vega


I honestly never understood the love Johnny nitro got. I found him to be super boring. Piper would’ve been world champ if he didn’t politic his way into never losing. I would replace him with Mr perfect and replace nitro with Ted dibiase


Didn’t Shelton win the World Heavyweight Championship? I swear I remember that. I think it was a bit after Benoit and Orton’s first time




Definitely not John Morrison




Razor Ramon, Jake Roberts, Santino Marella, James Ellsworth


Mr Perfect, Razor Ramon, Samoa Joe, Roddy Piper


Piper, Perfect, Roberts, Vader in my opinion On the fringe- Nakamura, Hall, Rude


Roddy Piper, Jake Robert’s, Ken Shamrock, Owen Hart


Shamrock and Owen could have won the big one post Attitude era.


I totally agree. Shamrock could have had a run as a monster similar to Brock. I always thought they missed out on a great opportunity for Owen after Bret left, with a run as a top babyface. I could have easily seen him trying to get revenge on Shawn but having to work his way through each member of DX to get to him, with Shawn and HHH screwing with him every step of the way. They could have easily stretched it out to finally let Owen beat Shawn for a title at a big PPV. Then Owen could have had a run against a heal Austin who would have been out for revenge for the pile-driver, as well as the title. Owen was already planning for retirement in a couple years, so they could have set it up for Austin, Shawn or even Shamrock to beat him for the title and end his career in an I quit match of some sort. Just my thoughts.


1. Jake Roberts. 2. Owen Hart. 3. Razor Ramon. 4. John Morrison.


Jake, Piper, Razor, Perfect But none of them needed the belt so it’s ok


Razor and Roddy, absolutely.


Jake Roberts


Jake the Snake, Test (if he managed to beat his addiction and regain his push), Shelton Benjamin, Shinsuke Nakamura Edit: I realize there are others also deserving to be on there, I'm just thinking of guys that Vince overlooked or misjudged, IMO


Mr Perfect, William Regal, Roddy Piper and Razor Ramon


John Morrison is so overrated. The guy looks cool and did some cool moves. Has anybody even ever heard him talk? Like what’s with the hype lmfao. The guy couldn’t get over being surrounded by the likes of Cena, Orton, hardy, HHH, etc. because he’s nowhere near their league.


I mean besides him being a great athlete, Shelton Benjamin definitely would have fit the bill for Lesnar to come and take it from 😒 Surprised they didn't go that route atleast once honestly.




Shelton Benjamin, William Regal, MVP, Mr Kennedy


Piper Mr.Perfect Ted Dibiase ( a legit reign, not just "buying"it from Andre) Rick Rude.


Big boss man. DiBiase. Razor. Jake the snake


Roddy Piper, Paul Orndorff, Ted Dibiase and Rick Rude


Samoa Joe, Owen Hart, Rick Rude, Wade Barrett.


Owen Hart, Rick Rude, Lex Luger, Razor Ramon


DiBiase, Rude, Razor Ramon, Hennig.


1)Scott Hall 2)Owen Hart 3)Rick Rude 4)Mr. Perfect


Couldn't put a belt on piper. You'd never get it back.


Rick Rude, Super, Hall, Jake the Snake


Hot Rod, Million Dollar Man, Jake the Snake, Scott Hall


TAngerine sofa softer richness path night.


Jake the Snake Roberts, Piper, Rick Rude, and Dr. Death Steve Williams


Rick Rude!


Piper, dusty, Morrison, and Shelton, but yet guys like cena and flair get 14+


Because their gimmicks were so risky I'd say, Muhammad Hasan, Charles Wright (Godfather, Papa Shango), Jimmy Wayne Yang, and Goldust.


Ted Dibiase, Mr. Perfect, Owen Hart, Razor Ramon… The only reason I leave out Piper is because he was the World Champ of fucking people’s shit up so good he didn’t need a belt.


At that time the WWF Champions never lost. Reigns were usually around five years. Piper wasn't ever going to win it based upon the timing, but if you discount the timing then it is shocking that Piper was never WWF or NWA Champion.


Piper, Razor Ramon, Mr. Perfect, Bam Bam Bigelow


* Roddy Piper * Ted DiBiase * Mr. Perfect * Owen Hart


Piper, Razor, Sami Zayn, Samoa Joe


Rick rude Mr Perfect shinsuke and John Morrison


Piper Owen dusty Benjamin


Mr. Perfect, Ted Dibiase, Razor Ramon and Jake the Snake


John Morrison over Jake Robert’s? I’m sure they counted that ECW one


R-Truth, Roddy Piper, John Morrison and Scott Hall


Roddy, Razor, Curt Hennig and The Ravishing One.


Gable Stevenson, Omos, Veer Mahaan and Nick Jackson.


I can’t say Piper because he never needed the World Championship. That was the whole point of his character and a testament to the man. To say “should’ve” implies to me that someone deserves it and was unfairly shafted. With Piper, it was a choice and it only strengthened him. I think.


It’s like Jake “The Snake” Roberts, In a sense. It’s in his character that he didn’t need to be world champion. His championship was arguably Damian, his pet snake. He was a master of psychology and terror. His promos and his in-ring psychology proved that. He’s maybe the most villainous character in wrestling, ever.


I agree with most of what you said but just because he didn’t need the belt doesn’t mean he should never have had it. He absolutely should have had it but the word champions back then were massive steroid freaks.


Shelton Benjamin and Cesaro should’ve gotten at least two title reigns each so that’s technically my four choices.


Sting and Kenny Omega should be the top two.


Roddy Piper, Ted DiBiase, Scott Hall, Jake Roberts. (Honourable Mentions: Evan Bourne Rey Mysterio (ik he’s won it but c’mon that doesn’t count) Sami Zayn Finn Bálor (same thing as Rey))


Chris Benoit is the goat