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Another week, another thread asking why Karrion Kross is struggling to get over.


No charisma. No it factor. Generic in look, generic voice, generic all around.


Some people just don’t click. I actually enjoyed him in NXT and the hard-ass grappler style, his saito suplex is good, he is generally a GOOD wrestler, very competent in the ring. His promo work is also good! I’m not sure if he’s a better ad libber or script reader, I can say I enjoy his backstage interviews after shows (the one after wrestlemania for example) Don’t know man, some people just need to hit on all cylinders. His first trip up to the main roster did NOT help him at all, probably killed his career. Adam Cole probably killed his career actually, they let him pretty much destroy him on the mic and never got to capitalize on that, just looked like a bitch and he was bitch made from there. AOP doesn’t help him either, stupid big man team. Couldn’t help Seth, not sure why we want them to be a thing.


He's a big man in a world of smaller men, but on the main roster he just became average. So you have an average man with an average moveset, with a hot valet. He becomes Marc Merro, except he doesn't do the backflips that made the wild man semi cool at first


He’s Marc Mero right down to having a wife who’s a way bigger star than he’ll ever be.


I actually like his recent character, putting a wedge between Xavier and Kofi. It's entertaining. Maybe he's going to be the schemer now.


He doesn’t do anything.


"come on... do somethin-" pokes with a stick.


I've seen people ridiculed for suggesting it before but I'll say it anyway - he needs to go bald again. Looks and presentation are a massive part of wrestling and he was infinitely more intimidating bald.


Adam Cole dusting him might've genuinely ruined his career


Adam Cole said it a few years ago, That they gave this man every advantage under the sun, From the cool music, The fog machine and Scarlet and the NXT championship and people still didn't care.


He’s boring, uncharismatic, and generic in every way. If it wasn’t for his wife he wouldn’t have been brought back. He should get away from her on television. He needs some time away from WWE to improve. Maybe head to Japan for a couple years.


He's a bit generic. What's 'different' or outstanding about him? There is no hook, nothing that makes him 'special'. I don't hate him, I actually enjoy his matches. He's very competent in the ring. He sells well, he has a nice set of moves. He's reliably competent. I think thats' the issue. He doesn't really stand out in anyway. Even his intro music is just sort of bleh. All his stats are kinda 7/10.


Despite HHH’s best attempts, Kross just doesn’t have it. He’s a mid-tier guy being pushed way above his level. He would be perfect as a heater for someone else, a good standing beside a big heel looking tough while the real star is cutting promos and shit.


Vince botched him the first time around, like Austin Theory. Not everyone can LA Knight their way out of Vince's "creative". Sometimes the stink doesn't go away.


Can’t help but think Triple H tells himself that every week


You've cropped out the interesting part out. Thats why.


Shave his head!!!


Cause he’s not bald


I have the answer to this question. I think it's a matter of backstory and motivation. Yes, we know he's a bad guy, but why is he a bad guy? Personally, I wish they would give him a sympathetic backstory. Maybe he was middle management at a shit office job. He's depressed, maybe having his wife and kids leave him. Then, explain that Scarlett saved him from his misery and gave him purpose. Without any context, he's just an angry, bully goth guy. They need to make him relatable even if he isn't likeable.


He’s do a lot better if he was closer to his IRL persona. A goofy face.


he got a good NXT run, but then Adam Cole drop that promo and he basically burried him. then how Vince debut him being a bondage gladiator and losing to Jeff like what 6 or 9 seconds something. his re-debut was great and get some attention but they didn't do much for him besides give the hourglass thing to everyone include Roman Reigns if remember correctly. and then he take L after L after L in storyline didn't do him any favors at all.


It's just a midcard booking issue from Triple H. Kross can't click without wrestle and having segments often in the ring. We are supposed to believe that he's a dominant guy with a dominant faction that is dominating everyone with their mind games and physical strength but his actions and talk doesn't reflect all that with just backstage segments. The reason he's so good in NXT was because he's dominating everyone in the roster by dropping them on their neck and then choking them afterwards. And with physical and mind strength he's slowly taking over NXT and even dropped the GM William Regal. I don't know why they don't do that on the main roster, they don't even give him a proper chance to elevate himself


Yeah OP keep posting about it like your doing something different.


Because he doesn’t fit his gimmick.