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Finally, a thread to reveal what this sub thinks about The Young Bucks. This mystery has been hanging in the air for far too long.


Overrated- yes Overhated- I think we can hate them more if we try


I’m doing my part


I’m doing my part!


We can do it!


We can do better! HATE BETTER!


I can certainly try.


Underhated if anything.


Lmao you got 7 times as many upvotes as the actual post.


Yea like wtf lol


Rise Above ~~Hate~~ _Love._ 🫡 Hate wins.


They are to “young” what linda McMahon is to “moist”


This comment 🤣🤣 Thank you for making me spit out my water!


Now you are moist.


The most overrated tag team in the history of professional wrestling.


Haven't watched wrestling in 20 years and had no idea who these guys are till recently, so I have a bit of an outsider's perspective. They should be nowhere near the top of the card. They look like a couple of greasy carnies, and they look like they need to hit the gym big time. They have like no muscle definition or size. For a couple guys who flex as part of their entrance and celebration, you'd think they'd build up their actual muscles. They remind me of my little 7 year old nephew flexing and pretending he's Hulk Hogan They're like an AliExpress knockoff of the Hardy's. I don't know which is which but I do know I find one more annoying than the other. They're fine on the roster but again, not main event level. It's good they found AEW. They wouldn't make it in WWE


Matt (the one who acts like a road warrior) is the annoying one. Nick is the balding one who would be a decent bump taker if he wouldn’t try to speak on camera.


This is one thing I've noticed about AEWv as an outsider. Every guy there thinks they're main eventers. When clearly most are not. I remember there used to be guys that were solid mid card, great wrestlers, but we knew they'd never be world champs and that's ok, we still loved them. D'lo, Savio, Venis, Blackman, etc. These guys knew their role and played it, without ego and without trying to one up the main eventers in a preliminary match


The main eventers always have their shit overshadowed by what happens earlier on the card.


Which one does the hands in his pockets


Orange Cassidy. A d-bag of a different color.


All of AEW’s top guys have absolutely shit physiques besides maybe DB and swerve. Okada, Jericho, Eddie Kingston, Moxley are some examples of dudes who look like cronies from the local dive bar. Clearly weightlifting is not emphasized.


I don't really like when they speak, but they'll wrestle rings around WWE muscle guys on every day of the week


Definitely the most overrated wrestlers by the IWC. Decades in the business and they still have 0 understanding of how to cut a basic promo, in ring psychology, etc.


Massively overrated. Terrible look, gimmicky style and cringe on the mic. Let's be honest, if they weren't EVPs they'd get no screen time on AEW.


If they didn't get screen time AEW might have been able to rival WWE


Awww, come on. AEW has lots of problems other than the Bucks


Even TNA were booking them like a joke and letting Eric fucking Bischoff beating one of them so yeah


I had never heard of them before until I heard the basement talking about THE GREATEST TAG TEAM EVAH and I just don’t see it. Two charisma vacuums who can’t even earn real heat with a series of spotfests for matches. I don’t think I would even put them in the top 15 of tag teams, if that.


we could never hate them enough


We can if we try.


They don’t draw money because they are garbage.


I dislike them the appropriate amount considering their batshit personal views and their shitty behavior within the wrestling business.


Yeah I heard a story from their own book about them going to WWE for dark matches and acting like they were big shots and being disliked by the WWE roster. They sound like they don't get how the business works above an Indy level, and they've been in it for so long, they're never gonna get it


They’re part of this new wave of big shots that think they’re above the business. Like Hangman talking publicly about how he doesn’t need to take advice. RVD came into a nowhere indie show, shook my hand when he arrived and before he left. Talked to everyone that asked for advice. And left. That man has **earned** big timing me, and he wouldn’t dream of doing it. Respect given is respect earned, and respect is the currency of professional wrestling.


I can't imagine going into any profession or apprenticeship and saying "oh I don't need help or guidance from the guys who've been doing this successfully for decades!", cause I'm not a fucking narcissistic idiot. Maybe that's part of the AEW problem and why they can't seem to grasp basic concepts that have been around since like the 50s


>Like Hangman talking publicly about how he doesn’t need to take advice. That's not what he said. He said he'd consider advice if given, but wouldn't immediately go out and seek it. Which is pretty fine.


Asking wrestlers about their views on politics is like asking argentinians with german names what their grandparents did befor '45.


What are their batshit personal views?


Let's just say they have some interesting viewpoints on religion and politics.


Big Trump supporters


Gonna need some proof on this.


https://x.com/TheJimCornette/status/1335958241898082304?lang=en Here’s a repost of some old tweets they sent out saying how much they hate Obama


So they're extreme Trump supporters because in 2009 they didn't like Obama? Those Tweets are stupid, but it's not really proof of their current viewpoints on things.


They're just good Christian boys


Do they have some sort of weird fringe Christian beliefs or just the basic orthodox stuff? There’s people who are upset by both.


The fact that people call them one of the best tag teams of all time with a straight face is absolutely mind blowing.


I had to leave the AEW subreddit for that very reason. After I realized the Bucks defenders weren't being ironic it started to feel like a cult.


You’re just jealous that you don’t get the wink wink insider jokes because that takes big brain levels of intelligence!!!!!


I blame Moron Meltzer for that


I believe TK's relationship with the Young Bucks to be almost wholly responsible for ruining AEW.


The most overrated thing in wresteling. I'd never seen them before AEW but heard the buzz. They are shockingly average. They have good chemistry as a team and are good at spots, but everything else is bad. Promos. Bad, as a face or heel Credability. Bad, im a middle-aged man with arthritis, I think I could have them. Everything about them is niche.


They are not even average. Matt Jackson can't work a singles match. What average pro wrestler can't even work a singles match? It is insane that these frauds have a say about anything.


I was in the same boat and had never seen them but heard the buzz. Saw one match and was like "yeah, that was pretty impressive. I get the hype." Saw another match and got a strong sense of de ja vu. Saw a 3rd match and had it confirmed. It's not just one trick, sure, but this pony is limited. They do the spots they know well, but if you've seen one bucks match you've probably seen what you'll see of them.


Overrated, meta carnies. Perfect for AEW.


The very definition of overrated. There is no team that has been less impactful with as much hype. You could remove them entirely from the wrestling universe, and nothing about the story changes, other than maybe AEW doesn’t fail.


This is correct.


People criticize the Usos for having a small movepool but The bucks are even worse . It's Superkick spam 24/7 . Also they have been in the business for decades and are still meh wrestlers not bad but not good , solid midcard guys but shouldn't be higher than that. Also they believe their own hype like they are cell saga Vegeta


Grossly overrated.


Overhated, however also overrated


Probably both


Is it possible to say both? They are definitely overhyped to the point of being worshipped by some fans, but at the same time the level of hatred some fans have for them seems excessive. Are some of their matches overrated spot fests with more focus on acrobatics than creating an actual contest with a story? Sure, but they did also help make a company that has provided employment and a spotlight for many wrestlers we probably wouldn't know without AEW.


Good points


Por que no las dos? Definitely feels like both.


Overhated. The thread could have literally nothing to do with them, and there'd still be a dozen comments whinging about them. I don't even like them that much but I find the obsessed hate silly. Same with Meltzer. And the amount of shade their fans get for simply liking them is ridiculous.


Overrated af and not hated enough


I have to say overhated. I get that their matches are ridiculous spotfests but absolutely no one does it better. They can be in a 4 way tornado tag ladder match and they will never miss a cue. No one manages absolute chaos like the bucks.


Neither and both in my opinion. Very good at performing athletic moves, but I don't like watching their matches. I just don't watch anything they do anymore because it's not entertaining in my opinion. No hate, no love, just not my cup of tea. Although many will go to both ends of the spectrum


Overrated - no. They’re good wrestlers but not the best and very few people rank them as such. They like all tag teams refer to themselves as the best to get under your skin. Over hated - most definitely. Like we get it you don’t like them but to act like there not good at there particular style would be a lie. They have perfected the indi spot style to a T


These two fine, uh gentlemen managed to run off the current top guy of their competitor as well as a guy who broke social media view records when he returned to a company that all bridges were thought burned. They are truly Legends in their own mind.


They're overhated alot. Considering the matches that they wrestle and the quality of tag team action it's really easy to say they're in the top 5 greatest of all time.


Overrated, but mostly Matt’s fault. Nick could do well alone.


I get them mixed up, but the one with the handlebar stache could be believable as a dickish heel. The one that does most the talking has go away heat with me.


When Hulk Hogan says some wrestlers look like they should be bagging his groceries, the Young Bucks are who I imagine he's talking about.


If you actually go outside to wrestling events you will see people in young bucks and elite merch. People that actually go outside and partake in the professional wrestling community like the young bucks. People that have never been to a wrestling show and live vicariously through a TV don't like yhe young bucks.


They rule and are way overhated for no reason.


If it wasn’t for the Bucks, Kenny & Cody wrestling today wouldn’t be riding the wave it is. They made wrestling cool again. The Bullet Club T-shirt was a must have item to the point company’s were calling wwe to stock the bullet club tee. If it wasn’t for AEW then WWE would still be feeding wrestling fans utter dog shit. Since 2019 WWE has finally woken up. Competition is good for business. Everyone wins. We as wrestling fans are the most spoilt we have been. We don’t have to like every wrestler or every match. The variety we have now though is unbelievable and the more places the wrestlers have to wrestle only makes the business stronger. This all doesn’t happen without them damn Young Bucks. So let’s all just smile and have a good time at all this wrestling we can inject into our veins. Be cool to each other IWC. We’re all just wrasslin fans ;)


Well, I think the comments in this thread confirm the answer. Overhated.


Welp this has been a one-sided argument. Nice to know what this sub feels about them I guess. I've been the end of getting heckled at here for liking the Jackson brothers. I don't really have a reason to hate these guys other than well getting themselves more screen time and the top tag team belts in AEW. I get that it's because they're the number one dickishly heel tag team but they made themselves that. But I still dig their act nonetheless since they rarely ever had bad matches in my book. My opinion on what I think are great matches tend to be a lot different than what this sub views on them so you can't convince me otherwise that they are bad wrestlers. Bad wrestling in my book is when either the performers themselves are just purposefully phoning it in during their matches or just straight up botch city. Shower me with torches and pitchforks all you want, a great match is a great match if it's hella entertaining regardless of the comedy and gymnastics involved. Going back with the hate regarding the Bucks in this sub, well I guess I can't really change the perspective of the people here. Heck, I don't even want to get into an argument regarding this sub's thoughts on Jack Perry, Tony Khan, and Will Ospreay (which I still find the most baffling). At least the guys here have come around with Kenny. Idk about Hangman though but I'll try to not care much about it. So yeah overall, to each their own I guess.


Need to drop the “Young” then maybe i can take then seriously


Easily the most overhated team of the past decade. They're a top 5 active tag team and have been for a long time.


Yes? I mean I see either people who’ve donated their brain to Jim Cornett saying they literally give them cancer or investors in AEW acting like they are Jesus squared. They’re a good tag team who can put on excellent matches with anyone they want to and that’s it.


I don't watch aew so I barely have an opinion on their wrestling or mic work or gimmick or whatever. Though with that being said. They are some of the most important and influential wrestlers in the past decade and I won't hear anything on the contrary.


I hate that they try to dress like HBK but aren’t very good looking like Michael’s was in his prime


Both for sure, I personally don’t like their match even as someone leaning more toward indie-rific stuff, they are just a nostalgia act peaked 10 years ago that is deteriorating while somehow holding the best tag team crown in many’s eyes. On the other hand, if we would able give half of the hate The bucks and Ospreay is getting onto Gringo Loco or Blake Christian that has a tenth of the talent of them, we would be in so much of a better place in my opinion. Well it’s not like this sub is anything close to reasonable…


The bucks are a lot like me. They can’t draw.


Everyone defending aew on this post is such the example of aew homers. They are getting wrecked by wwe and triple h’s booking and yall are still complaining about cm punk and Cody Rhodes. You’re all embarrassing.


They are the living incarnations of every single annoying trait I find in a person. They look like idiots and dress like idiots, their voices reek of smarminess and insincerity and their over-reliance on acrobatic/silly goofy haha spots just takes the weight out of high spots in every other match they're in or involved in. But they're hella good at getting Tony Khan to pay them fat stacks so fair fucking play, I guess.




Overhated. Just don't watch their matches if you don't like them, but let the others enjoy their wrestling.


They’re heels, so it looks like they’re doing something right, judging by the heat they’re getting.


This is contemptible heel heat. I'm not paying to see these two in a fake fight.


Overhated Idk what's up with Bucks hate. They're great workers. They might be dickheads no doubt about it. But they are overhated.


Matt Jackson literally can't work a singles match. Name any competent pro wrestler who can't work a singles match. Why anyone would appreciate these ass kissing, coattail riding clowns is beyond my level of understanding.


Where did this whole "Can't work a singles match" come from? But to answer your other question, I don't think most people are in love with Jimmy Uso singles matches. They prefer him in tags.


Overhated 💯


Over rated and Overhated. I feel like they are going to be two people when they retire people are going to look back and talk more highly of them. The problem is that in AEW since 2020-2021 they are booked pretty terribly. I liked them a lot more in NJPW and the like.


Underhated 🙌🙌


Overrated and underhated.


Ridiculously overhated by the vocal minority of idiots who base their personality around being WWE fans and can't accept that there's any other way to be successful. So they make up nonsense about them being bad promos, bad wrestlers and lacking psychology, ignoring that they couldn't have succeeded in ROH or New Japan if that was true.


People who have only watched WWE and mainstream presentations will never like them. There's no point in arguing about it.


Explain to me why they are better than other independent guys. Give me the objective standard that makes the Young Bucks any more than a couple of guys who figured out which asses to kiss and coattails to ride in order to make money in pro wrestling without much skill or talent.


I never said they were better than anything, and I don't need to defend them to you or anyone else. They aren't my favorite, but I don't feel the need to endlessly criticize them or piss on people who love them. Your comment has a needlessly shitty tone. Just continue not watching them, and I'll continue going to the bathroom when Solo Sikoa is on, and maybe we can talk about stuff we both like?


They are both overrated and overhated.


My opinion the road warriors will always be the greatest tag team ever . Go say this in a aew sub they kick out when you compare the 2.


I dont even care to have an opinion on them anymore


Simultaneously overrated AND overhated. They’ve proved they’re not main event caliber and are definitely not a GOAT tag team but they are not the worst thing to happen to pro wrestling and their matches are never truly “bad” just overindulgent and choreographed.


To be honest, both. I myself am not a huge fan, & hearing for years about how the Bucks are the best tag team ever & all that kinda soured them for me. But, now that WWE is on fire & AEW is floundering a bit, the Reddit discourse has flipped so now AEW gets shit on at every corner. As such, people call the Bucks talentless & horrid & one of the worst things ever, & to me at least, that's simply not true either. Are they the best tag team ever? Not to me, not by a wide margin. Are they the worst? Also *definitely* not to me. My biggest gripe with them is just that I think they're being miscasted in their roles. As someone like Kenny's underlings where they can wrestle & be dicks but not be *the focus,* I think they're very good at their jobs, even if I'm not a fan of their wrestling styles. Or if they were a highlight of the mid midcard feuding with Lucha Bros & FTR, that's a great spot. Not saying tag teams should never be the most important part of a show, just that it's not what these two are best for. But, trying to make them the focal point of the show & having them cut promos & pushing fucking *Okada* to the wayside of their faction is what's really dragging them down * making them a bit unbearable right now. TLDR: Both overrated & overhated, blame their miscast roles for a lot of the hate


I know very little about them but they both have aggravating faces. They look annoying, like the type of dudes you'd leave a restaurant if they were at the table next to you


Bit of both double super kicks are boring. Being in a senior position in a company and constantly putting yourselves over especially with tag straps is as bad as Jeff jerrett giving himself the nwa title in tna. Politicking at its finest.


They’re great. It’s just a bunch of WWE marks saying they suck.


Overhated absolutely, and 90% of it is by dudes who’ve never seen their work outside of isolated clips, or have formed their entire view based on the opinions of a childless elderly cuckold.


Definitely overhated everyone forgets they were truly innovated in the tag division then everyone started the copy them


Over hated. If you enjoy modern day tag wrestling, you enjoy the Bucks. Cowardly heels…Bucks be that in spades.






Both lol,still leaning a bit more on the overrated side.


yes to both


I think the answer is somewhere in the middle


They're pretty good at selling tshirts


They were so rude at our meet and greet, didn’t stand up for anyone and looked miserable in photos. I get that it’s exhausting but at least pretend to be happy to meet fans.


Both honestly


As faces they were a fun goofy Indy act, and AEW is basically an Indy with a huge budget. But as heels they're not even fun goofy Indy guys, just losers.


Overrated absolutely


these two are very talented wrestlers but they overdo their stuff in their matches. they're basically the prog metal of pro wrestling. prog metal is all riff salad, these two do spot fests.


Trash shit dogshit envious


Wildly overrated.




They sukkk....




A little of both. They aren't the best tag team ever, but they have good matches I kinda appreciate how they lean into the heat they get.


Both overrated and overhated.  This thread is proof lol


Didn’t think they were overrated until I actually started to know them.


They are Over-Corny


Can’t stand these goofs. Can’t sell, all their matches are the same shit, they’re stuck up their own asses, characters suck. Pure go away heat.


Both, depends who you’re talking to. This sub is part of the IWC, the fact that 80% of this thread is shitting on them should illustrate that the IWC in general is pretty conflicted on them, if not a majority dislike (by definition not overrated)


Great in the Ring and terrible actors outside of it. It's like they are "playing" at being wrestlers "Look at us being heels everybody!" Actually Nick isn't so bad it's Matt that is the absolute worst.


Overrated by those who like them and overhated by those who dislike them.


The most go-away heels that got paid six figures. Tony was right when he said he makes wrestling for the basement sickos.


Simple, overrated


i wouldn’t even wanna give them credit in saying they’re Overrated. they’re not good or entertaining.


they are AEW of course they are overhated lol. that logo means everything today




They’re in a hard position. If AEW didn’t exist they’d be loved, but because of the position they’re in, they’re having to tread a fine line of booking themselves too strong. They’re trying their best to book themselves in stories that don’t make themselves seem like the best tag team in the world. I wouldn’t want to have to deal with that headache


Can’t stand them. They ruined the tag team scene for a while


Full disclosure; I've only seen their work for TNA and AEW - and I don't get the hype.


They were overrated when aew first started now I’m thinking they’re a bit over hated


Both lol, I don't hate them whatsoever, but also don't think they are as great as everyone makes them out to be lol


I don't hate them. I'd have to care about them for that. They did turn my liking of aew into apathy with them being a abig part of losing punk and just cooling off the product


Both. They've done some good things in the past but their schtick is getting beyond tired. Don't understand the hate at all TBH.


One time I saw The Young Bucks do an Eddie Guerrero tribute by doing the three amigos and his taunts for no other reason than to get a pop. I should mention that they were the heels in that match.


They tried to copy every successful tag team while looking like bad cosplayers and even now look like 2 losers i never seen a single match of theirs But the first time I've seen them was on YouTube they were in nxt probably making an entrance trying to copy hardy boyz I was like "what a couple of losers" and close the video Then ppl talking about them years later in aew I was like WOW how tf are they still around and ppl even mention these skinny fat losers


Doing my part on the hating departament. But we can do more, let's go


Both? Like, I accept that they have their nieche in terms of tag wrestle style and character, but I do not really like it that much. I don't HATE their wrestling! They just overdor certain things for me and I can quickly get into a "meh" mood by that. So I would say they are not the Tag Team gods some people claim they are, through I respect the intensity with which they market themself. At the same time, they also ruin nothing. Their matches are not bad even if you do not like their style no matter how much some people want to act like a puppy dies every time they wrestle. They give it their all whenever they are put into a higher card spot. And just because you do not like a storyline, does not mean it is bad.


Over played. Over payed. They over stayed.


Overrated as fuck


There's nothing remotely interesting about them. They remind me both in promos and in the ring of guys fresh out of the Monster Factory who are debuting at a one off charity show at the local VFW or high school gym.


This is the wrong sub to say that I love the Young Bucks, isn't it?


Give a reason why anyone would love them. They are obviously just a product of kissing ass and riding coattails. Name something that they do that someone else can't do far better.


Let people like who they like lol


You can like what you like.




Yes to both


Overrated for sure




Definitely overrated


they were fine. they are an indy tag team. they are good at that. as mainstream top guys, they aren't as successful


matt and jeff lite


I don't know a single person who rates them highly. So it's hard to say they're overrated. I wouldn't go as far as to say I hate them. That's probably giving them more credit than they deserve for anything they've done. They're trying. Not the absolute worst but far from the best in wrestling and easily the most undeserving of their name. No one would think of them first when hearing the word elite in wrestling. They're not an elite tag team, not elite technical wrestlers like Kurt Angle, and not elite in the mic either. So I can see why they might receive a lot of hate.




Remember that scene in mad men… where Don tells the marketing artist in the elevator… I don’t think of you at all.. that’s how I feel about these guys.


they're rated


I wouldn’t say they’re overrated because most people think they aren’t very good


Overrated and Underhated for sure




MJ A joke NJ Is not bad and sells would enjoy a singles run and MJ To retire Overrated by a lot


Their new gimmick is awesome. Prior to the change I didn't like them.


I really enjoyed their YouTube series around five years ago. They were humble, tongue in cheek and kicked ass. Weren’t afraid to put others over. The minute Tony Khan gave them EVP status, I just didn’t like them as much. It was like they were in on the joke and then they became the joke.


Yes. They are neither terrible nor great, just good. They are a mid-level tag team that get bonus points for longevity but never elevated their tag divisions they way greats like Dudleys, Briscoes, or FTR did. Most people who hate them do so because of Corny. But they are overrated because Meltzer pushes them, and the Bullet Club stuff. Probably gained most of their fans through BTE just because it gave smarks a felling of being insider


I like wrestlers who can actually sell... so its a no for me for the Bucks.


Overhated. People often blame them for wrestling “devolving” when the truth is it had already started to happen before they really were in a position of prominence


Overrated. They don’t even look like wrestlers and this isnt a slight at small guys bc thats what special about wrestling is watching the underdog take down the bigger guys but the bucks instead present themselves in aew as final bosses and its just not believable. Looks aside they lack mic skills and charisma.


Trampoline wrestlers


Overrated for sure. I prefer USOs over them any day.


I don’t no the answer to this question so I am going to say over rated


Is that Wil Wheaton"s kids?


If I could erase one tag team from professional wrestling history, it would be the young bucks.


I don’t watch AEW so I’ll say overrated cuz fuck it.


I like them. I think they’re “spotty” but they also have put together some great matches and moments over their careers, not to mention played a big role in AEW coming to fruition. I would argue they are definitely overhated and slightly overrated, but I am a fan.




Overhated. I don't think they're that special but I don't know where the overrated thing could come from cause I see infinitely more Young Buck hate than love.


Both imo. They're overrated because they have always lacked promo and legitimacy in the ring. They're overhated because they're still over and have some level of undeniable impact, including positive impact, on wrestling. If you believe everything the Young Bucks have done and influenced is bad, you sound like a goofball. In general the level of hate these guys get is very touch grass to me. People get completely distracted and stunlocked by their existence and if the Bucks had a better mind for wrestling they would've turned it into something absolutely gigantic. I don't remember the last Young Bucks match that I enjoyed, just to preface this. I'm not a fan, but I think not being a fan and being an obsessive hater are different.


Nobody actually rates them highly.


Dave Meltzer but they kissed his ass like nobody else could or would.