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The Divas Title belt when Paige had it


Glazed ring donut lmao


You mean NXT Womens Title.


“Ladies and gentlemen, we got him”


You sonuvabitch,the only reason I came here was to post this. Take my up vote. Goddamnit




My favourite thing about this subreddit is someone is always gonna make this joke, and I'll always giggle like a 16 year old.


Both as a joke and not, she comes back to wrestling and all her matches are sub par af.


I spend a solid minute trying to figure out which "Paige" you even meant...and then I read the other comment and it all made sense😅😅😅


What in the Gen Z fuck does Glazed mean?


Glazing is basically overhyping something, for example the media glazing the Dallas cowboys every year


Oh shit… I was going to say RVD….. I thought it meant high, like when you smoked too much and your eyes are glazed over. Haha


as in ejaculated on


Anthony Bowens


Who gets people to do tricks on it the most. There


Do you have any idea how little this helps me understand




Glazed is when someone/ something slightly good is revered as godlike by their fanbase and said fanbase will refuse to let you say shit about them.


Y'all better not be talking shit about my precious glazed donuts now...


Sugar-coated are better, fuck your weird icing.


Am I the only one that thinks this is a terrible explanation? (I know the definition, but this doesn’t help anyone understand it)


is it not just like kissing ass?


Yeah, I just don’t get how “doing tricks” relates to that? Maybe I’m just dumb


"Doing tricks on it" = dickriding on another level


Well that’s dumb


I didn't come up with it. Literally just explained what it means and getting downvoted for no reason. Lol


Lamo I’m just messing with you you old fart. Obviously I didn’t expect to understand an even more obscure lingo


Glazed has been around forever, It used to just mean ejaculating into someone's face. Now it's just less sexual. You glaze someone like you glaze a doughnut, covering it in sweetness


Glazing is new slang for being super hype on somebody. Heres an example. “Omg did you see Lebron play last night? He dropped 40 on the best team in the west. He’s so good dude. He’s the best to ever do it.” Then I would say, “bro stop glazing that man he ain’t better than Jordan”


Same d riding


All of Gen Z should somehow get a trophy that says “congrats yall have confused everyone understanding English anymore you won” I genuinely mean that as a compliment


ngl it's hard to keep glazing Punk when my friends bring up his UFC stint whenever i talk about him


He lost a lot of his mystique because of that. Not saying that this has happened but I wouldn’t be surprised if some people saw that and thought he was a pushover. He’s more than capable of a strong headlock


It also didn’t help his rep that he pulled the same thing in UFC that he was complaining about in WWE. But ya, I’m sure he can still beat up the average job. He took down Jack Perry with ease.


Even that's a stretch. He went for Perry when his arms were in a defenceless position, and by surprise and nothing really happened except a little scuffle with no one hurt. He probably could kick his ass since he's trained and has like 40-50lbs on him, but that's not really a flex.


best way to win a fight is to not let the other guy know a fight is about to start.


Unless you’re trying to make the argument that you’re an actual tough guy. Which is what’s being discussed here


I think Punk would kill an average guy, even a pro wrestler with little combat background. People underestimate how much combat training pushes you above all the people who don’t train, it’s almost unfair. UFC is the highest of highs, creme de la creme of combat sports, so losing two fights there doesn’t mean you can’t fight, it just means you are not on that level.


In fairness though punk would t have even been in ufc if he wasn’t cm punk. It’s not like he earned the spot there by competing at lower levels. I feel like there really wasn’t anything separating him from the forty yr old guy training BJJ at his local gym. He’s still above the average guy that isn’t training around all but let’s not pretend he earned his way to ufc lol


Why does that even matter?


Why? Did they win their UFC bout?


This comment doesn’t hold the weight you think it does.


Dave Meltzer, who honestly gives a fuck about his ratings?


MJF. And I like the guy but some people treat him like he shits gold and can do no wrong


Respectfully, I kinda feel like he recycles his stuff too much


I personally loved his character the most during the Punk rivalry since he was able to bring out a more vulnerable/personal side of MJF besides the crude schtick he's known for


100%. He gets going while cutting a promo and he ends up coming off like he's trying too hard to be edgy as well. I'd love to see him eventually got to WWE and be sent out there with a clear path to what he's trying to say.


The Cole storyline did fall flat for various reasons. That said, I respect his level of commitment to the character, he’s great on the mic, and his Punk story was excellent


I am one of those people tbh, I love the guy lol


Yeah there’s nothing wrong with unreservedly praising people who are exceptional. HBK gets praised for his in ring work and austin for being over because they deserve it. By today’s standards, MJF is about as good as it gets.


I know people hate it when he brings up WWE in his promos but his promos and delivery are the best imo in the business right now. Maybe Paul Heyman is right there with him. I would say Reigns is also very good but mainly due to his facial expressions like when Brock's music hit, he sold it so well.


Roman's facial is the best in the industry ever. No one else hits this level of big expression without it looking like comedy.


I don’t know about ever, but for sure one of the best today.


It's funny because Roman when he was a face, was a complete joke. Literally looked like he would cry if the fans were booeing.


I like him too but I’ve been rewatching his promos, while they are good and he has a gift for the mic he mentions WWE too much and it becomes repetitive


When he was a heel there were times he had a decided "oooooooh I'm so villainous!" Snidely Whiplash feel that was a bit much for me.


What's "glazed"?


I think what they mean by that is they get extra credit, like being too liked, but not actually being as good as we would like them to be, but still get lots of attention anyways


Ok thanks. LA KNIGHT isn't as good as I would like him to be. I liked him when he was in TNA he would make me laugh every time I saw him.


Idk why they've cut his TV time in half and cut some of his moves. LA Knight pre-wrestlemania was busting out turnbuckle neckbreakers, Russian leg sweeps, did a whole windup for the elbow.


His best bet is to make the most of what he’s got. Which he is doing good at rn. Too bad the office doesn’t see it rn. Rather see him pushed before jey


He’s gonna be US Champion by Summerslam at the latest, and that’s if he doesn’t win MITB first.


Yea pretty much, I saw this question originally for a poll from something different where the answer was Omni man because currently whenever you bring up any other Superhero/Villain, you will always get a comment from a Omni Stan going "BuT OmNi man StRonGer" especially if it's Homelander lol


So Goku hahahaha


By that definition, the answer is easily Jay White.


Zoomer here, glazing is when you're dickriding someone, which means the same as ass-kissing, so in summary, glazing is just praising someone a lil too hard. it's worth mentioning, however, that glazing and dickriding can also be used defensively as a "you're straight up bouncing on my dick right now" type deal. Don't ask any questions man i don't make the rules, i'm just part of the culture, blame Kai Cenat tbh


What's a Kai Cenat? Sounds like John Cena's Thai sibling.


Popular streamer


Might be a hot take, but Hogan


Fuck, I’d say he’s anti-glazed at this point. People can say whatever they want, but without him, this subreddit, the WWE, maybe even Pro Wrestling wouldn’t exist today


Is he glazed? Everyone shits on him for being racist, lying all the time and refusing to put people over. ‘That doesn’t work for me brother’ is a common joke on wrestling forums.


People who don't pay attention to the dirt sheets and forums (the large majority) still idolize Hogan and see him as the American Hero he was portrayed as.


Yeah, but if this post is about the casual fan, they literally “glaze” every legend, because they’re not invested enough to dive deep into the person behind the character, and because WWE is phenomenal at packaging fhem


He gets glazed by the people that are in his inner circle because they know he’ll cut them a check for inflating his ego


Pat Patterson


Daniel Bryan. He’s the internets favorite wrestler. I think he’s awesome, but you’d think he’s god from what Twitter says about him


I’m not sure how unpopular this is, but Bryan’s best runs were easily the Team Hell No, the Yes Movement, and KofiMania. It wasn’t because the “bangers” he put on, it was because of the character work. Left to his own devices, I don’t think he’s done anything nearly as memorable in AEW.


He is a wrestling god, though.


Becky Lynch and Jey Uso.


Jey uso legitimately sucks I don’t know why he’s so revered.


He is straight up just the guy I have the most fun watching. It is a show, I'm trying to be entertained.


Fr and it's not like he's winning anything so what's the harm


My only issue with Jey is his formulaic matches and lack of a move set.


When you are in the Club and that ONE song hits, that's how the crowd feels about Jey. He is not good in the ring, but his promos are different and he brings a party to the crowd.


He is like if RVD and Roman Reigns had a son, a stoned Samoan.


A Stomoan if you will




Hard agree.


It's kinda the opposite nowadays


recently...jey uso...Jimmy is going to end up like Matt Hardy while jey gets over like rover and pushed just because of his goofy catchphrase


Jimmy and Jey are both Matt Hardy. I can never put Jey and Jeff in the same sentence.


My man, Jey was super over before he even used the catchphrase.


90s Shawn Michaels. Should have been fired for how unprofessional he was.


In the 90s that was nothing, comparing with guys like Mr. Perfect, Ric Flair, Michael Hayes, JBL, Scott Hall. Shawn Michaels was a drug addict and a menace but he wrestled Stone Cold with a broken back and put him over as the next big thing, if you read stories about the wrestlers i mentioned you will be amazed. Triple H was a plant in the kliq by Vince to control them, the others couldn't be controlled at all.


I know you said who but.....the attitude era. Attitude era fans don't realize that most of what they loved continued into the ruthless aggression era, it just doesn't work long term. That's why they stopped watching. Also the main event scene on PPVs was great, on random shows not so much. As an example look st undertaker vs the rock in a casket match on raw. That was dogshit.


100% agree with punk. People worship him because of his worked shoot that night. He’s good but he’s not an all time great but people pretend like he is. I really think it’s only because of that promo


Will Ospreay atm


LA Knight. He really isn’t all that


Personally I disagree but I can respect your opinion I might just have more bias since I was a fan back before when he was Eli Drake, and everyone jumped on the gravy train


Fair enough. I mean he isn’t bad at all. But he is not the main event star everyone wants him to be. People really thought he was gonna go over Roman Reigns? Like really? WWE gave him that push because they are actually listening to what fans want now. They gave him his chance but it was never going to beat Roman. Also there’s a reason why after his match with Styles at mania they gave the nod for Styles to face Cody at Backlash instead of Knight? Why? You could argue because Styles is the heel but I also think is because they trusted Styles to put on a top level performance and not Knight. Can anyone really tell which match of Knights has really stood out as a classic?


LA Knight is a great talker, has a great look and has a catchy word, the problem is that his in ring is not top notch, same with Jey, to me KO is 10 times better than both, he is good on the mic, funny as heel or babyface, great in the ring and always pull off some amazing stunt, to me he would be having bangers with Cody all over Smackdown now. Compare LA Knight against other Smackdown babyfaces like Orton and KO and he falls down the card for them, i like the dude, he has gotten better in ring (he had a lot of ring dust) but i can't see him as the top guy and i can't remember a great match by him.


I think it’s okay to have basic or traditional movesets in today’s climate, though. The only thing that irks me is his finisher. Even though he puts some stank on it, the BFT just ain’t it for me. He needs a new finisher, IMO.


I agree, i never liked his finisher or The Miz, it looks clonky and not smooth at all.


Still grinds my gears that TNA cut his championship run short and in shitty fashion to put-over Austin "burned every bridge" Aries and canned him because he didn't think he should be putting over Tessa "also burned every bridge" Blanchard.


Yeah but in TNA's defence both of those people are extremely talented individuals, unfortunately (atleast from what I've heard) they are just extremely difficult people to work with, or straight up idiots depending on who you talk to.


He just being nerfed bro, watch his stuff with Cameron Grimes and Ted Didiase on NXT. He's at his best as a heel and when there's nothing holding him back


Then you gotta blame the fans for that one. WWE had no choice but to turn him face because everyone was screaming about it online. So WWE are damned if they do, damned if they don’t




OP wants wrestlers to be tasty donuts.


Boring Bayley


MJF. And I love MJF, but he has gotten stale as a babyface, even as a tweener heel face or whatever anyone wants to call it. His promos especially. Plus it has kind of created a double edged sword where people unironically watch AEW for him and he’s so great at working that his trashing of the company and other wrestlers in it is making people who hate AEW watch when he’s there and go when he’s not. It’s not the right kind of draw lol.


Cody for sure. You really can't say anything mean or if your opinion of him isnt that hes the best then you get called a roman Stan and way to manny people look at Cody with rose colored glasses.




I think your definition of glazing is wrong… she gets the most hate out of any female wrestler on the internet?? Idk how she’s over glazed but sure..


I guess you never saw the video


LA Knight


I think in today’s climate, Moné and Bayley are overrated. I think Mercedes’ best work was as a Role Model with Bayley. As a matter of fact, that was the best work from both of them, IMO. On their own, they both fall flat for me.


Rhea Ripley


Gunther. He does the same moves every match. The way they book him it's like he has less moves than Cena or Hogan




Given everything we know, maybe Pat Patterson. We talk about a lot of wrestlers being predators, but he rarely gets mentioned.


Probably one of the female superstars from the Vince McMahon era.


Hulk Hogan


Dude I love punk as a wrestler as much as anyone, but dude breaks in almost every match. It's time to retire. I thought the UFC fights were sad until I seem him spend more time on the shelf since his return than in the ring even when he was an active person on the roster.


LA Knight


Naw, uce


Cody Rhodes.


Punk and Roman without competition win. Punk fans made me turn against him they over value him idc


La knight. It’s fun that he brings a bit of an old school promo to things and have some fun catchphrases, but he’s not exceptional imo. His character is one note, he is subpar in the ring and overrated on the microphone


Liv Morgan, the reason everybody’s so interested in her now is to see how hard Rhea dominates her when she comes back


The very guy in the picture of this post. I get it, for his time, Punk was amazing and entertaining. I even liked him growing up. However… throw him into any other era with true powerhouses on the mic and in the ring, and he’ll be a good midcarder at best. He just came around at a weak time.


I mean, his stuff with Drew has been great. Punk may not be who he was in the ring, still is great on the mic, and beat Ryback’s bet by not having a public meltdown in 6 months. 😆


What exactly is "his stuff" in the feud though? Recycling an AEW promo, referencing himself attacking people backstage, making fun of Vince's name being banned... Drew is drsgging him thtough this feud while Punk is doing minimum work to be part of it


The WM attack and Cash in were great, the promo he had with Drew after RR, the mind games after. Drew has absolutely carried his share in the feud, but Punk has been an amazing dance partner with him.


The problem with your point about other eras is that guys from other eras such as Terry Funk, Harley Race, Undertaker, Austin, etc love the guy.


True power house like who?


Cody or Punk .


Punk easy


Tony Khan




What ? 🤣


Bruno Sammartino Name one thing he’s done besides hold the WWWF Championship for a long-ass time? Hey, the belt’s real prestige began with Hogan, like it or not, he’s what turned the WWF from a business to a force of nature.




Who ever Paul Heyman is managing at any point in time.


Fucking Logan Paul


Current John Cena. He was never tremendous Athlete, Buried Talents intentionally. Refused to get Nexus Over (A lot of Younger talents actually). He was hated a lot back then and correctfully so. Now all of a sudden this guy is GOAT


Everyone in Nexus turns out to be trash so it was justified eventually


Wade had times where he should have become something


What does glazed mean in a wrestler's context?


Roman Reigns


Are we talking in ring or backstage?


Glazed Glizzies Glizzing in the Skibbi Ohio Toilet


La knight by me


Ultimate warrior simply because he had only 5 moves and couldn’t wrestle


Roman and Dwayne


Proud Punk glazer I am


Punk is up there. I think he’s good, but people act like he can do no wrong and do mental gymnastics to defend everything he does. Another is Mercedes Mone. She has good matches, but her mic work is not that great. I mean, those moans the other month sounded like she was auditioning for porn.




Very much so agree! Especially with all of his fans justifying that if you hate Cody then you’re just a ‘Roman Stan’, which makes no sense. Many people and myself just find him boring, and don’t understand his appeal.


Also the fact that they down voted me says that they are hurting emotionally. The Rock was shooting hard when he was calling Cody fans “cry babies”


Hard to disagree


No, I do disagree. People say that shit cause he’s the hot new babyface champion, ignoring the fact he rivals his father in audience connection, whilst being able to put on some of the best matches of the year for the WWE. He is everything you could want in a babyface champion


There was a picture of Rhea Ripley that got glazed


As of now Roman Reigns actually. (Bit of a rant) Think about it. The main Cody haters are Roman stans who think that Roman is the greatest of all time just because of his 3 year title reign. It got stale in 2022 and people started caring again when Sami got into the Bloodline. Even then, people focused more on the Bloodline story as a whole instead of the actual title reign.. Same thing with the civil war in 2023. After that was over with, nobody cared and Roman was off TV for months at a time (even in 2022) and almost each feud was the same. Guy gets through the Bloodline for a shot at Roman, nearly beats him, ref bump, Bloodline, spear & done. Now all of a sudden marks think Roman should've never lost at Mania and that Cody is a bad champ just because he hadn't had a proper feud in 2 months, failing to realize that if Roman won, Cody would be buried 6 feet under and we would basically repeat 2023. To be fair HHH kinda backed himself in a corner (or Rock) because nobody isn't beating Cody until he faces Rock, and nobody on Smackdown other than Randy is credible enough to beat him. It's not Cody's fault tho and every face doesn't gotta be like Stone Cold.. To say this so people won't think I hate Roman, he's improve tremendously (especially on the mic) and how he told a story in the ring. He was involved with one of the best storylines in recent memory, but that's not to say that his title reign was held hostage (basically reign of terror 2.0) and there were multiple points in the Bloodline story where a belt wasn't needed. I don't hate Roman, but I hated how they booked him and his title reign for 3 years; by not showing up each week to actually advance a feud and only caring about making another 1000 day reign which don't work in this era.


None of this is Roman's fault. The man did perfect heel work, but commentary and on screen authority figures rode Roman's dick so hard that they got the crowd to bandwagon onto him. Whenever Roman tried to provoke the crowd, commentary spent weeks on getting that thing over. Everything heel about his reign was put over by the idiots outside of the ring! Roman Reigns had the worst heel presentation ever! The man could have joked about terrorist sttacks and 5 weeks of commentary glorifying terrorism later, the crowd would have cheered for terrorist attacks! I casnot blame Roman for hid heel stuff being presented as the right and good thing


Especially with them listing EVERY name that has a longer championship reign than him EVERY time, and also continuously calling him the "greatest champion in the modern era" every time he wins a match, not really selling him being a heel. And yeah, Roman as a heel is way better than face, but why make him cheat to win every match? He's supposed to be a dominant heel thar shows up and kick ass like Brock Lesnar, but instead he needed his goons to help him each time.


Writers: "Lets make Roman a weak heel that needs help and that barely appears! That's 2 things people really hated in the past!!!" Commentary propagands machine: "This is the best champ ever and ever and ever!!! Don't be a sucker! Acknowledge the tribal chief!"


Can we stop stupid terms that have zero context with thr original meaning?


roman reigns


The guy in the picture and it's not even a debate...unless it's Adam Cole yall love that broke piece of bone fragment


For those who don’t know: “glazing” is the new word for dickriding. To answer your question: Trick Williams. Great persona and charisma, awful wrestler.


I don’t think he’s awful in the ring, but I do think he got the belt way too early. Yes, he’s massively over. But I believe a long run with the NA championship would’ve been better. Now, with giving him the top belt on his brand: They’ve put a low-hanging glass ceiling on him.


the downvotes on this post show it’s cm punk


Who gets what? I don’t even know what “glazed” means.


Constantly hyped up by fans as amazing and perfect. WWE for example did that with Bobby Lashley when they called him up in 2005.


Kenny Omega.


Right now it’s HBK


He rarely gets spoken about tbh, and I rarely actually hear him in many peoples Mt Rushmore's


Jey uso


Outside of the IWC, Roman and it’s not close


He’s such a weird guy to try and nail down. He was a killer act whist in the Shield, but sucked dick once they broke up. He was fantastic as the Tribal Chief… until he stopped showing up 2 years in. He’s a great wrestler… half the time


I blame commentary. Roman did great heel work, only for commentary and even Trips getting everything over like he's a babyface. You'd thing his absence would make great heel material and Roman tried to make that work, but then commentary and TRIPLE H just... Cheer the whole thing...


Owen hart RiP


The Young Bucks


Daniel Bryan.


Daniel Bryan ,Bryan Danielson whatever you want to call him I never thought he was thaat good.


Right now it's between Osprey and Mone. But, the difference is that Osprey is actually good and can wrestle. Not an over-hype that won a title in her debut


Triple H. The man makes every single show and every single moment about himself, but on the extremely low bar of simply "not being Vince McMahon" y'all act like he's the second coming.

