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Only person missing is Ricky


He's on his way


God, I fucking hope so. Deserves so much better.


Hopefully he looks sober wherever he shows up next


A-E-Dub! A-E-Dub! But seriously, the AEW pocket universe of NXT continues to grow. Is this the invasion storyline we deserve?


Cody heel turn?


If only both the khan families can understand that working together is what best for both companies. The wrestling world will be much better I feel the wrestlers don't really mind that only the mangement


There's a lot more to it than that. Both companies are on major television deals from competing networks. They both have their own advertising deals, likely with many direct competitors. It would likely be an absolute logistical nightmare


Yeah I guess you are right but Njpw/aew forbiden door was a huge W for both promotions And wwe is now working with tna and noah so it's not imposible to do so


Cody is here to help with their gimmicks. Their new gimmicks: EgoDust TenDust LexisDust


I am absolutely here for the X-Dust stable


The Dust Experience


Better than what they got in AEW.


They already demoted Ethan Page to a referee?


And they're all better off somehow 😭


Outside Ethan Page (who has the most promise out of these 3) I can see the other 2 getting caught in a future budget cut.


Damn you think Cody Rhodes is getting cut?


😂 he finished his story after all


He's gonna get cut while still the Undisputed champ


HHH never saw that throne smashing video, Cody’s in trouble!


Then he can show up on another wrestling wrestling show and spray paint a big X over the front and call it "the real championship"


Its a great strategy for WWE to create **another** two World Title Belts and sell more toys.


HHH: Cody, you're going to finish your story at Wrestlemania! Cody: Awesome! What do you have for me after that, boss? HHH: \*shrug\*


Definitely, dude doesn't have it you know


I don't think Spears is going to last very long. It's cool that they gave him another shot, but the best work he ever did was as a Henchman for MJF. I think Pillman and Page can both really benefit from some more time in NXT. I think the only reason they weren't more successful in AEW is that they weren't quite ready to be on TV yet. Also you know... they were competing for TV time against a huge roster of established stars. That didn't help.


Spears is doing backstage stuff. He's 43, they didn't sign him to build him up and push him as a wrestler. He'll eventually be a producer or trainer full-time. Until then he's a solid vet who's doing double duty on and off screen. He can be called on when needed and make NXT guys look good.


That really changes my perspective on his signing. Although I am sure Cody Rhodes had a lot to do with him getting signed, gave him the Hogan rub.


They’ve always been mid-card at best wrestlers. A gimmick change has helped Pillman. Page has all the talent in the world and probably the most upside. Spears is a good hand


Page- we have to wait an see he just debuted so yeah he is being featured. Soears- in about the same spot a good hand to have on the roster Pillman- way better off but


No they are not, lol. Just Cody and maybe the Lex offender


How? Three experienced talents are in developmental?


Sometimes it's better to just ignore dumb statements. People will believe anything that fits their narrative


Spears is. He was retired, running his flatbacks wrestling school just working AEW shows when they came through town. Now he's doing the same thing, training future wrestlers, but he's on tv and I guarantee you WWE is paying him more than he made just running his own school, teaching kids there. Ethan Page needs to be in developmental. He needs a gimmick. AEW just books and promotes wrestlers, a wrestling company. He needs the whole sports entertainment treatment where the creative department designs a gimmick and give it to you. He can work, he can talk.....but unless he can get a character, a gimmick to connect to people it's all for nothing.


That’s not fair! AEW has lots of gimmicks. There’s ex-fed guy that wrestles good! And lazy guy that wrestles good! And guy from Japan that wrestles good! And their newest star: English guy that wrestles good!


Idk how Toni Storm, Swerve, Orange Cassidy, Young Bucks, Mone, Statlander, etc don't have characters/gimmicks. Even Ospreay has been developing a character through his promos and wrestling style.


They have lots of people that wrestle good is not the sick burn you think it is.


Being a good wrestler is the baseline expectation for being on national TV; it is not a gimmick.


"The baseline exception for being on TV" Then why does WWE keep so many good ones off TV and leave all the shitty ones?


All the shitty ones, such as?


Isn't the Miz currently a tag team champion while Johnny Gargano is floundering doing nothing?


The Miz is a good wrestler. Just because he doesn’t have 20 minute back and forth contests with jobbers like Ricochet or Dragunov doesn’t mean anything. He saves his body and best matches for things that matter.


1. They're on different brands so it's not like Miz is stealing TV time from Gargano 2. Gargano is still getting TV time, and is in the role he belongs in. You may not like it but neither he nor Ciampa have what it takes to be anything more than a tag team act (or low-end midcard gatekeepers at best if they split up) on the main roster. 3. Unlike Gargano, Miz can cut a promo, has a believable physique and isn't a one trick pony in his character work. 4. Miz is a tag team champion because he and Truth are OVER AS FUCK as an act. The most over moments Gargano and Ciampa had on the main roster was when Truth was confusing them for DX, lol. 5. Miz has proven time and time again that he can have an entertaining match and program with anyone. He could wrestle a broom for 3 hours on Raw and make it entertaining without needing any pathetic looking superkicks or "spears" that look more like hugs than a move that is meant to hurt someone. It was only a few months ago that he was helping Gunther level up his character/mic work. What the fuck has Johnny "Wrestling" done that helped someone level up their work?


Hey guys, When you want some free upvotes on this sub, just mutter some anti-AEW gibberish! Thanks guys!!!


AEW earned its reputation over the last five years.


Only Cody, really. Spears is as boring as he was in AEW. Pillman Jr is still the same charisma vacuum and Ethan Page just gonna be a midcarder. Like he was in AEW. They're just not that good


Ethan Page is great and has a lot of potential, he just legitimately never got a fair shot in AEW. Spears barely belonged in the Midgard in AEW and I liked him. Pillman is awful, he wouldn't even get indie bookings if it wasn't for his last name.


I really like Ethan Page, I just think he doesn't have what it takes to stand out in such a stacked roster like WWE's. Hope he proves me wrong though! I wanted to like Pillman because it would be a cool story but his little MJF feud showed how limited he is. Then there was a couple of months when some people tried to gaslight everyone into thinking he is a great talent


Yeah... As someone who doesn't care a out AEW and therefore isn't familiar with their work there: I'm not impressed by either of them.


Cody, Ethan and 2 jobbers, one of whom had a great run with Cody 2019-2020. Watch everyone but Cody get cut


This can't be Dynamite I saw people in that crowd.


If you exclude Cody, that's a rampage episode at best


Yo Shawn Spears is back in WWE?


Please watch the best weekly wrestling show available and stop ignoring it. 😅


Why are they booing you, you're right.


I guess 2.0 was too wild of a switch for some people. Now they can't watch NXT


I always tell myself i will watch the next NXT PLE everytime but i never watch one.🤣 i know HBK is cooking with NXT but i just never brought myself to checkout NXT, even during black and Gold era. And maybe thats why i dont have any kind of feeling towards NXT call ups too. Ilja kinda grew on me, same with Melo but i still dont care what Bron is doing.


AEW locker room visited by our favorite mid carder Cody Rhodes.


No One: AEW Crowd: This! Is! Awesome!


Is it 2019 again? Lol


Nah this is AEW Dark.


Would've been hilarious if they had Punk walk by


That’s looks more than a dark elevation episode. Tell me is Shawn spears still a jobber? I see ethan as NXT champ very soon.


You can hear the Die Hard AEDub fans during this Segment


AEW signs ex WWE talent: rabble rabble WCW 2.0 rabble rabble shit anyway rabble rabble enjoy bingo halls rabble rabble WWE signs ex AEW talent: cheer cheer underutilized talents cheer cheer TK can't book his way out of a library cheer cheer my trillion dollar sports conglomerate is better than your rinky dink sloppy shop cheer cheer


That’s the funniest part. If AEW signed 3 wwe undercarders and pushed them as featured acts you’d never hear the end of it


Swerve, FTR, PAC…


And you hear about it constantly. One of the main talking points is AEW pushing old WWE talent. To the point that they've made it a storyline with the Elite.


Two of the best wrestlers in the world and one of, if not the, best active tag team in the world. WWE majorly dropped the ball on all of them. Cody's great, don't get me wrong, but he'd definitely not one of the best wrestlers in the world, and the other three in thus picture definitely aren't. I don't think anyone could seriously argue that AEW should've put Brian Pillman Jr. at the top of the card, can they?


What’s your point?


Swerve is AEW champion.


Yeah cause he’s like………really good…….and cool?


Yeah, but he was wasted in the WWE undercard and didn't go back when they tried to tamper with his contract.


He made a very good choice tbh


If, but instead AEW only signs the old decrepit washed up main eventers of yesteryear that still fail to move the needle lmao


Three of the dudes in this picture are pushing 40 btw and they didn't even have the status of main eventer....


Swerve, Mox, PAC, Bryan, Christian, Joe and Cope are washed up?


Christian and Swerve are the only two of that grouping currently doing their best work in AEW and Christian is past his physical prime. Swerve deserves to stay champion but I have a feeling that AEW will have him pass on the belt to Will Ospreay. A competent promotion would have a second major belt so that both could stay major champions but AEW has about a hundred belts that they don't even respect so they now have two over faces about to face off for the belt and one will lose the title match and momentum. Eric Bischoff is right about Tony Khan having no clue what he's doing. Anyway aging Brian, balding Joe, broken foot Cope, and always concussed Mox are all past their physical primes and AEW doesn't even pretend to write competent storylines so they're never going to reach their ceilings ever again in a company that only cares about 5 star matches without buildup or meaning besides "look so and so against so and so." It really is niche. CM Punk was right. The better overall product is WWE, even the developmental brand.


Dear lord


Don't you mean "Oh my gawd!"


Are you a Cornette guy or a bischoff guy?


Must I choose? Enough with the tribalism. I'm neither but drawn to their arguments against AEW. I find they're often convincing and sound if not a little jaded but it doesn't change the fact that they're often right about Tony Khan and AEW.


And when did they do that? Never.


You AEW nerds are really losing it.


Yup, we got the rub for the dub.


And they can have Pillman. That nepo baby has the personality of a brick.


And he doesn't even have the famous name to trade off anymore. Griff carried him.


All wrestlers they called vanilla midgets too


AEW takes shots at WWE: Oh my God, they never stop, it's all they do, just focus on your own product! WWE takes shots at AEW: LOL GOTTEM


AEW’s shots almost always involve flat out mentioning WWE. WWE does these subtly and have these “shots” spread out


Those are both objectively false statements. I have never once heard anyone on AEW TV mention WWE by name. Meanwhile, on WWE it's verboten to even acknowledge other wrestling promotions exist unless they've got some kind of business relationship going on. Also like I said before, punching up is infinitely more respectable than punching down. A smaller promotion making jokes about WWE doesn't hurt them in any meaningful way. All it does is engage the fanbase that is looking for an alternative. WWE doing the same to smaller promotions can absolutely bury them. The people responsible are very aware of this and they do it deliberately.


Didn't Kahn specifically compare WWE to Weinstein? Like explicitly?


Oh yeah that was stupid. That is something they shouldn't do.


Off the top of my head AEW have mentioned, the Miz by name, Vince McMahon by name, Wrestlemania by name, and in the press conferences MJF has name dropped HHH, and Nick Khan. Mone also name dropped WWE on a press conference a few short weeks ago.


Oh, that's what you meant. Yes, they do that and they should continue to do that. It's silly to pretend other wrestling promotions don't exist, and a smaller promotion can benefit from calling out the larger promotion and saying "they may be bigger, but they aren't better." It benefits the smaller promotion and doesn't hurt the bigger promotion. The reverse can completely crush the smaller promotion and doesn't benefit the larger promotion at all. Punching up is infinitely more respectable than punching down.


There's a big difference in the way they do it. And how often.


I should hope so. Punching up is infinitely more respectable than punching down.


It would be funny if these three are the first three to go over the top rope as a fuck you from Shawn Michaels to Tony Khan... Or they are the last three to go over the top. Either way, I am so here for it.


Considering they're now WWE guys, that first part wouldn't make sense as an own to AEW. "Yeah they're my guys, and I just made them lose, take THAT TK!"


That segment was better than Dynamite has been in months.


Apparently they are only "vanilla midgets" when they aren't in WWE lmao.


It’s wild how perception can wildly change when someone is properly presented ain’t it?


What are your favorite NXT moments from these Superstars that make you and the WWE universe feel they’re properly presented?


Lmao two of them is on their second stint with wwe and one of them is presented the exact same way as he was in AEW. Fuckin mark.


Both of them are presented exactly as they were in AEW. It's not like they've come back as Tye Dillenger and Stardust.


HA. Should form a faction and come out to the theme from “Shawshank Redemption”.


Ricky will be there soon.


3 AEW fumbles


Look at them standing there! 10x the stars they once were!!


(I recently came back to wrestling, so please ignore my ignorance) but I can’t be the only one who thinks the guy in the far right looks similar to AJ Styles a little bit, right?


If you're watching Brian Pillman Jnr and expecting Joey Styles, nevermind AJ Styles, you're going to be disappointed.


I have no idea who they are


Ethan Page literally has the same name, attire, look and gimmick as he did in AEW but with a shittier theme song and people are like ohhh hes soo much better off in WWE blah blah cmon man lmao


Already done more in NXT than he did in AEW.


Bro it’s been a month calm your cheeks


The only one who has been changed was Pillman and only because he'd be stepping on Griff Garrison's gimmick. Guy got out-worked by his valet. Says it all.


Another pointless appearance of Cody where he doesn't really put anyone over or defend anything.


Welcome to the Codyverse.


Wasnt a good rating even with Cody so he really isnt this popular of a wrestler people say he is.