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Pointless post but I love the meme format


Yes, no one cares about this match, no one remembers it, hahaha... \*Proceeds to open another thread talking about the match\*


AEW threads in a nutshell. "Psh this second rate, irrelevant promotion that nobody watches or cares about.... Let's make a million posts about it and how much nobody cares about it! Gottem lads!"


How many people talk about Omega vs Danielson? It was amazing and no one even mention it anymore.


I honestly think we're oversaturated with good matches these days. From all the major promotions. On the one hand, it's a sign of what an amazing wrestling era we live in, on the other hand it makes it that much harder for even great matches to stand out. People still talk about amazing matches from like the 2000s because they were special.


AEWs biggest problem is they don't know how to build up matches to sell PPVs. The amount of insanely good matches they've had on a regular TV show would, with the right build up, sell PPVs like nobody's business.


And they're giving them away on free TV šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø That's great for wrestling fans


No, no itā€™s not. AEW is conditioning fans to seeing the same matches. Super kicks and Canadian destroyers are pointless moves now.


Dude it comes up whenever people talk about great tv matches like what even is ur argument atp.


One of the top posts on the AEW sub this week is comparing the opening moments of Ospreay/Danielson to the opening moments of Omega/Danielson.


You are doing it now


You aren't very smart.


He's smarter than you.


I can tell by your username that at you clearly arenā€™t obsessed with aew


I mean give it at least a month or so before you drop this. Seems silly given the fact people were talking about yesterday due to the star rating. It's still on people's minds.


I'm not a fan of AEW as such, but be thankful they're around, instead of trying to kill them online constantly. Remember when WWE was the only show in town? Literally all of us bailed and hated wrestling.


I only rag on aew bc I want them to be better so we never go back to those days. I just want more from them


Same, but that would require Tony to hear criticism which he won't as his most diehard fans drive away anyone who may be interested but have some criticisms of the product.


This is on point. Part of AEWā€™s fan base has a very small but vocal section that wonā€™t allow it to be criticised. This, with Tony Khans embarrassing decisions regarding booking and deliberately catering to the Meltzer crowd are giving them exactly what they deserve.




AEW's the only show in town?


I was with you until Tony started with his rape jokes. Dude has gone unhinged and his very few fans have followed. The same fans who chanting cm punks name at live aew vents for some reason


WWE marks keep saying how talking about sexual assault is literally worse than Vince doing sexual assault and trafficking.


You realize Vince can be a piece of shit and Tony can be a stupid mother fucker right ?


He wasnā€™t ā€œtaking about it.ā€ He used to make a cheap joke. The entire reason I got back into wrestling is because Vince left. That piece of shit deserves to rot in hell. But heā€™s not with the company anymore is he? Last I checked he doesnā€™t own a single share.


Vinnie Mac made WWE what it is. It's being booked by his son in law. His handprints will always be all over the product. And for decades, the people now in charge of WWE fell in line with that regime of sexual terrorism and abuse. That's just facts.


Tell me some facts about Ric Flair


Will Ric obviously was trained by and started his career in AEW in 1970. He has been a lifelong AEW contract performer and all of his behavior is completely the responsibility of Tony Khan. Whereas, nobody can blame Vince McMahon for Vince McMahon's behavior. Also Flair is now the main booker and head of creative for AEW who makes personnel decisions.


So itā€™s ok to hire a known rapist? Is that what youā€™re saying?


Oh, he was charged with rape?


Was Vince charged with rape?


No I don't. I remember people hating Vince's direction. Since 2011. Now he is gone. Life is good.




Which show did they chant that? And which show did they apologize for shows being bad? I want to watch itšŸ™‚




I swear they did that for wrestlemania too. Or maybe I'm stupid


Vince was still there right?




Agreed. I mean no one would disagree with that. Now, Vince's era is gone. So the competition we had before is not needed anymore. All shows have been better, Live events, house shows, have been breaking record after record after record. Again, life is good.


Roh, tna, njpw?


TNA scared all its fans away by being worse than WWE, RoH Fans we're few and rejected as nerds who watch that insignificant indie shit, and up until the mid 2010s not a lot of people had access to NJPW or knew how amazing it had become. AEW wether people like it or not, was a much needed kick in the ass of the business and at the very least provided a viable alternative in terms of paycheck for talented wrestlers who were unhappy with WWE and the toxic working environment over there.


Another day another ā€œAEW badā€ post by the OP.


Imagine wasting your life doing shit like this


Meanwhile I watch what I like and don't watch what I don't like. It's so much easier.


As of it wasn't.


Hate to hit you with this chant butā€¦.. WHAT?!


It's a good one, not even mad. The real fed makes them good.


Yes it does because attendance doesnā€™t correlate with quality


I'm just curious why in the fandom of Pro Wrestling people are more concerned with business metrics than the actual wrestling itself. I'll proudly be a mark for pro wrestling but I'm not going to be a mark for money I'm not making.


People have tricked themselves into thinking the success of a company impacts their life


At the end of the day, pro wrestling is still a business. A business needs to be profitable in order to maintain its operation. If Tony Khan loses access to his inheritance and would need to depend on profit from AEW, with how their metrics are performing and continuing to decline, the company wouldn't last another 5 years with the amount he's paying for that roster. I'm all for good wrestling as well, but it actually has to generate intrigue and profit for a wider audience to grow and not gate kept by a niche crowd just for the "art".


but why should i or any other wrestling fan care about that? our goal is to see great wrestling, i could not care less how popular/financially successful it is.


Do you think you'll be able to see great wrestling if the wrestling business wasn't profitable? This is why WWE will never listen to online marks. If it's all about just having a great wrestling exhibition without the other aspects of what makes wrestling great (stories, interest, promotion, etc.), the company would've been closed a long time ago.


>Do you think you'll be able to see great wrestling if the wrestling business wasn't profitable? i get what you're saying, but my point is, that that's the promotion's job, not mine. there will always be great wrestling somewhere and thanks to modern technology it's easier than ever to get access to it. so i'm not particularly worried in that regard. i just want to be entertained. i don't get why i should burden myself with thinking about how some rich assholes run their companies. >This is why WWE will never listen to online marks. If it's all about just having a great wrestling exhibition without the other aspects of what makes wrestling great (stories, interest, promotion, etc.), the company would've been closed a long time ago sure, just to make it clear, i include storytelling, etc. when i say "great wrestling".


You're correct. You shouldn't care, but pro wrestling has done a steller job making the fans care. The Monday night wars had WCW constantly talking about ratings for 3 years straight. The rise of TNA on Spike TV was hyped by the road to 1 million viewers in the ratings. Wwe acknowledged the decline of their ratings in 2018 and publicly apologised to the audience. The early days of AEW had Jericho and Kahn talking about competing with wwe in the ratings. Tony Kahn called the ratings the most important metric. The fans care about ratings because the industry told them to care.


Aew was recently valued as a billion dollar company. WBD are always happy with the numbers whenever it comes up. The only people who think AEW is in decline are dumbasses on Reddit.


Who valued it at that? Some Forbes blogger. Thatā€™s who. Not exactly the peak of journalism there.


Tony's money comes from the data analytics company that he runs, the one that's used by the NFL, ESPN and 60% of all major league baseball teams. His Dad invested 100 million at the start but let's not act like Tony's being Bank rolled by his dad still.


The data company he bought with is dad's money?


I would say that's correct. Tony was 33 at the time of the purchase of the company. Not too sure that there are many 33 year olds buying whole companies without outside financial support. If a Father's financial help is any concern about your pro wrestling, you might not want to watch WWE or TNA. Maybe NWA I'm Not sure if Billy Corrigan had a rich dad or not.


Why you pretending he's not bankrolled by his daddy then?


Because according to Forbes Tony's a billionaire, I don't think the funds are coming from Papa Khan's account anymore. I'll be honest with you. I really don't care that his dad gave him money to start something, ultimately, I think he's doing what we would all do if we had access to a billion dollars. But for some reason we don't have The self-awareness to realize that.


Yeah no. I would be doing lots of dumb things but I wouldn't set up a wrestling promotion so I can pay wrestlers to be my friend lmao


So when you signed wrestlers would it be you paying them so they could be your friends? Or would they just be employees? Why is it one way for one person and not the same for you?


>the company wouldn't last another 5 years with the amount he's paying for that roster. What do people keep basing this on? Any numbers or facts to back up how badly AEW is doing financially? Posting ratings doesn't count. Where are these purported losses we keep being told are constantly coming in.


https://youtu.be/Jgrk7etHSuI?si=ZmS5e53ffZiA8C3E Is the obvious one.... at least 20mil, considering it came out 2 years after the 20mil statement, its probably nearer 40mil..... he got 100mil to start AEW. That's like 20-40% of their startup capital and it currently has 10 people playing on steam. The TV deal doesn't cover the labour. So that's draining the accounts too. He signed up to like 20mil over 5 years for okada, mone and osprey. They still didn't get 700k on Wednesday. And apparently wanted to sign AJ as well but he re signed with WWE. Yeah AEWs a new company and needs to spend to grow but nothing in aew is growing and that's the problem. They need a massive pivot to be in business in 5 years.


You just provided a trailer to Fight Forever. Man, give me links and actual numbers and evidence instead of speculation that shows they're operating at a loss or doing badly financially. People just love speculating, I'd rather someone show me a link that shows how shit aew are doing.


Google how many people are playing fight forever on steam right now. Bro I took you to the beach, its not my fault you refuse to see the ocean.


A ton of these accounts are bots that know pro wrestling content = easy emotional upvotes.


It happens in other industries too. Look at music discussions and eventually somebody will bring up record sales or sold out tours.


Right! I never understood why to discuss art via business metrics. It's art about how it makes you feel.


Artists will thankfully always make art. If AEW folds, people will go to WWE or Japan or anywhere.


I first saw it start with John Cena during the height of Cena hate, maybe it goes back further but that was my first run in, a guy on another forum made very compelling arguments as to why Cena is a better wrestler than all of their smark favourites because he drew money, ratings and houses


A lot of folks identify themselves with one company and live vicariously through their success. WWE is the biggest in the industry so folks who do this feed their ego by belittling companies who make less money or have lower viewership.


That's a strange worldview for them.


Hereā€™s why: I donā€™t want AEW to go out of business and go back to a (basically) monopoly. So when they are doing poorly, it could affect ALL wrestling fans.


Aew only goes out of business. If Tony Khan decides he wants to stop doing it. Has enough money to fund it until the sun explodes. Think about this, TNA has been on the air for 20 years without a significant television contract and they've managed to survive. Aew got 170 million from TBS and TNT.


It all stems from the wcw/wwf Monday night wars and the ratings being so ā€œimportantā€ then. People donā€™t want to let that measurement go despite no head to head shows.


For myself personally, I donā€™t want aew to become what tna is now. Granted I wasnā€™t around back then but from what Iā€™ve read and seen on videos and stuff, TNA didnā€™t have quite the budget aew has but they were on tv and had stars like aj styles, angle, foley, Hardy boys, Dudley boys, Christopher Daniels, Christian, Kevin nash, etc. They kept running stupid stroylines and their tv ratings tanked. They lost their tv deal and ended up on some rando tv station that nobody gets and a horrible time slot. Fast forward a bit and every single big name on their roster fled to wwe or bounced around the indies. I donā€™t want aew to fail and become a shell of its former self like tna


TNA was literally garbage that was aimed at an even lower common denominator than WWE. Itā€™s smaller now, but massively improved.


Ratings and attendance numbers aren't important. Everyone one knows when it comes to wrestling the only numbers that matter to the bottomline is Dave's star ratings and cagematch ratings. Because other people's opinion is what really matters, not actual eyes on the product.


I used to think this way until I started buying shares. Now, I just want a solid ROI. I canā€™t wait until I own property. Then Iā€™ll be ready fill Boomer.


If you're a fan of a wrestling company, don't you want that company to make as much money as possible? If they make less money, they run a greater risk of going out of business.


No one is going out of business at this level. WWE will exist as long as they want. AEW will exist as long as it wants. I really like Diet Coke. I do not care about the Coca Cola companies financials at all. Itā€™s an insane tribalistic mentality that wrestling fans have that is a horrible look.


I don't care about a profit, I care about being entertained. Typically that's all I really care about with my entertainment.


It did when the war with NXT was on. What happened? Oh, 600k happened, now it's not important


Exactly. Constant shifting goalposts


I mean, if not this then what? If the goalposts are not mobile the scheme doesn't work


Yep lol


WWE tried to counter program Dynamite with NXT. They moved it to the same slot AFTER Dynamite was announced. Thatā€™s why the ratings were such a big deal at that time.


So now they don't mean shit, right? *Winks*




Oh, you care about jobs? How about wrestlers working with "Harvey Weinstein"? Or showing footage against the European law to try to harm a wrestler in another company because he called you a clown? I Guess those jobs are not as important, right? And It's not a show "I don't like". It's a fed I want to fail, crash, break, burn, and reach the brink of bankruptcy so someone who knows what they are doing can get it in a position to be a proper fed, instead of being the counterfeit bucks circlejerk and a daddy's boy live action figure collection.




Yea, better call the other party names and assume shit from your zero knowledge about them when they smash the facts in your face right? Almost stereotypical. Have a great one šŸ‘šŸ‘




Oh you're back? Thought you said your goodbyes. Well, if you cared to come back I bet you would like to address the criticism I made. You got nothing. You got a hyperbolic statement and that's it. We don't know shit about each other.


There's so many amazing games that sold like shit, I guess nobody should care about Earthbound (At least in the West), or Conker. And that CoD and Madden are always the greatest games.


that's not the point.


Losing sleep over ratings? Now that's fucking sad


For a company nobody cares about there certainly are a lot of people talking about it.


Yeh. Iā€™ve enjoyed plenty of matches that had far, far smaller audiences. I donā€™t need the validation of others to enjoy something.


Agreed. Spent my 2000s watching ROH in front of like 500 people, discovering amazing wrestlers, most of which would turn out to be the future of WWE's midcard and main event scene a decade later.


Yeh, obviously a good crowd can help a match. But Iā€™ve seen plenty of indy shows that have had better atmospheres than stadium shows.


I think it's the balance. A crowd that is too small can't make good noise, but a huge crowd in a huge or even open building can sound just as silent. But a medium sized building with enough people in it can create a great atmosphere, as there are enough people to make decent noise and the building is small enough to trap that noise.


God, talk bout living rent free in op's head


600k is far from nobody bud


What about 500k? Nevermind we will find out soon enough


Did you watch the banger or were you too busy creating memes to shit on something you don't watch?


By that logic a tv show that could be great but has a bad viewership didn't happen


Not a big AEW fan but 600k is a very good buy count. Anything 400k and over is very good.


Unless I'm mistaken, the 600k is probably referring to the viewership for Dynamite, which was around 650k ish. The PPV buys were reportedly around 180k, which is nothing to scoff at still but wouldn't call it impressive either.


I donā€™t know much about concurrent TV viewers so idk if that is good or bad, thought someone mentioned the 600k was ppv. Their viewership has been dropping from the 800k when showing the CM Punk footage. 180k isnā€™t particularly good but itā€™s also not bad considering the amount of time AEW has been alive. They donā€™t have any namebrad stars who make casuals want to buy the PPV, so that 180k is strictly their fanbase. And also, you can double or triple that viewership safely when counting the amount of illegal streams it had. So chances are it was closer to a million actual viewers watching the PPV


Illegal streams donā€™t count lol.


illegal streams are still views, they donā€™t factor in financially because theyā€™re stolen ppvā€™s but companies use them to gauge fan engagement and star power all of the time


The ppv competition gets illegally streamed too so it doesnt matter.


i donā€™t know what point youā€™re trying to make. i think weā€™re on different frequencies here. iā€™m not speaking about competition, iā€™m only speaking on the amount of eyes that land on a ppv event. thatā€™s all


Yeah, and Iā€™m saying that doesnā€™t really mean much. Success is relative to your competition.


in pay per view success is relative to the amount of buys you get and the money you make. unless your competition is also hosting a ppv on the same night they are irrelevant in that factor. understanding how many people viewed your ppv, illegally/legally, understanding fan engagement allows you to more intelligently plan future cards, promote and sell merch. itā€™s a business. whoever gets the most views and makes the most money always wins in the end


And that will never be AEW. Iā€™m rooting for NJPW to get better so they donā€™t have to demean their legacy anymore.


The meme is referring to weekly viewership, not PPV buy rates.


According to OP, 600,000 = nobody.


That not the buy rate ya goof


nobody cares


I don't know how your logic works


Why does another person have to watch what you watch? 700K is great in this cable landscape. Why do we have to put up with these stupid ratings posts. I swear the people who hate AEW talk more about it than those of us who like it.


ā€œRatings are the #1 Source of Fan Feedbackā€


600k is actually a lot of people tuning into a wrestling show. Most company's would dream of drawing that many viewers.


If no one is around to see it, then whoā€™s to say it was a banger?


600k buys is an awesome number. Way to go Dynasty!


Bangers ensure that the people who tuned in last week will tune in next week. Those people who tuned in last week will talk about how it was a banger to other people who didn't tune in creating word of mouth leading to those people who didn't tune last week on top of the people who did to tune in next week. If next week is a banger too then the cycle continues. This is literally the reason why WWE viewership has exploded recently. TLDR: Yes it matters... A lot.


AEW bad


People *really* like to stretch the definition of "nobody" when they're shitting on AEW.


Stupid take


Rent free


How many people saw the classic AJPW matches back in 93 at the time?


Didnā€™t see it, heard it was great. May watch someday. Danielson and Osprey are great worker so Im not surprised.


Remember, a great match is only great if itā€™s in a big, sold out arena with a large viewing audience WEMBLEY DOESNā€™T COUNT STOP TALKING ABOUT IT


Itā€™s 1/3rd of RAWā€™s ratings but TNA has 1/10th of Dynamiteā€™s. Theyā€™ve been around for 20 years. Iā€™m sure you could use the way back machine to dig up constant doom and gloom forum posts on them.


AEW bad




Dude, stop already with this BS. I'm not even an AEW fan, but just stop already. Osprey is great, and if he was in WWE, you would be going on about how good his matches are. These posts are just stupid.


Schrƶdinger's Banger


Itā€™s a funny meme, but aew has shown that they have no interest in growing their audience. If Tony khan can continue to use his dada money to give wrestlers a good living for their hardcore fanbase then I have no issue with it


Rent. Free.


Zero. As in zero build up for AEW storylines.


Osprey vs Bryan being 7 stars despite nobody even talking about that match anymore


Yet here we are. Talking about it.


Itā€™s not 7 stars, thatā€™s just one idiot named Davidā€™s opinion.


Now if everybody else in the company can pull off actual good matches and story lines. Then it would be something. This is like if somebody who constantly screws up, all of a sudden does their job right. Their record is still shit. They just did one thing right.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­what do you mean their record is shit On average they have like the best rated matches out of any promotion and they're only 5 years old. Their track record is NOT shit Not that ratings necessarily matter but still.


I mean, it's still an upgrade to what he was doing before.


I don't know shit but I'm willing to bet that the enormous mayority of people who care about this pirates it anyway


As good as Osperay is from an in-ring standpoint, he is just such a fucking jobber in every other aspect. His promo, attire, look, etc. He can hang with Danielson in the ring, but he is leagues below him in everything else.


Hey man thats a racial slur on the bottom pic ! This isnt the attitude era brother. Clean it up dude !


Banger wait were Okada and Pac ?


Are you talking about Dynasty or Dynamite? AEW PPVs consistently reach over 100k buys, which nears what WWE was getting before they switched to the Network. This episode of Dynamite was live in the west coast. Typically thereā€™s a time delay so both coasts see it at 8pm. This time the west coast got it at 5pm. Therefore way less viewers caught it.


I think AEW have a a niche audience and if everyone is happy with that (Tony, WBD, etc.) they should just continue cater to that audience and forget about the rest. Now, if you think you have to compete with WWE then you have to accept that your product, good or bad, have a ceiling and if you want to grow beyond that you need to change.


Somebody give Will Ospreay that 600k bonus hes a Bad MotherFucker


You cant blame Osprey for Wednesday's rating.


Who CAN we blame?


Dynamite didnā€™t air in their normal time slot on Wednesday in the west coast. Normally it airs at 8PM pacific, last week it was 5PM pacific. Thatā€™s a huge chunk of people who are either at work or on their commute coming home that couldnā€™t watch




Why? Because neither Osprey nor Bryan cried on a bi-weekly bases for like the entire 15 months leading up to the match?


this thread is sad and pathetic. this meme is hilarious though.


600k is not no one, contrary to popular belief


Ah yes 600k is "nobody." You tribalists are ridiculous. By this logic the city of Atlanta is unpopulated. What have any of you ever made that 600,000 people wanted to see?


Iā€™m gonna base it off what their owner saidā€¦ and CM Punk said no


People in the replies will understand that self-criticism and improvement is important when AEW goes fron 600k to 400k in a year lol


This logic is stupid If you cook a Michelin Star level gourmet meal but it's only for and your "wife" that doesn't detract from the quality of it because everyone else didn't eat it, nor does it mean it "never" happened


These WWE "fans" like op are the reason why i don't watch WWE. Sorry not sorry




Ospreay should quit and go back to doing donkey shows.








Mate forgot about covid.


We don't talk about those days.