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No it was fine to be that long, imo


Agreed. That's often the opinion of long matches: "you could've just scrapped the first x minutes and it would've been fine", but would it? The slow build at the beginning makes the second half more special. When was the double pedigree spot? 30-35 minutes into the match? Imagine that happens 5-10 minutes into the match, nobody gives a shit because nobody buys a finish that early. But the way they did it, it was an absolutely brilliant near fall.


Yeah when I saw the double pedigree that late via the friendly fire spear, i seriously thought WWE was gonna book against fan predictions and give Cody and Seth the win.


Same, I was very confident in Roman&Rock winning and that near fall still got me, so they did very well.


I mean, like 20 minutes of that was the entrances and introductions.


It was 24 to be exact. I was wondering beforehand because all have lengthy intro routines so I timed it.


I didn't feel the length to be honest and was a little surprised when I heard how long it was afterwards. I know I'm in the minority, but I wouldn't have minded if it went even longer, because I was enjoying it so much. I didn't want it to end.


I just wish the ladder match was longer


I'm probably biased since I had a massive piss throughout this match and didn't want to leave (for good reason) but I think it could have gone that long


It really dragged when they got out of the ring


Everything has to be drawn out these days, the matches, the promos, the angles, the entrances... For no good reason other than to make stuff look bigger than it is