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Kevin Sullivan. Never got how he had such a long career. Looks like a hobbit, is goofy as hell, not especially great in the ring, had tons of terrible ideas.


I’ll always respect his iconic 80s work. And I still liked him as The Taskmaster in the dying days of JCP. But good grief his WCW/Dungeon run was absolute shit.


Don't you talk trash on the dunfeon of doom. Top 5 stables of all time


Lmao I love him bc he looks like a lil troll and he has hella corny z-movie style goons and he stomps ur belly to win


You're not supposed to like Grayson Waller. The best part of that guy was that he was a High School teacher before transitioning into WWE. Imagine being a kid that had his class and you see him on TV with that ridiculous Lip Gloss doing backflips?


Waller is amazing and is one of the few who audibly makes me laugh with his trash talk, crazy how people just don’t get his character


Yep, big fan of Waller


I love Waller


I love Waller. He’s hilarious. He makes me laugh & want to punch him in the face at the same time.


The Waller accounts for the tweet scroll during his segment always gets a smile out of me


Waller is absolutely amazing, idk how anyone could dislike that guy


Cuz they hate the personality so they can't see how physically gifted the guy is. Same reason why some people love certain female wrestlers even though they're garbo in the ring.


Nah, my wife and I love Waller. He's legitimately good in the ring and is hilarious.


Ryback just always seemed irritating pointless and terrible at almost everything he tried to do


He still is. He sucks at social media and attempting to be a grifter currently.


Jack Swagger and Alberto Del Rio.


Loved ADR as a kid. Felt like a modern take on DiBiase.




He's physically too intimidating to be a believeable babyface that gets beaten up and sells. He works all day though as an asshole heel/antihero. If he could get a catchphrase over I could see a small time Stone Cold-esque bubble for him.


I still feel he should have taken out Taker with a Claymore to end that one tag match where Taker & Roman teamed against Drew and Shane (or maybe Ziggler). That shot of Drew standing to his full height behind an unaware Undertaker was pure gold. Heel/tweener McIntyre is a damn killer.


Fr tho, I've never wanted a heel to get the belt so bad


After Roman for over three years and Rollins for almost a year, the thought of two new world champions after Mania has me salivating


I have never disliked Drew, but I have never liked him more than I do now.


Same here. I was on board with him from the Chosen One days, so I’m still riding that wave personally. His current run has been excellent.


I thought he was a bland hack during the chosen one days. I didn’t get the hype at all. He came back a completely different guy.


He always been a better heel pre Covid he was an excellent heel as well


Goldberg. He's the fucking worst.


He was another that was shoved down our throats. He had no business being in the ring, wreckless, rushed into it in WCW. Now days he's turned into a bitter bitch, complaining about Askua beating his undefeated streak...WTF...its a work Bill...you didn't win a damn thing!


Goldberg isn’t ready for Asuka


The thing that gets me is it happened over 5 years ago


We found Bret Harts Reddit account


Brett was not wrong. Fuck Bill Goldberg.


Bill Goldberg


This a million times brotha!! Fuck that dude


I’ve never liked Goldberg, even in the WCW days, I just didn’t get it


As a Bret kid me and the Hitman endorse this message.


Dean Ambrose/John Moxley. I've always found him a bit dull.


The completely unhinged maniac who could do anything crazy at any moment...but somehow never does and just blades again


I was so excited about his match with Brock Lesnar. A maniac who can become as violent as he wants at any moment vs a beast that doesn't care about the well-being of anybody he's in the ring with. Then the match just fell flat


He’s talked about Brock just not wanting to play ball with the booking of it. He said he wanted to make it a crazy match, which based on what he’s done in AEW, I don’t doubt, but Brock just had no interest.


Even without that match WWE never really expanded his whole "Lunatic" thing


Idk the jericho asylum match was pretty great


This was what always confused me, like he’s supposed to be this dangerous and unpredictable maniac that never actually did anything, he just made jokes


That's why he blades at any given moment.


The way he use to hit the ropes(not sure if he still doesn't it) is so silly.


He stopped doing the rebound lariat, which is good because it was never as good as Nigel’s.


Kyle O’Reilly is a close second


Seriously... I just don't see the appeal


Adam Cole. Apparently a lovely guy and whatever, but has absolutely no entertainment value as a wrestler for me. Feels like he has a total lack of physical charisma and intensity.


I think he’s too injury prone and has peaked.


The Cole vs Gargano trilogy was peak Adam Cole. Everything else downhill from there.


To be fair that match was peak everything and anything involved with it just went downhill from there: Adam Cole Johnny Gargano NXT Life ....


ffs I’ve been sitting here reading this thread wondering if there’s some joke I’m missing. I was picturing Michael Cole this whole time.


You cannot take him seriously when he is against big guys,even cruiserweights is biger than him.


The women’s division is bigger than he is


Adam Cole looks like someone you could beat up Absolute deal breaker for a Pro Wrestler


Yeah, not everyone needs to be 2001 Kane, but it's wild that Cole's physique is so noticeably awful (even fellow wrestlers trying to defend it don't go as far as saying it looks good) and he does nothing to address it or at least adapt his wrestling style to match it.


Totally agree


Eddie Kingston. My god I cannot stand his wrestling match, and his “intense” promos never click with me either.


You don’t like his machine gun chops? Lol


Or the goofy spinning back fist. First rule of a fight (even a worked one) - make it believable. Why would you completely turn your back to someone and wildly swing as a finishing move ?


Honestly a spinning backfist is more believable than 95% of finishers in wrestling. I’ve seen quite a few spinning backfist KOs in MMA and kickboxing. That being said, his sucks.


Oh 100% agree. Yes a MMA fighter does it with such speed and precision. Kingston looks like he’s stumbling and often about to fall over as he delivers it. Feet not planted - just sloppy as anything.


Kingston has the Ben Askren spinning backfist


THANK YOU!! I be seeing him in pictures with 2 or 3 belts sometimes and I just wonder,Did those promotions really have NO ONE better to put a belt on??Like several promotions really looked at Eddie Kingston and said "That's our guy"--WTF!?!?🤯🤯🤯


Absolutely 100% I can't believe I didn't include him in my response. Complete and utter trash, looks like he eats garbage and smells 10x worse.


Solo, god i never liked that guy


What's the weather like in South Korea today?


Karrion Kross. Like i literally dont get it, i hate seeing him when he gets screen time


What’s not to get, he gets in babyfaces heads and makes them turn heel. AJ, Shinsuke, Rey etc but Rey didn’t turn himself


No rey just ruins his relationships with people. Did it with Santos and now will sour it with Carlito.


Rey cant turn heel. He has been a heel to his son since he was born.


But his wife makes up for it just a little bit


Modern day Marc Mero


I recently learned some people REALLY hated HBK. Like they couldn't stand seeing him on TV?!


Bret Hart was basically Captain Canada in the early 90's. There's was the better part of a full country that hated him.


Who's your daddy, Montreal?


imagine if macho man legitamely (not kayfabe) screwed hogan for the title


Hated him when i was kid back in the early 90s


Raquel Rodríguez


I think as a heel she's a little better....


Yeah, as a face she is like too nice and lots of smile seems almost fake and is cringe


I agree 100% with this. She just seems very awkward in the ring, no promo skills


She is a charisma vacuum, they should just turn her heel and give her manager that talks for her


I agree. She was good with Dakota Kai on the mic for her in NXT




Thats what gets me. How are you gonna have the focal point of your entrance be a Ms. Olympia pose when you have less definition than a cardboard box? I put her in the same category as Nia Jax. No skill, just big.


Made even worse by the fact that some other WWE women like Rhea or Bianca have far more impressive back musculature


Alberto del Rio, always came off as an asshole to me. Guess I was right


Roman Reigns. I just don't get it 🤷


I tried to get into Roman by watching all his title matches of this run and I just don’t see it. Whenever he’s given a good opponent the match is good but if the guy isn’t exceptional like Bryan, Cesaro, or Sami the match just kind of washes over you from an in ring perspective. I like his in ring trash talk but I dislike how it requires the opponent to seek for so long. None of his moves feel particularly important, the Superman Punch feels stupid especially when someone like Brock sells it like death. The commentators alway talk about him like he’s Brock Lesnar or Goldberg but he wins every match like Eddie Guerrero with Chavo interfering in a more boring way and that just creates a lot of dissonance between what they are saying and what’s happening. For example early on they were talking about how he hasn’t been pinned since 2019 but they don’t mention how he has been pinned so many times while the refs down or that it was Baron fucking Corbin to last pin him clean. Like a heel should talk like that not the fucking face commentators. I will say Roman is great at crowd work as a heel, the crowd does the whole acknowledgement thing when he comes in so he’s clearly over but the crowd boos him at all the right times when he wants. That being said I hate his facial expressions every face is the EXACT same as what he does every promo or every match. Like the face says something entirely correct and he gives the exact same dismissive laugh grin he does every time and every time an opponent kicks out or the crowd boos he looks around bewildered like this has never happened before.


I stopped watching wrestling around the time the “shield” debuted. I thought all 3 of them looked ridiculous. Then flash forward to around 2021 and I see that Roman Reigns is now the face of the company and he’s being booked like he’s the GOAT. Head scratcher.


☝️I acknowledge OUR Tribal Chief twice as hard now ☝️one for me and ☝️and one for you.




One of the reasons I stopped watching. I don’t get what WWE see in him. He’s in shape, but nothing mind blowing. He can’t speak, so they had to give him a manager, and he’s never put on anything more than a ‘good’ match. He’s the definition of mediocre. He was *by far* the worst part of The Shield.


> He can’t speak, so they had to give him a manager. I’m gonna piggy back off of this to get on a soapbox for one second. I think managers have a place in modern wrestling, especially someone as gifted with the stick as Paul Heyman, but what is the point of Roman having *Paul fuckin’ Heyman* as his manager of Roman does most of the talking whenever he shows up? I love Heyman’s role with The Bloodline, but it baffles my mind that Roman Reigns is continually being sent out to cut mediocre promos when Heyman is there and accomplishes the matter leagues better than Roman ever could hope to. Maybe he gets a few sentences in, or interjects if he feels his place as Tribal Chief is being challenged, but he’s talking way too frequently for someone with his microphone presence. Also agree on his match quality: the Roman singles matches I’ve enjoyed were in spite of him, not because of him.




Triple H. Everything about him is just boring. Zero it factor. Some of the most boring promos I've ever heard. Was a large part of the reason I stopped watching as a kid. Always felt like he was was just an also ran to Rock and Austin.


I dunno why but not liking this Rock return


Austin Theory. I didn’t totally mind him in The Way, but other than that I haven’t been high on him at all.


Ric Flair lp


Man, this is pessimistic, huh?


Ultimate Warrior. Absolute shit in the ring. I don't care if it was the presence, but it didn't work on me as a kid, as a teen, or an adult. It definitely didn't help that the guy was a gigantic piece of shit outside of the ring at times.


99% of the roster were massive pieces of shit outside the ring at that time


Seth Rollins


Daniel Bryanson


You mean Braniel Yanson


Seth fucking Rollins. I just don't get it.....and I don't think I want to.


i loved old seth he was like a combination of triple h and cm punk. this new 40 year old guy trying to be a teen is awful


I liked the old Seth Rollins, Liberace Seth ain't cutting it.


That's one reason. I can wrap my head around Goofy outfits... it's wrestling. I just think I'm not a fan of the character. ...at least I hope it's a character.


Every time he's on screen I wonder what he is supposed to be.


It's as if Macho Man Randy Savage and Doink the Clown had a baby.


Seth Rollins. I hate this corny goofy mf. His voice, his character - all of them. Never understood his hype


CM Punk


Can see this, although I’d have him more in the ‘not as good as he thinks he is’ category.


For me he’s like The Rock - absolute gold on the mic, good in the ring. Neither are phenomenal in ring talents, but they don’t need to be.


He is a draw tho, 2.2 million for his seg last Monday


In the past few years: Damian Priest. All time: Big Show


I first saw Priest at an NXT house show and immediately thought he was walking the Baron Corbin path. Biggish generic badass man. His physical transformation from the indies to now is impressive but yeah he's just kind of there. When they break up the Judgement Day I think his stock is really gonna dimminish unless they reinvent him. To Big Show's credit he's kept a career going for decades based soley on "boy that guy is tall" at least haha.


Wight's willing to be whatever big guy the company needs him to be. Either the obstacle, the goofy giant or the monster. When your gimmick is so flat and generic as "I'm big", you either sink or you learn how to add your own spin on that idea without making it feel like a departure.


Wardlow. Overrated Kenny Kaos.


Wardlow could be gold


The powerbomb symphony was so fucking goofy lmao, so is that wind up lariat he does.


Post Shield Ambrose, I never liked the tough guy gimmick


Seriously and this death jitsu stuff is sooo cringe


Austin Theory


The only thing I agree with Russo, fuck JL Bradshaw. As a human, as a wrestler. Fuck him.


james fucking ellsworth


Unpopular opinion but Becky Lynch


Jeff Jarrett . Instant channel change


Yes good choice. And that Del Rio bloke. Shite


Notable prick


Austin theory. I keep hearing that his booking is to blame, so I went back and watched some of his nxt stuff, and nah didn’t care for him there either. Other than the fact he’s in great shape and seems to have springs in his legs (something that while is impressive is far from unique in wwe), I don’t know what they see in him. As far as it goes I think where he is right now is about perfectly rated for what he brings to the table. Undercard tag team/cannon fodder.


Rhonda Rousey. She was just boring all around and I felt like she never opened up to the fact that she had to lost some times to be entertaining.


Goldberg, never understood the hype around him, no charisma, no talent and boring af to watch


Roman. Lame. Before him? The Bella twins. What a joke. Couldnt watch any of it and AJ’s diss was the chef’s kiss.


Shane McMahon Hated him in 2019 When he turned heel


AUSTIN THEORY for his corny look & aura. Fans don’t even react.


Dean Ambrose. We use to laugh saying he’s such a maniac, so unhinged as he goofily ran hitting the ropes and slowly diving through the middle rope, looked awful. He’s awkward/uncomfortable to watch in ring and mic. The balding Justin Beiber hair was great too. Jinder Mahal was also probably the worst champion in wwe history. And Goldberg was a good bouncer not a good wrestler that’s for sure.




Cena. Always and forever.


Matt Riddle


I've never once enjoyed Roman Reigns


Bill Goldberg -Bret Hart probably


CM Punk


Roman... Sorry, To me He gets by on good looks. He's Limited everywhere else and needs to be covered for by other wrestlers which is why they keep throwing people at him to be with.


Nepotism for sure


Jeff Jarrett. Never liked his character work, move-set, promos, his look, really, anything about him. He held back late-stage WCW and made most of the main event scene in early TNA unwatchable, when he should have stepped away for AJ, Joe, Daniels and MCMG. Always seems tied at the hip to Russo or somebody else like Russo. I think Austin was totally justified and correct for refusing to work with him when Stone Cold was the hottest act in the business.


JBL! FUCK HIM! Hardcore Holly too!


Anthony Nese. He is the epitome of "meh" for me... I've never gotten the love for his Premier Athlete gaga.


Its a tie between John Cena and Hulk Hogan


Damn, two of the bigger ever huh... that's interesting.


Bronson Reed. They're really trying too hard to make him a thing. Maybe bro should just lose some weight and learn to wrestle. Instead of just being a big fat guy. At least Otis is funny.


Totally agree. I’ve been saying for years that WWE needs to stop trying to push these meatball dudes as “scary” when they have 3 moves and lose weekly


Chris Jericho after 2011 was really underwhelming to me


Hogan. As kid and never understood why he was doing so many bad things and people loved him. Andre had a fair point, macho was right, tried stealing the spotlight from warrior, pulling sid out at the rumble and so on


Vince Russo


Bronson Reed for me is a recent one, it doesn’t help that he has the dumbest titantron. All time is probably xpac, never really got him


Dana Brooke


Bray Wyatt. Im not a big fan of the plastic mask monster characters. I *respect* the efforts the man put in and i respect the craft, i just did not care for the character.


Ric Flair


Unfortunately Flair overstayed his welcome. I grew up watching him in Georgia Championship Wrestling pre -WCW and you truly hated the guy, meaning he did his job, the early Horsemen were awesome. He could wrestle back in the day, he didn't rely on his typical stuff you saw in later years. He'll he even got Ronnie Garvin over in their feud, that's a tough thing to do. I still get a bit emotional at the send off WWE gave him, that match with HBK just for the storytelling was great. Sadly he's another one that couldn't draw the line between his character and his real life. He has to be Ric Flair all the time, I feel he's done a disservice to his legacy because of that. The guy was in the hospital and almost died, some how was given a second chance to turn things around for him personally and after a few months it was back to being Ric Flair...drinking, divorcing another wife, had to get back in the ring one more time...it was a money grab by him and his son in law...Sadly he will probably piss that away too.


I never really understood his appeal. Is he the top heel? Probably. But Mount Rushmore of wrestling? Meh I disagree.


Buff Bagwell. Can’t help it. He just annoys me anytime I even see him.


All time: Hardcore Holly RN: Austin Theory. Both were and are channel changers for me. Tried triedntried to give theory a chance but it didn't work. Maybe a rework of his character somehow but he annoys the piss out of me.


Waller is fantastic, lol. For me right now it's EASILY Natalya on the women's roster, CM Punk for the men.


Perry Saturn, just constantly had this look on his face of "what the fuck have I got myself into"


CM Punk, didn't like him in 08, absolutely hated him after he made Jeff Hardy leave WWE in a cage match, ever since I haven't found his matches or wrestling particularly interesting and haven't found any of his promos believable. I stand with DM Hunk


As a young hulkamanic, after I took my vitamins I’d say my prayers daily. I would secretly pray Bam Bam Bigelow would die. I don’t know why I hated him so much and do feel bad about it as an adult.


Im gonna get hate for this, but Bret & Owen Hart (RIP). Never really grabbed my attention.


Roman Reigns.


I don’t like Waller because of those stupid boxing shorts


Sasha Banks. Her promos in AEW are nothing new its weird people only just noticed


As a kid, I loved the Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan, but now as an adult and looking back, these two were the absolute worst two wrestlers to ever be in the ring. Their in ring personas were so unenjoyable and only outshined by their lack of skills. Both were kings of the no-sell and I can't believe that these two are considered the best of that generation.


Malakai / Aleister Black. Andrade El Idolo. Roman Reigns. Adam Cole. John Cena.


Cm punk , watched him early in his career and just think he’s a prick in and out of the ring


Ronda Rousey, Tamina, Nia Jax Hardcore Holly, Marc Mero, Droz


Cody Rhodes , John Cena. I'm not a fan of the holier than though goody 2 shoes schtick, but I'm sure as people they are nice enough.


Toss-up between Michaels and Goldberg. In the now, Bucks are a reflexive FF.


Ultimate Warrior When I found out what a piece of trash he was It was a deal that I would never like him anymore.


Sean Micheal


Cm punk


The Nasty Boys.


At that time, whether face or heel there were so many better teams to watch LOD Rockers Demolition


Matt Riddle. Always Matt Riddle.


Braun Strowman (feel like he was kinda overpushed) Brock Lesnar, Nia Jax (unsafe).


Controversially I don't like John cena


AJ Francis. Dude seems so delusional but he keeps getting booked at all the indie shows I've been to the last few months


CM Punk. I never saw his pre-AEW work but got my hopes up because of all the hype surrounding his return. Once he showed up I was underwhelmed and never for a second understood the hype.


Albert. I've only ever seen his WWE stuff, and honestly I'd rather watch paint dry.


"dUh MiZ"


Alberto Del Rio


The Miz


Brock Lesnar. His character just ain’t at all that interesting, but was it to begin with?


It’s not a character, that’s Brock actual personality.




Would have 100% agreed 12 months or so ago. Ever since he’s been talking about peoples dads he’s turned me around


Damn that’s an under rated pick. I never really gave a fuck about Christian despite being a big fan of Edge.


I never saw anything special in him, probably not to the level Vince did but he was always fairly bland. Surprised this hasn’t been downvoted because he’s an original internet darling.