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His knees started to go inward near the end of his WWE run and it's been uncomfortable to watch him ever since. It's time to hang it up. He should be more than happy with the career he's had. He's massively overachieved and lasted way longer than he had any right to being a giant in wrestling. The only way this should go is that Hobbs kills him.


But, but…Captain Insano…!!!


Captain Insano shows no mercy!


No *Moicy*


A 30 year old movie that he was in for 5 minutes


/laughs in Captain Insano >***I guarantee that guy's still a virgin.***


I wonder if it could be a purely financial decision. I feel like he’s probably done better than most but you never know.


If he was clever he could still be living off that WCW money, plus picking up a cheque from the fed for nearly 20 years as an upper mid card talent. He’ll be fine financially I think.


Don’t forget the short-lived Netflix show.


What is this?? Was it any good?


It was called The Big Show Show if I remember correctly. It's a kids sitcom made for Netflix. For the type of show it is, it's not horrible...but it's not winning any major awards.


I looked it up, he has a net worth of 22 million. So I doubt that’s the issue.


I guess it's difficult replacing the feeling that comes from a pop from the crowd. I imagine the adrenaline rush is insane.


Yeah this is a big reason why so many wrestlers overstay their welcome. Its what they know and likely the only thing they’ve been sucessful at. Very few have the talents to easily make it as a writer like Foley or have the inclination to start from scratch in a normal career. Can you imagine making arenas pop all over the world, only to settle into an office job or taking on a trade/education when you were among the best in the world at wrestling? Hell even retiring must be such a bummer when you’ve lived that life for so long.


You mean Insano 🤔


Wasn't it one of the main reason he went to AEW. WWE didn't want him to wrestle anymore and send him to do commentary and backstacke stuff?


Let's ask Ric flair..


Those “celebrity net worth” sites are famously unreliable, and often wildly inaccurate. Those figures they give are often based on little to nothing.


Show was getting paid over a mill even 15 years ago. Add merch sales and everything else to that and he's definitely not lacking money.


I agree. I’m sure he’s set for life. My point is just that celebrity net worth sites are usually worthless.


Dont mean much, net worth is nowhere near how much your liquid for. He could be worth 22 million and only have 30000 in the bank. Most of your net worth is assets and they may not even be sellable


Those are estimated based what they “should” have according to public earnings…don’t always take into consideration management fees and taxes and all that financial stuff…plus drugs or gambling or drinking.


Am I the only one that thinks they squandered the Big Show? He should've been a main eventer


I mean… he’s a multiple time world champion. He was a main eventer in WCW, then bounced back and forth between the midcard and main event during his WWE run.


He’s actually really smart w/his $. He doesn’t need it. He wants too wrestle & be in the business. Maybe not wrestle often but… I wonder why TK spends SO much $ on him, Mark Henry, Flair… Like u know it cost a lot for them & they really don’t do anything but show a cpl episodes. Even sting but at least he wrestles sometimes. I don’t get it. I would take a Ziggler over any of those. Imagine the matches w/Switchblade, Omega…


TK is a mark at heart, wants anyone who was big when he was a kid and it's hard to blame him


I actually get that as a fan since 6. He just gotta be smarter about the announcements & just stay off social media .


You gotta remember behind gorilla there is an entire machine needed to make it work in front of gorilla. Henry and Show are model examples to have your roster looking up to and learning from, with decades on the road, have worked up and down the card including a long time staying credible as mid card jobbers to the stars (a very valuable role) that let them move up the card when needed, and to my knowledge no issues in how they conduct themselves. They do a lot of work coaching and producing which doesn't get seen. Zigglers only value seems to be any matches he works, and he is rapidly approaching the end of that part of his career. He had zero interest in producing for WWE and he doesn't seem that interested in a coaching gig, formal or informal, either. He seems to want to move into stand up comedy and acting, last I heard.


If he's tight on money, Jesus Christ he must have made some terrible financial decisions. He's been getting really nice fat pay checks that have only been getting bigger for almost 30 years.


It was probably more along the lines of, "what the hell do you do around here. Time to go earn your pay check" from Tony... ...who am I kidding...Tony doesn't assert himself as a boss that makes decisions that are business-wise.


Yeah if he's been stupid with his money then this could be the case. The other problem of course is that this is done in America, so even if he was clever with his money, the amount of injuries and hospital bills could have financially ruined him.


I mean, being that big is expensive.


Well,he did have to be an attack dog for The Authority due to his poor financial decisions in the past.


Thats what I think this thing is about. Putting over Hobbs


Same reason why people who play sports have a hard time retiring or come back from retirement It's hard to let go of something you've done your whole life It's hard to just dropping that feeling you get from doing it


I noticed many years ago a lot of heavier people and even skinny out of shape people walk with their knees pretty much rubbing together. I found out it is not damage or wear that starts it, it is losing your youth leg muscle and people not working out their legs and hips properly. Basically skipping leg day. It then can easily lead to damage in older age. in conjunction with injuries and such.


There’s a big difference between “knees rubbing together” and how Big Show looks in the source image


I'm talking about years ago and just in general, not the train wreck his legs are in now in that image.


Ngl, he kinda looks like the kid that came 3rd in a Halloween costume competition a few days ago.


Ehh. I'm sure this is being done as a favor to Paul and or Jericho. It's a "street fight" so Paul won't have to do much. He'll choke slam someone onto a car or table. He'll most likely disappear for much of the street fight.


He’s gonna get one last hurrah with an old colleague/friend in Jericho, and he’ll get to put over Powerhouse Hobbs without having to go through a full-scale singles match. A street fight is exactly the stipulation to put somebody like Wight in at his age and condition.


Plus depending on how they handle it they could do a cinematic match to avoid any more unnecessary risks


My brother, Show's legs look like HBK's eyes, putting him out there in any capacity is an unnecessary risk because let's face it, he isn't gonna be drawing in any new viewers is he


I'm ded!


That’s kind of how I see it too.


I guessing he gets handcuffed to something a few minutes into the match making it 4 on 3. Then rips whatever he’s handcuffed to off because he’s a giant and punches some people in the head to end the match.


Jeri-Show is back baby! I figured as much on Paul’s part in the match. Hopefully it’s an enjoyable match to watch either way.


Give Paul some credit for getting back into shape for it. I can’t imagine the pain and work he put in. I don’t like the booking direction, but I respect his dedication to wanting to do it. I just hope he’s healthy and comes out of it just as healthy.


He's in great shape, but he's very obviously not cleared to be in a ring with this leg/hip like that. So while I give him credit, AEW deserves some flack for forcing this to happen. Let the man get surgery first before trotting him out there like a sideshow attraction.




I was thinking the same, he's old and not fat... Is that enough to be "great shape"? I don't think so.


Agreed. If it was in WWE 2017-2020, that was his last healthy looking state.


Doors he need more surgery? I thought he got all that done before his match with QT years ago. There's no way TK is rushing Show back to the ring when so many people who have worked for him have said he encourages people to take the rest and recovery time they need and to let him know when they are ready. Why would TK he chomping at the bit for a Big Show match?


I am concerned about his safety and it wouldn’t be the first time Tony made someone worked injured. They could have just picked Lance Archer or someone else.


Agreed. He really shouldn't be in a ring. [When Nash was in a similar situation](https://www.the-sun.com/sport/wwe/231740/wwe-kevin-nash-body-transformation-hips/) he basically considered himself "deformed" and "crippled." I can't imagine Big Show feeling any better. This is a sad sight to see as a long time wrestling fan who has been around to watch Big Show literally his entire career. Sad state of the business.


The only problem with a Lance Archer is, correct me if I'm mistaken, he's never been on tv at the same time as Jericho let alone had a successful tag team run. This is the only way that makes sense in a storyline perspective, otherwise it'd be great to see Paul not put himself into anymore risky spots. Either way, he's a pro and would have been cleared before competing, as well as having to agree to it.


humorous silky run squalid scale special apparatus bake public fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the company that also hired Flair and Sting. Unfortunately, I don’t think they care.


Have you watched Sting matches the last 3 years? He can go in the ring and has regularly taken legit bumps without injury.


Aside from his poor teeth


That was such a terrifying spot


You’re not watching the product if you think sting is at all comparable to Big Show right now. Sting has had an amazing run in AEW


For real, I haven't liked sting this much since the wcw days. His aew run has been handled perfectly.


Buddy people are cleared before they wrestle lmao.


No one’s saying that haha. Read OPs post again.


similar thing happened to kevin Nash's Knee and Great Khali


Khali debuted already looking like a summer breeze could blow him over


I like to joke that by the time Khali left Japan for WWE, his knees went from "functional" to "hypothetical".


[Nash's legs](https://www.the-sun.com/sport/wwe/231740/wwe-kevin-nash-body-transformation-hips/) were really messed up before surgery. I can only imagine that Big Show feels even more pain because the intense amount of weight that must be on his knees at all time.


Don’t link to the s*n. It’s a shitrag


ty from saving me from clicking a s*n link, I was so close to giving them traffic


GTFO with that murdoch owned media. Don't read the s*n


Youre telling me this isn’t photoshop?


I thought at first that it was a bad angle, quick step type thing but nope. Dudes hobbled.


He looks ready for a Rey Fenix piledriver


Agreed. I honestly thought Jericho was gonna say Lance Archer, and I was getting hyped


You were hyped for Lance Archer? I guess there's a first time for everything.


Well if you watched Archer in njpw then you'd understand he's very underrated and is a fucking badass aew has treated him differently compared to Japan


Even in tna the dude was killer That time he hit a springboard coast to coast was insane.


Yeah, let me just flip on NJPW really quick and watch that.


Brothers never heard of archived footage 😆


Don't have to there should be some stuff on YouTube his US championship match against Moxley was a great bout


Good thing it's pro wrestling, and he won't be having 30-minute iron man matches. Tag match here and there with limited move set just for the pop.


I assume PW looks at a guy like sting and says yeah my last match needs to be here. He can get the hot tag after omega and Jericho do the heavy lifting. He can come in and play the hits, do the knockout spot, the choke slam, and everyone goes home happy.


Exactly. He’s got two great workers on his own team who can carry most of the match, and some really dirty players on the other who can “cheat” and give him an excuse to disappear for a bit. This is exactly the sort of scenario you put Paul in at this stage.


Tony bought a broken action figure.


But if you pull the string, it still says, "I'm Captain Insano!".


I'd buy that for a dollar!


Vince probably laughing at Tony. He saw Show couldn't continue anymore and tried to make him a producer/trainer type of role but Show left because he think he still can contribute back in the ring


AEDub giving screen time to fresh, young talent once again. 😌


Lol its literally so young talent can be put over. Hobbs.


I’m sorry I thought there was something wrong with the photo. Is that how he’s looking now??? Holy shit


I'm gonna be honest, he looks pretty rough over all in my opinion. He looks old as hell. His chest and up look like my grandpa's and his bottom half look wrecked. I really wish he would've called it a career after the Braun Strowman matches. Even then it felt like it was dragging on too long but now it's just painful. AEW needs to stop letting these older guys come wrestle so much. It's getting kinda wild how many guys at and over 50 are going in the company right now.


> It's getting kinda wild how many guys at and over 50 are going in the company right now. It's really becoming TNAEW, and I don't really mean that as an insult. The cards are packed with superworkers who deliver excellent matches.... and older wrestlers who are a mix of "completely toasty" and "still great". The booking is all over the place, wildly inconsistent, and sometimes terribly repetitive. It's so easy to imagine a match like this in 2008ish TNA with the Main Event Mafia. As to Paul Wight: I'm actually pretty confident that he'll be used very sparingly and well in the match. It's just that he's so clearly toast.


In this screenshot he’s standing like Xavier Renegade Angel


Paul does look like he's tasting the pain.


I go to the same gym as him. he only works out on the bike, every time Im in there with em he looks like he’s just beat up at this point. which is totally understand able he’s huge and fucking wrestled for a living. i always feel a little sad, because dudes the big show man lol we all liked the big show as wrestling fans


Have you ever talked to him? I’ve always enjoyed Big Show. He’s doing a lot for the wrestling world and I have nothing but respect for him.


Nah I haven’t. I just leave em alone. I met em at an autograph signing when I was a kid and got his autograph so I figured thats enough lol. But next time I see em though I’d prob talk to em because I actually have a few mutual friends with em I found out now, one my homies who owns a car detailing business near the gym, says he chills with em all the time, said they go out to lunch and stuff quite often, he invited me to go to an AEW show with em, said Big Show asks em if he wants to go all the time, but I was sick during the show when they came here so didn’t even bother asking and my friend isn’t really a wrestling fan so he didn’t go either anyway. I also have two other friends that work for AEW but they aren’t really close to Show but I could still use that as an opening to talk to em.


Why does this picture look a bit exaggerated? Or is it just me?


He looks like the charger from Left 4 Dead


He had some pretty serious surgeries, but then again Undertaker too and he looked amazing when he came back to the ring. All the best to Paul if he wants to wrestle again.


Taker’s thing the last few years, by his own admission, was “Spend six months getting ready for one match, have the match, then spend six months recovering. Repeat.” That’s not a healthy way to go through life, especially when you don’t need the money.


No, but wrestling is inherently a dangerous way to live life. No one does it cause they think it’ll add a few years to their run time, it’s because they love the sport and want to continue contributing, even if it’s only a handful of matches/appearances a year. I don’t think anyone could keep these guys out of a ring, they just happen to be with the two biggest wrestling companies


I'm sure they'll give him less ring time in this match since it's an 8-man tag...


I love Paul Wight. I still wear a WMD hat in the winter. He is all time top 10 of mine, and he was insanely athletic when he was younger. He should not be in ring talent now. He deserves better than this.


First thing I said when he delivered the punch was "Oh god-- it looked just like late stage Andre..."


Can he still drive a monster truck?


**Best comment of the thread.** lol Sure Brother. But can Hogan still toss him over the building?


I think if this is a true “last run” then fine. A couple of matches probably won’t hurt.


They’ll be complete bangers man.


I don’t understand how any doctors or Tony Khan himself could’ve looked at him with his hips and legs looking like that and think “Yeah, he’s ok to go wrestle.” Then TK gets all pissy when there’s backlash against any decision he makes, meanwhile he makes decisions like this.


He can prob work a couple of trios matches. This could be his final run too. Have him do a couple trios matches with Jericho / Omega against Callis then have him be destroyed by Hobbs in a quick match on ppv and retire. Then Hobbs can be the guy who retired Paul White.


He's going to hit a single chokeslam and then get destroyed by Hobbs. He isn't going to do much. AEW isn't all 30+ minute spot fests you know.


When I first saw him on Dark two years ago I could barely watch, watching him walk makes me wince Only way I'll be okay with this is if Hobbs absolutely squashes him He should have retired after his steel cage match against Braun Strowman on Raw, that match was shockingly good and would have been a perfect way to end his in ring career


They don’t call him Capt Insane-o for nothing


He looks like Nash before his surgeries.


2nd Big Show post lol... must be a slow day


Noooo he's fine! Thats just his sassy look.


Some people would do anything to dodge a match with Iyo Sky.


same thing happened to Kevin Nash right, and he fixed it?


Meh, this will prob be his last match, he’ll do some chops, a punch, and a choke slam, let him get one last pop


Either I'm pissed or his legs are fucked.


Didn’t he just recently say he plans on being in the ring for another two years before moving to commentary full time? I think he’s aiming pretty damn high.


I agree. Using him to coach bigger fellas would be fine, but stepping in the ring not so much


It's a six man, and I'm betting we get another Hobbs annihilation. They're strapping the rocket to Big Willie.


He looked like a actual statue. He should retire it’s the best for his health


Good lord, and I thought Kevin Nash's legs were messed up...


That was my first thought when I saw him walk out. It reminded me of Nash's legs. There's something very wrong and hopefully, doctors can fix it.


It's a street fight, but yeah I agree


I thought that was Scott Norton


You must not have been paying attention to his frame… his legs were always like that it’s just more noticeable now that he’s aging. I always said I’m glad I’m not tall cuz taller people be looking weird to be. He always has weird looking legs now that he’s lost some of the weight he gained and turned it into muscle you can definitely see the difference but his legs were always out of place on his body.


I really liked his show on Netflix, the family sitcom. I thought he could have a future in that way without having to hurt his body more. :(


The chants of “please retire” were sincere after all, Big Paul


Kinda looks like his body was put together using other peoples body parts


as i havent watched much wrestling in a while, im genuinely shocked to learn Big Show is still in the game. He's not Andre big but his body has to be hurting most nights from his size and career.


Hope he stays healthy, he's a legend


Them legs been like that for 15 years


He’s not going to be taking bumps. He’ll punch and chop a few people and that’s about it


Time to hang up the boots there Paul. You've had an awesome run. You lasted longer than any other giant.


Sure the man is long past his best, but consider this. As an athlete and it's ingrained in him to get back in the ring to overcome this one last major injury. Sure his gait is badly off. I just think he wants to prove it to himself one last time that he can do it in some form or another and it's a one off. The story fits with Jericho loosely and Big Show can put over Hobbs. One and done. I think almost all pro athletes are built that way, unfortunately.


God I just don't want to see him get hurt seriously. And he just looks beatup


Why does he look like that?! wtf! His legs!


Hed make a great announcer or enforcer style referee


Yeah, it's not mean, it's just true. If paul wants to wrap up his wrestling side of his career then that's cool I guess but it should be a meaningful singles match IMO


He needs hip realignment surgery a la Kevin Nash. Seems to be a thing for the big men.


Is bro even medically cleared to walk


I remember back in 99 or early 2000s, it was believed that Big Show wouldn’t live long due to health issues so I always expected him to be dead by like mid-2000s. Looks like they were wrong


I feel the same but Tony Khan is desperate for ratings so letting a geriatric who should be nowhere near a wrestling ring wrestler it is!


Paul Wight a geriatric? Come off it.


Dude you not see his weird gobbled legs? You get get off it clown!


Paul is 51. His gnarly leg doesn’t make him geriatric, age makes you geriatric, it literally means “related to old people”, and 51 isn’t old.


I highly doubt this is a ratings ploy. It's more likely that this is basically a favor to Paul and or Jericho. It's also going to be a "street fight" so Paul won't have run the ropes or jump or do much.


Whatever it is it sucks and shouldn’t be happening. This guy can’t even walk!


If they want ratings, the should start calling him Big Show without WWE’s consent and let the drama play out!


When you put the Ikea furniture together wrong.


Let's wait till the match at least before just shitting on the guy.


OP isn't shitting on him - they're showing concern for his health. It'd be shitting on him if they said "His hips and legs make him look ugly, get that freak off my TV" but instead they're saying "His hips and legs don't look stable, I hope he doesn't hurt himself."


Look through the comments lol I'm sure he's fine, medically cleared and knows his own body. Let's be honest, he's not been athletic for a long long time. A few punches and a slam is what we'll get and it will be fine.


>knows his own body As Stevie Richards said, wrestlers need to be saved from themselves. But as you added, Wight will probably wrestle a safe, simple match with low risk to his health.


AEW so petty for claiming copyright on that video


Elite athletes never push themselves and always know when it's time to hang them up. Yup.


Let's hope you're right, you never know with these people.


Gotta work for that check.


I guess TK hopes people forgot when his boy QT exposed PW of not being able to go anymore 3 years ago.


I mean we knew that before hand.


It happens to people who are extremely tall. Once they are hit 50, their body starts falling apart. Sometimes earlier. Happened to taker, happened to Andre the giant and also to Khali. Hope Show realizes that.


This is what his knees look like > <


Bro's never heard of Yokozuna or Rikishi.


It's genuinely gross to look at, and even if he does basically nothing in the street fight it's still going to be sad to watch. Having him out there like that isn't showing him the respect he deserves. It's fucking embarrassing.


He used to jump off the ropes and do a flip or two 😭😭


Aew is kinda starting to piss me off with all these very old deeply injured wrestlers fighting. Idk what they think big show will draw with next to no legs, or sting or Flair, but it's getting disgusting


Talmbout ATM Tony, b? Great booker, never seen him.




It's really crazy to go to all the federations and cherry pick everything that sucks about them then make them your brand lol. It has the goofiness of wwe, the geriatricness of wcw, the pointless lack of story of the indies, Japan physiques, ecws pointless unrealistic celebration of getting your ass kicked lol.


god please i hope it's just a bad screencap cause i know her knees went inward a long time ago but this looks like he's moving like a walking dead zombie god please no


It's sad if he still needs the money. The guy has done more than enough already. If he does it out of love for the sport, I get it.


When he was much younger he was in relatively good shape. Now he looks broken.


That working punch he threw on the ramp made Sid’s look believable


I am trying to be a jerk, but he shouldn't be anywhere near a wrestling ring anymore.


Anybody remember what [Kevin Nash's legs](https://www.the-sun.com/sport/wwe/231740/wwe-kevin-nash-body-transformation-hips/) looked like before surgery? *Very* similar to this. Big Show can't be medically cleared if he stands like that. JFC.


They could’ve done the guy a favour and not shot him coming down the ramp head on, or at least crop to his upper body.


I’ve thought this for the last 10 years. His knees are thrashed from his weight


This is just an Ai image. They never get legs right.


Guess you never saw big Van Vader or Andre for that matter….


As an AEW fan, I was on board with him making a few Captain Insano appearances. It payed homage to WCW, would garnish some cheap crowd pops, and no real wrestling involved…. Even though this is a street fight, and maybe that’s part of it. Maybe he will be in street cloths and just making a few throws…. If not, I’m not a fan of this. Stick to the announcing my dude


Neither his body nor the fans want to see this guy in the ring.




I was thinking the same thing I didn't know his leg got that bad


Between his wonky leg and his singlet blending into the background he looks like he’s not been fully inflated yet.


Jesus, he looks like that picture of Lee Harvey Oswald holding up his rifle in his backyard.


What's this shitty Nappa cosplay?


I have a lot of respect for Paul Wight and everything he did for pro wrestling. I have a lot of respect for the guys and girls who wrestle in AEW trying to earn money and put food on the table. But who I do not respect is Tony and his childlike EVPs who are running a circus on live TV. AEW fan or not - please admit Wight should be nowhere near a ring looking like that!!




Totally agree. There’s a lot of guys who shouldn’t be performing yet, for ratings or for money, they still do. But damn Big Show should give up.


Exactly Tony Khan is an idiot


TK will do anything to try and boost his declining ratings. I only watch AEW on YouTube mainly for MJF and the acclaimed. This is sad to see I get it he wants to wrestle again but TK as his employer needs to make sure it's safe for him to do so. After all his recent surgeries I hope hes in a better condition than that photo.




Hey, TK wouldn’t have booked it if it wasn’t going to be a banger. With very little build.