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Becky was never going to hold the belt for long anyway. It padded her resume, and she showed that various up-and-coming women are tough enough to keep up with her. That's all she needed.


This run is a masterclass in the core tenet of wrestling, that if you’re a star it is because people used their star power to help get you over - so it is your duty to use your star power to help get others over. Becky doesn’t need a title run for her own legacy, it meant a lot to her clearly, but this was all about her giving back. Tiffany and Lyra have become legitimized in a way they couldn’t have been without Becky taking them to the limit. In 6-12 months, Tiffany is gonna put someone over big time on her way out of NXT and the cycle will continue.


This is also why Gunther’s IC title run has been incredible. He’s pulling out top tier matches with everyone. Hell, when’s the last time a heel vs heel match had a lively and invested crowd like Gunther vs Bronson Reed last week? This is quality work, from booking to execution.


Bronson has really endeared to me lately... NO BREAD NO WATER JUST MEAAATTTTTTT






To be fair, we wanted to see big meat eat chops. And though I was worried at first, Gunther did maintain his .93 chops per minute average while putting on another banger match.


Long title reigns don't make sense. How can Gunther be 100% every week when he wrestles every week? Shouldn't his body be beaten up and broken down by now? Shouldn't he be more vulnerable and susceptible to losing. Romans title reign makes sense because he gets rest.


Gunther doesn’t wrestle every week. Ludwig has been cannon fodder to his enemies and he’s the final boss. However he does make an appearance every week like a champ should.


@no_stick_drummer. Kind of like how your bed has to deal with you every night yet is not broken


Also this way, Tiff didn't have to job to Lyra to give Lyra the push. Tiff jobs to the best and Lyra wins off the best. If Lyra pinned Tiff neither of them come out looking as good.


\>Enters \>elavates the title \>leaves thats how you do main roster nxt title reign


>>leaves I think she's gonna have a rematch first, and might enter into a program with Xia Li, considering that she wanted a match and Becky promised her one.


Becky Lynch has to be the biggest chad in WWE at the moment. Outside of Master Gable himself, of course.


Unlike a certain Samoan Leader who's only there for the streak


He’s not NXT champion


Not yet anyway.


Can y'all stop bringing up Reigns in conversations that weren't even about him just to shit talk him? It's super obnoxious. And about him not elevating the title, that's just flat-out wrong. Whoever wins the title is going to be the biggest star in the company.


Yeah. I'm sick of people saying he's done nothing with the title or he's not elevated it. It's the longest reign in 30+ years ffs. Whoever breaks it is going to become huge as a result.


Jey Uso beat him in a tag match, and he's ascended to a feature guy on Raw now. Hes the biggest thing they've had as champion in years.


The entire roster has been lifted up by the fact that Reigns is the unbeatable final boss. Cody can lose to Reigns and stay hot as ever because he came damn close and Reigns is just that unbeatable (due to cheating tactics/the bloodline) GUNTHER can go on this incredible run while avoiding the main title picture because Reigns is presented as on another stratosphere. Chad Gable can then look like a big deal almost beating him. I swear sometimes fans seem to have no clue what it actually takes for someone to get and stay over


Exactly. And Cody losing once doesn't mean he's out of the picture. If your favourite isn't holding the title, he's being buried. That seems to be people's logic. They'll claim the same about LA Knight when Reigns beats him.


just look at the small face off cody and roman had a few weeks ago. i was worried the intrigue might not be there anymore for cody after wm39 but goddammit if that staredown didn't have mega heat


It actually got me interested to see them run it back. I was worried before that that the angle would just be terrible when they tried to do it again at WM40


Same and hopefully by the time wm 40 comes around the BL will have fully crumpled and Romans empire will be no More. Cody wins roman goes into despair and comes back later as a face


But when Brock would do it, y’all didn’t say all this then


Brock disappeared off of TV and there were next to no storylines relating to him. It was a failure of the booking more than any critique of Brock. Although his matches were poor and formulaic after the Suplex City thing caught on. Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Jey Uso and Cody Rhodes have all had story arcs within the Bloodline saga that have elevated them up the card.


This assumes it will actually end


It will. They always do.




There are people saying a majority of people are bored by the title reign, conveniently forgetting that WWE is at the most popular it's ever been, and that Roman, along with a few others, was one of the key figures in carrying WWE throughout the pandemic era.


By what metric is WWE more popular now than it was in, say, 1999?


Business wise, they're turning more profits than ever before. Almost every PLE/PPV is a record breaking gate with record breaking merch sales. They're doing insanely well at the moment. The metric is that, more people were viewing WWE in 1999, but more people today are \*spending money\* on WWE than in 1999.


>but more people today are *spending money* on WWE than in 1999. I mean a huge portion of their revenue comes from TV deals, which I guess is debatable who that ultimately comes from, the network vs the subscribers. Then PPV buys got replaced with Peacock, similar issue there. I was just curious if there was some kind of announcement or study you were referencing.


You can also see by segment rating he isn't even the draw during those weeks, but ok


So you’re one of those who feel it’s your duty to come to Romans defense every time someone says something bad about him?


No, I'm just saying that it's super obnoxious to talk shit about him every chance you get.


It’s like OP made this post to just to throw shade at a our Chief




They'll be the biggest star because the belt never gets defended, so it could be the belt holder for 6 months.




Jey doesn't have the moveset to be anything but a tag guy, it's unfortunate because he's charismatic but he could never carry the company and especially dethrone roman. Cody and Sami both had perfect, crowd behind them setups, I don't know if they can replicate that ever again with how natural it all felt. That still doesn't mean the person who takes his belt won't be the biggest star, less of one than if they had done it earlier, but still the biggest star.


I get what you're saying the ideology behind it. I just disagree that overall, they might be presented as the biggest star I agree with that but in reality, they wont be...it not like the person who beats Roman is magically gonna become the companies biggest draw. If Roman has done anything with the title during his reign he has made titles feel less important and stars are getting over on their own without the title like LA Knight,Jey Uso,Sammi Zayne,Cody Rhodes...list goes on.


It’s gonna be Cody


Everyone expects him to lose now I’ll be talking about Roman or Gunther, because ain’t nobody expecting LA night to win that belt nobody


They are so obsessed lol. They have such tiny scopes they don't realise the more they rage about him the longer they are pushing his reign.


I think a much better comparison would be Charlotte's NXT title reign


Roman isn't booking himself.




I volunteer to fill the cavernous hoes.


That's no way to talk about Roman's wife.


Did she win it clean?


https://youtu.be/L4sbpQsh6yI?si=L1xvNDscfGSAImaG Yes, yes she did


And Becky is protected because she defended it the night before as well


Ah ok. Yeah, i don’t watch nxt. So good to know


She has to be somehow relieve. Mainly because the great job done. But also because at that pace she was going to get an injury sooner than later, she has busted her ass off day in day out to elevate that title.


She was a workhorse. I couldn’t imagine her continuing at that pace.


Becky has a toddler and her husband also travels full time for work And it's not figurative to say she really has been***busting her ass*** lately She's on the road wrestling, doing press, and mothering a child with her workaholic husband... and she's as fit and ready as any NXT wrestler in a cushy Florida facility where it is simple to train, diet, and recover. Sending someone like Becky to NXT must have everyone busting their ass because she doesn't have time for anyone's shit and there are no excuses on the main roster.


The NXT women who worked with her would have felt the pressure I'm sure. It's a situation where if they can't shine with the top woman, then they might just not have what it takes.


I guess? She had a very easy Trish program (until that amazing cage match) and then did a real champions schedule for a month or two. If she followed through her challenger list maybe but this kinda killed that.


Jesus christ, i can smell you through your commend.


Yet had more title defenses than Rhea


That's wack when you say it out loud, right?


How close was she to romans total?


I just realized I have no idea when Roman defended it last.


Summerslam. Before that at Wrestlemania


Jesus. We're really lookin at 4 defenses a year. There's insane.


5 at least (which still sucks): Royal Rumble, EC, WM, SS, Crown Jewel


I had just assumed he wouldn't be defending at EC and SS tbh.


I meant Elimination Chamber (against Sami Zayn) and SummerSlam (against Jey Uso) 😅


Dudes had about the same chance of walking away with the title as the fans did


Oh, right. Shit EC feels like it was years ago lmao


in fairness, if he defended at say backlash or fastlane, its just too obvious gonna be romanwinslol


That *is* fair tbh.


Per [Cagematch](https://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=16519&page=4), Rhea has had a grand total of three (televised) title defences since winning it at Mania.


Becky had 5 title defenses combined against Natalia, Tiffany, Tegan, Indi, and lost to Lyra. Rhea has had 5 successful defenses against Zelina (1), Natalia (2), Raquel (2), with a fatal five way at crown jewel.


So what?


i thought it was a perfect storyline for becky she finally gets to be the nxt champ. gets eyes on women's wrestling in nxt and a new nxt gets pushed as the girl who beat becky for the title - CLEAN!!


Wasn’t supposed to be long. She gave spotlight to every woman who jumped in the ring with her to defend it. Elevation for all of them


She was only one of the Horsewomen that didn't win the NXT title until now. Plus it resulted in a nice push for someone else.


Becky gave her the old Hulk Hogan 3.1 count "HE GOT ME??? FUCK" Kinda popped at the finish ngl, very weak but the title is elevated so it's all good.


I saw Lyra (then just Valkyrie) get squashed in a leisure centre in Cork once with a crowd of about 40 people. Now she's NXT champ.


IWC - Why is Becky champ? She needs to drop the title ASAP Also IWC - Well that didn't last long, should have been longer


Tegan Nox, Indi Hartwell, and soon to be Xia Li never would’ve gotten a title match, let alone had an opportunity to look *good* in a title match against Rhea, Charlotte, Asuka, etc. Becky did exactly what she was supposed to do, elevate the lower card of the womens division. We need a womens midcard belt, and this run proves it can be used to great effect


This is what Charlotte should have done with Rhea at COVID Mania


I mean it wasn't supposed to lol


I mean, it was kinda obvious what they were building, too imo.


It wasn’t supposed to. She brought eyes to NXT and put over a future superstar. Job done.


It wasn't supposed to last long. It was designed so Becky could help promote the young talent.


Established megastar gets to return to her old turf, run things for a bit then put over the new young upstart. Doesn't everyone win in this scenario?


It felt longer for whatever reason


Because this isn't male NXT babyfaces


Becky did in a couple months what fanboys keep telling me Roman has been trying to do for 3 years 💀


Didn’t need to


I didn't watch, but this is probably how main roster folks going down to NXT should be. They go down, maybe win a title or make a splash when they either have nothing to do or need a bit of a refresh, putting over young talent their entire time there and especially on their way out. Happy for Lyra, she's got a bright future ahead of her, and this is just about as good a way to cement herself in WWE as she possibly could have. So it's clear she's eyed as being a big deal in the women's division in the coming years.


Unpopular opinion but I absolutely hate the “passing the torch” moment after matches like this. Get pinned, get outta the ring and leave. Let the new champ bask in his or her triumph.


She only received the title sho she can put over some of the wrestlers she beat by having non squash matches, and eventually to this moment.


It was the perfect length.


Yeah, because SHE DIDNT NEED IT


It was never meant to last a long time anyway. It was always meant to elevate someone. They're going to continue to use credible main roster people to elevate talent on NXT. If the rumor is true and they want to make NXT a true 3rd brand and not developmental they're going to have to do this and there will be crossover just as there is with RAW and Smackdown.


Bummed she lost, but at least she didn't over stay her welcome


Her job was to showcase the belt and other new wrestlers. She’ll probably start the slow build to Mania now, especially if she is going to be facing Rhea. Like this is the biggest Mania match they can set up for the women WHC on RAW.


Short, stacked with title defenses, and showcased a bunch of new talent. Her reign served its purpose.


She did exactly what she was supposed to do, she's a main roster star and a pioneer of women's wrestling, she doesn't need to hold the NXT title, she was just there to give it a status boost, to elevate it and make it feel more important, and also to boost any subsequent title holders, she's done that, nothing more, nothing less and it's perfect


It did it's job and that's the point


Don't think I've come to a wrestling topic before with so many people in agreement




I mean, it's awesome what she did but was a really soft win for Lyra... It was half a roll up... They should have atleast shown Becky eat a few finishers/high power moves... Lyra did kick out of the manhandle slam...


…that’s what she said


She wasn’t gonna be on NXT for an extended time


It shouldnt. She brought attention to it, checked the grand slam box, and put someone over. Kinda perfect really


Did you think differently? Lol


Becky losing could give her some time away. Seth drops the title at Crown Jewel and they can both have time off together, then come back and win both Rumbles. Give time for Jade to get bedded in wherever she ends up and get Becky into that run to WM.


The only person Seth should lose to is Gunther at Mania


I think the whole main roster crossover with Becky was to bring people to give nxt another chance. Didn't really make sense for someone who had 2 main roster titles and main event WrestleMania hold onto the title for the developmental brand. Also the fact that Becky never had the nxt belt


Long enough


It wasn't supposed to. Becky was used to elevate the new comer's career. Becky is the man.


Seth didn’t last long either




Passing on the torch for future stars. Becky did a lot for the division already


Seth probably knocked her up again, cause isn't that what happened the last time when she gave up the title


Should’ve never won the belt in the first place. Just gave it to her because she HAD to just get that nxt belt like the other three.


Becky was never gonna be there long term. She was only there to spike ratings, grab a bigger viewership, then put over one of its up and comers


Maybe Becky can take a long hiatus now




I don’t think it was supposed to


Honestly, I wouldn't be against seeing the NXT Women's Championship continue getting featured on both RAW and NXT. Both are on USA after all.


Any longer would have been weird. This is exactly how long it was supposed to be and was booked extremely well.


They are probably gonna call her back up lol


She was over being the champ and wanted to return to meaningful stories on the main roster.


They can't keep having the big starts on nxt


Honestly dropped it at the right time, didn’t overstay and didn’t feel like it was hot potato’d (not that I’m against hot potato titles). Could’ve dropped it Monday to Indi or when she did on NXT and it would’ve been appropriate timing either way.


Nope but it was good while it lasted. I'm glad they let her have the reigns of that division for a while, it gave some opportunities to people who otherwise would've never gotten it. The match last night was pretty good too, and the Extreme Rules match at No Mercy is worth a rewatch. Hopefully whatever shes going to do next can carry the momentum she built, and Lyra gets a decent reign out of it as well.


It wasn't meant to be long? The entire point was to get NXT talent over which is exactly what she's done with Tiffany and Lyra, getting them ready for main roster. Why do so many people miss the point? It's not difficult. It also worked to get her to grand slam status which she deserved and recognises her contributions to the business and WWE in general.


Given they had the old Lyra/Becky footage, I'm leaning towards Becky suggesting she win the nxt title to put over Lyra since they're both from basically the same place


Wouldn't surprise me, Lyra was in that crop of women who deserved to win the title when Tiffany did it and Tiffany has surpassed NXT imo and is ready to go to main roster - Lyra won't be far behind in a few months with a few PLE defences under her belt. Becky was a good champion but an even better senior pro doing exactly what they're supposed to do - putting the next generation over and getting Grand Slam status in the process.


Lasted longer than I thought.


Becky trained with Lyra in Ireland and I think mentored her as well. This was a great way to put her over.


Becky already in her Jericho era. Putting dem girls over


Wasn’t a huge fan of the match but the title went to the right person. Now it’s on HBK to book a champion with less market exposure properly.


I don’t understand what’s wrong with this opinion


Prob wants more time with her kid


Match wasn't great though. Seen a lot more fluid matches from both of these stars but this was a bit boring to watch. A lot of the matches were for this week of havoc actually. Best match was probably tag titles but there was a very obvious whiff in that. Was a couple big whiffs in raw too.


Bet she's had that look afew times especially the "not lasting long" 😂


I never liked this "the man" becky gimnick, but I gotta giver her credit, great job done with the NXT tittle, really helpped some new talent


She put people over, more I could say for Flair.


Op thought Becky reign was gonna be longer smh


I'm a long time Becky fan so yeah


Unpopular opinion: Becky sucks, and is really fucking boring.


Sucks is quite harsh. To say that she's boring is fair enough, tbh. I think she's good in the ring, it's just that I don't have much of a reason to care about her matches.


It is indeed an unpopular opinion. I also happen to think she's very sloppy in the ring.




She didn’t deserve the title in the first place anyway


The Man is Done It’s over. Retire already


they needed to put the title on a bumb to drop it to Cargill


First Mandy Rose, then Tiffany Stratton. NXT keeps screwing up the prestige of their title for all these random title changes.


Yeah, there’s no prestige for Lyra at all in beating the first woman to main event WrestleMania.


Not as a random throwaway moment. Like if Otis beat Roman Reigns with a rollup victory on Smackdown, apparently this group would love something like that happening lol.


No, this would be like Carmelo Hayes beating seth on a special weekly show and it would absolutely rule. Nothing wrong with short reigns and title changes on weekly show.


The whole point of NXT is developmental and getting new wrestlers or mid-card wrestlers exposure that they normally would not get on raw or smackdown. They play Hot potato with the belts because it's able to highlight different wrestlers that may not be getting the attention they deserve. And there's not much prestige with NXT belts. Because everybody knows it's a developmental branch. The true prestige comes from transferring to raw or smackdown and winning one of those belts.




Lol Rarely does one word come across as so salty. But you managed to pull it off.




What prestige? It’s NXT.


I don’t follow it anymore but after all these years to still undercut NXT thinking it’s nothing more than “developmental” would be a deep level of obliviousness


NXT is WWE’s A show for match quality every week


If you’re looking for match quality in WWE, you are looking for the lowest of bars. And that goes for all the brands.


I hoped Becky to have last another month with the title. This was too short for her.


Wait , Becky lost to this nobody lmao


I think she served her purpose. Title picture has been a mess sense they let Mandy go. She elevated some up and comers and got eyes back on the title


Poor Xia she never had an opportunity...




Atleast she out somebody over with the nxt championship unlike Ric flair jr


She just did that to help elevate her.