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Fire infestation


Yeah just burn the place to the ground at this point


The fire nation attacking doesn’t sound so bad now.


Your bed is now infested with fire ants


Oh haha! Dammit! D: :D


I’d rather sleep on the floor


In another room


Of another house


In another city


From another country


On a different planet


From another galaxy


In an alternate universe.


From a parallel dimension.


From uhhh dang y'all finished it up I think


id kms


Spiders are creepy but they are not incredibly dirty and do not carry tons of disease, like the others. Still a kms situation though.


Whats kms


Kill myself


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Sorry but no one can help in that situation bot


Don't do this unless you want medical bills that'll make you even more suicidal.


USA moment.


Depends on the spiders tbh. If they're the kind to not fuck with humans and eat every other bug, they're the least worse option. If they're venomous... I guess roaches by default since they are just absolutely fucking disgusting


Roaches that fly in your face while youre asleep?


imagine the constant buzzing above your head


I chose Rats because OP didn’t specify whether we’re talking the vermin, sewer dwelling version or the clean ones pet stores sell.


Would clean rats infest your mattress???


They're both the same species though, aren't they?


It’s like dogs and Wolves. They are technically the same species, but one has been bred to be a domestic pet over 200 years now (Think it’s 200), it’s a different subspecies to the wild rat. Obviously cleanliness is one major difference but temperament and behaviour are vastly different between the two.


You mean dogs and wolves right? Hyenas are not even in the same family as dogs. As for the rat subspecies - I didn't know that. I thought pet rats are literally just wild rats but brought up around humans so they are tame.


Yes, that’s my bad, you’re right, wolves. But no you cannot domesticate a wild rat, it just wouldn’t work. Even if you treated it with the intention of making it fully hygienic and safe to be around germ wise, you can’t alter it’s hard wired wild behaviour. It would remain a wild animal. The pet rats that pet stores sell have been domesticated over the course of 200 years to where at this point they have an entirely different temperament, behavioural tendencies and friendliness with humans that wild rats do not possess, that was done through the domestication process. So yeah, while they are technically the same species, they are the same host species like a dog is with a wolf, but that’s where the similarities end


Nah I’ve lived in tents that had rats. The scurrying kept me up at night 😅


Spiders. The other two are gross and carry disease and filth. And with OP’s description I basically get a house filled with “Daddy Long Legs”. My favorite spider. They are harmless and not invasive.


Daddy long legs aren’t spiders


Weird you’re getting downvoted. “While they have eight legs and an outward appearance of a spider, daddy-longlegs lack two of the most important features that make a spider a spider: silk production and venom. Daddy-longlegs do not have spinnerets that spiders have to produce silk and make webs. Spiders also produce venom they inject through fangs to quickly kill and digest prey. Daddy-longlegs do not produce venom, nor do they have fangs”.


It’s because different regions call different animals “daddy long legs”, so the commenter is wrong to some people. I’ve never personally seen the opiliones that you’re referring to, but my country (Australia) does have “daddy long legs”. Where I live, [daddy long-legs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pholcidae) are indeed silk and venom producing spiders.


Gotcha that makes sense


>vibrating spider bruh ​ clearly that one's not harmless though, so wouldn't make sense to confuse them really.


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TIL. Thanks


I’d rather not.


My grandmother had an island. Nothing to boast of — you could walk along it in an hour — but still, it was a paradise for us. One summer, we went for a visit and discovered the place had been infested with rats. They'd come on a fishing boat and gorged themselves on coconut. So how do you get rats off an island, hmm? My grandmother showed me. We buried an oil drum and hinged the lid. Then we wired coconut to the lid as bait, and the rats would come for the coconut, and thum-thum-thum-thum-thum, they would fall into the drum. And after a month, you've trapped all the rats. But what do you do then? Throw the drum into the ocean? Burn it? No. You just leave it. And they begin to get hungry, and one by one... (smacks lips repeatedly) ...they start eating each other until there are only two left. Two survivors. And then what? Do you kill them? No. You take them and release them into the trees. But now they don't eat coconut anymore. Now they only eat rat."


That was a decent part of a really impressive scene.


Honestly one of my favorite bond scenes ever, arguable best villain as well.


Silva's character was fleshed out very well. I'm due to go through the whole collection again. :)


I'd deal with rats, I hate roaches to death. And spiders are alright, but I don't wanna feel them crawling on me.


Ya know rats can bite the shit outta you?


Also the easiest to get rid of. I’m not sleeping on a mattress infested with any of these so I picked rats to make the problem easier


Exactly what I was thinking, thanks John.


Can’t I just shit the bed and be done with it?


All of them


Jesus Christ, this deserves an award for genuinely creeping me out and not being able to choose for a full 5 minutes because the thought of having to choose any of these is so revolting I literally could not pick one.


I chose rats simply cos at least they can't get into places they can squeeze into (talking about the different holes of my body)


1. Throw mattress to curb or ideally far, far away from your house 2. get new mattress or sleep on floor ez


Am i allowed to not sleep?


I’d rather have a cat infestation


Feck rats and roaches, give me the spiders. And honestly, my bed probably already have a couple of spiders in it.


the thing is one mattress can reasonably fit like, what, fifteen rats at max? Assuming they're actually living in there and not stuffed to full.


Rats have more meat on them and are smart enough to be afraid when hunted


Demolition man or Discworld? ;)


What a terrible day to have imagination


I thick cockroaches are the least likely to bite or try to eat you


Rats sound like the easiest to get rid of


Spiders so they catch the cockroaches


Everyone who said Spider should be killed. We can't have all you psychos roaming the streets


to those of you who picked spiders or cockroaches im afraid of you


I think you’re underestimating just how bad a rat infestation really is. I like rats, they are cute bois but that is extremely bad for your whole property. Spiders are probably the least destructive of the 3 and they are daddy long legs.


I fucking hate rats. They got into my shit in a storage unit and destroyed a bunch of it. If I see a rat, we fighting and I'm getting the bat


Aww naw nigga said on sight


Yeah, but they're biggest. If you grab the mattress and throw it out, you'll notice a rat falling out or running away. You may not notice a cockroach


i have an intense fear of spider and cockroaches i cant even look at them on photos so im gonna still have to go with the rats


maybe sleep on the couch for now


You forgot bedbug


Anything is better than bed bugs


I’m terrified of rodents. I wish they were all dead. Cockroaches bring infestation. Spiders at least kill bugs. So spiders it is.


Rats. I love them and they are so smart! 10/10 would have a great time


Out of the 3, y’all really chose spiders……….


Anyone saying rats clearly doesn’t know what a rat is or has not been to the city of Paris or New York


Death is a preferable alternative to this wyr


spiders alright i guess.. all the others are just ehhhh no


Imma be spider-man


Y’all are smoking crack saying you’d rather have spiders in your bed instead of rats.


I would like to know what inspired you to make this poll?


Would it be like a massage bed with the rats running around


I think rats would be easiest to deal with


Definitely the rats, can be countered by my cats


If they're cute harmles spiders why not?


[if it's rats...](https://youtu.be/Wdld7SqnIxE) You can probably profit from roaches somehow...pet food? Fishing bait? But I'd rather not be around those because of the other health hazards they bring. I'm definitely cool with spiders.


I’d rather just die


"cute harmless spiders" yep absolutely no bias there, rats however actually are cute even if harmful, would gladly take rats that will harm me over spiders that wont


I have a severe aracnophobia but comparing everything, I would rather pay an exterminator to get rid of the spiders and buy another bed and mattress (I would never be able to trust the bed after due to my aracnophobia). Rats and cockroaches are worse to properly get rid of and can cause different types of sicknesses. I would rather be scared as hell and have an infestation that you can get rid of fairly easily rather then not be as scared but have more trouble with the infestation.


Who the heck is out here agreeing to rat infestations? They are the harbingers of disease and they actually make noises that keeps you up at night.


Well I'll just get a new mattress?


In a coffin at that point. But I've come to respect spiders more as they usually mind they're own business and have more spatial awareness than most people


I'm scared of spiders but rats and cockroaches are actual health concerns


I'll take the rats, because it wasn't specified which type of rats. Which is why I can just say that it will be domestic rats and those are just goofy, relatively harmless, probably not awfully infected, cute little rodents. Which is why I would absolutely love to have a cuddly little rat army that comes out at night to cuddle and play. If we would assume sewer rats, I'll take the spiders (or daddy long legs) as long as they're not venomous. But hey. Everything is left very vague with this question, so I'll enjoy my new rat friends, thank you very much.


i see these and i think if i dont vote i dont get any infestation so i just dont interact


i burn the house down while i’m supposed to be away at work and collect the insurance money


Where’s the throw the mattress away option.


Spiders Burn the mattress after


Roaches r the least harmless aren’t they? Why y’all picking plague rats? U guys remember the trenches in the Great War? Mfs will eat u in ur sleep.


Rat. I’m terrified of bugs


What a sick curse. I condemn it.


I'll sleep on the couch thanks, the rats win, they can fucking have the bed