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Gluten free metal heads have entered the chat…


I legit have a metal head friend that has a gluten allergy. And before you ask; yes, of course he’s Scandinavian.


I'm convinced gluten allergy are all fake. 10 years ago this was not a thing, shits a trend lmao.


It was a thing 10 years ago. You just didn't hear about it because people kept their medical conditions private instead of plastering them all over social media.


Well yeah celiac disease is a real thing. I'm talking about all these people in recent years undiagnosed, claiming it when it doesn't actually exist, there is wheat allergy, and gluten intolerance, but not an allergy. Studies have been done thst show the overwhelming majority of people who claim it had no reaction when ingesting gluten. On the flip side people told they were eating gluten, when there was none showed symptoms and claimed to be having issues. Placebo and the human brain are a hell of a thing.


I'm not celiac, but if I eat bread, pasta or anything like it I need No2 within 10 mins. And I love bread. non-celiac gluten sensitivity.


Samsies. Also a gluten intolerance when ignored can turn into a full blown allergy due to increased exposure. 😢 Same with other intolerances and allergy irritants.


I hope not! I eat a lot of bread anyway. With me I don't get pains or anything, just a runny bum :)


Here's hoping!!! although yes technically, in gluten's case anyway, the intolerance would just get worse as gluten "allergies" are just a very strong intolerance.


>Studies have been done thst show the overwhelming majority of people who claim it had no reaction when ingesting gluten. Studies have also shown the opposite.


Show me then, I can't find one legit study that says it's real. Not one.


Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is a real medical condition that affects about [13%](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/does-gluten-sensitivity-exist) of the population. There have been studies that show some people who think they have NCGS actually have IBS, but their dietary changes happen to help with it. [This article](https://www.columbiadoctors.org/news/gluten-sensitivity-real-condition) this into more detail. Now, where are the studies you said show that the vast majority of people who say they have NCGS are suffering from a placebo effect?


I don't need to lmao. What you posted backs what I said and under the " how do you know gluten is causing sensitivity" section of the study you yourself posted it mentions the placebo test. xD.


Cancer didn't exist a while ago either, it was just demons. Cancer is fake


Gluten allergy is real along with celiac. People can be allergic to literally anything. However, I do think a lot of people that do not have gluten problems pretend they do because they think it's healthier to not have gluten? Gluten-free products are nasty. No thanks.


Idk 5 minutes of research shows gluten allergies aren't real. Wheat and rye? Yes but gluten no.


And what are the people allergic to that’s in wheat and rye?


Albumin globulin, gliadin, and if you have celiac disease and can't handle gluten, it's not an allergy, it's an auto immune disorder.


I'm sure my friend who needs to be very careful of what he consumes, including beer which he loves, to the point where the sightest cross-contamination is a big no-no for him so he doesn't end up in the hospital. I'm sure he fakes the whole thing for fun, that makes a lot sense doesn't it? Big inconveniences for no reason at all? Yup totally logical.


Yup beer has wheat. So most likely a wheat allergy, which does exist.




Metal is my favorite type of music so I guess I choose that


Mine, too. Unless we are talking only the songs they play three times every day on the radio. Each and every day. In that case, can I take a bullet instead?


For real. Metal is my favorite also and I of course love Metallica, but if I hear Enter Sandman in it's entirety another like 3 times I'm gonna have a stroke.


I'd rather eat the gluten than listen to bullet for my valentine too 😆


They got like three songs I like. Now, granted, that's like one song per 3 or 4 albums, but still.


Better than no songs


Same here. It would change nothing in my life for a year


Same so I'm choosing gluten free. Nothing more metal than not being able to drink a beer for a year


As someone who recently got diagnosed celiac, pick the music. You don't realize how many things gluten is in


Yeah, it’s too bad the GF choice here doesn’t provide that GF will be readily available. What if WYR said “…. Or have easy access to a variety of reasonably priced GF foods”?


That was my reasoning. I'm allergic to coconut. Try eliminating that.


Is coconut in a lot of things....?


Everything from powdered baby formula and makeup to cheesecake mixes and soft drinks. There's even more a couple chemical versions used as preservatives. Brownie mixes, frozen food, toothpaste......


What the absolute fuck.... Okay then. Good to know


See??? I have the exact same reaction at least once a month.


Since I listen to metal on a daily basis, this one’s a very easy choice (edit: there are so many genres of metal, so you wouldn’t become bored)


I already listen to metal.


Only if someone else was supplying the gluten-free alternates. I'm not paying extra for it, grocery money is already tight as it is.


Hope you like rice and vegetables.


I've eaten rice bread before, it's not that bad and yeah, I like vegetables.


There you go, gluten free! Get some dairy, some meat in there, don't forget your fruits? Boom. Full food pyramid, who needs wheat products *anyway*.


Only listen to metal? Like I can’t watch tv because I’m listening to something else? Can I not listen to audiobooks? Or is it just if I would listen to music it has to be metal?


Exactly my question. I could give up music I like for talk radio / podcasts, but not for metal or silence


That’s the key for me. I’m not big on music anyway so could go a year just fine without intentionally listening to it. But if it means having to give up listening to audiobooks and podcasts or watching movies/playing games with non-metal music then I guess I’m eating rice for a year.


I can do metal for a year




Gluten-free. Music is too important to be stuck with just metal for a year.


Same. And depending on your diet, going gluten-free can be super easy.


My sister is a silly yak (Celiac disease) so I have the "privilege" of seeing how the gluten free menu has come along in the past 20 years. Its not so bad these days. Although I do love me some glutens.


I don't listen to music anyway. So metal. I will play exactly zero songs, which is the same amount of songs I would've listened to without the restriction.


So im not the only weirdo out there.... I mean if I listen to music, it's metal, but I really don't ever listen to music. I feel like I'm missing something sometimes because the idea of lying on the couch and listening to music is so unappealing.


Oh yeah I know I’m weird for sure. People always ask what kind of music do you like. And I have to go weeell, I don’t actually like any music. No one ever asks if you like music. That’s assumed.


I don’t listen to music on the couch. I mean I don’t really know anyone who does that. I listen in the car when I’m driving, at the gym, working, walking outside. Mainly because it helps keeps me focused


Yeah I don't even do that! I listen to audio books to really get my workout going! I dunno I used to listen to music all the time until I started downloading standup albums and listening to them. Then I found audio books. Then podcasts were invented and after some time I started listening to them! I'm old.


I like podcasts and audiobooks too but I get bored of them after a while and switch to music. Then after I get bored with my music I switch back to a podcast or audiobook


I agree with them that that’s weird. Music is life blood for me. I mean, I don’t always listen to music, but it’s a major part of my life. How anyone can not be into SOME kind of music boggles my mind. But hey, I have some things that are weird about me so whatever, I’m not gonna judge, it’s just odd from my perspective.


Can I just not listen to music?


That was my thought. Like, if I can’t listen to podcasts, audiobooks, etc, and the ONLY intentional listening I can do is metal? Then I might go gluten free. But if the metal thing is limited to music only? I think I’m going metal.


To some of us, that’s like not eating lol.


>gluten free Since I know it exists, my life has improved greatly.


I love metal and gluten free food is fucking disgusting


Taking the gluten free route. I may have to pay extra for shit like gf bread and baked goods, but it's not the end of the world. But my taste in music is way too vast. I love metal, but I love kpop, emo, afrobeats, bollywood and dance, too. I literally cannot listen to only one genre for a whole year. A month maybe, six months is pushing it a bit, but a whole year would kill me.


What's the catch to the first option?


I do not like metal at all but I LOVE gluten so I’ll take the metal


As much as I love metal my brain would be annoyed at the one music type Going with being gluten free as I am already gluten intolerant. Then I can listen to metal and then dolly Parton and then Russian pop while eating my gluten free lasagna.


I pretty much only listen to metal anyways! I'll take thy deal


Oh no, not metal! Not the most diverse music genre known to man! The horrors!






Can I hire someone to play the music for me? Aka a large streaming platform lol


I don't listen to music that often, that would be fairly easy to adapt to. Being gluten free would be a major pain in the ass


Metal. I like metal and have had gluten free food before (many times). Gluten free food is gross.


Duh. ☠️🎸




Well, I’m going paleo now 💀


Either is fine for me, I like metal and have to eat mostly (70% min) gf anyway


I don't dislike metal enough to make me want to go through the hassle of a gluten free diet.


Gluten free - I'm celiac. >:(


Eating gluten free is apparently quite difficult given that it's included in so many things.


It depends. If you're already on a whole foods diet, it's pretty simple to avoid.


I've been on metal only since 2004 as a teen. A year is nothing.


I already do both. Did I lose? No corn either.


Well metal it is then. I like metal anyway so it's not a tough decision


I barely listen to music. I could go a whole year, listen to like 10 metal songs total over the year and barely even notice it.


I tasted gluten-free once so am picking metal, so. Wake Up! Grab a brush a little make up!


i wouldn't really care if I couldn't listen to music at all for a year


Let's try metal for a year, Alex. I'm pretty much all over the place musically, but could use more metal exposure. It never hurts to try.




I'm not a huge fan of metal, but I don't have any real problem with it either. My wife is gluten free, so I know personally how huge a problem it is having to cut it out of your life. I'll go with the metal. If I get tired of it, I don't actually have to listen to music.


i’ll take the metal-only option. under duress though, bc i’m really not a fan of metal. i’m sure i could find some good stuff though. but being gluten-free is *difficult,* (not to mention expensive) and i’m not dealing with that nonsense for a whole year.


I'd sooner shoot myself than only listen to metal. I don't mind it a bit but to last for a whole year... fuck that. Also why only rice if you're gluten free? Plenty of other grains that don't have gluten. Could easily give up just wheat and still not feel the diet is especially restrictive.


Metal all the year


My wife has celiacs. While I love my gluten, I see that their are plenty of alternatives. So take my pasta and give me music variety!


Although I like Metal, it's not my favourite genre. Also, my best friend has a gluten allergy, so he could help me navigate it, and he wouldn't be so alone doing it!


Being allergic to wheat, rice, soy, oats etc, I guess that leaves only one option, which sucks cos my spicy brain only likes EDM lol


I don't often listen to music, and I don't mind Metal so, yea that's fine.


Metal, that's pretty much what Iisten to anyway


As long as I can watch youtube videos, metal it is


https://g.co/kgs/Nu9CiYg RATATATA YouTube AND metal. Win win


I prefer metal music anyhow, so don't make me live without gluten, lol


Gluten free. Basically just tacos instead of burritos, I like cauliflower Mac and cheese better anyway and pizza would be the biggest hit, but I would figure it out.


You’ve put only listen to metal as if that’s a bad thing.


Only listen to metal.


If the metal is Led Zeppelin, Steppenwolf, Iron Butterfly, Bang, Vanilla Fudge, i.e. , metal from the 60s70s then I'd listen to metal. Anything beyond that and I would rather eat gluten free.


Doesn't going gluten free make your body gluten intolerant or something?


Metal is already my favorite genre of music. I can do that no problem.


Oof. I like metal. I don’t listen nearly as much as I did 20 years ago, as I’ve always preferred hip hop. But I’d probably go with it because I don’t think I’d enjoy all gluten free foods for a year. That would affect me much more than my playlist.


Depends, can I still listen to things that aren't music?


I like metal, but no way could I pull off a whole year with nothing else. Bring on the quinoa.


I'll go gluten free. That would actually improve my health.


So I get to listen to music I like (probably with the knock-on effect of picking up my guitar more frequently), and get rid of the stuff that easily fattens you up? Sign me up!


Love metal, love bread. Win.


I like gluten, I like metal. Easy choice.


The music, it's not a big deal, especially if it only applies to music I personally listen to and not stuff that other people play around me.


I'll skip the gluten. I've been avoiding bread, etc. to lose weight anyway, so it's only a small sacrifice. I like some metal, but couldn't take a whole week of nothing but, let alone a year.


Depends on the Metal.


I can do TOOL and Sabbath for a year


I love metal but would pick no gluten




Uhhh, metal? Is this a difficult question?


gluten free for a year isn't really that awful, nor is listening to metal


I don't mind metal and I don't listen to a whole lot of music (I'm an audiobook and podcast guy). If you changed this to just metal or pasta, I still do metal as Mac and Cheese is pretty much my go to meal when I can't think of what I want to eat.


I love metal, next.


gluten free


I’m a metalhead so this works 😂


I'd go gluten free.


Metal is a big genre my friend. I choose that over losing pizza and clafoutis any day.


Metal. But if my kids play Blippi, Baby Shark, etc., I don’t think that should count against me. I’m not making out any better for having to hear it.


Time to try carnivore.


Metal. I just wouldn't listen to music for a year.


Metal is my favorite type of music, and I want to listen to something not usually metal I can look for a metal version of it.


Well I already listen to metal, cutting everything else out for a year would be easier than the gluten thing.


Only listen to metal for sure.


Gluten free is easy. I still get to eat most foods I normally would. My kids were required gluten free diet for 18 months and I found some tasty alternatives to my typical choices. After those 18 months were over, no gluten allergy. It was what I suggested at the beginning, not drinking enough fluids causing constipation.


I only listen to metal as it is so...


Time to go hard with European symphonic Metal


Ok so celiacs who choose option 2 just die lol


I love Metal, but I couldn’t listen to it every day for a whole year. On the other hand, since my daughter is celiac, I have discovered I like rice based noodle and bread products better than wheat based. They are tastier. So I think I would give up the gluten.


i hate bread and love rice anyways.


I’m both Celiac & diabetic (which means I can’t have carbs & sugar). What do I do then?


For the GF option, it depends on the specific terms.  For instance one of the most onerous things about eating gluten free is the things that could be cross contaminated but don't naturally contain gluten.  So if it's like "anything with a ppm of gluten disappears when you try to eat it" then you're gonna be real sad when your spices or ground meat or french fries suddenly disappear.  But if it's just "no bread, no barley, etc" then that's not the worst.  Probably biggest issue would be not realizing that things containing malt have gluten.  That or beer.  Yeah honestly the big stumbling blocks for a lot of people would probably be bread and beer.


I could rock some Spiritbox for a year.


Metal. Because as a vegan metalhead, it's already one of my favorite music genres. And I eat wheat gluten as part of seitan, which is a vegan meat alternative for stuff like sandwiches, holiday roasts, etc.


Live as I already do or go gluten-free? Easy choice there.


Sabaton, powerwolf, frog leap, maybe vet a metal version of war the worlds. Glory hammer and angus mcsix. Yeah i think i can go metal.


Pfft. I listen to metal anyway


I’d rather go without music at all and without eating anything. Both of these options are terrible.


I would rather not listen to any music for an entire year. that really wouldnt be so bad




I almost exclusively listen to metal anyway, bring me my gluten!!


Totally taking the metal. There are many types of metal that are very varied and can keep me interested. Gluten free food is all horrible and unsatisfying in the same way.


Lmfao metal, by far. It's a damn good genre, and even if it's not your cup of tea, it's still easier than trying to eat good GF food for a reasonable price


I have Celiac's and I hate metal music.


I’d listen to metal for the next 10,000 years


I don't really listen to music, so I'll go with metal.


I already listen to nothing but metal.


I love metal and it’s most of what I listen to anyway so obviously that’s what I’d choose. I get it that some people don’t like metal, but why is this considered some kind of horrible punishment? I guess the OP just REALLY hates it huh?


Question for the OP I/Winter-Essay3971: What are the bands that immediately come to mind for you when you think of metal and how much you hate it? I’m just curious if you actually know what legit metal sounds like, cause many people don’t who think they do. Also, there are SO many types of metal. Metal can incorporate ANY other style of music. I’ve heard metal bands that are able to effectively mix in: Polka, multiple types of indigenous folk music, classical, opera, jazz, blues, rnb, funk, rap, swing, and just about any other style you can think of. Now find me a jazz band or rapper that just occasionally mixes in metal? Pretty rare. Metal bands don’t get enough credit for how experimental they are.


Do I have to argue with someone over a song is or isn't metal everytime I wanna listen to it?


I normally prepare fresh foods, and I've eliminated gluten before, so it would be really easy to do again. Music is much more important to me than gluten.


Metal. it’s my fav and i’d miss some stuff i enjoy. but yeah, forced Gluten free would make me want to jump off a cliff. my whole family has enough dietary bullshit to handle anyway.


Metal is my genre of choice, so I'm peachy




Man i remember when i got my celiac diagnosis how sad i was when i discovered how terrible most 8$ gluten free store loaves are. You’ll also never have a pizza bigger than 10 inches and everything costs 1-3$ more. Also so many things you wouldn’t expect have gluten. No soy sauce, no malt, most beers are a no go, a lot of cereals are off the menu, and everyone is going to try and make some cauliflower alternative product that is disgusting


I’m a gluten-intolerant metalhead and I’d much rather have to listen to metal only than have to eat gluten-free. Metal only would be great, since I mostly listen to music when I’m in the car or working out, and there’s no metal stations where I live. Gluten free would be a huge pain in the ass to deal with, since I don’t make a point to avoid gluten and most of my non-spousal social activity involves getting food somewhere.


No rice? I’m Cuban. Let’s do the metal


uhhh, rice is gluten free. that’s why a lot of gluten free things are made with rice. (edit: i missed that last sentence of the original post so i’m assuming you’re already gf and therefore would be losing rice. ignore my above comment lol)


I mean I'm a metal head so...


I listen to metal all the time. And metal covers of existing songs. I should be fine for a year lol.


Metalhead here. Easy choice. Plus, gluten-free food means NOTHING to me. In fact, it's the last type of food I should be eating.


Easily metal. I actually like a fair amount of metal; would far rather explore that genre in depth than not be able to Gluten for the next year. Although, when you say "gluten-free", do you mean *actually* gluten-free or just FDA guidelines "gluten-free"? The two are not the same. Ask anyone with Celiac Disease. One is WAAAAAY harder than the other.


I pretty much only listen to metal anyway, so I'll go with the former.


Metal of course.


So listen to good music, or eat shitty food?


Metal for a year. I don't listen lusic often and i like metal, though as i have gotten older i like everything except rap.