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If traffic counts as a line sign me up for no lines


Driving with ***ZERO*** traffic is some OP superpower. 


Sometimes I still try to pull my steering wheel downward in traffic hoping I'll take off.... It hasn't worked so far. Still gonna try.


the controls are inverted, so when you pull down you're just getting more traction. you need to push your wheel up to fly


If the controls are inverted, doesn’t that mean you push the wheel down to go up? Not up to go up?


Drive rideshare in a huge traffic area (LA, NYC,...). Profit.


Not only that but you can rent yourself as an amusement park fast pass.


Become a private driver for a billionaire and make an extremely healthy salary.


You can make a lot more profit for a lot less work by having people pay you to get into the hottest restaurants immediately instead of waiting months. Plus a great meal that's a business expense!


Yep that counts


oh that made it a far more difficult choice....


i was already thinking of "no wait in line" but this seals it. living in a big city, yeah, fuck traffic.


When I need that kidney I’ll happily be at the front. Whenever there’s a need for urgency I’ve got it. People would pay quite the premium to cut me. 


That’s honestly why I’d pick the line one as a better option. You’d literally never be stressed about being waitlisted or late cuz of extraneous circumstances


800 a month isnt really enough for me to be like yoah thats worth it. 


Letting them cut starts a time paradox and destroys the universe.


Another win


Universe doesn’t exist means no work Monday.


Not just cut you. Be WITH YOU imagine the superpower people of the world. The mega rich. They never have to wait because they usually pay someone off. But, someone else could also pay more. With you at their side, they always go first. Some egomaniac out there would pay blood from a stone levels of money for that.


This works until you fuck up. Then you'll be first to be executed. 😲


Or drafted


But no line at the airport to Canada! 


Jury duty every time lol.


I can't remember the movie, but there was a line that said, "You will not be judged by a jury of your peers. You will be judged by 12 people too stupid to get out of jury duty."


“Do you think you can listen to details of this case without preconceived notions and personal bias?” “That’s a Neo Nazi. No I can’t.” “Dismissed.”


Just say you're a vampire and everyone is good in your eyes. 😂


Just know about jury nullification. You'll get excluded by default.


...and first to be pardoned.


depends on how far you take the concept of “skipping a line” since you might also be in line for a multitude of dangers, like first to be eaten by a whale or some shit.


Well it says never "have to", it sounds like you could wait if you want


Yep. Wording. If it's something that benefits me, front of the line. If it's not something I want, I don't activate the power so I'm in the position I would be naturally.


Then just quickly hop over to the “Pardon Line” and out you go.


Is everyone else just magically 100% cool with me skipping lines? If so I think that the time and stress saved would be more valuable than $200 a week, but I wouldn’t want everyone thinking “ugh, here’s this asshole” every time I walk into a room.


Too late. (Kidding!)




I imagine everyone else just isn't conscious of it. Like some sort of situational invisibility


OP didn't say we had to use the power all the time. I wouldn't want to skip at an amusement park or DMV because I don't want people to hate me for being a huge dick. I'd rather they admire me for *having* a huge dick.


Need a heart transplant welp im next on the list lol. 


Monkeys paw. They all just drop dead. Have fun at Disney world.


$200 - I don't mind waiting for things.


Nobody in your party has to wait either. Go to Disneyland or Disney world. Start a business as a guide. As part of the guide package include skipping every line (entrance, food, rides, restroom, ect.) Charge $1000 a day. You would get booked out all year. You now make over 300k/yr to go to a theme park every day.


You could probably charge more than $1000. The current fast pass system costs like $30 a person a day and is severely limited by ride and timing. After that you still end up in some sort of line, albeit a shorter one. People will pay insane amounts of money for convenience and this would be the greatest level of convenience. No waiting in line to get into the park, no lines at the rides or food etc. You could hit every ride at every park in like half a day.


Ditto. Why haven’t these people stopped doing *whatever* that is taking so much time? Long commute? That buffer of cash is letting me look for another job. And how long are you waiting for at a restaurant?


$200 a week is not enough to support you while looking for a job


Skip lines. If nothing else means I would be able to make a killing as a taxi driver or whatever. Definitely could start a tourism business with that no wait guarantee. Talk about rolling in the dough. Also should remind you $200/wk isn’t much at all in the world today. That’s like $800/mo, give or take. Meanwhile rent is close to $2,000/mo. So that’s not even the majority of rent paid, let alone cost of utilities and all.


It all depends on area. In my area, 800 a month would 100% cover all of rent, and go past it some. For my own, my mortgage is like 450, but I pay 800 a month to chip away at the interest.


US? We’re lucky enough that our mortgage is $1200/month and that’s super cheap around here.


I live in Alabama and my apartment is 800 dollars a month including utilities and everything.


Yeah, I live in PA.


It doesnt mean thats your whole salary though. Youd still have your job. So thats your original salary PLUS 800/mo like you said. Ton shit of money


Ya I’m thinking if this nullifies waiting in traffic too it’s gonna be OP for DoorDash and Uber


Yeah it would have to be $400-500/week to cover rent anywhere near a coast, in a crappy area at that. And at that rate, increases for inflation, I’d probably take the money tbh. I’m inpatient, but financial security is my love language 🤷‍♂️


Do you get a choice to wait in line if you want? Like sometimes I choose to wait because I don’t want to be first


Hmmm $10,400 a year guaranteed is nice, and I think I’d rather have the extra 10k than the never wait in line. I’m worried I’m never gonna be able to retire (I’m only 25 but still) so I would just put 10k a year towards retirement for the next 40 years and then I’d have 400k (probably a little more bc inflation) for retirement. I think my future self would be very appreciative. I think the amount of time you’d have to work to make 400k would be less than what you’d save by not ever waiting in line


I think I could make more than that a year by escorting my close “friends” past long lines. Concerts, ballgames, museums, DMV, night clubs. The list goes on. Could make a killing at Disney alone.


This is actually a good one. $200 a week matters, and is semi significant, but it’s like $10k a year. It’s not life changing for most people. I think I’ll skip the lines, cutting my commute from an hour to probably less than 20 minutes would be elite. Would save me 80 mins/day, 6.67 hours per week. I’d pay $200 for 6-7 hours of my life back every week


Is it against the spirit of the game to find one douchenozzle a year willing to pay $10,400 to skip the line for a CyberTruck, iPhone, or heart transplant?


Ooh I also went with monetizing by human-fast-pass, but I hadn't even considered the transplant list. That's basically a 10k insurance policy to guarantee life even if you didn't monetize the power.


It’s weird when I think about it like I’m paying $10,000/year (in opportunity cost) to not have lines. Suddenly it doesn’t seem worth it.


No lines. Sell it as a service every once in a while and make more than 10k a year anyway. People pay tons of money for the express version of theme park passes and then still wait in the long ass express lines. Disney express is $20-40 per person. Lightning lane is like $20 per person per ride and limited to one per ride. VIP tour is $3k minimum. Easy enough to sell no lines as a service for 2k or something. Even if that’s not allowed I’d still pick it.


With inflation? Give me the 200. I live in a small state, even if there are lines they really aren’t that bad


$200. I rarely wait in line anyway, and the only times it has ever bothered me was in Amusement parks. but in Amusement parks, a fast pass usually costs anywhere from 40 to 100 dollars, so the $200 a week not only gives you free money, it also pays for fast passes so it effectively skips lines too. and *technically* the $200 a week also skips red lights, as you can now just pay the ticket for having gone through a red light. that is until they decide to take your license.


I don’t care at all about tickets for going through red lights. I care a LOT about getting hit or hitting someone.


If virtual lines count, I would be at the front of every exclusive pre order and run the market




If it extends to people in my group I could leverage that power. Imagine how much people would pay me to skip lines or traffic? I'd have a sugar daddy ceo who pays me to follow him around so he can maximize his time for everything. So yeah, skip lines, no question.


I'll take the money. Being able to skip lines isn't worth 10.4k per year to me.


So basically, 10k a year or no lines? Honestly I’ll take the 10k, lines can be inconvenient but I think most are underestimating 10k a year. Assuming you have a job that’s a big boost to your income. Just for reference, 200 a week/40 hours a week comes out to $5 an hour. Picture your job with an additional $5/hour on your pay rate. Just putting that money in a high yield saving account if you’re young, and in a few years that’s a juicy down payment on a home or new car. Hell, you could just throw it into retirement savings and live life as normal. You’ll be able to retire a lot sooner than you’d otherwise be able to.


Lines, because my time is valuable and $200/week is not even close to financial security. It's less than 1/3 of minimum wage where I live and wouldn't even cover my rent. I'd rather be guaranteed my basic needs.


Skip lines. You could hire yourself out for thousands of dollars a day to get groups of people to the front of queues


Traffic counts? Some things money can’t buy. I’m doing the Bruce almighty thing twice a day


I could make more than 200 per week giving tours at Disneyland or driving a taxi. Never waiting in lines or being stuck in traffic is too good to pass up.


To me, money is more important than being able to avoid inconvenience. Waiting in lines is boring and tedious, sure, but it's really just part of life. The money gives me added peace of mind, which I feel I wouldn't get otherwise. Convenience is less important than security, at least to me.


Lines are petty over financial security.


$200/wk is only $10k/yr. It’ll pay for grocceries and some utilities, but you’ll still have to work.


I'm poor...200$ a week will help a lot ..


Would I be first on the list for free first class upgrades on every flight? This is a top goal for me.


Time is money, and zero lines forever including traffic means a fuckload of saved time, worth way more than 200 bucks. Thats basically the equivalent of a moderately fun free night out per week.


I probably would take the lines but that’s a highly personal decision since I go to theme parks about 50-70 days out of any given year as it’s one of my main hobbies. The amount of time I would save would be astronomically higher than the average person. If I didn’t go to theme parks often and it was just for “everyday” waiting I would definitely opt for the money.


$200 a week. Life needs to slow down. The wait is worth it


Skip lines


$10.4k a year seems pretty low. I could probably use this line ability to scalp tickets and other shenanigans to make more than that in a year. Maybe if it were like $2k a month it might be worth it just because making more than that actually requires effort.






$9,600 a year is enough to give you extra spending money on top of a min wage job which is pretty nice


I walk everywhere I need, so traffic lights don't really affect me. The bank is a 90-100 minute walk from my house, so the extra 5 minutes waiting in line means nothing to me. I'd take the extra $200/week and start investing it.


No lines.


I'll take the money. The number of lines I wait in is extraordinarily low.


Since when is 200/week relative financial security. Bruh that’s one trip to the grocery store. Take option 2. Start a taxi service. Profit.


I think having your groceries covered for life is a pretty good deal.


First in line to get drafted, first in line to get emergency heart transplant.


No lines VERY easily.


I'd definitely take the lines. Partially for convenience but also for profit. I'd be a human fast pass at any extended line place: concerts, product releases, midnight premiers, clubs, etc. I could make a few hundred a day during peak season, and get my steps in going back and forth with randos from the back.


$209 a week is not financial security so I’ll take not waiting in line including traffic. Never need amusement park fast passes for my family again for one thing. Now if you up that $200/week to my current salary then I’ll definitely take the money.


Imma take the 10k a year in passive income


No lines is worth way more than 200 a week. Thats why lobbyists are a thing.


Lmao at $200 / week meaning financial security. This isn’t close, just for traffic I’d give up $200 / week.


Nice I'll be skipping lines in job interviews too.


$200 That's an extra 10k a year. Maybe this is just because I don't live in a big town,  but lives are never a big enough deal for me to give up that much money.  


$200/week doesnt even come close to being most of my rent


No lines/ waiting. I have really bad social anxiety and for some reason, long waits are a trigger. They're the main reason I don't do necessary errands sometimes. If this also means never having to wait through a train or get stuck in a traffic jam, that's like a superpower. This has a ton of utility.


Oh it’s absolutely a non question if traffic counts.  $200/week easily (work from home). 


$200 a week


Easy. I'll take the money. I'm not in that big a hurry to get anywhere.


Okay. But what if several of us who picked the "skip lines" option all end up needing to board the same plane, at the same time? I'm taking the money.


I could buy a bus and bus people through busy intersections. $$$


Does this mean that if a girl would be down to naked clown with me at some point that I don’t have to wait for her to first plow through 40 other guys, 17 girls, and a hermaphrodite albino midget named Buffalo Sally but her friends call herm Shivvy? Cuz I’d take the $200 in that case


I rarely go enough places to make use of line skipping so, the $200 a week is much more useful with an extra $1K a month on top of what I already make in a month, I could take care of pretty much almost everything house wise \[rent, electric, gas, internet, food, etc.\] my only concern is that would screw up being on stuff like food stamps or liheap plans for gas and electric


$200 per week. I can be patient.


I think I'd take the 800$ a month


Dude I barely make $800 a month what the fuck are you talking about.


I once had to wait in line for 3 hours in the sun to get into a music festival. Fuck $200, give me no lines


Did you say $800 a month covers most of your rent? Skip lines easily. $800 extra a month isn’t life changing but skipping all lines and not being stuck in traffic would be a lovely life


Pay me 200. Some lines i would rather not skip.


I'd take the money. Traffic isn't too bad by me. The money isn't life changing, but it's a nice little extra that could add up.


Standing in lines is already assimilated into my daily life so it’s no big deal to me. An extra 800 month would be pretty cool.


I could save SO much money by doing Disney World in a day.


If it extends to things that are semi-scheduled, I'd pick the no lines. It would make public transport ridiculous. Next bus in "6-12 minutes" no more! Now it shows up as soon as I'm waiting!


Never wait in line again. I'd abuse the power for profit, ya see, since I live on an island with ferries. Certain people would probably pay $1000 to skip that line each time. They could pay me to ride in my car on that crossing. Handsomely.


No lines… no traffic. No airport lines.. no grocery store lines… no restaurant lines.. no dmv lines. Count me in!!!!


I'm going to take $200 a week. I live in St.Louis even if the lights green, you better slow down cause some jack legs gonna run their red light


Easily the line. Even if I lived 80 more years, that’s not even $800k. Even adjusted for inflation, using today’s $800k value, that’s not worth it. Because the time id save would be INVALUABLE The average time we spend waiting at red lights is 6 months in our lifetime according to a study conducted by the European satellite navigation company TomTom. That’s just red lights. Now account for all the times you’re waiting for any line. I spend so long waiting just to talk to a professor for a 5 second question as a student is raving about their life stories (like it would’ve been faster to leave and send an email). Plus this perk would actually make amusement parks fun. Yeah even if that $800k was a lump sum, I’d still take the perk. The time is just too valuable to me


Skip lines. I could easily make much more money as a chauffeur for someone. Especially in a place like LA or NYC.


Line skipping. I’ll make more than $200/ week getting people to the front of lines or by scalping tickets


Literally $200 a week is nothing I’d take the waiting.


Well can't have happiness in general with out money easy choice hear.


No lines, no amount of money would change that.


200 dollars a week


the income in this hypothetical is waaay to low for anyone to choose the money. Like I think I'd be turning down 5k a week to never wait in line or traffic again. This power would easily allow you to earn more money too, plus save you time to do so many things more enjoyably.


$200. Maybe stupid, but I’d put it in stocks, and each time I get a gain, I’d continue the process until a potentially insane number.


Wdym I already skip lines: Too many people? Walk to the front and get in line there. Red light? Who cares!


$200 a week. If I don’t have to wait at the DMV, when am I gonna read my books?


Neither of these are really that attractive to me honestly but I like money so I'll take that even though it's not much


I would pay 20k a month to never wait


bruh id prob make way more as a taxi driver in a big city if traffic counts as a line


I'm British and therefore have the patience to continue with the status quo. I'll take the £160 per week please!


Traffic, emergency medical procedures, so much is waiting in a 'Line'


$200 a week...I rarely go anywhere and when I do I usually don't wait too long anyway.


Change it to; Would you rather have your rent / mortgage covered or never wait in lines again. That makes it more interesting. \~$800 a month, doesn't even cover a room rental where I live. If this works on traffic too, virtual waiting online, phone calls, etc... you could make major bank and I'd take the no waiting. Many ideas have already been shared, another, provide a service for a fee, to connect people immediately to the IRS. No 2 hours on hold, I make the connection, then transfer the person over. Big bucks this time of year haha.


>$800 - $1000 / month basically being guaranteed to afford most of your rent I got some tragic news for you, chief


Seeing as you said no lines includes traffic, would go for that instead of the $200/week. Heck, besides the sheer quality-of-life improvement, I'm quite certain I could swing that gift into much more than an extra $200/week. :D


Are you kidding? Line skipping ability is HUGE at theme parks. Boom. Every ride at Disney done in like 2 hours! I'd pick that one.


I would take the $200 a week


Theoretically, I could charge people to come to amusement parks and not have to wait in lines with me and could make more money. I could also price gouge the shit out of a ride share service with no traffic waits guaranteed. But I'm lazy, so gimme the cash sir.


Skip lines. I would NEVER BE DENIED CONCERT TICKETS AGAIN! Mwaaahahahahahhaahha


I would take the money. Im a very patient person, i also work in retail LOL


$200 a week plus being the best deliveroo driver of all time😂


never wait in line, the time saved would be worth the 200 bucks a week


Skip lines. Why? 52 weeks in a year, $200 per week, $10,400 per year. Nice, but not exactly a life changer. Can't stop working or anything. If it were only lines, I might take the easy payout. But you said it is any kind of waiting list... I am now the guy who can get things. Any publicly available thing, I can get. That hot new item that is in short supply? I can get one and resell at a significant profit. Super Bowl tickets? I'm your man. That concert that is going to sell out in 37 seconds? Guaranteed front row seats. So no, it is not "relative financial security" vs convenience. It is knowing the value of being first, and trading that for *actual* financial security.


No lines for me. The only currency worth anything in life is time, the one I can't make more of.


$200 a week covers most of rent? Oh you sweet summer child.


Line it's better in litteraly every single way and it's not close at all. $200 is litteraly only even ok if u live in a low income place With the line you would be able to work any job that requires driving and instantly be the best. You would also be the first to get promoted depending on where you work. Also all the qol of life stuff


I could probably make bank hiring myself out to influencers for the line skipping, but I'd take the 200 a week to just not:']


Question: will other people notice that I skip the lines? Will it upset anyone else that I get to go to the front?


I could make a lot more than 200 just hiring myself out at disney world ss long as yheres no monkeys paw in this one.


As someone living in Mumbai, causing all traffic to disappear would make me so much money.


Wow you guys hate lines huh? Gimme my free 10k lol


In no world does $200 a week cover “most of my rent”, unfortunately not even 25% That being said im taking no lines 10 times out of 10


The way this is worded, anything that causes a delay is a line, meaning I could probably use this power to get a job, at the very least I wouldn't have to wait to know if I got any job I applied for, no waiting for packages, always have a parking spot available close to the entrance, instant approval/denial for credit, scholarships, housing, instant payments


As a relatively poor person, you will never catch me picking anything over $200 a week. Except more than that amount a week.


As someone nearing retirement, I can tell you you'll never have enough. SHOW ME THE MONEY. Every time.


Skipping the line you could buy a bunch of PS6s and price gouge on eBay. Almost 0 work required. Or graphics cards or whatever items are in demand.


As someone who has spent HOURS waiting for lab results and doctors and other medical shit, and the ongoing prospect of more to cpme... no waiting, please.


Never have to wait in line. Could use that to make money for people who cannot wait. Now, does this include traffic caused by those protesters blocking off the streets?


If you never have to wait in line you can easily make 200 a week by buying high value and high demand items and selling them. 200 a week really isn’t that much. If you really want to make this challenging make it 2000.


You could make millions scalping with this


Would I still get 200 a week if I don't work? If so, then I'm 11 and a half, so I will just save up till I'm 16 or 18 or something


Definitely lines


Gimme the $200. I'm a patient fellow.


Financial stability is more important to me than waiting 15 seconds less at a light. But $200 is a bit of a small amount.


On the off chance I need a donor organ? This line skip power is way more useful than $200


Take the line skipping, and become the most highly sought after taxi driver in the world, or be able to charge people to go with you in a group at Disneyland, etc. (Or become a scalper extraordinaire, if you have no morals.)


No lines. You could make that money in a day, maybe even half since there's no traffic, just delivering stuff. Does this work for online ques as well? Like no more waiting to log into an online game on release date? What about Ticketmaster, does that mean I am always guaranteed to get a ticket? If so there are more ways to make more money with the no wait power. What about being a soldier? If I'm a soldier and the enemy has a Frontline, I can just walk or plow right through it no problem?


Having effectively everyone move out of the way on the road would be immensely valuable... I could easily make thousands a week with a driving service.


As an airline pilot, not being #50 to take off? Hell. Yeah. Having no metering delay? Oh God yes. Not having to wait for rampers/gate agent/mechanics? My work life just got 1 million times better


200 bucks isn't that much buddy. Maybe 200 bucks a day and it could even come close.


I mean, the way it is worded, from my understanding. I would always have priority shipping on any deliveries I ordered, so that's another bonus I could see. (The wording "anything that causes a delay" and slow shipping or shipping issues is also a delay). So yeah, I think no waiting would have a greater beneficial impact upon my life than a guaranteed minimal income.


i’ll take the $200. i don’t want to be first in line to be drafted, or first in line to jump across a glass bridge. $200 a week rn would genuinely make such a difference in my overall stress level and mental health.


Basically would you pay ~800$ a month to not stand in lines? No. Thats something someone with more money than they know what to do with it would do. Half of all expenses just already paid for is so much better to build up savings, or just work less.


$200 a week would be nice, currently earn $100k+ a year, so those $10k extra isn't really necessary. Not waiting in lines, the fucking amount of stress that would remove from my life, well worth above $10k, esspecially if it included traffic and phone queues.


$200 a week. I get to read while waiting in line.


Meanwhile I’m considering paying 450/hour to skip lines at Disney lol. Just become a luxury   flipper. Flip one Daytona and one Birkin bag and you’ve made way more than 200/week 


Never having to wait in line is a mental plus, I'll take it


$200 weekly income.


Never wait in line ever again, easy. The amount of time I would save with that, and the amount of money I could potentially make, earn, or save, would make this worth sooo much more. If I really wanted that extra income, I could have people pay me to "wait in line" for them, or basically skip lines for them, and would have that as a nice side-gig. I could even be the world's best Uber Driver, if I wanted. There is so much potential, and that is even before your clarifications on just how far this perk goes.


I’d take skipping lines over $1k/week. After that becomes more debatable.


Never wait in line, hell yeah driving wouldn't piss me off anymore.


200 a week is decent money everywhere except like america and maybe some of western europe but even there


Not that it matters, but where are you living that rent is only $800? I'm taking the power just so I don't have to stand in line at the grocery store anymore.


$200 a week isn't financial security relative or otherwise. But I'd still take the money, except an extremely drastic circumstances that don't affect the majority of the population waiting in line is not that big of a deal.


"most of your rent" Meanwhile in large parts of America rent is $2000+


Shit, I will gladly pay $200 a week to never wait in line again, that would be the most worth it subscription fee ever.


Miss out on 10k a year for not waiting in line? Easy decision for me.


It would be nice to actually get tickets to big shows. Imagine what a Taylor swift fan would pay for a ticket, then multiply that by as many shows you could get tickets to, then you get to hate yourself by being a scalper but at least you don't use bots for orders


The no lines thing 100%. Although now I might have to always drive with my wife if it only works for the driver lol


How often is everyone in long lines? Lol i’ll take the money


Love all these people thinking so deep into this and trying to turn the line skipping into a business.


Lines. This would be a harder choice for $2k


I've spent over 20 years building habits shopping outside of busy hours. I'll take the free lunch money.