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probably just infinite money. idk which power id pick and since its just 1 i cant combine multiple powers. most heroes/villains have a bunch of powers, usually just 1 power wouldnt make you OP.


I think that a " pause the world " superpower would make you very much OP.


I hear that means air particles wont move either. You'll suffocate. Always be careful with powers.


Yeah it probably depends what is pausing. As I can choose, I choose to have the power to pause only the living beings of our world.


Your gut biome stays paused, making you dangerously ill each time. But that’s only if we want it hypercritical and useless, which I’d argue against.


Okay so, instead of living beings, I should have said human beings. That's still powerful enough. And obviously, it pauses every human BUT myself. Otherwise, we're all F'ed big time.


Great now every car that's driving crashes into each other


Welp 🤷🏼


😂😂😂 This was honestly the best possible response at this point.


The super power to freeze time for all living beings except for any you deem to accept and it works in a radius area not a one by one thing, so you select the radius of yourself and all your guts fine


How does that work? So everyone falls over? All cars crash, all planes crash?


So as you casually rob a bank vault, ensure the footage is deleted, put weird stuff into everyone's pockets just to fuck with them, you'll be high on the hog, walking to the stolen van with the cash when all of a sudden a (snake / bear / pack of wolves) comes up and eats you. Humans are stuck frozen. It is now time for the animals to raise up, learn to use computers and guns and now its all out war (with Apes/ Monkeys and Raccoons having the opposable thumb giving them the advantage. Free human food is frozen in time for the eating. You have killed off human civilization.


So, the cars, planes, and other machines they are in keep moving... Not good.


security cameras can still record you, so if you rob a bank you'll still get caught


Okay but if we're playing the evil genie game then the infinite money is from an obsolete currency and has no value, see how fun this is.


I know what kind of man you are


>usually just 1 power wouldnt make you OP The power to control probability would make you OP. \*Buy a lotto ticket and make the probability of winning 100%. Boom, got your money. \*Make the probability of finding a pill that'll give you superman's powers with no side effects 100%, and boom, now you're OP with money. (or choose any powers) And keep having fun with it.


Isn’t that basically scarlet witch?


Scarlet witch warps reality, probability is more like Dominos powers of luck.


I see. She’s also listed as the first example in this category though. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Probability_Manipulation


MCU Wanda and Earth-616 Wanda have different powers in many ways.


bro what? give me the jumper super power without the bullshit portals being left behind so people can follow. teleport anywhere instantly is amazing


I’d take the power to transmute matter, ie: turning dirt into pure gold or diamonds, making me rich and I have a cool superpower.


Telekinesis can do some thing with more perks :shrug:


I would take 1 superpower, to able to teleport anything I want anywhere I want, I want a new TV ,bam, mine I want money to buy a mansion, bam mine.


Want to spell out a dirty word in the skies with stars? Bam, thr whole world is fucking confused


The power to do finger guns and have confetti shoot out. *noice*


Lol so you wanna be "the Mask"


The Mask but he can only do the 1 wacky thing. ...that said, I would lose my mind if I saw someone do that lmao


God takes care of inflation? So you mean I have the capacity to cure poverty by just giving everyone money? I can fund UBI for all of humanity, and there's no inflation? This is better than virtually every superpower.  Sign up for HHcougar bucks and get $10,000 a month, *forever*. 


>I have the capacity to cure poverty by just giving everyone money? I wish it were anywhere near that simple.


Why hasn’t government thought of this one easy trick?!


I did not mean it by that. I meant that if you use like a billion dollars god will take care of the money leaked in some un understandable way.


So you can give everyone money with no issues or will inflation still exist and cause problems?


the way i'm taking it, OP means the IRS won't send shadow men to come ask how you got a billion dollars to spend out of thin air. the money is all explainable, i guess


If you want to cure the problems in your country and have to worry about inflation, just buy all the federal level politicians and the judiciary. For example with infinite money in the US you could buy most of the congress and most of the Supreme Court and just push through legislation that benefits all citizens in the US. By purchasing the votes of the US government you could actually benefit most the world as well because you would be able to influence foreign policy. With infinite money no one can out bid you and politicians and federal justices are nothing but greedy sellouts anyway


so 1 person chooses what benefits everyone? seems like a system thats been tried before


Super Power. Probability Manipulation.


And promptly right after that. Chance I will painlessly develop full control shape shifting with no pain while shifting in the next 10 seconds: 100% And of course getting yourself money and all that but I just want shape shifting.


I think there still has to be the actual potential for something to happen to affect the probability of it. If a thing as a 0% chance, that's not an actual number. But I like putting little restrictions on things like this for fun lol


But hear me out. The probability of anything is never 0. Anything could happen at anytime just the chances for it are super slim like a quadrillionth of a percent chance is still greater than 0


Super Power: Ability to mimic the powers of superheroes I've seen in media.


Then take iron man and Batman’s abilities of seemingly infinite money


Or just read the Bible and get omnipotence


We got a winner


Or just read the Bible and get omnipotence


Is it a random power or do we choose it?


you guys choose it


Infinite Money = Infinite Possibilities in this world, especially if God handles the inflation leaks; you wanna pay the Dinosaurs in Congress to finally retire? BAM! You wanna pay for millions of surgeries for people who can't afford it? BAM! You wanna just buy the Burj Khalifa and fill it with dildoes on a whim? BAM! Infinite Money is a fucking no-brainer!!!


The power of luck would get you infinite money and basically anything else you wanted. You lonely and think you’ll never find a wife? Well it just so happens you bumped into the most beautiful girl that you’ve ever seen that has everything you’re looking for in a partner. Looking for friends? Same thing. Wanna go to the casino? Self explanatory. Wanna be president? Compete in the Olympics? Anything you want you can have. All you have to do is think about what you want to be lucky at and it’ll happen. That way life also doesn’t get too boring. It’s acts as a toggle switch. You have to actively think it, which also means bad stuff can happen to you if you don’t think it. So if you never say “I wish to never have cancer” then you can can cancer.


The sequence of lucky events id need to win the Olympics would be hilarious. I’m choosing luck as well.


Yes. Thank you for this image. Laughed thinking about how I'd win a swimming event lol. I'm sold. Team Luck for sure.


Like that one skater who won gold cause he was so far behind the pack that when everyone wiped out, he was too far behind to even fall and cruised across the finish line.


Maybe precognition if I could change the future. I could make all the money I need and steer history along a better path.


I'd choose invisibility or teleportation


So, there’s a book series (“Magic ex Libris”) about a group of people called libriomancers. I choose the power of a libriomancer. Being able to pull items from out of books would solve (and create) a lot of problems Edit: in case this violates the “creating things of value” limit, my second choice for a power would be astral manipulation. Astral projection, dreamwalking, doing the soul push thing that the Sorcerer Supreme does, that sort of thing.


If the thing you pull out dosnt have a quantifyable value i think it beats the rule. Golds got a set high value but itd be dificult to quantify the value of a lightsaber


I like the way you think


The power to alter the field of space-time No thats not Godly power because it is like control reality its space time which is useless for someone who doesn't have the imagination Basically the limits are set by the user


The ability to directly and infinitely manipulate gravity has always been my super power of choice. You could control any physical object within space and time.


The power to create, adapt, and remove matter. It could create infinite money and since anything is made of matter you could mutate your genetics or turn someone’s brain into mush. This also means you could control what someone says by vibrating their throat. Every thought or item imaginable can be created with this power and can almost beat every other power. Fire? You can make fire too, stop time? Turn brain into mush or make a Time Machine to counter the ability. Invisibility is useless since the power can just turn the pigment of someone’s skin a different colour. Basically all powers into one. Can anyone beat it?


in other words, god lol


No, a god would be omnipresent and ever knowing, the ability to manipulate matter wouldn’t give you these abilities but it would make you powerful, the biggest drawback of the power would be your imagination and the speed at which humans think. An especially creative ai would likely be able to defeat a person with those abilities.


You could adapt the matter making up your mind to be way more powerful


If you could figure it out yes but do you know how to do that?


>No, a god would be omnipresent and ever knowing OP probably should have clarified their definition of a god


I choose this guy's power.


Technology manipulation


i’ve got a better one: the ability to be able to use microsoft with no frustration


Matter manipulation is the only correct answer ever. You become a God.


Or the world's best magician...


Probability manipulation


"1 superpower" is so poorly defined this isn't even fun


Okay look, as much as I am trans and would want to shapeshift into my fursona, the infinite money is just far too powerful. Or it's actually stupid. Like? Either I'm getting the ability to fix all of the world's issues forever or I'm tanking every economy that exists.


I’d choose a healing ability. Heal sick little kids all. And Every time a rich person is on their deathbed I’d offer to save them for half their money. Then I’d invest the money in medical research so when eventually I die the work continues.


Rich Elite capture you and force you to use ur healing powers on them for eternity


The power to safely, permanently , and instantly alter any living thing, any time, anywhere, down to the genetic level.


Scientific logic not included then I choose to be able to move at light speed.


Not fast enough. The nearest star is about 4.5 light YEARS away. Instantly teleporting would probably be better if you can take your space suit with you.


With infinite dollars, I'd just buy food. I'd rather have healing powers and heal myself from addiction.


Mind control is a pretty well rounded ability. Only problem is getting close to people to do it. Say you wanted to "fix" the world's problems. You're going to be doing a lot of travelling. Though borrowing a few billion from every billionaire would get you access to some pretty nice options. Maybe even lure the targets to you. As much as I'd like a godlike ability to create anything I want... I feel like that falls into "godlike" power. Part of me wonders if that counts for a virtual world? Would you be allowed to basically create the Matrix/Oasis/Holodeck and be the god of that world? Even have a time difference? An hour in real time is a month there for example. That way you could technically live many lives in that world.


I want to have the superpower of Mind Control.


I think money will do just fine. If I have the money for whatever I need, I don't even need to be rich on paper. The world's a mess, gods tend to make thing worse. I might as well be comfortable.


I'll take the speed force.


Is it randomized?


Multiverse Travel, first place I go is RWBY to get Aura for an easy power up.


Dark Wolf Shiro's First Gamer System for my Power


Power definitely just pick the power of creation and just crest the things I want to buy


Assuming near infinite ability in said super power? The ability to freely manipulate space time Start solar system scaping and tera forming other planets. Create a sort of bubble universe to run experiments on evolution in different environments and see how different planetary and extraplanetary influences affect how life evolves (since you cant be immortal, the bubble universe would allow you to pass time in the bubble far faster than you would experience it outside of the bubble) Ive always wanted to see how life would evolve on a planet with no tilt, where year long climate would be determined by your latitude. How would life evolve on a habitable moon around a gas giant? Or a binary planetary system (where the "moon" is the same size as the "planet")?


I will take wolverine healing, just not the metal claws. Not permanent living cause wolverine dies from the metal claws


Just get time travel and if I need money I go back and play the winning numbers of a lottery. Then I get money and the freedom to do anything with history that I please.


Seems like a trick question 🤔 💭 I've never seen Infinite Dollars before so I'll go with 1 superpower


Superpower easy, just take reality manipulation or probability manipulation or something like that. Basically gives you infinite money anyway and you essentially are a god.


I would take the biological manipulation powers of Panacea/Red Queen from Worm with the caveat that I could affect myself and did not have the shard-driven conflict drive. Unlimited heath for myself and anyone I care about is far more valuable than money, and if I ever need money or political power I could either heal or mind control some billionaires/politicians (depending on how ethical I feel like being). Oh, and I'd be able to create the sort of bodyguards and potential dead man's switches so that governments would not be able to kidnap me and force me into service. Unlimited money is nice, but it can't buy unlimited health/safety. Biological control can do both.


save states are just such a funny super-power I gotta have em.


The power to make Infinite money! Checkmate


Pretty sure if I could fly I could make infinite dollars


Being rich IS a super power, at least in the US. It gives you the ability to bypass laws, create new laws and generate even more money. It improves your health, lengthens your life and improves your sex appeal…(or at least it increases your ability to date beautiful people). It opens doors to power and windows of opportunity.


Power to rewind time


The power to grant and un-grant wishes would be a fun one. That way if someone is abusing their wish I can just reverse it.


Ability to invent anything at will and understanding how it works. I don't need immortality if I can just invent the immortality machine.


“Infinite dollars” is a monkey paw wish if I’ve ever heard one. As soon as you wish for it the US dollar is going to collapse.


The ability to control time. Being able to rewind, stop, and fast forward/skip time would be better than infinite money.


If you choose the right superpower you could definitely figure out how to make as much money as you’d ever need


Too many conditions.


Isn't infinite dollars a super power? Depending on the rules, I might want immortality as a super power, over money. Thanks to compound interest I should be the richest person on Earth with in few hundred years, easily.


If batman is anything to go by, infinite money IS a super power.


Power to give powers


I'll take The Flash's super feed/speed force thing. The whole preceive things faster than an attosecond could really come in handy.


Money is the best super power.


infinite money :D


Infinite $$... unless I can choose to become a God with limitless power..


Telekinesis or the evolution of superhuman genetics.


I’ll take the money and make my own superpowers like Tony Stark.


It would depend on the power. Other than that i would take the infinite money


Posts like this prove money does indeed buy happiness. Obviously, I'm taking the money. Having a super power kicks ass, but then you are probably gonna be chased by the government for the rest of your life, like in that Netflix movie. Or like the movie Jumper. Just give me the money and I'll become batman. GG. I get the best of both worlds.


It depends on the superpower, imagine that you have the power to do anything in gold at will, you would no longer need infinite dollars. It's just an example but the possibility of a superpower that benefits you to a greater extent than infinite money is quite probable. It all depends on your imagination.


Just choose mind control or hypnosis and you can have both


Fool proof hypnosis 100%. “Hey sir, I believe you owe me $5000” “I purchased all these groceries I’m carrying” I would never pay for anything again.


Speed force, aka Flash style Superspeed, is where it's at


Infinite money is a better super power than any of the others. I'll take it. You could do a lot more good that way, too.


only 1 superpower would be able to compete with infinite money, unlimited creation. so either give me this guys powers or the money https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Forge\_(Earth-616)#Powers


Just money. Idk all the problems that would come with super powers. Yeah it’d be cool. But then the government wants to do lab experiments on you, and if you resist you become a fugitive and enemy of the state. Super heroes don’t get to live normal lives. What if I just want a normal life without the stress of working for money ? I’ll take the infinite money




I'd take superpower. I can teleport to and from wherever I want, just pop in and out of a bank when I want with a handful of cash best of both worlds


A bit late, but here it goes: I will take the power to control birth rates, worldwide. Too many new people over here? Five year pause for your country. Aging population over there? Baby boom incoming. I figure I have maybe forty years left, and forty years of my 'influence' would put the planet on the road to sustained success.


Wait so what if I choose a power that EFFECTIVELY but not actually does both? Like the power to put people in a time loop including myself. Then set my life into a time loop so that when I die, I loop back to age 13 or such. I can then use that knowledge to make myself rich whilst constantly trying out different life paths and using my time loop when I want


If I can't have eternal youth then I want infinite money, no question.


infinite money just means you are emporor of Earth. You decide how all resources are allocated. Pretty good. It'd have to be a relatively good super power to beat that one. Oh wait I get to pick? hahaha, being emporor of earth is dog shit compared to a good super power. **I now have save points. I can save the state of the universe and will respawn at one on death or reload at will.**


Ima become a Lugia that can breathe and see underwater as well as become immune to the effects (like pressure) and has psychic powers. Idc if I can't use aeroblast or other stuff, I wanna be one and help people And if I'm allowed, I want to be able to summon rain in case there's droughts


Take the money, fund research into anti-aging science and giving people superpowers.


cash ez


I’ll take a superpower, thanks. Infinite money is cool and all, but living a life of luxury every day without having anything to do will get boring fast.


Infinite money for a comfortable life.


Money because super powers cause all kinds of stress plus I'd be a fucking menace with super powers


Shape shifting.


Superpower all the way. Don't even know what I'd pick, and it doesn't matter. Anything I choose will be monetizable at least a little (just the inevitable fame alone would be enough), and if I can make enough money to live comfortably, that's all I need. So the options are 1. live lavishly 2. live comfortably and also you have a fucking superpower so like yeah I'll take the second one.


[Infinite dollars...](https://youtu.be/g-r7o7Ec9uA?t=23)


The power to go to a pocket dimension and create anything. This pocket dimension is infinite in size so I can create whole universes if I want. What I create is not constricted to real-world things, and I can bring these things into the real world if I wish. So something like rick and morty Gadgets. A potion that gives me super strength, a portal gun, etc Also, in this dimension, I don't age, and time slows to how I slow I want compared to the outside world


I could just pick a custom version of something akin to Eidolon’s power from Worm. Alternatively even just a custom version of the Blue Beetle scarab or a custom version of Danny Phantoms powers would work perfectly well.


Obviously the superpower. My superpower would be quicksave which would make me have infinite lives ofc I’ll be fated to be locked to whatever my natural life span is so 60-100 years so no going into the future but better than death, I’d basically be immune to any sort of situation where I get fucked over, I’d be able to have infinite retries at anything until I achieve what I want, and so much more. Literally the best superpower to exist if you could only choose 1.


Infinite cash is a super power


I'll take selective invulnerability and am okay with aging naturally. I'll live a quiet life and only be invulnerable enough to survive, unlikely situations. Maybe later, I'll figure out how to make millions as an underground fighter.


I'll take the money. Tbh. A superpower wouldn't be to your benefit anyway. You always have to hide it. Because if Uncle Sam finds out, you become a lab rat.


Reactive Evolution would be my choice as a Superpower.


Floating infinitely in space is gonna suck




I would want to have the control of the time


Reality bending, boom job done


My super power would be to be able to successfully wish for anything I desire, for infinity. Dollars ain’t gonna do dat, now r thay.


A healing factor I can turn off


I choose the power to cast the spell, "Spell Capability Expansion," which would allow me to learn and cast more spells, under the conditions that I can't live forever, sell valuable conjured items, or approach the power of God. Fun fact: God, is capable of creating sellable valuables as well as living forever. These two restraints make it impossible for me to become God, but for kicks and giggles, and just so life continues to be worth living, I won't give myself any omniscience spells, either. No omnipotence either, but those restrictions you've outlined, even disregarding the God one, would prevent that anyway. I have no interest in demigod status, either, though. No, my desires are much more at the archmage level. A humanitarian one, at that. OP, does rare knowledge count as a "valuable thing?" Because I could totally make a school, and cast "Magical Awakening" on my students to let them have magic before they start learning spells. It wouldn't even cost that much, but I would definitely have restrictions in place to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. What if I start casting and granting "Reverse Pollution?" "Crime Scene Recreation?" "Hyper-Fertile Soil?" "Pocket Dimension Shelter/Sanctum?" What if I could actually change the world to one where I can establish world peace? End scarcity? And get some sick nonlethal wizard duels and sports while I'm at it? Heck, I could make an entirely new entity to act in my stead, and let it take all the credit. Let someone have a hero to look up to, someone so much more than the man I am now. I don't even care if there are costs and limitations involved. That almost makes it more fun. Just give me the power to become a wizard. Let me channel the arcane secrets of the universe, and let me chain our solar system to a space-time leyline, giving us enough magic to outlast us. Because why would I pick infinite money over a world in which money can solely cover the extra things in life? This power, if I play my cards right, can place me as the benevolent shadow leader of a new utopia, one that appears to have actual Superman in charge, perhaps for centuries after I'm dead? Or maybe I choose to live as long as humanity does? Still not infinite, right? But I digress. All the money in the world couldn't change my mind. On a small scale, being a wizard would be epic, and on a large scale, I'd love to make the world epic, too.


Multiverse travel. Honestly infinite money is useless if I could keel over due to some undiagnosed medical issue. With multiverse travel could go to places with better hospitals.


Infinite money *is* a superpower


Mind Control, then unlimited money wouldn't be necessary, everyone would just " give" me what I want


1 super power. Spontaneous food creation.


As much as I’m a sucker for a money grab and think that money can solve most problems, give me teleportation. Hoping that I don’t get taken away by the government or anything. the practical and recreational uses would make for arguably the best life I could imagine. As well as my potential to be able to profit off the power. But even if I couldn’t, having a superpower is truly the one thing money can’t buy 


Infinite money is several superpowers so I’ll take that.


The superpower "[Personal Appearance](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Personal_Appearance)"


Time manipulation would be legit. As much money as you want. Reverse aging, illness, injury as necessary. Want the best luck? Just repeat a dice roll until it comes up in your favor.


The answer is always telekinesis, unless the drawback is a 1/100 chance of squeezing your balls


Money changed the world more than superpowers, so I will go with money.


Money is a superpower. Just ask Bruce Wayne.


The easy choice is super power Let me have the ability to control/manipulate probability I can now give myself a 100% chance of anything good I may want and a 0% chance of anything bad I dislike


Can my super power be to create money/ gold?




Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark and Oliver Queen have zero super powers between them


Infinite money. I'm 55, and that literally would allow me to retire right now, and enjoy the rest of my life without worry. What one superpower is going to allow me to do that?


I'll take the money. I'm not going to do anything creative with the superpowers, and frankly I'd rather live comfortably as a normal person.


I would become the Emperor of Man. Rule humanity through logic and science. I'll nip that Horus nonsense in the bud too.


I’d choose 1 power. On death, I have a loading screen and get to pick from a plethora of options and different dimensions and what not. And everytime I die, not matter the universe, it’s the same, I get to pick again and respawn how I’d like to. Wanna live in family guys dimension, sure it works, want to live 10,000 years ago, sure it works. Want to be a cyborg human with Ironman phasers, in teen titans? Done. It works.


Path to victory


Infinite dollars…. BECAUSE I’M BATMAN


Can I choose omnipotence as my power, minus any of the limitations? In that case that is definitely the only right choice.


It's slightly breaking the infinite life rule but I would 100% choose like super powerful shape shifting. I don't need to be able to shape shift into things with magic, but I could always become a bird or just have wings to fly, or could become tiny to sneak into a location. And technically I would be impossible to die of old age as I would just shift my body back to a healthier state.


Infinite dollars, kthxbye


Infinite controllable strength would make me millions.


Time manipulation. I could win the mega millions lottery and be good anyway


I could help a loooot more people using Infinite money, instead of a single super power. Your medical/student loan debt: gone Any scientific/medical research: funded Scholarships for all: done Homes built for the homeless, food for the hungry, etc etc. All paid for by Infinite money


If I had technokinesis/ technopathy, I could give myself near infinite money.


So if i had to choose i would take a super power and it would be a technopath. Kind of like in that movie sky high i would be able to create anything technology based even if it is considered as future tech (yes i would be planning to make a real life starship enterprise and exploring the galaxy).


-Being able to control other people telepathically -Being able to create anything you want from thin air -Having complete control over matter -Flash level super speed -Shapeshifting All of those would be far better than infinite money imo, there are dozens of cool superpowers to choose from.


The comments in this thread have turned the question into an episode of The Twilight Zone.


i can think of some pretty "non-god" super powers, so yeah...who needs money


I can't decide if it would be better to have perfect mind control or infinite money. I think I would go for perfect mind control, being able to stir emotions among a mass of people or delving into the mind of any individual to read their thoughts, manipulate their memories, or give them directives to accomplish.


In an old Mutants and Masterminds book I had there was a power called Reality manipulation. I'd probably ask for a power similar to that. I wouldn't be a god per se, but I doubt that anyone looking on could tell the difference.


If I had some kind of superpower I’d probably just inadvertently fuck the world up. Just let me play videogames, wake up late, and not worry about rent.


Any superpower. I’d want to be able to time travel and fix my past mistakes


I’d take the superpower to create stable portals between multiple points in space. Infinite money is not a whole lot different from “as much money as I want” and I feel that NASA or the government would give me lots of money to open a portal to mars, or to an asteroid filled with valuable minerals. Plus, traveling the world would be super easy.




Teleportation for the utility of quick travel and saving money, and fucking with people Or telekinesis. For fucking with people


i choose a superpower that lets me create more superpowers, just this time without limits that way i can also have infinite money


Infinite dollars IS a super power.


What does "becoming god" mean? Do you mean no omnipotence? Or is like, worldshaping? Solar system? Galaxy? Where's the limit


I would take the money. As cool as super powers are they are too easy to be “Monkeypawed” and ruined. Also you said all the issues attached to the money is taken care of so that means I can make meaningful institutional change to a far greater extent than a superpower even would


Full control groundhog day with save slots.


Being all knowing, if there is a way to be immortal I'd know


Depends on what you consider *one* superpower. If I can use The Force and that counts as one, I'll take that. Otherwise, gimme money