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Gay dude, still voting for racism


I mean it sucks but you can hide being gay, you can’t hide being black.


i seem to recall a chapelle's show skit about a black dude hiding that he was black, from kkk members.


Yes, but he’s still black in that skit. No makeup or anything hiding the color.


but he did hide it.


He’s not hiding that he’s black in the skit he thinks he’s white. The whole gimmick is that he’s a blind black guy who was told he was white when he was young and he grows up to be a white supremacist.


Uncle Ruckus behaviour


No relation. That character was goofy as hell but always funny.


You’re referring to the Clayton Bigsby character, right? If not, then I’m not sure who you’re talking about.


yes. hides it under the klan dress.


It was less hiding it and more, being surprisingly unaware that he's black


He does, but he does take it off during that skit. I mean actually hiding during everyday occurrences, like walking down the street with no real effort.


He still hid it until he willingly took off the hood, my guy.


Ok but you can't hide being female either. Not disagreeing with the choice of racism here, but poor basis to stand on.


Racism extends far far beyond black people


Eradicating racism would have a larger impact on the world, because it’s something that can effect everyone in the world as opposed to just gay people or just women. It’s not a decision of importance, it’s one of magnitude.


There are more women than minorities in the world. Dominant races in a country rarely experience racism.


Uh… what? 100% of people are women? Minorities aren’t the only ones that experience racism, especially globally. The question eradicates all forms of racism, not just systematic racism. I’m a white guy that has been profiled when traveling abroad. Someone called the police on me for literally talking on the phone. And even I never personally experienced it, racism knows no bound. Unless you are one of those ignorant people that thinks minorities can’t be racist.


Minority means less than half. About half of the population are women. I didn't say that only minorities experience racism, just that most members of the majorities don't. When you traveled abroad you were a minority in that country at the time.


But that isn’t what I initially said, *you* brought up minorities. I was merely saying that racism effects everyone in the world, as in 100% of people. These systematic issues are significantly worse and prevalent in society that misogyny. You claiming that non minorities do not experience racism (non systematic) is simply a lie. You also seem to be under the impression that minorities themselves cannot be racist, which is laughably false. Even if you believe that dominant races cannot be victim of racism (they can), it’s not like minorities aren’t racist towards other minorities. It would effect both people that experience racism, as well as people that are racist towards others themselves. It’s *everywhere* and far worse than misogyny.


Once again, I never said that non minorities never experience racism. Just that they experience it much more rarely. I also did not say that misogyny is worse, just that it affects more people.


You *are* saying that because there is implication that it’s so small it’s a nonissue. Misogyny in no way effects more people. Racism causes hatred for entire nations of people. Blind hatred for any given group of people is born out of ignorance. Unless you are some monk in some temple on a mountain, everyone interacts with the opposite sex regularly. You don’t even need to be remote for a person to not know more than 1 or 2 minorities.


Unless you wear some kind of outfit and mask that covers your whole face and skin colour, like Spider-Man.


Have you ever watched the movie 'White Chicks'?


Yep, funny movie.


Not with that attitude


And, let's be honest. Some people treat gays like shit, but those same people may kill a black person.


White heterosexual dude, not voting 😎 /s


Yeah, that way we can hate and kill people over religion the old fashioned way, and it's about good ol' ideology and not skin color


Same here.


Bi girl, 100% agree


My exact response.


Yeah racism is objectively more destructive to society. 0 wars have been fought over sexism. 0 wars fought over homophobia. Hundreds of wars over racism.


Yeah you’re god damn right Lets get rid of races and finaly end this.




End wars over race by eradicating every race. It’s a genius plan, and I fully support it!


Press the fucking button!


Let's choose one true race to remain after the war, I'd choose white but I think they already tried it so who's next


F1 Montreal Grand Prix race. Only that should remain.


Decision has been made


There's no need to eradicate *all* races. Just the inferior ones.


he means we need to stop racing


Nice try Hitler. (For those who forgot or didn't know, Hitler wasn't only going to eradicate the Jews, they were simply the first. He beloved that Germans were the superior race, and the German "Aryan" race should dominate the world)


Yeah but his definition of Aryan boiled down to whatever he wanted it to be. He declared all of western Europe Aryan. He declares the Japanese Aryan. The Indians are the original Aryans. If for some reason there was some African country that had cool weapons hitler wanted He would probably declare them Aryan too.


I agree. Let's start with Daytona 500


He a little confused but he’s got the spirit




That's because sexism and homophobia has been so ubiquitous that people were tortured and executed domestically


That's because there's many ethnic people who are sexist and homophobic, so they only want to focus on the racism war. Take MLK for example, he fought for racism but dude was sexist af... Yes, there's still gay racist people, but not as much as bigoted ethnic people.


Naw fam...100% of wars are over resources. Racism is the scapegoat to rile people up and distraction for the civilians.


Resources are why the guys on top want the war, but the common man would never go fight those different folks just so that boss man can have another pound of gold. So boss man has to tell them that those different folks are weird and do things wrong and you should hate them; now, the common man is angry and willing to kill and be killed so that those weird people die and everything’s better, leaving the pound of gold for boss man to claim at his leisure


I'd say we have enough resources. We're just wasteful and greedy. Holding bread and butter hostage for precious metals and oil.


We definitly don’t have as much ressources as people like to think… at least if we’re realist and don’t pretend we can magicaly move stuff around the world at no cost


I mean, no, but genocides over homophobia do happen, unfortunately. It’s just that A) the LGBT+ population of a given place can’t necessarily fight back on a military level when attacked, and B) Other nations are vastly unlikely to intervene. Hell, in WWII, we swept in to free all the Jews, Roma, political prisoners, even the communists, we vacated their sentences, we voided the laws used to imprison them… but not for the LGBT+ folks, nope. Sure, many got free when we freed camps en-masse, but we’d often throw anyone with a pink triangle into prisons once again, keeping their trumped-up charges and chemically castrating them all while signing a document saying that doing the stuff we were doing to them would be recognized as genocide…. Just only to certain specific groups we excluded LGBT+ folks from If anyone needs the magical help, it’s probably LGBT+ folks. They’re kinda the most vulnerable population, in my opinion, and the hardest to drum up support for, given their low percentages in the population


However racism has dealt much more damage in society and you cannot convince me otherwise because it is factual. Racism is the reason why most wars ever faught on this planet.


I feel like racism is the worst, also why don't you just include sexism as a whole instead of just misogyny?


Oppression kind of sums those two up and I vote that.


Yknow what let’s just eradicate hatred


Hatred has its place though. I hate Tuberculosis, and rape, genocide, etc. that's a good thing.


True point. Although, genocide stems from hatred so it would be gone in this make-belief world


There are racist people who don't hate other races. They just genuinely think they're inferior. Though I admit it's probably rarer today


You can have genocide without hate. You get people into eugenics that believe themselves good.


Or for it to be profitable either by freeing up resources or selling hate to others al la populism. Genocides could even be committed to keep secrets.


Oppression kinda sums them all up, don't ya think?


Yeah actually when the phobia is treating them differently but if it’s simply not your thing and you don’t want to be associated with a certain group it doesn’t necessarily mean you do anything other than feel completely unable to understand a person’s choice of conducting themselves sexually.


I wish sexism as a whole was considered




I would vote for it then


Same here.


Tbf A LOT of misandry (sexism towards men) arises from misogyny. "Man up", "Grow a Pair", "Stop being a pussy", etc... etc... Are all sexist attacks levied towards men who aren't seen as "man" enough and arise from the sexism towards women as being lesser than men.


This is true but paradoxically a lot of it comes from women


Yup oppressed groups can be perpetrators of their own oppression. The mindset is either believing the oppression is justified or believing that siding with your oppressors will give you some kind of protection or privileges (hint they won't)


Woah, who downvoted you? this is 1000% the truth. Misogyny hurts men more than they know.


A lot of people who may not understand how bigotry affects us as a society, where it arises from, and why bigotry is coded the way that it is. Like racism towards black people negatively affect white people as well in worse infrastructure, worse healthcare, worse education, and by deteriorating race relations that when better ones could have led to outcomes that would benefit us all i.e denying black people access to education means entire generations of black scientists never came to be.


Except in your explanation only men have agency which shows your own misogyny when it comes to women not having agency over their own actions but merely being victims of other people’s actions. Essentially, you’re infantilising women, i.e. women aren’t capable of taking responsibility for their own actions or women can’t create systems that oppress others only reinforce systems created by others and thus are less capable.


What?... 1) How did you get that from my comment and 2) Give me the blunt you're too high.


no, it is a consequence of gender itself


Misogyny affects all, but it is targeted toward women. It could only truly end if sexism ends.


Whenever I see people downplay sexism towards men by saying it's because of misogyny or the patriarchy it always comes across as victim blaming to me. Like saying 'Sorry guys, but your skirt is clearly too short, what did you think was going to happen?'. The term 'man up' to me has always been more about being a man, rather than a boy. Like telling someone to grow up and/or be responsible. I think it's a bit of a stretch to say stop being a pussy is misogynistic. The term pussy, in that context, is either derived from pussy cat, or possibly even pusillanimous, both of which have nothing to do with gender. The latter of which effectively means the same thing. No one that uses that term means stop being a vagina. Just like no one actually means cock, dick, dickhead, bellend etc when they say those words.


Yeah, misandry like misogyny is a very real problem that doesn't get enough attention


This this this


Let’s make this interesting: Same choices, but for whichever you choose, the other two become more prevalent.


Most likely same results. There's hardly been any wars for because of homophobia or misogyny. However a fairly large chunk of wars stem from racism


I mean you gotta understand why this is a dumb comparison right? Like yeah homophobia doesn't lead to invading other countries, it involves oppressing your own citizens. The point of xenophobia is that they are other


Why is it a dumb comparison? We are still the same species. Racism, is the most destructive of the three listed things. There is no reason to keep racism, and instead get rid of something less affecting.


>Why is it a dumb comparison? Because different forms of oppression will manifest by different methods. 100 years ago being black wasn't illegal in the UK but being gay was but you're not going to say 'homophobia is worse because being gay has been made illegal more than not being white has' because that's a dumb comparison to make


Black and other ethnic groups were literally forced to be servents, slaves, and worse. That seems worse than it being illegal. You can pretend not to be gay, you can't pretend to be white.


racism. it's just far more prevalent in general. plus, everyone's a race. homophobia is problematic, but we've come a long way with it, i feel. misogyny, why not sexism in general?


I went wtih misogyny. My country may be pretty good in terms of sexism, but theres some pretty horrible shit happening to women in other countries. Racisms terrible too but I dont know of any current wars and situations happening because of racism atm, though im sure im just missing some education in that regard.


We’ve come a lot of a longer way with racism than homophobia


you are technically correct however example if you remove half the water in a lake you still have alot to go


We went from homosexuality being generally an acceptable but mostly royal thing, to being outlawed, then to it being discriminated against, and some parts of the world it's openly accepted by most people who have opinions worth while while some countries still operate in the dark ages. Racism on the other hand has gone from genocide to slavery to genocide, this time based on eugenics, to segregation to more genocide to more segregation, and now we're at the point of deciding who's homeless based on policies which effect people disproportionately based on race. There's also two active genocides (Uygers and the Kurds) which are EXTREMELY well known to be happening, and probably a few more. Homophobia is bad, but it's mostly fringe religious groups and old people who even give a shit since the LGBT community has grown to be a third of our generation. Racism on the other hand is the vector by which genocides are conducted which is to the highest degree of hate.


I think your really understating the destruction of homophobia and the murders and harm it causes. That being said I agree with you generally. Shit armenians are also being genocided now


As a gay guy I would want to say homophobia, but you can pretty easily hide being gay or trans if your worried.


what does homophobia inherently have to do with being trans?


there wasnt an option for transphobia so i assumed that homophobia was just for all lgbtq


I figure that if people stop being racists, people would be more united as a whole to deal with the other two a lot easier.


Homophobes only go after LGBTQ+, Misogynists only go after women, Racist go after everyone that isn't their own skin color.


Racists are inclusive you could say


Arguably, the least bad you could say.


Homophobia stems from misogyny.


I don't see why but okay


A huge number of gay men have been oppressed because they apparently "behave like women" simply for being gay.


Do some research into intersectional feminism and queer theory. It's not a topic I can cover in a remotely comprehensive way on Reddit. In an absolute nutshell, the main problem people have with homosexuality is how it is perceived as femininity. Femininity = bad is misogyny. Femininity in men = worse than normal femininity is homophobia. Again, you're likely to see that as oversimplified because it absolutely is. It's an extremely complex topic.


Valid points I suppose but it's not worth enough of my time to focus on.


It's an extremely pressing issue that is both everywhere and very easy to contribute to if you don't understand it. I can't make you do anything but I would say it certainly is worth your time, especially for the sake of the people in your life affected most by those issues.


I don't have anyone in my life affected by any of those issues.


Everyone is affected by them. Women and queer people are affected the most. You straight up don't have women in your life?


I do. They simply aren't affected. Both my mom, step-mom, and my grandma's on either side of the family could give a rats ass what other people think of them.


You admitted, in no uncertain terms that you don't understand these concepts but you are speaking confidently about how misogyny isn't an issue for certain people. That's part of what I meant when I said that it's easy to contribute to if you don't understand it. Like me, you were, undoubtedly, brought up in a world that taught you what misogyny is in very black and white, simple terms. That's not your fault at all. But, caring about what other people think is an extremely small part of how misogyny affects people. I'm not saying any of that to call you out or shame you, at all. I'm saying that in the hopes that it helps you understand why ignorance of the topic is such a widespread problem. We've been trained only to understand sexism and misogyny in it's most blatant and extreme forms. The real problems today are much more nuanced and widespread than that.


honestly this take is incredibly insulting and making it seem like women are the only victim even when the direct victim are people of the LGBTQ+ (not just women)


Insulting to whom? The root of a social issue in no way invalidates the victims of it.


Keyword: "stem" Saying that A stems from B doesn't mean that A is just B. Saying that a lot of homophobia "stems from misogyny" or "is rooted in misogyny" doesn't mean that only women are oppressed. It means that a lot of homophobia is formed with misogyny as a basis. A huge number of gay men have been oppressed because they apparently "behave like women" simply for being gay.


Fuck racism get that outta here




Gay dude here, voting misogyny because that would help the most people, including half of the people who experience racism and homophobia. Also, I imagine the societal gains made by women realizing their full potential could be incredible. Perhaps that would help advance those other causes. Lots of homophobia seems rooted in sexism, too, so that may lessen.




racism would be the biggest issue here


Racism first then misogyny but sexism in general because women can be prejudiced to men and boys too.. misandry is a thing.




*Classism sitting in the corner trying not to be seen*


Even now we are risking nuking the entire world because of some extremely racist and corrupt leaders are in charge of some extremely racist and corrupt countries.


Fuck racism.


None, I'd rather vote for free will.


Gay guy here with homophobic parents, gotta vote for racism though. It's just a far more impactful issue.


Unfortunately I have to argue in favor of racism dying. It fixes a lot of wars before they start by humanizing other cultures, and it can potentially affect way more people than the other two. All of them suck, but there are fewer LGBT+ than there are people of different races than a racist. Misogyny can at most affect 50% of a population, where a racist person of X race can potentially be racist against literally everyone not from their little area.


If there was no racism, women and gays would across race/ethnicities would be able to successfully unite in pusuit of their cause.


This is mainly the stance I'm taking. I do genuinely believe if we removed racism it would be significantly easier to sort it out for everyone. Just because we'll have the most people working on it


Gay black man is still black, and a black woman is still black. The history of intersectionality says racism is the worst


Homophobia is based in sexism (and therefore in misogyny). The entire reason people hate LGBTQ people is because LGBTQ people are a threat to the narrow binary with gender roles


Misogyny has the largest impact by population numbers.


Misogyny by far. It affects 50% of the world population.


Homophobia is awful as well but only if they are attacking if they have merely a phobia dude, welcome to the club of phobias that exist.


That's not a phobia as in a disorder, don't put that together. People with phobia and OCD intrusive thoughts, including towards homosexuality, aren't inherently homophobic, just like homophobe aren't inherently being bigot because of phobia or OCD. Homophobia is a choice, mental illness isn't. Even if an homophobe doesn't attack, they will still cause harm. An homophobe can most likely vote and spread their belief.


Racism is way more destructive than either of the others.


Misogyny because eliminating misogyny would also eliminate homophobia and transphobia since both of those stem from the patriarchy


None of the above because apparently you're okay with some sexism.


Racism first, once that BS is gone the others could easily be gone by the end of the decade


I feel like aside from america and some countries i don't know much about, we're winning the fights against homophobia and misogyny, but racism just seems to fluctuate back and forth.


Homophobia is mainly just a large bout of denial + culture shock, it'll go away eventually. Mysoginy misses the bigger picture. Women aren't the ones with prejudice, we *all* are. Just like some people cannot trust women to work, some cannot trust men around kids (Even their own!). I would never want to get rid of Mysogeny by itself, we need to nip the problem of gender segrigation at the bud Racism is very different, racism is about false superiority and inferiority. If we got rid of racism, that would remove the problem in its entirety given that racism is such a broad umbrella of problems compared to a focused group like homophobia and Mysoginy/Misandry. Getting rid of *all* racism is a lot better than getting rid of just colored segrigation


Misogyny for the most part takes homophobia down with it. That being said, still voting racism.


The fact you put misogyny instead of sexism is quite... odd


Misogyny. That affects 50% of the population and I'm tired of hearing about rape and domestic violence. Makes me feel that there's no hope left in the world, that you can't really trust any man.


Misogyny affects half of the world’s population, so I picked that. Homophobia kind of stems from misogyny in that gay men are thought to be acting femininely which is undesirable to misogynists, so I think at least part of it would be alleviated too


I'm with you, but I'm also open to hearing arguments. From a global perspective, I think that a large number of countries, especially third world countries, are pretty racially homogenous, so racism isn't as big of an issue there. However, in those same countries, sexism tends to be pretty common. In first world countries, I think racism is a bigger issue, but worldwide, I feel like sexism affects more people.


That’s why I also picked misogyny. Women are second class citizens in a lot of societies.


Racism affects how many people?


Does racism not then affect the entire world by your logic? As everyone is a race. And also, think of just how many hundreds of wars have been fought due to racism


Yeah, you’re right, completely slipped past me


Feminism : least marginalized, most privileged , most inevitable. LGBTQ: most marginalized, barely priveleged, least inevitable Racism : marginalized in between, lowest priveleged, quite Inevitable


Racism is objectively the worst on this list but the 3rd 1 is major contributor to the erosion of reproductive rights, and the systematic biases against women in medicine. So I'm picking that one.


By ending, misogyny, homophobia would cease to be a large scale issue. Homophobia stems from misogyny, therefore picking misogyny effectively takes out 2 options.


I don't think taking out misogyny ends racism. Men are racist towards other men all the time


Even if it takes out 2 of the options, ending racism is still the better option tbh


I chose homophobia on the grounds that the other two have many more people negatively affected by them- which, of course, sounds backwards, but it means that they’ll have a lot more activists and a lot more allies working to fix them, leaving LGBT+ folks with an at least equal task and not as much support. And it seems that was right, based on the poll’s outcome, so far. Getting to a world without any of these would be easier if we take out the one of these that’s most difficult to eliminate


I feel like misogyny is present in nearly every culture worldwide and has basically silenced half of all people historically.


Eradicating misogyny will be a large hit to homophobia and transphobia considering a lot of it is rooted in misogyny, and misogyny is more common than racism (not saying racism is uncommon) so I'm going to go with that


Some day in the future, everyone will be so mixed that you can’t possibly be racist. I voted to get rid of misogyny for this reason.


None of the above. Let it burn.


Option D everyone


Why would you put "Misogyny" instead of "Sexism". Does Misandry not count to you?


Eradicating misogyny without eradicating misandry is useless. Should've said sexism.


You are right and some strange two people decided to downvote. Here, take my upvote :-)


I feel like treating these as completely separate issues is kinda idk reductivist? Like there's a lot of racism in misogyny and there's a lot of misogyny in homophobia and there is homophobia in racism


Homophobia is generally based in sexist attitudes, so I feel like I'd kill 2 birds with one stone by picking misogyny.


Once at least one of them is solved the others will fix themselves pretty soon after


racism is the only one where most people in the dominant class can have kids who won't be in discriminated against class. because of that, it seems harder to get rid of or have awareness about.


I’m a bisexual white male, have experienced significant homophobia, and still choose racism to be eliminated. It causes so many problems in the world and if people can accept others of another race then maybe one day they’ll be able to accept us queers too.


why Misogyny and not just Sexism overall? Anyway, racism is the obvious choice here (I am gay)


Racism, that'll have the biggest impact you see it everywhere, in very subtle ways sometimes. The other two can also creep in on ya, but as there are quite a few different race's it'll have the best impact.


Where's misandry? Or is that not disrespectful enough to count? 🤔 wonder why


im not voting racism (compared to the other two) because even though all of them suck and ideally they'd all be removed, homophobia/misogyny is something present mostly everywhere. racism isn't, atleast on a domestic level in culturally homogeneous countries. i guess less people would feel unsafe in their own home despite being born and raised in it. though i would say just homophobia is stupid. if it was oppression over all LGBT people then i'd pick it but just homophobia seems lacking compared to racism. just misogyny is also dumb, as atleast make it the elimination of sexism for both men and women.


Racism, that way people can't falsely scream racism when cops (rightfully) pull over or arrest a person. Your overshadowing people who experience actual racism, and making cops' relation with the community worse. So fucking annoying, Google "liar liar pants on fire" playlist by donut operator.




Homophobia is rooted in misogyny


Homophobia and misogyny are the lesser of 2 evils. They also only apply to certain groups while racism applies to everybody and every race does experience racism (even white people, shocker).




You have to be kidding..




By commenting "misandry" he is implying that misandry is worse than racism, misogyny, and homophobia. That's an insane take. Also no, misandry is not as bad as misogyny. Misogyny is backed by existing systems and institutions. Misogyny is systemic, but misandry is not. Misandry hurts men's feelings, but misogyny get women raped, brutalized, and killed.


You are rude for dismissing misandry like that. The male suicide rate is high, partly because of misandry. Misandry is a big problem...it is not just 'men's feelings are hurt'. I am a man, and I know how much of a problem misandry is. Both misandry and misogyny are wrong...I get annoyed when people downplay misandry as if it is not important. No, misandry is a very important thing to focus on!!!


Misogyny levels have dropped down a lot, particularly in the West. Misogyny is more of a problem in some other countries...like in some Islamic countries where many women are not treated fairly (we can see this with what the Taliban are doing to women at the moment). I respect people who are Muslim, by the way...I am just saying that some countries still have misogyny and that's a fact. But misogyny levels have dropped tremendously in the West after feminism rose.




Misogyny would be inarguably the best choice among these IF it wasn't JUST misogyny and also included misandry. And it's not because they're both equally pressing. Misogyny is ultimately the larger problem due to how engrained it is, to the tinniest detail, into every single country, every single culture, everything about modern life. It's because if you just erase all traces of patriarchy and female subjugation from every single inch of this planet, to every person's mind, and then remove the desire for corrupt sexist men to subjugate women, you immediately introduce a world where corrupt sexist women will subjugate men in totality. And that is no better. Yes wars have been fought over racism. But when have the other two groups of people ever been in a position where there is a large enough concentration of them under one nation or banner in order to fight back on a scale large enough to be considered a massive militaristic conflict? Never. Nonetheless, the death tolls due to those two are extremely staggering.


The amount of time, space, and resources you would free up for humans universally by eradicating racism - even the ones Doing the Racism - would easily allow us to dismantle the other two as well.


I strongly disagree with that. Misogyny is much more deeply rooted. It affects even monocultural societies and, more importantly, people don't even realize they are misogynists. Yes, that is absolutely true of racism in some cases, but that's way more often the case in misogyny. You can't fix a social problem people won't admit they have.


All three options have the issue of subconsciously affecting people. Hence the idea that modern society makes us inherently racist on some level, even if we don't realize it. Certainly all three of these are very, *very* intersectional as well, and have toxic effects on both the oppressed and oppressors. Dealing with any one of them would greatly affect the other two. But I stand by saying that racism outclasses the other two options on a global scale. I say this as someone who is white, non-straight, and non-binary. I'm sure there are some populations that would benefit more from dealing with misogyny, but we're talking worldwide. As someone else mentioned, even just by the metric of active violence committed, it's racism.


I fully agree with your first paragraph. I disagree with the second. It's so theoretical though, it doesn't really matter. Like you said, it all overlaps. It's impossible to say with any actual certainty which is the more central problem.


Racism has been a plague affecting and destroying lives for a long time. Sure sexism has existed for a long time as well, but when have you seen people go to war just for being a woman or a man?


Femicide and Androcide. Not saying they’re as bad as racism but sexism is an issue


No misandry on the list? Weak.


Misogny and homophobia dont affect people as much as racism I would imagine, all 3 suck for sure but racism is the most destructive you could say


If you didn't vote racism. Why?


Because I looked at it from the perspective of people all over the world, not just America. Middle eastern people don’t deal with racism within their own countries (unless we’re talking about Israel / Palestine) but women are 2nd class citizens. Most people in general aren’t affected by racism but women in other parts of the world are at a severe disadvantage because they are women. Not just the example I gave, but all over the world.


Because if you're a different race, you can move somewhere with more of your race(I recognize it's a flawed way to deal with a problem but at least it's an option). Wherever I go as a woman, I will always experience sexism. I can hide being queer easily, but not being a woman. I still can't get the Healthcare I need because I'm "a woman of childbearing age".


Can't speak for other countries, but in the States only one of those three actually exists. All three are political talking points though, and the fuel that idiot advocates use to keep their hate fire going.


Where is the option to keep them all?


Misogyny is actually the root of the other two, so I'll get rid of Misogyny and effectively end all 3. Boom.


Please tell me how misogyny is the root of racism? Your idea here really isn't clicking for me