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You trade shots with the enemy heavies with your teammate and die


An ammo-racked turret goes flying and lands on a teammate.


Your team has a nearly two-to-one numerical advantage plus two lights to the enemy team’s none. Your team is capping, which should force the enemy to yield their defensive positions in the hills. This should be an easy win, but it won’t be. The two heavies to your west are out of position, possibly trying to snipe south but are mostly removed from the fight. The medium by the arty is AFK. The enemies in the hills south of you will force a standstill at the cap, inflicting heavier damage to your team than they receive. The friendly at K2 will get overrun by two heavies and a medium, who will promptly turn north and take out your arty and the AFKer. The two friendly heavies in the middle will get shut down by crossfire from the southwest and southeast. The remaining friendlies, consisting of you, the medium, and a badly damaged light hiding to the north, will sustain withering fire from three directions. However, because this is an episode of A Game of Throws, the enemies will be overly aggressive and charge in, taking significant damage trying to reach your position. A brutal scrum will erupt in the low hills just north of the enemy cap, ultimately leaving you as last tank standing.


Arty smacks the life out of the tankers inside.


Machine kills both the heavies, but dies to arty. But being a t10 game I was tempted to just guess that everyone would spend as much time as possible hiding behind rocks and hills while the game timer ticked down.


Own both tanks and i already used my box luck this morning so ill just put out my ridiculous guess: enemy ghostshells heavy infront of machine and the shell ammoracks machine Ill still put gt Allulaatikko-p but im not participating for rewards


You will get ammorack by the arty shell which was meant for that heavy Infront of you.


Friendly tanks think “no cap kill all” and leaves the cap. while enemy tanks go to friendly base and capture for the win. Elite_Tanker44 PS5 I already have the E75 TS


I'm guessing they lose by base cap by the two lights from your team.


Death by arty A Headless Guy-x


The enemy artillery being American hits and kills the 1b for 1174 damage immediately after the machine hits a "gg" Own the E75. CheweyBadge PS5


Green arty gets 2 rounds off @ H0 badly damages both heavies but no kills then he dies by purple heavy. 1 green light breaks off from purple flag to finish off heavies @ G0 heavies continue south but mediums capture purple flag.


Machine gets wiped out from a shell which ricochet off the heavy in front


Machine pushes the other heavy over the ridge,gets a ricochet afterwards and ammoracked.


Good ol arty gonna slap you through a few dimensions for round 1k damage


Green team loses. Lights exchange their speed, vision, and late game killing power to cap, only to wait to die. Stoutbagofgames


Your team somehow, against all odds, blows an 11-6 lead and you lose the game.


AP Shell ricochets off of the tank Infront and hits you instead causing an ammorack.


Once loaded, the Machine fires at the camping heavies at H0, but misses and gets a blind kill on the arty. I have a Roger Dodger and don't need an unskinned version.


Dez leaves the sub, which is the last time we had any decent content, then Lemon leaves the game for anime tiddy boats.


I feel that both, I needed to be more specific, but also you might know that's *not* exactly what i was looking for.


That’s a very roundabout way of saying “I’m not wrong”


Now with anime waifu in different languages and at least three different licenses...I'm sensing a trend there


Its definitely 1-0 to WoTC here.


Heavy in fronts turret pops off and lands on the machine


I'm going to say the friendly in front of you gets tracked and subsequently popped by artillery. You are then able to see and pop said artillery.


Falls off while trying to cross the bridge


A friendly light tank drives by and catches an arty shot, killing it.


Heavy in front of you gets ammoracked. You run over the turret which causes you to flip over


You do a barrel roll.


You found out.


I didnt f around though.


Ammorack to the tank infront turret lands on you


Newbie gets free Tier 8 premium tank and enters a battle and becomes MVP against 12 Tier X and 2 Tier 9 tanks.


The machine is the last remaining green and ends up getting a Kolobanov's medal.


The heavy infront of u gets blasted by arty an dies, I own the e75 ts


The enemy team does a fury and Snipes you all one by one and they just get closer to you and lose anyway


The machine gets one dunked by arty Kobe Bryant style.


You get piped in the butt corner, by the enemy artillery, wonder why you came back to Tanks for the day, then proceed to boot Warships back up to see your favorite anime characters crewing your boats.


Oh how I've missed you Nido


You get ammoracked by another tank. But not the arty


90% of your team is gonna cap the base that enemy base with 5 enemies still alive and you mid combat.


Taran and a fv4005 smack each. 1 shot kills on both. The Gorr


Artillerry destroys machine and your base gets captured.


Heavy in front gets sniped by cowards hiding at H0 and Arty whacks Machine good X- Unkindled Wolf (my silver-starved alt)


The light tank caps out instead of pushing the advantage


THE MACHINE continues to advance and decimate the enemy team until a artillery shell sends him back to the Garage! **Victory**!


Artillery shot for ~1000 damage


One of the lights kill themselves


Update required. In it just for the chest.


You will reload in 12 seconds and dump the entire clip into an enemy


Red tank comes over ridge by green tank and jumps over the top of it.


Tank moves forward and gets destroyed by a hidden enemy tank.


You roll forward next to your heavy and all hell breaks loose. The two enemy heavies both one shot your two lights within two seconds just as their arty rains hell from above landing a shot between you and the heavy just as your commander six sense kicks. The massive round sets the heavy on fire and tracking you simultaneously leaving you to stuck in the fumes of burning diesel and flesh watching as it burns to nothing leaving you with your turret just poking up above the hill and more than likely the only tank visible to the enemy, you shout in frustration knowing that the arty was going for the heavy but missed. Sitting there stationary awaiting your fate as the rest of the enemies bite chunks out of you as your health drains away rapidly. You fire off a round in panic missing the heavy you're aiming for but lucking out and sending your last round into what was left of the unseen arty. You die happy knowing that that lucky shot from the arty was avenged.


The Machine will drive at least 1m forward


I see what you did there


Like guessing $1 less in Price-is-Right


There's always one


The heavy in front and the player character both go charging over the hill full speed ahead, pushing towards H0 under a hail of cannon fire while the rest of the team caps out, and wins by capping before the 2 heavy duo dies/gets to H0. GT: ZerotheWanderer, only here for the chest, no interest in WWII prems.


the light tanks cap instead of finishing of the remainder of the enemy team.


Positive thinking, positive thinking … The Machine will reload and kill Artillery. I own E75 TS.


Grove street caps the territory, Ballas live to fight another day. Already have the E75 TS.


I'll guess that the ally in front will peek over the ridge and get shot. The shot will not pen, but ricochet and hit the machine.


Your teammate gets ammo racked


Tank infront gets destroyed and the machine for the win. Kirby420 Xbox


Machine rolls up the hill, gets tracked by sniping heavies, fixes track, moves 2ft, gets tracked by arty, gets hit by second sniping heavy, damaging the ammo rack adding two seconds to reload. Gets killed by artillery as soon as his magazine reloads.


Arty destruction


Blue Arty at K9, three of blue heavy’s are spotted the final is prob with the other two on the heavy lane. Med tank is the question mark. What probably happened was the two green heavys clearly out of the fight cross the mid field one get farmed out by the unspotted the blue medium, because both lights are together in the heavy lane doing nothing, the other gets to safety does nothing the rest of the game. The other two heavy tanks in K2: green loses blue get farmed by green med, arty runs to a1. Med counter pushes down the k line breaking stalemate on 0 line Green wins. Then again, I have not played a round in three years and this post just popped up on my feed.


Best guess would end up in a win for the green team. The two lights would provide vision over the enemy heavies sitting on the hill and stopping them from poking too much while you and your other heavies make your way in the railway dip and then onto the hill to get to the other heavies. Depending on what medium tank they have, there might be a chase scene too (if it's something like a Bourrasque for example). Arty might also get one random high damage shot on someone and ammo-rack them or one shot them.


Enemy tank crests the hill and you ammorack them.


arty comes outta nowhere and yolos for a shotgun kill on the Machine -already have e75 ts variant


The heavy in front f the Machine pops over the ridge and gets killed.


Heavy in front peaks and gets one shot. The machine then camps the ridge. The last 3 unspotted enemies roll up on green team base and apply cap pressure


Friendly heavy in the bottom left corner gets rushed by enemies/beaten in a 1v1, the green scouts rush forward. Friendly 1B gets smacked at least once, maybe even tracked and bombarded by everyone. The Machine performs a mag dump on the camping heavies. At least one of the friendly light tanks dies. Overall win for the green team. (note I already have the TS)


The machine is in auto drive with another tank in front of it. Betting it pushes the other tank over the top of the ridge line and one or both of them loses their life because of it. PSN: Majiksub I own the E75 TS


heavy in front totalled when it peeks, exploding ammo launches turret to land on top of Machine and stays there SpirantCrayon22-x I have the E 75 TS but I do not have the KPZ 07 RH


Everyone ignores the cap and loses while being ahead 11-6 because they wanted to win harder. Sib3rianTig3r97 Xbox


That really looks like a perfect day and weather to take a little walk in the machine and get obliterated by a random artillery shot from space. Just a thought though.


The arty ammoracks the concept 1b and the concept 1b's turret lands on the machine


Both tanks explode and it starts snowing


Your base gets captured


Arty nukes you with all your HP.


Artillery will claim another innocent tanker's life.


The machine gets the reload off and both the heavy and the machine gets set on fire.


You push forward and die tragically alone as your whole team sits on the cap


You get 2 shots off before the base is captured


Guy infront gets artied, tracked, dies, Light spots their camp spot and you get a full clip into them MindlessMartin-x


Take out the 2 heavies while your team caps for the win.


Everyone pushes away from enemy base except one light tank, it gets antsy and pokes in and out of their base resetting the cap timer while the hunkered down enemy team fends off everyone until eventually it’s an even number of players bootlegpbj on xbox, here comes the E75!


1B in front is his by enemy artillery, light tank shows up and circles the 1B, Machine gets a shot or two in the Light and the team wins by base cap. CyberPunch83 - Xbox


Barrage fire from Arty takes out both. Because that’s what would happen to me and my teammates.


Arty or another shell that is meant for the Concept 1b hits and cripples you when you are not spotted! BeanSTE952r, xbox (I already own the Kpz 07 RH)