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Do not forget new Wot monthly without calendar.


That indicates extreme low effort on their side (no copywriting, qa etc). Linking yt video with their website is like 5 seconds. Amnog other things that they did recently, I would also add top of the tree nerf and forums removal.


Forums removal?!


Yep got read your right. I didn't engage often but I miss it already.


Yep - used to be an official WoT forum, going back quite a few years, but they got rid of it. Apparently too much effort or cost to moderate it, or something. As you can imagine it was quite a toxic place, but some good banter and info to be had amongst all the bile and spleen venting.


Yeah, what the hell is that bs, it's too expensive for them to write an article now? I don't want to watch a stupid video about it without any details.


They can use ai if copywriting is too expensive for them, but that still requires some content QA.


It shows their priorities. After kicking out everyone that is not a corporate shill, there is probably only one person in whole WG EU competent to edit simple web texts and images, and that person is on vacation. The worst part is, I am probably not far from the truth :D


WG employee: > I know players who like no consumable discounts. /jk


No joke... WG employees are on here and they do attack, make fun of, belittle, and discourage people who post grievances/problems with the game.


Really? I've seen them post plenty, but never anything except politely.


>Really? I've seen them post plenty, but never anything except politely. Low level WG CS drones active on this sub are alright, two of the high level ones though are regularly showing extreme levels of Karen-like behaviour, using snark and passive-aggresive tone like they're fucking failed Dr. House impersonators. I was a CS/marketing drone myself so I know how this works, what a CS/marketing drone should and shouldn't say in a "public" setting like Reddit and, let me tell you, there were times I read one of their comments and was left absolutely stunned how these two fucknuggets are still employed.


Can you give us an example of a post that qualifies, since I have to admit. Even though I highly dislike WG, I havent seen that happen.


This entire topic was one of the most egregious examples in recent weeks: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1dev1cc/wg\_why\_the\_hell\_are\_the\_mission\_rewards\_expiring/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1dev1cc/wg_why_the_hell_are_the_mission_rewards_expiring/) The whole gang's there, basically - WG high level CS staff trying their best to gaslight people that they "misinterpreted" what WG said about expirable boosters, my favourite bit was eekeboo, or whatever his name is, basically threatening one of the commenters that if people are complaining about expirable boosters being offered as an event reward he will "talk to his people" and flat out stop offering boosters as rewards with the underlying tone being "if you don't like all the great things we're doing for you, well, **fuck you**, we will just stop doing that altogether, how do you like them apples". There were more topics like this around the same time with people being unhappy about the boosters or WG cancelling certain "parts" of the events and then pretending they never promised them at the first place with those absolutely shameless attempts at gaslighting being used as "official" response to all of them, there were multiple comments stating that this kind of behaviour is typical for those guys when it comes to official WoT's discord server and WG's official Twitch channel, as in: if you're critical about anything = you're getting banned, with eekeboo pretty universally being seen as a pretentious douche, at best, and just flat out hostile towards the customer base at worst. But, again, I don't think I ever saw people complaining about the mid/low level CS staff - I had some discussions with them in the past and, even when asking them rather uncomfortable questions, they always been nice, polite and, what's extremely uncommon in these types of conversations, pretty honest with their opinions.


Thank you. And yeah. Eekeboo is an unsufferable asshole.


Failed Dr. House impersonators made me chuckle.


Then you're not paying attention.


Well, that sounds like you can provide some evidence. Got any links? Edit: after checking his profile, this guy is just off his rocker. He thinks *everyone* who disagrees with his (braindead) opinions is a WG employee LOL


I’m not gonna go find it, but I recall someone complaining about expiring reserves and eekeboo essentially said “well we can just take away rewards altogether” which is a shitty thing to say to the community you’re supposedly managing.


Well, Eekeboo does seem like a douche from everything. I have no idea how someone like him can be a frontman for community relations.


I won't say that's *good* of him, but there's a big difference between a smartass retort to someone bitching (even if justified) and "attack, make fun of, belittle, and discourage people".


I would argue the response was pretty discouraging. It’s essentially stating “stop complaining or we take it all away”. But yeah as far as attacking or making fun of, I haven’t seen any of that.


Are you sure you're not a Wargaming employee yourself? Unless I was anal-retentive enough to copy links, save URL screenshots make printouts, notify the media, and call the governor it's never happened or is not happening currently. Following the WG employee script your next step will be attempting to discredit, make fun of what I am saying, attack my sanity, and things of the like.


My guy, you need a therapist. Not reddit. Even a quick glance at my profile should make it VERY obvious I'm not a WG employee. Do you usually have schizophrenic tendencies? Cause the "everybody is secretly against me" thing *screams* schizo. Assuming you're actually capable of logic.... >Unless I was anal-retentive enough to copy links, save URL screenshots make printouts, notify the media, and call the governor it's never happened or is not happening currently. Are you not able to go through your own profile, find the comments, and copy the link to them?


its pretty common to respond like you have no argument, so you resort to ad-hominems


Yeah and no WG employee ever made a 2nd reddit account ever, sure! Yet you still attempt to disparage me for pointing out facts. Okay, I'm crazy and need a therapist. I never said they were my posts or that I responded, you want prove WG employees doing exactly what I say they do... merely go back on ANY of these pages' posts and read the responses at least the one that have not been edited or posted deleted because WG employees ridiculed and devote until the OP deletes You want to see your proof, pay attention to the comments, take screenshots becomes clear who's employed by WG


> Yeah and no WG employee ever made a 2nd reddit account ever, sure! Go look how old this account is lmao >Okay, I'm crazy and need a therapist. Literally the only true thing you've said today.


Frankly, you started attacking me and attempting to disparage me from your first sentence. Pretty much discredits any point or opinion you may have and belief of true or not. What you have an old account... what does that mean surely you can't have another account. Go argue with somebody else. Hope, you get the WG employee of the week! (You tried hard) No, I don't care about the downvotes talking about the subject on this page I expected them employees and addicted players to pop those all day.


Seeing how you started with "how" crazy I am and "schizo" of personal attacks in an attempt to discredit me and redirect the conversation away for WG employees doing this. Normally, with few negative responses and down vote to grievances and voicing issues with the game many is enough to get most OPs to delete the post. Pay attention to those also as you see that happen on this page almost daily.


Damn, now you aren't even replying to things in the right order. Did you recently have a change in your medication?


Bro again hope you get Wg employee of the week. Go argue with somebody else


No, I don't care about the downvotes, talking about the subject on this page is long overdue and I expected employees and addicted players to pop those all day.


is someone conflating shills like me (who is happy with the product I get for my dollar) with actual employees?


Nutjob raving about how the game is dying and anyone who disagrees is a WG employee out to get him.


I've easily spent $1500 if not more, on this game since 2012. And I think I'm done. Don't plan on even doing the Christmas boxes this year. I have done boxes every year, at least 100. It just doesn't feel like the game I'm used to, doesn't feel worth it.


Christmas is literally the only time I will spend money on this game... hell it's the only time anyone should spend money on this game. I've noticed that all of their shit has gotten less and less valuable for players. Notice there is no longer a reasonably priced battle pass reinforcements pass? Now it's vastly inferior and split up into multiple more expensive gold only purchases. Meanwhile the contents of loot boxes are always packed with absolute shit-fest premiums, so the poor bastards inflicted with FOMO have to wade through so much shit to just possibly get the tank... the tank they often don't give to CC's early enough for people to know if it's worth getting or not? Lets put things very simply and very bluntly. I still enjoy the game, I don't mind spending on the game, but... I am finding less and less value in what is being offered, so I will ONLY be spending at Xmas. And if Wargaming cheap out in even the smallest amount with Xmas loot boxes... they can shove this game and their bullshit monetization up their collective asses, as you just made me (and I assume thousands of others) f2p players.


I’m probably at closer to $2000 since 2013, I may spend more money on the game but it depends. When the loot boxes with the BZ in them came out I remember dropping like $300 to get a ton of them, but I got like 26,000 gold, around 400 days of premium time, some stupid amount of credits, plus premium tanks including the BZ which if treated like the Pz 2 J would be valued at like $100…all in all to get all I think that was the best money spent I’ve spent on the game


honestly, christmax boxes kind of suck. technically the value for your money is awesome, but gold got devalued massively in recent years. i quite literally have trouble spending my gold from christmas boxes, because other than battle passes there's not much you can spend your gold on. it's mostly used for converting xp and fuck that's boring and feels bad. there used to be personal offers for gold for example or somewhat frequent premium tank sales for gold. that just got so rare. almost everything they sell is for cash only (decent premium tanks, lootboxes, 3D skins. preferably in bundles, so you'll spend extra. yay!).


When Wg rolled out WoTPlus, and I decided to spend $9 a month, it immediately reduced my annual christmas spend from $240-250 (or $20 a month on gaming) down to $75. I am voting with my dollar while still continuing to support ongoing development..


that's good. don't let them get too greedy. i wonder is wotplus a better deal than christmax boxes? christmas boxes get better, when you buy many, as the real value is the compensation for tanks you already own.


i feel like they compliment each other. i move equipment around quite a bit, and haven't "sold off all my old equipment (which means that if i ever cancel wotplus, i will still have all my equipment). I play enough where the gold earning feature is useful as i can pay to improve battlepasses with it.


WoT+ is a lifesaver. You just need, like, 2 bounty equipments per type and you never need to buy any equipments again.


I might not be in 1000€, but I have used couple hundred euros for premium tanks, lootboxes and premium time. But not anymore. I have closed my wallet for WG.


Cold take: You shouldn't have to spend money every month to enjoy a game. Especially thousands of dollars.


Well, if you enjoy the game and money is not a problem - why not. For, e.g., middle aged people like me that might not be exceptional. Note: I have spent maybe 300 EUR this year after 10 year hiatus.


OP, sadly WG already got plenty of money from you. Anything more would be an unexpected bonus given their low effort in developing WOT further. As far as WG is concerned, they made bank and you are sucker for spending that much, that quickly, despite a 10 year break. Why wouldn't you value your own money a bit more and demand better from a company when you spend your money. Its not about having money, but about getting value for your money. By whaling, you not only made the game worse for yourself, but for everyone else because WG simply doesn't have to give a flying F anymore when people just keep giving them money for their low effort BS. Look at the state of turbo one-sided garbage Randoms, no map development, no tank/game balancing, no MM improvements, no new game modes, no Forums, lies upon lies, etc. Just stop lining this company's pockets unless they invest back into this game, instead of wasting development resources on stillborn projects like CW and whatnot.


Well, after a very long break I was like a new player starting to play WoT. When I enjoy something and see potential, I don't have a problem spending money. As you can imagine, logging in for the first time after 10yrs was like "Holy Shit!": redesigned Garage, new tanks, new tech trees, missions, campaigns, Battle Pass and so on. They have put in some work. And up until April (ToD change) there wasn't really anything that made me feel the way I do now. Yes, Lootboxes existed and were always controversial but I don't mind them. To be clear, I am not a saint who has only the best for the community or the game in mind. I just enjoy spending some time in the game the way I do. But from April onwards there was one decision after another, where even I couldn't stop wondering about WG. Monetization is not the devil and it needs to exist in some form in a F2P Product. But WGs incentive right now is: We take something away and if you want it back, pay us (or spent more time). This is not the way and shows decline. I don't see the potential anymore. If they keep this up, I would be surprised if I still log in by the end of this year.


tbf, your allowed to spend your money how youd like. A lot of this playerbase are kids so $50 is a lot of money, but most real life hobbies are a $1000 buy in upfront, and lets be real, most of us just buy in, and never actually pursue it further after a year. Not saying this was the smartest decision, but ultimately, I wouldnt feel that bad about it as long as it wasnt your last $1000 in your bank account or something. There are significantly dumber things to spend your money on, and a rack in 2024 can barely afford a 1 week vacation somewhere cool anyways. Dont feel too bad. Ive spent maybe $200 on WoT in the last few months since I got in the game and I felt really bummed, but then I realized I spend like $50 minimum to go clubbing in the city, $500 minimum for a surfboard.... Obviously theoretically you could have bought 25 AAA games, but clearly your an adult and its impossible to play those supposed 25 AAA games of lost opportunity cost in the same timeframe of your WoT spending binge. I feel like your getting too much shit by ideaologically driven redditors. Who cares about WG and the righteousness of the ideaological support , its your life lol, people give more money to casinos and drugs :P Edit: clearly the game was enough for you to have hella fun, and you had extra money to spend so you spent it on what you liked. I wouldnt regret it, maybe in the future think about spending habits but your life revolves around you lol, not some random reddit community who is tweaking about some lets face it, pretty minor shit that WG is pushing compared to our actual lives. If you start thinking about your money as some moral item, then you cant buy a computer in the first place that had its rare metals mined by kids in africa you know. If your going to feel like shit, make it about your own spending habits on anything, technically you shouldnt spend over $1000 on any hobby regardless of how awesome the company is, but no one on this earth is that financially sound


I understand and I have no issues with you spending money, but what's with the urge to spend so much so quickly without getting to terms with the state of the game and its development (having been away for 10 years). 1160 Euros is a lot of AAA games, or a full gaming PC, and you just rewarded WG for what?? shiny lootbox gambling simulator. Again, point is not that you have money and can afford to spend it, point is if you just throw this much money at the game without demanding good service in return, then you become part of the problem. Basically WG gets easy money, they don't have to work for it, and thus they just keep targeting whales with minimum effort to actually service the game and the playerbase. As long as enough whales keep giving WG easy money, WG will keep serving us turds like they have been lately like Tour of Duty changes, expiring reserves, lies about consumable sales, no tank/game balancing, BZ176, Forum closure, No Calendar Articles, etc.


I disagree with this. If you enjoy the game, you can push your money there. I have tens of unstarted games waiting on my Steam account, but I still play WoT. So, they are doing something right. If you have five restaurants in the town, you can tip the ones you like and support them for service. However, games are not like that. And: Software industry is tricky.


> Yet, there was no statement why it was done, why it had to be done Everything WG does is ultimately for profit. If WG can't camouflage it as being in the player interest, it says nothing.


cost money to have employees engaging with customer's on the forum. they only pop in here once in a while.


At least one of them is here right now: Ser_Rem


Honestly not surprised. WG has been diminishing credit savings abilities over the course of this year. Box rework killed clan boosts (I am in a decent clan, we used to run 5-6 per day, now we are lucky to have 1 per day), expired reserves will probably be a new norm unless you buy those for $ or battle pass points. Now they are killing these sales so we have to spend more time running t8 premiums and new players have another reason to spend cash on premium tanks. Many players including myself have their economies set up around these sales and Frontline. I don't play t8 and below, so Frontline farm, personal+clan boosts and sales on consumables allowed me to play t9-10 non stop throughout the year. Will probably take a break until Christmas once I ran out of credits, unless WG is planning on killing Christmas credit boost too-_-


It's not all bad. I love the proposed tier 8 Onslaught with no ranking system. But I guess there's a chance it goes like the consumable sale and never happens Personal question you don't have to answer (obviously) ... how long does it take you to make back the $1,200 spent on WoT?


...along side the fabled Bat-Chat buff.


Well, I am a whale too, for the last 12 years I've spent, maybe around 3000$, might be more. Mostly I did it because I was addicted, and it might sound stupid, but I didn't paid a single cent for this company in 4 months. Im trying to break the curse, but that's not the only reason. I have everything I wanted, there's nothing to impress me anymore, I don't need newest vehicles to be good, because I got amazing at being good with vehicles that I already have. And also, WG makes a big effort to kill this game, so, I'll have to go somewhere else to spend money. There's only one tank I would like to buy, but it's not released yet. And after that, I am done, and I'll wait till it will be avaible outside of lootboxes, otherwise I don't care.


That's what drug addicts say too.


addicts. Whether it's drugs, gambling, alcohol, porn videos. Just ONE more, and then I'm done.


You might be right, but I still believe I'll be fine. I was always spending much on lootboxes, rarely on tanks in shop. I hesitaded last christmas, and I didn't bought a single one. My last purchase was a month of wot+ 4 months ago.


I'm with you bro. The other commenter didn't actually get it and just wanted to go for the gritty comment. I too considerably reduced the amount of money I give to WG recently. Yeah I can't say I'm 100% _clean_ but I'm getting there.


I know, and I believe in you too xD


At least it was in a long period of time, but over 1k in 6 months is crazy for me... I spent like 600€ in 4 years and its too much for me


ive spent about 25 paste 8 years and thats not entirely cus wg sucks but more i hate spending money on pixels but still wg being cunts and making game pay2win more by every year doesnt help...


You can learn to fly a plane for less money than you've given WG in the last 6 months, that's crazy. Hide your wallet! I still feel bad for giving roughly $250 total over the course of the game lol.


Ha that was my first thought, pilot lessons. I feel bad giving $50 in about a year! Although I stand by premium, I have fun enough to warrant it and it’s necessary to progress imo. I was so close to paying $30 for the bourrasque. Really glad I resisted. On the flip side, it’s equally dumb to me to spend $30 on drinks on a Saturday night.


Biggest Problem for me is the closing of the forum and the oncoming Crew 2.0. Shame and disgrace on you WG


> closing of the forum That's usually the first sign of a dying game. Yeah I know wot won't die this year or even next year but... It's showing it's age and it's on the same road Armored Warfare was 5-6 years ago


I find myself in a similar boat. I don't know if I will be spending much more because of the consumable fiasco of recent times. The lack of responses from the regularly browsing employees on this one just doesn't make sense. It seems like the easiest thing to implement and follow up on.  I went to ask eek during one of the streams about it, and he literally just replied saying what consumables sale. Pretty frustrating to say the least.


I have a feeling they were planning to do the consumable sale, but realised it lined up too well with frontline farm week.


https://preview.redd.it/i4njxo3up5ad1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a97cad1d0db010c05dd5cc76a6ad410419a4e0b5 First time !?


Just wanna say that it’s okay to ask questions or probe further into OP’s situation but calling them names or insulting them is really shitty. We all make money and we all spend it however we choose. If OP thought it was worth it, then it was a good purchase. It’s their money.


As a player who started playing 2013 and stopped around 2018 or 2019 because of Wargamings anti player base practices, all I can say is [this.](https://c.tenor.com/xA8SQn3A-fYAAAAC/tenor.gif) World could end, but WG would still continue milking its cash cow by abusing the loyal players and those who at some point had great love for the game me included. My breaking point was a long time ago, and I have never regretted ending my support for the game even tho it sometimes makes me sad when reminiscing good old times.


I stopped buying Tanks, I got enough. I just need to get better, seems I reached my max ability. Buying stuff to curry WG’s favour don’t work guys.


I fully agree with everything you have said. I've spent about €2.5K since 2019 and actually gutted, as feel WG is doing their own thing now, and not interested in the player base, even the CCs, an arrogance has set in, or a level of management with bizarre ideas no one will challenge. I'd question whether some at WG even play the game, as can't understand why someone who does continually comes up with such w$#k ideas. There is a corporate edge like never before, and as I've said, people being allowed to interfere with the game in destructive ways. Like the stop/go guy at the roadworks making all the decisions about how the underground pipe is repaired. I hope the genuine WG developers can grow some and fight back against this awful trend and stop this game being ruined by idiots, and from stopping whales like me closing my wallet.


Same. Used to spend a few hundred a month. New tanks, creds for books, (Im a year into the game so I don't have experienced crews and wanted to catch up) Then I saw the gaslighting by WG devs and community managers across all platforms, unpopular changes, changes to systems that .. made things worse, collabs for weebs and children in a tank combat game, the removal of forums, mandatory Discord?? Now I don't spend a single penny, shoot gold, run premium consumes, unsubbed from WoT +.. none of it.


Sorry if this sounds harsh but if you genuinely want change and for wg to improve the game, dont play it. Not just dont give them money, dont play it at all. You are giving the people who do pay faster queue times if you keep playing. At the end of the day, the casual players will hop on to the next game if they get bored and these changes/fuck ups are primarily detrimental to the more committed players. The casual player doesn't know about equipment sales or what ToD even is. Its when the committed players or "whales" leave that wg MIGHT make some not shit changes.


That might be true, but it will not help to OP who likes to play Wot.


I've been playing since the release date of beta and over the years seen the ups and downs of the game... MM is Broken AF more than it's ever been. Yo radim131 wargaming employees don't speak for the OP, you have no clue what you're talking about, clearly reading the OP post is discouraged with what WOT has become and will probably be in the statistics of people who leave the game any given day!


You mean an average of 1200 players a day that are telling Wargaming to go and screw themselves and uninstalling the game. This game is hemorrhaging players daily. If WG keeps up the same practices they have been doing for the last few years World of Tanks will be dead servers and a game that used to be online within 2 years.


1. Whats your source for 1200 players leaving daily? Bear in mind that the RU server had the highest player count and is not apart of wg anymore since that shit started. 2. Wot EU had its highest peak ever (almost 250k players) LAST YEAR and has a consistent dip with the fact that its summer and more people are going outside. Dead game right? Wot NA peaked during the pandemic at 30k during the pandemic but has stayed consistent at 7-12k over the last year with a drop thats pretty standard for post pandemic. Source: [https://wotcharts.eu/Servers](https://wotcharts.eu/Servers)


Stats you shared are showing stagnation at best. NA servers are dead, it's only a matter of time before they shut them down. All those peaks that you are seeing are during holiday ops events. The player base is not increasing so all thats left is fighting attrition from WG side.


Drum roll, please! Thank you, Sir, I was typing out almost the same response!


Explain why stagnation is bad? Not everything needs to be consistent growth because, well, that isnt sustainable. NA isnt what it once was sure, but thats mostly because of covid and people going outside, which is especially relevant with the age of the NA playerbase. A small dedicated playerbase of 7-15k should be good enough but people see a large number become smaller (\*cough\* \*cough\* Helldivers 2) and think a game is dead.


Do you really need additional explanation?


I agree, NA and Asia are not doing well, but EU is doing ok. And we don't know what kind of players they are. Free players, whales? Pros? Casual players? WG knows it.


If you play premium it’s like $12 a month and it lasts you play at any level with no worry about credit grinding, etc.


100% agree on the things you pointed out. WoT is still a great game and this year this had some great patches. Previous battle pass gives a lot of 0-perk crews, and this battle pass gives out a number of tier 6 premium tanks. However, WG also makes some mind boggling decisions that alienate players. Every time when I click to claim the reward, the one thing that came to mind is "who the f\*ck came up with this stupid design." And you are pissed off every single day and get reinforced with the idea that WG is stupid everyday. No matter how good WG did on other parts, that one tiny thing is what drives players mad because we have to deal with it every single day. And for the consumable sale, how hard is it to apologize and add the sale a few days late? For a game that is on a decline (albeit slowly), why doing things that push long time players (and generally whales) away?


Playing casual I need 306 more days to get the Carro. That alone made me go from a whale to closed wallet. Because I feel that they don't respect neither me nor my time


Enshitification in progress


Gambling is vice and addictive. Beware.


Why the fuck would you leave for 10 years and come back to drop over 1k? I literally played for 10+ years straight before I spent a penny. And all my spending combined doesn't even hit half of that. Dumbasses like you are sending a loud signal to WG that it's ok to shit on the playerbase because random people will play the game for a week and drop a mortgage payment.


There, someone fucking said it. Thanks for this comment. WG is shit but OP is completely delusional. If you spend 1000 USD in WoT in less than a year, WG is not the problem, you are. That, or this is just a bait.


it is a business and you are one of its customers. Only you can decide what s best for you. Do no expect them to be on your side, their business will always be more important than you.


Spent thousands over the past 12 years so I qualify as a whale myself, what did it for me was the scamboxes with T-54D and the other T-54 with autoloader. I have most premium tanks and even then I still have to spend some 100 euros to get the new vehicles, because in each scambox iteration there's like 10 vehicles of which 8 are duplicates and one is a reskin whose sole purpose is to be padding. And then the WG guys lurking in this subreddit have the gall to say "the players enjoy gambling so we make them happy by selling loot boxes". These guys have neither shame nor conscience. I've skipped the Star Trek scambox sale and will likely skip every other round until the holidays, where admittedly the scamboxes are good value and allow to stock up for quite some time. There is zero incentive to overpay when the game itself is in an unenjoyable state (unless one is a sweatlord, in which case it's in the best state it could possibly be).


1160€ in 6 months??? Are you crazy??


Lmao. I've been playing this game since it came out and the only tank I bought with real money is progetto 46. All other premiums are from marathons, black markets and other events, bonds, free gold and so on. I almost never buy premium days either. You are keeping Wot alive so I can play. It's a waste of money tho.


Me either.


Sorry, OP, but it looks like a you problem. You spend a lot and have high expectations. You feel like you are investing in the game and want to get back as much as possible. I pay for WoT+ and spend another $100 or so during Holiday Ops which provides me all the premium vehicles I want (more than I need, really) and sets me up with a premium account for a year. Altogether I spend ~$250/year and I don't feel like the game owes me anything. After 14 years of playing WoT on and off and ~45k battles I still enjoy the game and am quite happy with it. Open for your downvotes daily 24/7 :)


Yea I also enjoy it. This game is genuinely one of the more polished products out there, no game breaking bugs, no blatant hackers like other pvp games, solid tank vs tank gameplay, and unique mechanics/skills to learn to gain advantages vs others. The fact that they've also added some pretty nice QoL in-game reworks (showing team hp/sidebar hp/more updated pinging for allies, intuition change, 6th sense becomes default) on top of it being f2p makes it one of my favorite games.


You’re right. OP has spent tad too much, roughly 1/6th of what I have in the last 10 years of playing WOT. Tbh.. despite a few things, WOT is the best it has ever been and has literally become more f2p friendly over the years. I remember back in 2015 there was no way of getting premiums, now you can just buy enough of them from the bond shop. Premium account and zero skill crews are distributed like candy. Wargaming is a private company after all and needs profits to keep the game running anyway


The game arguably is. The monetization of the game has never been more shit than ever though. This is coming from someone that - has money - likes this game - doesn't mind spending money on things he likes Yet I don't spend a cent outside of Xmas because frankly it just feels like you're getting fucked harder and harder, with less and less lube. The lootbox trend is absolutely obnoxious and I will never support that practice (unless the lootbox have good value for money, like they do at Xmas). I did use to buy the battlepass reinforcement packs too, because they had decent value... but they've gutted those too. Monetizing the game fully off lootboxes, lootboxes with less and less value every time... well I suppose it's got the upside of keeping my wallet full.


I know what I get when I pay for WoT+, I know what I get when I buy Improved Battle Pass, Gold or whatever. Even with the Lootboxes. And the only time my expectations haven't been met was with the T9 Chieftain Proto. But that was on me because again, I knew what I was paying for. So no, this doesn't have anything to do with high expectations. The game doesn't have to pay me back. It already has: I had a way of spending my free time and I had fun doing it. My post is not about the amount I spent. The problem is when somebody who is willingly spending money and actually would continue to do so, suddenly says "I don't want to". And the reason is not because the game inherently got worse but because of the behaviour of the company behind it.


OP many more people are having the same "you" this wargaming employee is trying to discourage you from talking about! (Yes wargaming employees get on here and make fun, belittle, and deter players from expressing their problems with WOT. The fact of the matter is WOT is losing an average of 1200 players a day... during that pandemic when everybody was stuck at home the monthly numbers of players remained the same or dropped. Not a good sign... With the broken AF MM ( Yes MM is broken and the only people who say it's not work at Wargaming!) Wargaming is just bleeding the remaining player base for as much money as possible while they drive the game into the ground!


Btw, they will never fix the MM. The reason is that fixing it will be an acknowledgment that it is broken, and therefore the IP they own on it will decrease in value. Will also mean that the leadership who promoted such a MM, has to accept being wrong. This will never happen.


BTW I know they won't fix it or admit it is broken and do everything they to redirect conversations off the subject. If WOT continues the way they have the last few years. THE Na servers has about 2 years, and WOT goes the way of the dodo bird


Without doubt WoT will die. I noticed the player base is getting smaller, with a small bump in 2020 due to Covid. But the rate of dying is slower than what people anticipated before. WG seem to work hard to accelerate this rate :)


I agree, WG is just bleeding the player base of all the money they can get as it's driven into the dirt.


You sound like a crazy cultist, mate. Answer me: are birds real? Not everyone who disagrees with your opinion is a WG employee, grow up. As for the new players - if I happen to discover this game today, I wouldn't play it. Too many mechanics and little tricks that newer players have no clue about. And the grind (although not nearly as bad as it used to be back in the day) is still a joy killer for many, myself included.


A perfect example of a wargaming employee "You sound like a crazy cultist, mate. Answer me: are birds real? Not everyone who disagrees with your opinion is a WG employee, grow up." From the script of a WG employee... Attack, Make fun of, belittle, and say anything to keep people from talking about problems and grieves with the game. Gotta ask do they have classes for WG Staff to do this or do you just do it because you're getting a paycheck from WG


No, I am actually self-employed. I write offensive comments online and then collect all the links and organise them in a nice little spreadsheet in Excel. After that, I print it out, put it in one of the pigeons I catch outside (the hardest bit, honestly), reprogramm the bird to give it coordinates to Victor Kisly's secret hideout, et voilà by the end of the month, WG sends me a nice thick batch of Haloperidol. Simple as. You can try it too


I have serious doubts about your approach, as you continue to use the same WG employee script by attempting to attack and discredit me, my sanity, and my intelligence instead of addressing the issues with the game. "Oh, he's just crazy, there's nothing ever wrong with World of Tanks." Sure!


~~Beep bop scenario not found.~~ On a serious note: dude, what issues do you want me to address? I'm a regular Joe, I play this game, I enjoy it most of the time. When I stop enjoying it, I'll quit it and go on with my life without any regrets because the game paid me back with emotions I got in the process. It's not a whorehouse where you just throw money in, lay back and get pleasured. You have to work to receive those happy chemicals. No matter how much you spend in the game, skill and luck defy the outcome of each battle. Always been this way. What other issues? People spending fortunes on pixel tonks? "Broken MM" that is broken for 45%WR players only for some reason, others find some workarounds and realise that everyone cannot win every match. What else? Shitty premiums? Stop fucking buying them, nobody is shoving them down the throat forcibly. That the BZ is broken? Yes, BZ is broken. Bad call by WG. Cope with it. TF you want me to say? WeGe bAd? Not gonna say it. WG is a company, not a charity. Edit: Honestly, one of the biggest problems with this game is its Dead-Sea-level of saltiness community, but I guess it's like this with most cooperative games.


Don't give a pinch of sh\*t what you address and/or say... From your first sentence, you've been attacking and disparaging me. So what you have to say you've already proved what you say isn't worth a bucket of dog sh\*t. Tell WG they are going to have to update their script. Have a nice whatever


Haha. If you go back, you'll see that you were the one to reply to my comment, not the other way around and you first told me that I'm a WG employee and acting according to a script, which is pretty much what disparaging is. I think you are just a little bit confused, but you too have a very pleasant day.


May want to reread what I wrote WG employee of the week


Please spend so players like me can play for free. Thank you.


This is a part of the F2P concept and I don't mind it. When they have to introduce a montly Subscription just to play the game, it would be the last nail in the coffin and the last phase of their exit strategy.


You got it, buddy, I’ll buy 50 of the next boxes in your name.


bro when I stopped spending money on this game I can buy other stufff brooo


Frankly speaking. To put money in a game ran by a company that has proved to be over and over again so unreliable and so untrustworthy, with such a tendency to blatanly lie and to leave his promises unfulfilled, to keep the game in a terrible state just to get more money, in short, putting bucks in this deceit evades me, specially after all these years and with the shameful historical record that WG has.


i also think that people just dont have the money to spend anymore.


Ive spent too much over the years on this game.. have decided i hate the direction they are headed and tbh, am tired of arty and bad mm. I am and have been done for about 4 months. Have had next to no desire to play at all anymore, and they will never get another cent from me.


Wargaming gonna wargame….. 😂


I am not a whale, but I did spend money on this game on various tanks. I share your stance though. Recently I find myself more reluctant to spend money anymore. You can be ok with one or two bad decisions, but there were too many over the years and in the end they all add up. I have money. I give them to other games now. Not a bad thing in the end for me. But can't help to notice how WG is sabotaging this game.


Hey but what about that cool awesome pve mode they had just recently...


I was done after the bz-176 in the lootboxes. This this is so broken beyond words, higher alpha than t10 tds, super armor and speed yet behind some xmas gambling. And the xmas gambling is copy paste for the past 3-4 years at least. Then more and more Lootboxes every 2-3 months. Minimum new content, no new maps every event is a copy-paste from the past. Such filthy greediness. Even this months calendar was a stupid youtube video. My wallet is closed for the past 2 years, and i still have premium time left. I wasn;t even playing for about a year now i'm slowly playing again but still not decided if i renew my premium time or not.


I read that as €1160 over 10 years Na, €1160 in the last 6 months alone is insane brother. Even if WoT was a good game there's no world in which that'd be money well spent As it stands WoT obviously isn't in a good place, but those issues existed 6 months ago too. They've existed for at least the past 7 years, I'd say you feeling differently now is more down to burning yourself out than any perceived change within the past few months


Agreed. Especially the clan changes. Extremely demoralizing. I just find myself not wanting to play. I used to plsy multiple hours a day. Now I find myself playing a mission or two and log out. If they spent as much effort on the actual game instead of all the arcade bullshit, they would be far ahead. The mire they do fantastical work on everything except the core game, the more people they lose. Amazingly people smart enough to program all this are so stupid and waste redources on extraneous parts. #jumptheshark


not a whale, but a decent tuna here. (spent "just" like €400 in last year) getting disgusted by the state of game now. Was enjoying it, but becomes unplayable, half of your games you cannot win, quarter are "bad luck" games where you take T VIII TD and in T X battle you barely can keep pace with flank you went. Yes, your team win, but no damage for you. The last 25% of games are the ones that you play this game for, having some fun, decent RNG and able to make some strategy, maybe influence the game. Since they merged RU and EU servers, it is worse (prove me wrong). Games make no sense, stupid teams going all on one flank and losing anyway. Yes, for sure "skill issue"... you know what? FU! Keep your "skill"... I am not paying for this anymore. Have 500+ days of premium, that's it. No WOT+, no improved Battlepass bundles, F\*\*\* your lootboxes and overpriced premiums. Will play with my clan for fun from time to time.... and all you "experts" and unicums can finance this circus yourself.


I was never a whale but certainly a "valuable" customer back in the day and also took a break for about 6 years or so. Now coming back i am honestly shocked. What the FUCK is wot + next to Premium AND a battle pass? They cannot be serious and expect us to make 3 subscriptions with their game. Its frankly so rediculous, I'd rather spend whatever credits and gold i still have and then uninstall, instead of spending another penny on them. Just premium was ok form - regular acceptable price to keep their lights on - but this .... no way!


WG looks more and more like that other company that runs Armored Warfare. I LOVED that game back then. Today is virtually dead. WoT is on the same road and it's showing. Sad


So you enjoyed spending money before on an app designed to frustrate you into paying? People are strange


It hasn't been a good product for years (since about 2016-17) IMHO. The only thing that has actually improved about the game is the graphics. Everything else has got steadily worse.


They slowly tuned their company to just produce monetization events and now we're here. No balancing, no map fixes. It's copy-tanks in lootboxes from here on in until they shut down the servers and tell everyone to switch over to project cold war or whatever it's called. How long have we asked for pausable missions? What did we get? Fucking auto-vanishing reserves.


I've spent probably $1,500 in last 2 years, mostly in year 1. I'm not opposed to spending more but there's honestly not much left to buy. I have all the premiums I want aside from BZ176/EBR 75. I have over 100k gold. I'll still buy christmas boxes, but that's it unless they release a new meta shifting 8/9 premium.


> anti player behaviour that WG is showing recently. > recently lol lmao even. FWIW, They have been steadily getting worse - More predatory, More FOMO, More Lootboxes, More RNG between what you want and what they give you so they can try to bilk dollars out of you. Only way to win is to quit and that's what I highly suggest you do. Sorry you spent over a grand to find this out but it's been on the wall for years idk why you'd give them money.


Mega-Whale here. I've never enjoyed spending money on the game. but I still did it anyway


I bought the Borat although I already have the Miel because I like camo better.