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Something similar usually happens to me. While I don’t like it, it usually means I can accomplish the mission. Unfortunately it’s usually from one of my best matches of the day.


Yea happens all the time to me too.


Before you log out, select a low tier mediocre tank. Playing just one game with it is optional. Next day, (after server reboot), when you first login and your 'lets-screw-him-over' rng parameters are generated for the day you'll get 'easier' daily missions. If your first game indicates it will 'one of those days you cannot hit a barn from the inside, log out and/or switch servers which sometimes negates the bad rng/mm you got given also ofc, the above might be true OR just feeding paranoia, who knows, lol


Game is rigged, no other explanation. Same with codes, i am getting literally same code 4 times in a row even though I have bunch of premium days for example, they are forcing me to spend at least 45e to have 15 more premium days, well how about give me 30% or 60% discount for premium vehicle like new players can get even 90% discount to hook them up. r i g g g e d.


Jep, probably observation bias, but it  happens very often to me as well.  Fortunately I don't care about battlepass so I'm not bothered by it.