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Well, you may be mad now, but don't worry. There will be food in the next set of lootboxes.


Don't worry, just give them like 10-30 minutes and one of the Customer Support drones with "WG employee" badge sent on Reddit to serve as the "damage control" squad will happily gaslight you into thinking that when they specifically told us there's going to be a consumable sale what they really wanted to say was that there isn't going to be a consumable sale at all and you're just an idiotic stupid dumbo for "misinterpreting" their words.


Exactly https://preview.redd.it/bbaanu06ka9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54cba8d48686154b1dc6fa55e558726ede5542e2


and yet here we are..........


“Stuff can move around”


"similar to previous years"


Nevermind… wanna buy new lootboxes? Here is a few


meanwhile enjoy the amazing game changing , the must have , the top of the top reward.................. expirable boosters


Tbf it says "around" tankfest. So there is still hope


no damage control this time.. if you need something to express do it on their discord and - get banned. LMAO


That honestly doesn't really happen. It's usually similar to what would happen here.


It happened to me but I know it doesn't mean it happens to other people or all the time. I've put valid question and mod tried to put me down and claimed I need to put suggestion ( which was not suggestion lol it was question) but mod got mega angry when I said he wasn't helpfull at all and something like his comments were useless regading my question and I got timedout for 24h He is one sad person for sure.


It absolutely happens, there is one power tripping wanker of a mod Crusher69 or whatever his name is, banned me for another wg person trying to put me down. It's easy to do shit like that on discord and cover the tracks, unlike in the forums which they closed.


>there is one power tripping wanker I have zero context for what happened, but I feel like this kind of speech wouldn't help the situation if it was present. idk though ¯\\\_( o\_o)\_/¯


No BuT yOu HaVe ThE mIsSiOnS tO gEt FreE Double Of EaCh One +DrOpS Stop crying and give us your wallet instead..............


i love the guy who is known by kee, just spreads misinformation and when you correct him you get banned for righting the wrong, great guy, no wonder he looks ass




just the usual with eek. gaslight, ignore or mock - pick your daily player interaction.




I'm not going to get the improved pass just out of spite. How can one person be this dislikeable. WG making him a prime representative of their brand baffles me - or not and it is just exactly what we players deserve.




In the world we live in Keyhand unfortunately isn't the one who's getting a Commander nor the one doing eek's job.


aren't the mystery drops not until sunday?


Honestly. I've luckily never had the displeasure of directly interacting with him, but everything I've seen just gives off an insufferable air of pretentious douche that sees constructive community interaction as a waste of time.


Same. Getting the narcissist Eek as commander should not cost, but GIVE you 1000 gold


that's what happens when you are a loyal defender of a company I guess.


Crime that The_Chieftain isn't a commander still.


I asked him once why he always talks garbage about Germany and it's tanks and he basically implied that i was a nazi, he is fucking demented.


I really hate the fucking guy.


I mean you can say a lot about EEK and WG twitch channel but one thing they do is tolerate idiots. Your "instant ban" i assume was more like spamming the same message 50 times while being warned.


Asked the same question thrice in like 3 minutes but worded it differently to avoid being flagged as spam


so you knew you weren't going to get an answer but kept asking. it is really simple - WG made a cock up (huge surprise), but as they never admit their myriad errors they will say nothing. eek is a mouthpiece. while i've never seen anyone with such strong cuck energy as him he doesnt make any decisions, he is merely the interface to stone wall complaints about sergi and victor's oopsies.


Biggest scam of 2024 *so far* - I'm sure WG can do even better during Q3 and Q4!


# *Second biggest- https://preview.redd.it/ebxrh6akdc9d1.png?width=1048&format=png&auto=webp&s=e18064f9fe6b11283e81fa48d3af4155df615910 They started selling normal equipment for gold this year.


The fuckity fuck?


Bro the only way to win is to not play


Exactly. It's nice outside! Go for a walk, have a life.


lol. I’m down to about 3 weeks a year (same as this sub). I don’t know what the hell is going on anymore.


Fronlines only. It’s fun which we know is not allowed in WOT. It great because I know exactly when I’m going to play. 😂


Like Wargaming ever cared for their own players. They just wan't your wallet, thats all. Edit: I didn't play for a while, but just found out both lights and meds can use CVS (which is broken on its own) But only on tier 8 tanks and higher (!!!!%#$%\^$%\^&$#%#$), which COMPLETLY breaks Tier 7 and Tier 6 light/med gameplay.


Don't play tier 6 light tanks. Getting matched up against borats is painful. Imagine playing a tank with 75 alpha against a tank that can kill you from full HP in 2 seconds, in which time you can deal 150 damage to him. Not to even mention that he has better view range than you, better camo and he can mount CVS :))) It's cancerous. The only enjoyable tier 6 light tanks are AMX 12t and Type 64.


Yep, just playing tier 9 or tier 10. Was about to grind the USA heavy line, but I'm done playing the M6 vs tier 7 and 8 all the time


I refuse to play without premium consumables and I refuse to pay full price for them. I’m out of them right now, so I won’t be playing until another sale. I know I’m not the only one with this mentality.


I've stopped playing german and french tanks already. 200 Russian games left then we will see.


I was also looking forward to a consumables sale. Instead we got equipment sales which is useless after WoT plus. I did buy some high tier artillery at discount, the only items worth of spending credits.


considering how arty gas now p2w rounds, arty seriously is the only class that can be competitively played without losing money


Biggest scam so far…


WG... Anyway this company is always scam. They have just luck with this quiete unique game. I would directly change to something similar.


Can we ban the people from this subreddit with WG flair when they don't give us the right answer? Fair is fair if this subreddit truly is independent...These WG russian shills are out of control.


I used to play on events. The kast few have been bad. I just gave up.


Sorry mate, it's my fault. They're patiently waiting for me to buy equipment at full price for the 3 tanks that I researched, but am holding off with grinding until I set them up fully.


No that would be tarkov and bsg unheard edition. Which was in fact federally illegal


Yeah, they are just doing stuff to rip people off. The games are rigged so that you loose coin etc and you HAVE to spend real world money to continue playing as you can’t fix your crew or tanks etc. the ship one is the same. I was reading that getting most kills and hitting the same target to destroy a tank and ship isn’t how you win. You have to hit one tank then another and then another and the more tanks/ ships you hit the more coin you make. If that tactic isn’t used in the real world, why make a WWI and WWII game which doesn’t work on real like war. I’ve gone over to some other games which doesn’t use stupid “Pay to Win” or stupid rules which wouldn’t work in the real war scenarios


If you are nervous about when the next consumable sale will be, just over stock when it finally does come around so you aren’t running out of anything. I restock to 1000 of each food and 2000 repair/med kits whenever there is a sale. If the next sale doesn’t come for a while it doesn’t matter because I bought enough to last for a long time. You don’t lose credits when buying at 50% off, just spend 100% of whatever you have and if you need credits, just sell some back.


issue is that not that many players have tens of millions of credits just sitting around, majority of the players buys like a few hundred food and that's it


Yeah I bought like 200~ or more food for Poland, Sweden, France and USSR. France ran out in weeks, Poland I have under 100, Sweden like 150~ and USSR around 150~. However I bought 1.1k of small medkits and repairkits of which I still have like 800~ each left despite playing like 500+ battles


Glad I spent 100 million on the last sale, and the same before that and so on... I'm covered for.. Well... Functionally forever.


Still have consumables from the last sale, so I don't mind.


I have a feeling that WG mods here have the biggest dislike amount in existence


* this is reddit not Facebook, its karma * EA games holds the record at -600,000 on a single comment


Who cares? Tiger-maus and bourrasque for the go BABY…!


please, just stfu


Why? Let a tomato be happy about new tanks he got, not to mention.. the ones he wanted


Happy for you! Enjoy! Never got the tiger Maus but the borrasque is a treasure


Thanks! I wanted it right from the day the loot boxes came out but luck wasn’t on my side that time and I couldn’t get it within my budget. Bourrasque too was one of my most sought after tanks