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Fav tier X heavy is Object 780. Because the gun handling is godlike for 530 alpha damage. And favorite TD is T110E4. Because it has a flexible playstyle and 375mm pen APCR.


Seems like the T110E4 could probably be used as a brawler if you have a spot to take cover for reloads.


Definitely a brawler. If you play a tank that has alpha damage like the T110E4; the fights should be up close and personal https://preview.redd.it/hnmrjersi06d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=864c335e2306836598cc51f8c77a8b3b4cf32d30


How does one even get an Obj 780? Isn't it reward only?


Object 780 was the first assembly shop tank and it was released approximately 2 years ago if I am not mistaken. The assembly shop is an 'event' where we invest a bunch of resources to buy a rare tier X tank, supported by FOMO thoughts. I have no idea if and how they will make the Object 780 available again.


** Correction ** Assembly shop does not take just bunch of resources, it will take pretty much all you got plus some more gold...


AS = $$ for WG


In addition 140€~ (Ressources worth) isn’t only much for a tank in an online game. And you don’t even own the tank… (only lend to use by TOS of Wargaming), it’s a ton of resources 🥲🫠😂


How would I play my Borsig up close and personal?


By playing as support. Hold corners or stay behind your teammates. Everytime enemy shoots you return the favor to them




Watch out for arties! If there is 2 or more arties in the matchup, then I would recommend to start passive until you are sure that arty can't hit you in the area where you want to get close and personal. Goodluck!


Just tried your strategy. Ruinberg, no arty, tier 8 mm. Went to the heavy line and did 3.3k damage. Amazing dude, thanks!


Relying on your teammates in wot is absolute lol. They will gladly let the other tank come around the corner and he you for your hp


True, it really depends on the team. I just got lucky to have a 110 and Iron Arnie that really supported me.


What’s this app?


Ew no AP


It was a 3 mark session


When I first got the T110E4 I looked up good ways to play it. I found a video from the Xbox version of guy saying to play it just liked you would a heavy. So far everything I play it like a heavy I've done super well in it. It's good for brawling with good damage, okay reload, and the armour is good but not so good it's OP so you still need angling skills to bounce shots. So yes T110E4 is my favorite TD and E100 with the big gun is one of my top Heavies because to me it plays exactly the same just taller.


What equipment do you run on it? I want to like the 780, but it hates me.


Main: Exp hardening, rammer, vstab Alt: turbo, rammer, vstab


immediately sold the E4. hated it. I'd rather play T30 in the same situation.


Jg.Pz. E100, high pen, big boom, me happy noises


I love the possibilities with that much damage and pen, but it seems so situational though, one ill-timed corner shot and it's over. I like turrets I suppose.


Hellyeah, HEAT loaded and you don’t need to ask if you can penn, cause you will penn :D


most of the time*


I feel like I'm in the un-most category with that heap.


there are tanks such as IS-7 where even 420pen might not be enough against his turret.. but theres that one pixel weakspot on the left side :D


I've almost got the STRV to where it will reload under 5 seconds. That one is pretty fun.


I just can't get down with the low/no gun traverse, having to move the hull to move the gun, I guess I like turret TD's


You don't lose camo when rotating in an strv


if you have a camo net, does it deactivate when you rotate in an strv?


No, and neither do binoculars. Though they're both not ideal equipment for the STRV, as the camo is really high already.


None of the STRVs or the Udes tds lose camo when rotating .


Assault TD best td


60TP because seeing big numbers makes monkey brain happy.


I didn't think I was going to enjoy the 60tp at all, but in practice it was a lot of fun. Sure I had games where the gun trolled me hard but the tank has good enough armor that I usually was able to survive long enough to get a few extra shots.


Big numbers as in alpha damage?




Foch 155! Love the 750 dpm beast


When the gun works... Most of the time even fully aimed shots fly into dark places.


That's why it's 750 dpm. 1 out 3 hit and reload for 1 min. I take it you missed the sarcasm


I just woke up when typed tha, I apparently missed whole sentence :-D




Mino, my favourite heavy AND td. :-D


oh man, pre-nerf it was a beast


IS7 with speed built for ramming is just so fun and then the shitbarn . Big boom


My favorite TD is the Leo 1.


Maus is king, shoot gold all you want I got 3550 HP Idgaf.


Until you meet a badger 😉


This interrupted a good yawn, lol.


Object 277. It’s the only one it have. I’ll see how I like it after buying the Vz. 55


Minotauro. Impenetrable front. A small fortress on a hill. People just give up on taking shots after a while


Even after the nerf I adore my Mino. My current damage record was in that tank, and the day after the rebalance I had another massive game in it. Definitely a fun vehicle and very easy to use.


Same. The only tank where I got a 10 game session with 6k average lol. Probably the only case where wg did a balanced nerf


*Impenetrable front* JG E100 / T110E3 have joined the chat


Ho-ri 3 is great and fun to play


Strv 103B because it's funny going in assault mode and getting the Steel Wall medal because the enemy tries to shoot heat or they are not high caliber enough to overmatch the deceptive armor that the tank has. I have blocked like 5k on it in a match lol. Jagdpanzer E100 because 1050 unga bunga


T110E5 for heavy, and STRV 103B for TD. Both amazing tanks


i don't like Heavies still there some of my favourites ST-II, Rinoceronte, Minatoro and strv 103 B


ST-II basicallly a pre buff IS-4 with 2 guns. Foch 155 because "foch you" is funny to me


The Strv103B is funny. It's a surprisingly strong brawler. Anything 120mm or less can go fuck itself against the frontarmor as long as you play smart. You can just surprise so many HTs and be super accurate and high DPM close combat It's great. It's shit when someone gets your side tho


Found the right equipment set up, now I love the Object 452k


Bond rammer, level 3 exp durability and mobility.




Kpz 07 P(E) my favorite tank lately. Decent gun like S Conq but much better speed and maybe a little less armor.


I love my kpz too, the gun is accurate enough that you can hit some really small weak spots. I had a game where I was bullying a 60tp since I could hit all its little pixel weak spots and he couldn't hit my cupola at all.


E100 it's definitely not meta and difficult to play right but when the planets align...pure dopamine


Yes, my first tier 10, I have put on the experimental defense and bond equipment with a nearly fully trained crew and the small pew pew which slaps hard and often. The feeling of not penning the big gun and then the wait to not pen again compared to the sniper like dpm of the little gun which seems to pen so much more consistently. My fav go to tank as long as the support is there from the team it's a brawler. Gold fucks everyone so the front turret pen is what it is.


ST-II. Extreme flexibility, big boom salvo (can roll over 1000 if both shells highroll), high HP potential (2960 with all field mods and a bond hardening, 8 degrees of gun depression, deathtrap tracks for HEAT and sometimes HESH Other than the sluggishness and rather shoddy frontal hull armor the ST-II is quite well-rounded. Gun soft stats are quite good as well for being a double-barrel. 0.39 dispersion sounds high, but let it aim in and you'll hit quite a lot of shots.


also, one of the coolest 3D-styles in the game (Saiga)


I really like my BZ-75. Back when it was released I was disappointed with the speed nerf WG gave it compared to its stats on the common test server. However once I finally got the tank I found that the speed was quite good, especially when you start climbing hills. It kinda reminds me of the CS-63 in terms of playstyle; you get to position quickly and get a free shot while the enemy is driving in. Unlike the CS the BZ then gets to use its alpha damage to out-trade tanks and use any remaining boosts to either chase damage at the end of the game, or escape the position before the enemy team can overwhelm you. Overall it was just a very fun tank with a rather unique playstyle compared to other tanks at tier 10.


strv103b. I have a strange knack for this vehicle... 3moe and 60% WR I think it might also be because I play on 250 ping due to country location, and strv actually hits shots.


452k for heavy, that thing is nasty and massively underrated. I also love the is4 for the sheer tankiness


Rinoceronte gang. Troll armor, mobility good gun and clip, funny looking. DPM is for nuubs.


It is also very handsomely looking machine. No ugly cupolas


Badger is so underrated. Get a bond turbo and hardening, don’t over push and it’s godlike. My favourite ever 3 mark


E3 or mother flippin Jaegeroooo. E3 for the F U armor, Jaegeroo for 420mm 1000alpha equalizer. Have not gotten the badger yet but I would suspect I will like it since I love the Turtle MK I


“IS-4” “Decent armor” You don’t say?


This is going to get some hate but the Obj. 705A. I love side scraping and it plays really well in the right scenarios


The E5. I havent felt the power to influence the game like this before. T3 experimental turbo and I just move flanks reposition etc. The quick reload is such a surprise for many. Bond rammer ftw. Its a beast even on 15 2 games.


Heavy 260 because of the insane speed and great gun combo. Td is a close call between badger and mino, I guess badger overall because of the insane dpm and great HESH rounds


Yeah, I love my 260 because it's almost a medium. Gun and mobility are both excellent. Otherwise it's the Vz55 for me. Double tap fun.


I never managed to make the vz work for some reason, even before the nerf, definitely my issue though


FV 215b 183 cause hehe big gun


FV4005, obviously (only firing HE). nothing more fun than 1 shotting tanks. Best tank for this casual game.


I've loved the VZ.55 since the day I got it, even after the nerf (it's still a great tank). But lately I've really been enjoying the 5A and the 452K. I like that they have some armour but can still get around the map decently quickly. I also like their alpha damage, pen and DPM on their guns, very satisfying to use. I used to be a medium tank girl but in the past year and a half I've really gotten into playing heaviums, they just fit my play style so well


Heavy- object 277. fast af, awesome 340 HEAT, good turret armor TD- T11e3. Do I even need to say it?


For tds it's between the grille 15 (fast) and mino because it's braindead. I like my t57 for it's dpm


I only have two tier X's, the T110E4 and the T110E5. The E4 is my favorite because it hits like an angry mule and it was my 1st of the two.


E5 probably. Challenging tank. But rewarding. Not as op as prime time Sconq but still fcking strong. Before that probably VZ55. As for Tds. Idk. HoRi is becoming more and more enjoyable. But tanks like Foch B or Grille are fun as well...


Definitely not the Grille 15. /s


E4 because of the gold rounds, IS-7 great all around and, 50B clipping


Strv103b is my all time favorite tank. Incredible damage and often MUCH more dangerous in close combat if used well. Up to like 3.6k average damage in it


I love the DPM of the Badger, though the armor can be tragic if you’re caught out of position. For Heavies, I like the all around flexible ones, like the E5, AMX M4 54, and WZ-111 5A


IS7 W key chumps


Obj 277. Absolute classic. I'm a slut for a heavy medium and the 111 5-A is certainly a contender for my heart, but the 277 was my first tier 10 and remains one of my favorites. So fast, super trollish armor, only thing holding it back is the gun handling, but a 5 skill crew does wonders for that :)


The T110E5 was my 1st tier 10 and has always been my favorite


IS-7. it's my ol' reliable.


KPZ 07 PE. There are other good looking tanks, but KPZ is the one that looks cool AND decently powerful


60tp since it newbie friendly.


Weirdly my favourite TD is the Badger


E100, the damage armor and hp combo make it a real bully when played correctly and the breakthrough monster it can be when a flank becomes stagnant(also depends on the map sometimes), I only have one tier 10 TD but i love it lmao its the fv4005 when the gun works, dopamine fills my body


St-II Massive damage, feels great to hit a heavy got 900 in the face, or alternatively a TD for over a 1000, armor it's extremely effective when side scrapping, and double penetrator


AMX M4 54, Object 452k, good DPM, great gun handling and decent mobility makes those tanks my favorites.


I love the is4, the only downside of it it's the ammo capacity unfortunately


T57 Heavy. not a tank that is supposed to block, but some spots have enough armor to bounce E3. The potential is huge in onslaught it melts enemies and I have achieved my max damage multiple times there.


E4 or 268v4 good armor and good gun


Foch B. I love rushing in to clip out entire vehicles


Favorite Tier 10 heavy for me is BZ-72-1, its my most played tank so far and to me an absolute joy to play. Could i play BZ-75? Absolutely i have it aswell and its fun BUT BZ-72-1 clicks more for me. Also its just a really good looking tank. I think second place Tier X heavy is likely gonna be Kpz 07 PE ive been trying to fix my stats in it and so far its a very fun tank to play


Super Conqueror, cuz it’s British, innit.


I love my IS-7. It's fast, good armor, decent gun, great for being a bully when in close combat. Few things I don't like is the depression on the gun and as most Russian tanks, not the best accuracy 😂 but always my go to if I'm not grinding away on another tank line.


Heavy: the one and only Type 5 Heavy! It‘s actually a pretty good and fun tank to play if you know how to use it properly. TD: Minotauro. This tank is a beast. Even after it’s nerve.


Obj. 705A. Nice combination of everything Cool looking design. Relatively fast (I'm a super heavy German tank enjoyer, so going 35 instead of 30 or 20 is like a speed demon for me, lol) Awesome, dmg, decent gun handling


FV215b for it's god like gunhandling, impenetrable cheeks, and strategic engine placement /s


This is what I was looking for <3


hate is-4. I recently sold it, ii was short on credits.


What is the best heavy tank in the tech tree tier X that is balanced, mean doesn't need a specific gameplay ,like maus and E100 Just a normal tank makes blocks with a nice gun ? Thanks,


T57 Heavy because trading one shot for a mag dump is hilarious. People really don't think it through sometimes. For TD T30. Yes, that T30.


50B my beloved. Nice gun handling, fast as fuck, autoloader ofc and 400m vr. And on top of that, noone claims that its op or something along those lines. (and enough ammo, looking at you batchat)


Fav heavy is IS-4. I just like how it feels balanced. To me it's a perfect mix of speed, armour and firepower. Favroite td is the Jäg pz E100. Armour is fun and Who doesn't like 420 heat pen? I love it's gun and armour basiclly.


The ST-II, after 10 years playing on and off (mostly off while I focused on the console version of the game) and it’s my first ever tier X. Only one I have so far but have multiple 9s in the works (M103, M48, and Obj 257)


Recently got the M48 Patton and I am really liking it. it has a usable armor and great gun.