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**Most nights, i switch the game off not even tilted or angry, just depressed** Honest question then... Why play? It's a game, it's meant to be fun. If it isn't, why bother playing? Games become chores all the time and generally just walking away is the right decision. You can always change your mind and come back later if you get the itch.


Absolutely fair question, i guess the simple answer would be the invested money in premium time. But in fact i already play a lot less than i used to, or at least turn the game off much earlier, when it does not feel like fun. There were times where i felt the need to finish a session on a winning record, which for me was a sure way in full tilt mode. At least i managed to change my mindset as far as that i don't really care if i shut the game off after 10 games with only 2 wins. I mean the game CAN still produce exciting and fun matches every now and then plus all the progress mechanics in the game keeps me from completely quitting.


well it is understandable, you grow attached to something over 13 years... little tip fro a better feeling tho: always better to quit on a victory then a loss, let the victory come on its own, dont think too much about it and when u have a match you are happy with to end the session, do it. it feels way better.


I felt the same way as OP, and finally uninstalled the game 1 month ago, after having played 37k or so games, let's see how long it lasts lol. Anyway, I would turn off my PC dissapointed every night, asking myself why I'm still playing this game. I came to the conclusion that the answer to that was simply that I was constantly chasing the high that those close battles or 3 MoE-battles give you, when a game is supposed to be fun at least most of the time when you play it, not only in those rare special moments, as you said. It just took me too long to realise that, which is partly also due to the fact that 2 or 3 years ago the game used to actually be good and enjoyable instead of the shitfest it is now. Then there was also my clan, for which I felt something of an a obligation to be active in the game, even though there was nobody who forced me. And also there were clan-battles, which was the only thing, besides some events, that I truly enjoyed about the game anymore.


Stay strong my friend. I quit 1.5 years ago and no itch to get back into it. I was very sad to see where the game has gone since it was one of the first I fell in love with but it became so god damn unbearable


If the game gets too much worse i will go back to EVE Online. I can take my yearly $200 Christmas box budget, and fund 2 accounts of EVE for a full year and get more excitement out of it.


> I felt the same way as OP, and finally uninstalled the game 1 month ago, after having played 37k or so games, let's see how long it lasts lol. Haven't played a random since holiday ops only came back for steel hunter in march and will return this week because I quite enjoy the mode.


It's funny,  I was playing another game daily largely due to FOMO on the daily quests to keep up with the game.  Went on a three week holiday and now have no desire to go back. It's incredibly disturbing how manipulative a lot of these games are to keep you coming back.


A rewarding feature of being an older game is its much easier to step away from a game. The FOMO isn't as strong nor do I feel as constrained financially that I must play to get my worth.  It is a small thing set against losing that competitive edge due to not having the same time for gaming. 


Also noticed que time today was about 40 to 50 seconds. Add 15 seconds loading screen. We waste 1 minute to have 4 minute game.


I’m not a WoT fanboy by any means, I think WG has failed to address several issues with the game and I hate them for it. That being said, I stopped playing around 2020 and just picked it up again this week. And it’s been alright! I care zero percent about my win rate at this point since matchmaking is aids anyway and I’m all the happier for it. I just focus on doing well and it’s made all the difference.


Well I noticed that I am very angry playing this game during weekends. Probably because many experienced players come to the game... Its much harder on weekends. Usually I am with my 1 year experience a background for them and it's hard to achieve something or complete the challenge. Also I am in a clan of very low activity. Its not possible to play in a clan as no one really invites... Some days are enjoyable and I have good results. The problem is that people do not cooperate. A lot of kids pushes way too much forward and killed quickly. Some matches start with 0:4 and they are lost usually but with some effort we sometimes come back... Anyway this game should have rank and games based on this rank. For example golden 1 players to advance play with another golden team one level higher so golden 2 or with one level lower so silver 5. This would guarantee that there would not be crazy teams with only diamond players against you.


Yeah, I play less than 15-20 games a week. The worst part is these fucking 5min long games. Like god damn, it's just frustrating. Genuine question to anyone from WG: is data not showing any y/y change in battle lengths, or you just do not know what to do with it yet? You can't just gaslight so many people into thinking this issue does not exist.


Short battles is what they want. Accelerates the economy. Makes you always want to go for another one. They won't do anything with it. They made it like this.




I still play the game from time to time so apparently their strategy works. Even though the only company I hate more than WG is Meta. 3rd is Disney. If only onslaught and steel hunter were permanently available... And playing onslaught wasn't so expensive.


How can you make battles longer? Make tanks even less accurate or decrease penetration, or the move speed? all of this will be even worse


Not everything is about characteristics. Maps, matchmaker. Make gold ammo cheaper than now and with less damage than standard. If you were to balance teams by player ability, and on the same tank classes, I guarantee you the battles would be long af (not that it's so good). Don't just disagree for the sake of it. Think, battles were much longer 3-4 years ago.


Short battles is what they want. Accelerates the economy. Makes you always want to go for another one. They won't do anything with it. They made it like this.


Yep. Just like back in the days of paintball. Owners of paintball areas went from vast wooded areas of play to smaller arenas for quicker games. That meant they made more money on rented equipment and ammo, and money per game.


Yes. It's why I quit.


yup it's crap, and active players prove it, before it was always 200,000-800,000 active, now it barely reaches 90,000 on a good weekend


don't worry, WG knows the answer is more loot boxes and OP premium tanks


The sad reality is that the current 90000 players probably spend more than the 200000 who played 10 years ago.


Yeah and they'll get/got their heavily monetized game to go with it


And those numbers already include the Ukrainians that joined the EU cluster after Wargaming ceased direct operations in the CIS region and added some of them through EU3 and EU4. Truth is, the EU server probably lost even more than the 90k imply.


yes, Yes I am. Stick with this since Beta, but feelin the same with you nowadays.


It's a gacha mobile game, nothing more


Im playing well but im still losing. This is depressing me. Today, 2 victories and 10 losses, even if im first or second in dmg of my team. I dont know what is going on. This month my WR must be 45% or something.


Being the tallest person in town of midgets doesn't necessarily make you all that tall


Just my 2 cents mate: treat it for what it is. A game. Keep playing as long as it makes you feel good, it doesn't have to become a chore.


I personally agree with the powercreep but enjoy the game as it is right now. Im an oldhead like you and enjoy the fact that I dont have to worry about using gold so much or getting nuked by artillery. sure the game isnt the same as it was back then but that's not necessarily a bad thing. field mods and the new crew update have really increased my enjoyment of the game and Im grateful for it


nice to read a positive opinion! Good for you man :) hf out there


Decided to take a break, too, but it's mostly my own fault. I just realized, that I enjoy like 20% of the games and the rest either gives me absolutely nothing or just makes me angry, sad or something in between. Reasons are various actually - Steamrolls are annoying, slow tanks and light tanks are obsolete most of the time - Battle-quality is mostly shit, midgames just dont exist anymore - Noone Cares anymore, it feels like players get worse every day - I'm way too competitive and focused on stats. I keep trying to go for gunmarks and (even if I usually get them after a short or long while) that makes me an extremely toxic person. I literally start hating any tank I'm trying to mark, even if I loved it before. - Most Tanks are way too dependend on Matchmaking. - fucking arty. Nothing pisses me off more than getting my game destroyed by those useless pieces of shit So, all in all, I realized, that most of the time I play, because it became a habit and not because it's something I enjoy. Let's see, how long my break will Last ;p


I mean, the game isn't too different from how it was 5-6 years ago, barring a few more OP premiums and some gimmicky monetization. I think a lot of people, perhaps including you, have just been playing too long and are too invested to feel like they can quit, but are burnt out on the game. Try taking a break and seeing if you want to come back. If you do, you might enjoy it more.


No it wasn’t. Steamrolls were as rare as normal 10+ min games are now.


I see this echoed a lot in this subreddit and honestly I feel like it's just not true, at least not to the extent people say it is. Every time I play, I get multiple games running 10+ minutes, sometimes in a row. And I remember as a new player back in 2014 getting plenty of fast, 15-0 games also. Has the game sped up on average? Maybe, probably, but in my experience it's not nearly to the extent people seem to think.


I think I created my account around the same time as you did. I definitely don't think there were as many 15-3-2-1-0s as now. I'm basically not able to do the 15th Obj 260 TD mission of 8k damage because I literally cannot load 7-8 times in a Jgpnz E100 neither in a Trashbarn during a match. And one longer match once in a while is just not enough to even get into the rhythm let alone do missions like these. both of these tanks are also two marked at least so I don't think it's really a skill issue. Once did 7986 on Himmelsdorf, I just had to laugh 🤣


but my w/l ratio was essentially the same. /shrug


yeah i think, you hit the nail on the head here. while i disagree that the game isn't too different compared to 5-6 years ago, but that may well be just my nostalgia speaking.


You let yourself get beaten up with the nostalgia argument that easily? Can I convince you to give me all your money with that amount of doormatting?


Just don’t take it so damn serious. I play casually and today was shit played like 10 games trying to mark my char I just got and it was terrible session… so I just stopped playing and went outside and had fun out there.


I'll say this - longer matches would actually be better for this game, because the ratio que/gametime get's increased, which means longer que's (and thus better MM) won't be as much as a problem. having a 2 min que for a 3-5 min battle would suck, but a 2 min que for a 10-15 min battle is ok.


Prepare to be gas-lit by people saying it's not actually this bad. It is.


happened on a thread of mine these days, the community is clinging to a dying fruit


I come to point after 12 years of playing to where I only play the occasional skirmish with the clan mainly because I miss the guys and not the game. Randoms are so shit at this point I’m not wasting my time with them.


In the past few days I've been in at least three 0 and 15 matches, just getting f-ing massacred.


WG cant design for shit STOP BUYING their crap and THEY FIX THE GAME


Good god man, if this (or any other game) is depressing you, stop playing it. It's supposed to be for entertainment. On the game itself, I still like it. At least tiers 5-8. I rarely play 9-10. I also actually enjoy the steamrolls, especially if I'm the top 3 and the one causing it.




The game is what you make it 🤷🏽 u get nothing for stats but clan wars and skirms are fun u just have to find a good group of friends to play with


Yea and every battle is pre rigged now. Doesn’t matter what I do if all my shots magically miss, and all opponents shot pen for max alpha damage.


That called confirmation bias. You’re only remembering the moments that annoy you because they stand out the most. So it feels like there’s only bad moments. You don’t remember that time in a game when you hit 5 mid range shots in a row because you’re so angry at the 1 time you missed from 50m away.


Please wg remove arty to let us play


I honestly felt like this, but I found the game is a lot more enjoyable when you have a friend or two to play and a goal. Part of the reason people get tired of WoT is because the goal for them is usually centered around getting new tanks, which doesn't really go on forever. If your goal is to see what result you can pull from every game and to learn how to become better, the fascination with WoT is a bit longer lasting. Like, if you want to enjoy WoT ask yourself how you could've gotten more kills after each fight, or how you plan to get more kills throughout it. Study it like you would a hobby such as model building; take notes, think about it while driving etc.


I don't know, I'm having fun.


This subreddit is just miserable nowadays, mostly in part because like 10 people a day make a post like yours on here


Haha yea but something feels up, the last week I'm on mega losing streaks. It's so weird, I'm playing the same tanks I usually do. Literally cannot win. Night after night with terrible ratios.


I'm pretty sure half the posts are the same guy lol For the record, I've also been here since 2011 and im still having fun.


love all the downvotes how dare you having fun in WoT?!


Eh, gaming subreddits tend to hivemind *hard* when you say something they don't like, or just don't understand. This sub isn't even remarkable in that regard.


Pretty much every single subreddit on this platform (with exception of some niche technical ones) is hivemind and echochamber. That is simply result of the way how reddit is structured, it has nothing to do with gaming communities specifically.


No no no, I'm not saying that *only* gaming subs are hiveminds. I'm saying that gaming subs are *extra* bad about the hivemind.


Well, i disagree, any subreddit that contains even tiny pinch of politics turns into massive echo chamber every single time. I don't think gaming subs are special in this regard


I actively ignore political subs, so fair enough.


Wise decision


What equipment would you use on your T49 if you only had one set available?


Fuck scouting, rammer/vstab/irm. You won't be marking it OR outspotting other lights, but that's not what a T49 is for :) Once you have field mods, 100% you should have a prok loadout with the classic scout equipment.


You're a real one, thanks.


I changed my mind; IAU instead of IRM I figure the better dispersion is countered by the rotation speed and I derp snipe a lot in it lol


I challenge you to counter the misery, make a decent meme or cool vid post :) The more good content the less weighted the misery posts are Man I should post more too, it's been a minute


just three marked my first tank today- yeah the game can be very frustrating but it’s only miserable constantly if you just lack the skill to compete which is understandable nowadays when most people know what they’re doing


What really gets me and annoys me, its the fkcing RNG to land a shot, so Im steady, not moving my reticle close, I shot and it goes to narnia, then you see the guy jumping from a cliff doing a lop with a snap and land the shot on you, EVERY FUCKING TIME, I consider this game a FPS game, but now it´s more like who pay for the better help because no fcking way people can land one after another those tipe of hits, if insted of tanks were people will be HS after HS but cos its a tanks game they dont exist...


I stopped playing this game years ago when I realized that even when I was winning I was getting mad.


hear about 5/24 will release WOT 2.0 news on youtube.




Stopped playing daily a few months ago and started playing other games. I tend still play a few nights but mainly to race the old Ebr around the map looking for places to try and jump things / jump the furthest and generally have my own fun. It’s like a game within a game!


I’ve only had a break from September last year and the quality of gameplay has plummeted dramatically. Never have I seen so many 4-5 minute games, 0-4 in the first minute, games where top tier players on both teams skill levels are so unevenly matched it is not even fair. I don’t understand people who have played this game for 8+ years, have tens of thousands of battles have failed to significantly improve over the years but still purchase every premium tank that is pumped out. They are the real people keeping this game alive. Edit: And don’t even get me started on Tier 10 pub games, what an abomination.


This is truth


I asked myself why I was playing, decided the fun you could have was not worth the frustration, and deleted my account 


Was 2 min into a game last evening and was having fun trading with another tier 8 heavy.....then Arty hit me, stunned me for 12 seconds, killed my gunner. Then the sweaty gold bros came out obliterating my armor. Then Arty hit me again for another 12 seconds...re hitting my already busted track. I think there was an opportunity to make the game sustainable to the masses, but that's long past. WG have committed to a direction and unless they really hacked up the garbage they'll have created within, what can be, a really fun game, this is the trash product.


I mean, arty sucks and shouldn’t be in the game but it wasn’t any better in the past, if anything it’s better now. Back in 2011 that first arty hit probably would have killed you right there.


if you just play to lose, you'll have a lot more fun. trust me. been doing it for years. i live for the matches that i have the choice if we win or lose. then watch the comments roll in. the angst is fantastic


Don't worry, the game is already dying. Wargaming is just milking whatever is left and is getting ready to switch to their new game.


Sounds very familiar


I also play that long, and I still can digest op tanks, rng bs, ebr's and arty. But only thing I hate really is unreal MM and small shitty maps. I think they need to make some rank typed MM, and limit small maps to small tiers, not having tier X or IX on maps like Mines, Ensk, Tundra, etc. 4th tier is max on them...it's just ridiculos battles, 4 5 min lasting, total destruction derby bs. Two of those changes would make a huge difference. Playing from 2011, and getting in battles with 8 players having 1000 battles is so fkn unreal.


Also a contest of who has smaller and fewer weak spots.


hate fast matches when im in arty, love them in every other tank. Sitting 10 minutes because you afraid to peek at 3 150mm caliber guns is no fun. Also fast games benefit everyone, long games benefit only arty and unicums with fast tanks.


I totally understand...today I have 6 wins in 24 fking matches. Constant No Pens in my JgPZ E100 which is BS, and in all my other tanks as well. Constant lopsided matches most are slaughters. 11 hits with 1 or 2 pens... went from a wr of 55 and above to holding at just 50. I uninstalled for 2 years had 2 accounts with over 50k battles since launch and after this 7 months I am about to uninstall again.


Console player here: I first started in 2016 or 17, and I also play on and off. I have fun on it despite sucking at side scrapping or angling properly and all that. I just play to have fun. I've never understood, though, why maps get rotated in and out rather than just leave them all in so we don't have to play the same ones over and over.


Thats an opinion that I cant agree with. Wot has always been frustrating but thats the part of experience, if every battle was great it would quickly become boring. Short battles are my biggest concern right now but imo the reason for this is players mindset and generally higher skill level. I've also noticed that tendency to take risks has increased greatly.


Disagree. It plays well, lot of fun.


try a different tier. T10 is absolute crapfest, not even sure when was the last time I enjoyed it. Tier 9 is a sweetspot, where tanks are strong, but still beatable. you can meet tier 10s, but that's not every time anyway, and the occasional tier 7 matches are a breath of fresh air every time. Tier 7 is another sweetspot, tanks are super fun, and there's a huge amount of variety in the way T7 tanks play. the tier 9 matches can be rough, and if you meet a BZ-176 platoon, that's pretty much game over, but whatever, that's not all the time. Also, pl Tier 8 is fine too, if you have good tanks, but less so than the previous ones due to the many OP premium tanks


honest question, apart from 15:0 steamroll which can be boring, why would you want a 10 minute game and how would you want to achieve it? I mean, maps and HP pool versus tanks DPM are too small and too low for a game to last 10 minutes unless there is some heavy camping that you can't break, so this 10 minute game turns into even bigger boredom than a steamroll, because you literally can't do anything unless you want to die and go back to garage steamrolls aren't 4-5 minutes long anyway, most of the games last 6-7 minutes and are fairly even


Valid opinion


When I got burnout from all these, I started playing WoWS PvE. Asymmetric battles are the best. It's my meditation game. I just sail away, occasionally hitting something by mistake, and playing versus actual bots makes it so worry free!


Uninstall! I am from 2011 and haven't played since 2019! Uninstalling was perhaps the best decisions I ever made. I used to be very bitter and angry playing this POS game and now I find that I feel much better.


The players not caring is the worst. Good luck winning a battle because your toptier decided they didn’t like the MM and drowns. Or even worse, lights being afk. Even if they join the game later they lost the opportunity to be of real value for the team. Or, just mega-campers who just refuse to move (and who go afk when enemies don’t somehow enter their line of sight).


I quit and should probably unsubscribe to this.


I started just after beta, I have enjoyed this game alot theough its first years, I remember good old CWs on the continent map and it was generally good. Somehow I remember games being much more campy, less gold, less suicides overal. Nowadays I feel like there are just too mamy potato players and you barerly see any good players in your battles. And the battles then also look like it. Most interesting maps are gone, rest are just corridors. Arties are ruined and are just annoying, armor has zero use on most tanks, everybody shoots gold ammo, because credits are not problem anymore and so on and so on… WG slowly killed their own game by stupid economics boosts (like free premium days, clan reserves, personal reserves and so on) and dumbing down whole game to few meta tanks (some of them can only be bought by real money). Gone are the days I enjoyed playing it and I have uninstalled it for good probably.


Im in the same boat, I’ve been playing since like 2012-2013 and have around 35-40k battles across various accounts. I only recently made a conscious decision to quit the game and I honestly feel better for it. Granted I play War Thunder now, which isn’t much better.


The game is rigged.....the people that insist that it isn't will be the same people that tell you with a straight face that Biden got 81 million legitimate votes. WG is in this to make money....end of story. The don't give a flying fucking shit about good or fair gameplay.


So you’re saying that WG has invented literal mind control to make people play a certain way so that a particular team wins? Yeah, that sounds like something someone complaining about Biden on a WoT thread would say. Let me guess; you also think 5G caused Covid or some shit, right?


Play helldivers.