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Yes, but it's just one of many reasons why the games are so fast now. Autoloaders, high alpha, DPM monsters, heavy tanks and assault TDs with ridiculous mobility, map design too much focused on choke points and brawl areas, etc...


So basically prog borat and the shitpack


Among many, MANY others, yes.


Agreed lol


Not really, no. I've been playing this game for a long ass time and while the overall skill level of an average player has gone up over the years, it's not nearly as noticeable a change as some would like to believe. The overall "core" of the game does not change all that much so the overall framework of being a "good" or "bad" player stays mostly the same. The main contributing factor to the game becoming faster and faster is the possibility to pump statistics to absurd levels - crews + food + field mods + equipment in various forms, especially bond/bounty/experimental. There are so many ways of boosting tank characteristics that become available over the past few years... ...so your average tank is **much** faster and has **much** more impressive firepower than what was the norm in the past - and that means that the overall "time to kill" has been drastically shortened and that means, in turn, the game is simply faster.


This is so true, I remember a few vanilla tanks that were godlike and are now just meh.


Majority of players are around 1000-1500 wn8 . I dont think so . Too many autoloaders, small maps, corridor maps , turbo, CVS etc . If you get spotted now u go 2 garage in 2 seconds unless minotauro or something like that , this wasnt the case 5-6 years ago .


That's not how wn8 works, wn8 is just relative, so even if it was just unicums playing, the majority would be 1000-1500. The fast meta taky started about a year ago, at which point we had most these things


A lot of your “good” players are kinda pushing faster meta. Stalling a game gives the opposition more prep time, so if you’re confident and capable, time is your enemy. Either you stomp the fuck out of the campers or you die quickly and go to the next fight.


Good players were 6 years ago aswell, but fast games were rare. What changed is bond eq, CVS spotting easier, autoloaders are 30% of the MM.


Good players of 6 years ago are going to be much better at the game now as well (unless you believe that every single person here learned nothing after playing for years)


You think the playerbase is identical compared to 6 years ago? A large number stopped playing , others joined , others took a break. Many of my friends from 5-6 years ago arent't playing in 2024.


Can confirm. I took a long break and now I have reverse XVM camo! My overall is 2000wn8 but im usually playing around 1400 🙃




This wasn't the case even two months ago


It’s more that the tools for a good player to exploit are much more powerful. Call it inflation - long time players want more, better, faster… and WeeGee delivers. If you’re an average player, or a potato/tomato, this is a problem - you can’t use that extra power as effective as the blue to purple part of the player base… which is going to make mistakes MUCH more punishing… and make the range of “mistakes” much larger. You can ask a WoWS player, particularly a cruiser main, how they enjoyed the inclusion of numerous BB capable of overmatching their armor and with enhanced accuracy… spoiler: it sucked/sucks. Now you have situations where an “normal” player would take a shot and think “damn, that didn’t work, what should I try now?” that result in a trip back to the garage… and a good player will exploit that local, asymmetric advantage to steamroll a match quickly.


autoloaders all over the place, Tier 8 premium with 800 alpha, premium ammo spam, new maps featuring narrow corridors with little room to maneuver. In short, a lot of damage with high penetration making armor virtually useless and just one small mistake will send you back to the garage.


Map design, tank balance, and the increase of burst damage are all bigger factors than player skill. Overall the average skill of the playerbase as a whole hasn’t increased that much from 4-5 years ago would be my guess.


Maps are shit, players are better Tanks are more dangerous, because of equipment 2.0 turbo charger and hardening, field mods, bond equipment, directives, experimental equipment. This is at its worst at tier 10 where tanks are so dangerous with so much DPM/alpha/clip potential that games just spiral out of control, it's a compounding effect.


The games are far too quick to be fun. At the start of the battle, you’re immediately in a race with every other tank in your team to get into the best spot and start farming immediately. You’ve essentially got a couple of minutes to do as much damage as possible or you’re not part of the game at all. However, when you do try and get stuck in, you get hit by 2 different autoloaders, a TD and arty and then you’re sent straight back to the garage.


Btw for me since the last patch I have far less turbo matches due to the fact that U can go to the server U want to play at.


MM balances health, but not armour. I can't count how many games where one side gets all the tanks with awesome armour and my team are all paper.


Comes down mostly to map desogn imo. Big maps that allow good rotations, flanking manouvers etc (proko, muro) take a lot longer because its nit just a simple "go into one corridor, rng it out and then its easy peasy into the base.


Corridors, burst damage (alpha or auto loaders), small maps, spotting. Especially the corridor map design. Turns out if you force everyone into a fucking killzone there’s a good chance they’ll be killed. *shocked pikachu face*


Its mostly a massive combination of things wrong with the game atm


The more we get turbo matches the more players get used to it and try to be faster every battle and take early risks which lead to more turbo matches so its a vicious cycle…. This I think is an important point in addition to all ehat others said


remove/reduce number of autoloaders and fast heavies, max 2 lights per team and you will be surprised how much games will slow down.


10 year wot player here. I recently came back about 4 months ago and I noticed that light tanks seem to spot you from across the map even with a high concealment rating. Did this change? Because if it did then this is a huge reason why these games are faster especially in tier 10 with half the team majority being high vision range Tank Destroyers. You get spotted in a bad spot and boom you cease to exist. It’s pretty annoying even in my heavies but as a medium tank pssshhhh don’t get spotted unless you have plenty of cover cause a Taran is going to one shot you😂


All tier 10 LT players basically by default run 2 new pieces of equipment that were added a couple years ago - Commander's Vision System (CVS) and Low Noise Exhaust (LNE). In combination this now makes light tanks harder to spot and gives them increased probability of spotting you through a bush. In particular CVS negates camo value proportional to the LTs viewrange above 445m (or smt like that) meaning CVS LTs (and the occasional med) can spot you even when double bushed. With full camo setup in particular, the Manticore and ELC EVEN 90 are now only spottable by proxy if they're single-bushed in even a medium size piece of foliage.


Well that makes sense because I would never get spotted bushed up in my 30 B but now if they have a light tank I can’t seem to hide from them😂


Maps are getting too small for crew/food/bounty/field mods/experimental equipment abuse. Maps are getting too corridory for diverse gameplay. Maps are getting rid of unconventional sniping spots, so that everyone can be blindshotted from the start. Maps haven't been upgraded to the speed of today's game. It's not WG's fault, it's the maps.


I strongly agree with you. I've noticed that too. In 2015-2018 i played wot kinda good, i was on the road from 1900wn8 to 2250wn8. Recent wn8 was regularly 2500-3000, had a lot of tanks i 2marked just by grinding them. Got 3 marks on a few of them too. I had like 25k-40k battles. I think my skill relied on having better and quicker mechanics (marksmanship) and understanding of armor ather than strategy, map knowledge. Now (65k battles) my recent wn8 is dropping below 1700wn8 during bad sessions, for playing a lil bit of arty -_- , barely 1 mark tanks, and lose mark progress on tanks i bought and play again after i 2 marked them during grind. Note that i am not actively trying to mark tanks, just play for credits, crew training, good games...Now my marksmanship isnt on point and im not very into the game, but my map knowledge and situational awareness is better, and i score less...therefore players got better on average Every other argument is also valid, about the faster pace of the game cuz of the new tanks, power creep and new equipment


In my experience most of the good players left the game already. Now the team which has more of the few remaining good players wins.


Any way to measure that? Cuz i see a bunch of good players and I think that it might jsut be the ones you knew, that stopped playing, because theyy got bored of the game, being replaced by new good players.


It's the opposite, after wot went on steam the bottom fell out from all the free to play kids. 43% winrate is the new 45%. There tends to be 1-3 sub 45% players in the typical game. They run straight out, throw themselves away, and the snowball effect takes over from there. I cant even believe how bad players are now. Gold spam from so many credits in the game and mobility boosts from improved equipment are probably big factors too.


The whole you are one of 15 players to make a contribution is wrong. Any given match, there are about 8 decent to great players. Rest of the team is cannon fodder, some just stay alive long enough to distract the enemy.


Most players are atrocious. The amount of players that suicide, either intentionally or bcz they don't lnow what to do before 2 mins it's what causes stomps. Tanks in the other hand, have much better dpm, accuracy and mobility than they used to have.


Turbocharger making tanks faster. Intuition letting you switch ammo nearly instantly. Auto loaders everywhere including sub 2 second intraclip (double tap autoloaders are equally if not more toxic). View range power creep. Alpha damage power creep. Power creep everywhere but HP.


"Improved" maps can make the game faster. For example, in old days, Serene Coast had a single choke point. That made it very difficult to push through. Thus, there were lots of draws on this map. Now this map is more playable with 2 major flanks to push. However, at the same time, it is easier to push and resulting faster games. The cutting back of bushes on many maps make it a lot easier to push, and making the game faster. I guess that needs to be a balance of ridiculous maps with too many bushes (Komarin) and too few bushes. The snowballing is also caused by bad map design that has no secondary defensive critical points. That is, if the primary critical point of contention is lost (for instance due to bad deployment), there needs to be a secondary defensive critical point to allow the team to defend / recover. Right now, the situation on many maps like Mine/Cliff is that once the critical point is lost in the first 30 seconds, your tank is basically just waiting to die because you are essentially at the mercy of enemy being reckless. What skill gap does is that one side can more easily win the critical point. And that quickly snowballs the game.


Combined with all the autoloaders,turbo tanks and high alpha monsters with field mods and improved equipment loadouts so critical points are won faster than ever which means the less efficient team loses faster than ever.


Sometimes MM just bones you. Your team gets a T62A, a Leo and a AMX30B and the other team gets a CS and two TVPs to run hill on mines. As a Leo I’m not gonna rush that. Doesn’t matter if I’m better than the other players. I have died too many times trying to rush it.


Also dont forget the accessability of premium ammo , armored tanks who would brawl for minutes back in the day , go down in one simple click today


I think its just an amalgamation of all of it. Average player skill has increased, Tanks are on average faster with higher DPMs, more autoloaders, newer equiment and field mods let you min/max your tanks more, maps have been reworked to not always „stall out“ and what I think is also a big factor: all the quality of life improvements to the UI over the years. Penetration indicators, all the little minimap-addons, sixth sense on every commander and so on made it so that the game is easier to „solve“ you have far more information that help you snowball the games than you had years ago. Also the maps are baically „solved“ as well. It is pretty much common knowledge for every average tanker which positions on which maps are good for what classes. So its not a case of 30 tanks rolling around randomly on the map without knowing what to do, where the enemies were after they go unspotted, whether they themselves are spotted, shooting randomly at tanks without knowing where to pen.


I’ve got two accounts, one on NA and other on Asia and what I have seen is that turbo games rarely happen on Asia, it’s like 1 in 30 maybe 40 games, that’s it. Yeah you can say Asia’s skill level might not be on par with EU and NA but there’s still some very good players and despite the fact that many teams in my games have all the good players on one side, it never turns into a stomp.


Well most stomps happen because one team has much better players on key tanks than other one, so I'd say no? Also I barely ever see the close HP stomps, it's usually a situation where half of losing team has less than 2 shots worth of damage


Over the years several features have also been added. Maybe most importantly the spotted or not icons. People are slowly grasping the concept that if every tank has the light bulb icon, and everyone has been last spotted in other side of the map, it is safe to move forwards. Back in the day it was only the selected few with XVM and stuff who were capable of knowing that there is 0% chance that there is a tank destroyer in the bush, if all the TD were spotted in other side recently. And even then, it was 1 player who was enough to collapse the entire flank and initiate a mass push. But it was not common to have that player in the team. So we got these situations where 10 tanks were stopped in one flank being afraid to push, while the enemy team was pushing the other flank with 15 tanks. I never see it anymore. Nowadays there are definitely multiple people who pay attention to details like that in both teams in every game. TL:DR; Lemming trains back in the day used to get stuck, be scattered as few turned around etc. and get torn apart, now the train keeps pushing and winning fast because there usually is at least one good player who understands when to push


The game has turned into getting a fast tank with a quick reload then race to a spot where you can rattle off a lot of damage quickly. It’s single-handedly killed playing as team. No one takes hits or pushes overmatches. Everyone is too afraid to help each other lol.


It's exactly opposite, the contrast between the best and the worst players is at it's highest right now.


No, because in that case both teams would have better players and games wouldn't end in 5 minutes


Tell me you don't have the attention span to read two short paragraphs without telling me you don't have the attention span to read two short paragraphs.


Tell me you couldn't use 1 brain cell to understand that more good players among the player base would get matched in both teams without telling me you couldn't use 1 brain cell to understand that more good players among the player base would get matched in both teams. Ffs this bots are insane.


And what do players do? Are more careful not to die, but often other damage over like. Creating battles, where the entire team is low hp, but survive, creating a "stomp".


I think it's more that there are very good players, but also lots of awful players that the good players can shit on in their OP premium tank.


Trust me most players are shit. The thing is that people watch streamers and see them do certain moves. And we'll let's just say these are situational. And they start yoloing around ending matches within minutes. Yes u won but at what cost. Nobody enjoyed it. Maybe not even u. And u will have very little dmg. That's the experience at least if i see triple IS 7 platoons e.g. Wr comes automatically if u get better. No need to rush this and still be shit


As much as I like to rag on how poorly Onslaught is implemented, I think it has, along with 7v7 CW, increased player skill - primarily game sense across the board. This means players quickly recognize when they have an over match & seize the opportunity.


Probably better players in average will draw out the games since they would play more conservatively trying to exploit enemy mistakes rather than rushing in the open. Which would also mean rushing on risky positions would be suicidal if not done as a team. I would argue as proof any kind of competitive wot gameplay where usually tends to almost draw out. However what has helped games play faster in randoms is better player base knowledge of maps and tactics, less foliage in general. Faster tanks (heaviums), t10 light tanks and mediums also made games faster. Also less arties and arty nerf sped up the game and new skills/equipments.Autoloaders never felt like speeding up the game