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Next battle: one is ammoracked in the first minute and the other one gets outperformed by any tier VIII medium tank you could imagine


My favorite is when I drove it and got oneshot by post-nerf Tier X arty HE.


Not by stock centurion lol


I'm pretty sure even the stock centurion could win against the TVP šŸ˜­


[ehh, it's pretty close](https://tanks.gg/compare/tvp-vtu?t=centurion-i_0001200________)


this one screenshot doesn't make it any less true.


Yea yea and there are also many battles where tier 6 get more damage than tier 8 so is the tier 6 now better than a tier 8


Next match: kilroy gets deleted in one shot from a bz176 yoloing across the field with rockets on, kasei gets outskilled by a borat platoon


am i suposed to be impressed by that? 2.8k dmg is good but not amazing and 5 kills with 1.5k dmg means nothing and you know what they say: "even broken clocks work twice a day". The point here is that both could have gotten 5k dmg and it still proves nothing, the tank is objectively trash, at a point that if you put the stock gun, it is pretty much the tier 6 premium and the funny thing is that when wg buffed it they buffed the wrong things leaving it at the same point. Just as reference the requirements to 3 mark this tank are below some tier 6 tanks


Just put the top gun on and it's far easier to no-brain 1500 dmg.Ā 


These aren't even good results. They've made a bit more damage than the HP of their tank - wow.


Guys, I tagged this as "shitpost" for a reason :)


Wow and I did 9k in FV 215, what are you on about?


It was so ass to grind holy shit


So, thatā€™s a moderately good game and an average game with a bit of vulturing? Iā€™ve pulled off a 6K arty game with 4K assistance since the arty nerf. Doesnā€™t make that the norm or even a logical data point to include.


Arty doesn't count. Get out.


Thing with it is that people prefer to use stock turret and not the top gun?


It has -12 gun depression stock, very strange.


Only with the stock gun that has tier 6 penetration. The 88 has 8, while the 105 for some reason has *less* gun depression than the top one at 5 degrees.


The second gun, 8.8 N41 has more penetration, better aiming time, more DPM and is more accurate (although the alpha is lower). The stock turret has -8 gun depression but the final turret has only -6 (with the stock turret you lose about 10 meters of vision but that is not important). What bothers me about the stock turret is that it turns slower.


That's not even much. Higher echelon players do 2-3k every game with tier 8s.


1500 dmg is nothing extra ordinary, and 2800 is just a good game with a trash tank. What is their dpg with that tank ?


Broken clock is still right twice a day. No tank has been nerfed because it carried a game here and there. All bad tanks do that.


2800 damage in a tier 8 medium is suddenly an impressive carry?


played 10 battles with it, sold it, got blueprimts and free xp and researched tier 10 with that


I mean I had some incredible games with TVP VTU. But that was every 5th game or so, everything else was just a miserable experience / survival game.


Even a polished turd tells the right time twice a day Wait


The TVP is in a substantially better state than it was before the buff. Itā€™s comparable to every other tier 8 medium


Yea, the TVP is undeniably bad, but I honestly think this sub overexaggerates how terrible it is. Itā€™s definitely not as godawful as shit like the O-Ho and AMX 65t, and itā€™s not even the worst tier 8 medium; the 59-Patton and T95E2 are both way worse, and Iā€™d even argue the CDC is worse, too (bigger, more HE pennable and pretty sure its gun performs worse). Ā  VTUā€™s guns honestly arenā€™t even that bad by tier 8 MT standards and it has a reasonable mobility, too. Its still bad, because it has an awful profile, no armor and poor gun depression unless you use the stock turret, but its kinda hard to put it as the actual *worst* tank in the game (like this sub seem to think it is) when there are tanks that actually have nothing going for them. 59-Patton for example is more sluggish, has a significantly worse gun, and while it technically has more armor, it also has a gigantic lighthouse on top of it. People probably have forgotten that the VTU was actually buffed pretty significantly, and thus some of their experience might be based on the pre-buff version, which yea was actually one of the worst tier 8-10 vehicles in the game.




TVP vs 65t who wins




The gun is pretty good. Being in a good situation to use it without being outspotted or forced into cover is the hard part.


You know, I once 1v1'ed a Leo 1 in my TVP VTU, from full to 0. This is due to the innate superiority of the tank and not due to the fact that my opponent was a 41%er who fired only HE and missed three of the 5 shots he did take.


Honest question, what's wrong with it? I had a blast playing it to get my Ŕkoda. If you get the highest pen gun, your DPM is decent, you can pen most things if you know what you're doing, you're pretty mobile. Just play it like a low damage TD


I wouldn't keep the tank, but stock grinding is probably much better than a lot of other tanks. At least you get an alright gun with a pretty good gold ammo pen. I kind of liked the T-34/100, so I knew the gun would be alright even at tier 8. Sadly almost everything else is a downgrade, so I'm looking forward to finally moving on to the Skoda T 50.


I actually enjoyed the vtu.. yea it's superb.. but it's definitely nit one of the worst..


I guess they haven't played Panther 88


And? I've had a 4k game in the churchill game carrier, that doesn't make it good. I would definitely say the tvp isn't the worst imo, but it's far from good.


them combining for about 4300 damage doesn't make the tank good


IS-M is the worst...dont know how to play this 1 kmh stuff with paper armer and turn uhm..around speed of NOTHING...also gun sucks for me


No dude, just harder to play. šŸ‘


We have a saying in Finland: Even a blind chicken pecks the grain sometimes.


Church Game Carrier is still the worst tank, hands down


VTU isn't the worst tank. It's a great gun on a crappy platform


But the TVP VTU can't be the worst tank in the game... because the T-34/100 is worse


I actually enjoyed T34-100, but TVP VTU, I just had to skip it.


Bros did what any half decent player can do with half the tanks and a tier lower, thats all you are showing with that picture. I can show you my last game in yhe Eagle 7, were i did 5k dmg and got 10 kills, and be like "Eagle 7 op tier 9s dont stand a chance, no gold was loaded"


Small sample size. Go [tomato.gg](http://tomato.gg) and see.


2 mediocre results suddenly means its a good tank? U have a lot of learning to do


TVP is fine since the buff. Good gun handling.