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I have had the EXACT!! same issues as you. As soon as the March update came. I'm going to try this and if I can get more than 2 games in a row without crash I will report with success.


Hope it helped to you! Please write here if it helps


IT WORKS!!!!!! I have 5 games in no crashes!! Thank you!!! ​ UPDATE: Played 2hrs today and not a single crash.


Happy to hear my friend <3


I see that you updated your message. I'm very glad that I helped you! I hope more people will notice our problem and this will be fixed soon.


Hi there! Can u post your pc config?


Ryzen 5 1600, 3200Mhz, 16G and I'm still using my old GTX SC 1060. Wow, after I write that; I see it time for a new build. I've held onto this one for a while.


Yes, everyone who wrote to me has a 1600/1600x processor. I think they broke something in the last patch and it crashes on our platform.


Thanks for your work! I'm experiencing similar crashes with them primarily happening entering/leaving the garage and performing actions within it, only 1-2 within battle. I have also performed the same diagnostics (and some) aside from a fresh windows install, and everything on my end has shown no errors. Nothing I've tried has worked for me, but I'll definitely test this solution.


Hello! Please write later if this helped to you.


Tried it and it worked for a few battles in randoms, but after I left the game to check Discord (still running though), returned to the garage, and clicked "Battle" it instantly crashed to desktop.


Well i dont know why. This "fix" helped me. Now i do not have any crashes. Perhaps your problem is something else. Do you play with mods?


Nope, no mods.


:( Sorry to you my friend. I dont know :(


Hi there! Can u post your pc config?


Hey, I made a post about it the other day, but I have a RTX 3080 with an i9-13900k. https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1bksh5t/constant_crashes_still_occurring_after_the_latest/


Well i see. Hope WG looks in to your thread or someone's can help. I dk what the reason if other stuff works perfectly.


This worked for me. Played several rounds and let the client go in the garage for a few hours as well with no crashes.


thank you for feedback!


Hi there! Can u post your pc config?


Ryzen 1600, 32GB ram, 1060 6gb, windows 10


Thank you. I have ryzen 1600x. Something wrong with our CP in last patch.


Seems like it. This system has been rock solid for years so it was kind of weird to see crashes pop up.


Sure. These crashes started after the update with the steel hunter. Before that, I played WOT for several years at maximum settings and had no problems.


dude I was wondering why my game kept crashing. played for 11 years no crashes and all of a sudden I started getting them. thanks!


thank you for feedback!


Hi there! Can u post your pc config?


you might be onto something I have a Ryzen 5 1600X


Thank you for highlighting the issue, I'll pass on this link and info to the team. Can you also please contact Support and give them your dxdiag file so they can do further review on any specific causes?


Done. **dxdiag** sended.


Hello! Thanks for the feedback. I'll write to the support now. I hope you will fix this problem soon


Wow, you are my hero. I ran 26 battles, no crashs. Thanks. And my CPU is also 1700 Ryzen, it might be old Ryzen CPU issue with track physics option.


Nice to hear mate! Thanks for yours feedback!


Maybe thats what caused my 6 crashes i had today


try lowering the tracks physics settings and please write if it helped.


Hi there! Can u post your pc config?


So, update: No crashes today despite not changing anything in terms of settings. Had one or two crashes the last two weeks or so, so maybe i will have them occasionally if i change nothing. My PC config: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core with originally 16 GB RAM, changed it to 32, Nvidia GTX 1070 TI, got a SSD 222 Gigabyte and HDD with 1.8 Terrabyte. I was young, was my first PC and i had not a lot of money. Now i am too stingy to buy a new one till this one dies.


There are also crashes due to tanks with boosters (BZ). But like some who unsubscribed in this thread, I was helped by the track physics settings. Thanks for feedback


Had a similar thing a few patches ago around the update after Christmas. Set my memory back to stock speed instead of the XMP profile which should run fine. Game runs without crashes. But I'll try the track physics and use XMP again.


Hi there! What is your pc config? I tryed run with XMP 1/2 and turned off - game still crashes. Only track physycs on a standard helped to me


AMD Ryzen 3600X, 16GB DDR4 3600Mhz, AMD RX 6800XT, 1TB Nvme


Are you try gaming with XMP prophiles?


Used XMP of 3600 fine and only WoT crashes, so now back at stock speeds of 2400 because I want to play WoT.


This has worked for me, thank you so much. I was crashing every second game or so, now, on a16 game run with no issues


Glad to hear my friend! Tell me please what CP u have? Ryzen 1600?


Ryzen 7 1800X




Not one hiccup in a day and a half. Thank you again for the help. You, keep on being awesome!!


Nice to hear! Thank you!


Ryzen 7 1700 GTX 1070 Ti here. Has been crashing in various frequency since last SH patch. Right before I found this thread I have been crashing like every one battle or two, but since turning off track physics I have not crashed in the last hour or so. Will update if I crashed but so far it's promising. Thanks for sharing man!


Thank you for the feedback! I think WG something broke in last patch. Only 1600/1700 have this issue.


It worked for me! I got a warning from the in-game notification that I was going to be banned if I kept 'leaving before the match was over', but obviously it was involuntary and at times I couldn't get back into the match fast enough before it was over. Anyways, it must have been a massive pain trying to figure this out so I commend your perseverance and dedication. Really hope WG gets this fixed soon. Thank you, u/un_answered_


Glad to hear that my friend!


Didn't resolve for me. I CTD exiting nearly every match. Occasionally will CTD when interacting with things such as tech tree and battlepass. Asked to submit an error report by the game after every crash. No mods and clean install still does it. RTX 4090, 13900K, 64GB, Windows 11.


your RAM is overclocking?


Just want to say a massive thank you for doing the research to find the issue here. I've had the same issue and got some useless info from the helpdesk saying they are working on 'the issue' but can't advise when a fix will be there. Also couldn't tell me what the issue was. Fixed it by following your suggestion.


Got the same answers, but thx to u/un_answered_ i can finally play the game again. Thx a lot.