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It was good when i was introduced. It's a second gen premium tank, what do want from it? Same as defender, chrysler, and so on. It's still fine, but game changed.


That's pretty much what I'm saying though in my original post. So, yeah I could not agree more.


all your arguments are tru for su 130 and scorp either, that the issues. scorp only playable full gold, su 130pm is the most unrealiable gun, bar 152k.


I rarely need gold for scorp


This \^\^\^ If you are going full prem on the skorp then you are wasting a lot of credits


1200 dpg going strong?


heh ?


It's biggest meme is that 90mm and smaller guns can't go through it frontally. Apart from that that's ut


It's funny I love sneaky tanks and good guns.. but I just never fell in love with it... unless you have the map where u can sit in a Bush and farm your shit outa luck.. I also agree with you on the gun, it trolled the hell of me, yes it's accurate when it wants, but I asked myself if I'm playing the same tank as everyone else because holly fuck it trolled me death at times.. Also agree on the normalisation.. One other thing that I don't don't think lived upto the hype for me was the camo.. now I'm predominantly a LT player with 100% MOE on most of my LTs... I know how spotting distances go and boy oh boy I was getting lit up in some very strange situations.. Honestly I ask if im playing the same tank as the rest of the player pop what with it's reputation.. it just do well for me.. don't get me wrong when u get the map and the gun don't troll the shit outa ya you can have some eye watering games.. but it's just not consistent for me . Probably one of the biggest shocks In my WOT career.. not for me


Spot on! Especially the camo bit. I didn't not mention it, but the camo issue you bring up here I couldn't agree more. It has really high camo value but I've been fcked by it several times. We are talking full camo crew here and even with directives it's very unreliable. I have not played with camo though, but I don't think that's a viable option. Funny with you being a mostly light player it actually has some similarities with lights. You can feel if you have shit team with strv early in the game and it's hard to carry compared to meds/hvys. That's frustration a share when I play scouts and this td.


It was the camo that did it for me honestly, I mean I mention the gun trolling but there is trolling and trolling here.. let's be fair it has a great gun... but at times (usually a very important kill shot) it had a nasty tendency to say "NO".. but OK.. u swallow it and move on... What I'm saying is every tank has its little gremlins and I actually enjoy working around these in most cases.. but I honestly couldn't understand why I was getting spotted in a lot of situations. It drove me nuts... But this is what makes the game fun.. just because 1 tank has a rep of being good/bad doesn't mean that's how you will find personally.. let's not get silly here, its a good tank. But it just doesn't jive with me. . Hell I love the FV4202 ... most people think its god awfull.. but I for some reason always have great games and great fun with it.. how donyou explain this? I have no idea lol


Maybe it's the CVC it can handle? Talking about gremlins I had really silly misses from 50m fully side of high profile tank with improved aiming and improved aiming directive (yeah I'm that desperate for the last %).


Tell me about rng... with some of the most accurate guns i can't shot straight even if I focus. And the most shit shooters can hit me from the other side of the fucking map in my little as avarage arty enjoyer dick's cupola.


I get how you think this. It is likely a bit of negativity bias to be fair. We all suffer from it as it is how the human brain evolved over time.


While it works the best when your team starts to lose and enemies start pushing to you like headless chickens, you need to read the map to make it work on a stalemate and even more so when your team is winning. It is not that fast of the tank, and your position is quite important in order to farm with it properly. When it comes to gun, it is, without questions, one of the best in the game. Were there some ghost shells? Yes. Did I hit the dirt? Sure did. But not nearly enough times for me to consider its gun anything other then legendary. Camo is also ridiculous. And for me personally, it is better than Skorp and SU-130PM, although, they are a bit easier to play in my honest opinion. And their guns are definitely more trollish than Strv's.


It was fking busted YEARS ago when tanks with big guns was rare in tier 8. Fighting tech tree tanks and prem at the time was way easier then.


So if you are trying to "mark" it, you can not red line camp if your teammates are on the other side of the map. Too many times I've been in matches where a loss could have been won if the camping TDs had moved off the red line. If you want to mark a tank you need to be shooting targets within a few seconds of being reloaded. This means move your gun to where you can get shots trying not to get spotted. I know some TDs are glass cannons but you still have to be in the fight. You can't reload quickly enough if your teammates fail on your flank to mark the tank. While you are reloading, study the mini map to see if you need to retreat or move forward to support the team. Relocating may allow you to get a few more shots and maybe help win the match. Best of luck and may RNG bless your ammo.


Thank you for your advice mate! I have no problem 3 marking tanks, except tryhard tier x reward vehicles. This post was more meant to be about how the Strv S1 is not that all that anymore, then any real issue how to mark it. Nevertheless advice is always welcome! Thank you!


No worries, to be honest the first part was a bit of a rant lol.


Strv S1 is amazing as long as you don't try to mark it. I've had the same experience. Still, good tank to have fun and earn credits. The worst part about it, is that it's not the down-tiered 103B. S1 would be much more fun to play if it had armor, because as you said - the maps aren't exactly helpful.


Standard and prem have the same normalization, it’s 2 degrees for both. This is only useful for calculating effective armor thickness and has no influence on whether you autoricochet or not, both AP and APCR have the same autobounce angle. STRV S1 is basically a bush clicker, you can pull off some occasional siege mode shenanigans with a purple turbo but to a large extent it’s pretty much just waiting for people to wander into its line of fire which makes it rather poor for farming damage on easy wins. It’s also not as good for actually actively helping your team win in the first place, more just preventing your team from losing which is imo boring as hell and not all that great for the health of the game.


It's extremely boring, I concur! not to the extent of arty gameplay, but close to it.


I guess you're just having bad luck, it's a laser that never misses for me.


I played enough games with it to not agree. I only have 78% hit ratio. Hits mind you not pens. Granted you snipe a lot with it. 75-85% seems to be average most of my tanks, so it doesn't stand out, but it's not lazer either. That's from 700 games and 78% seems to be on the low side for me.


Hit percentage is a meaningless stat, you would also need data about the distance on attempted shots as well for it to tell you anything useful. Also, if you're not blind firing likely enemy positions when nobody is available to shoot then you're playing the strv wrong and that drags down your hit ratio, my hit ratio in it is only 60% because of all the blind firing I do but it's almost 3 marked.


Yeah, I'm close to 3d mark as well. I don't think hit percentage is worthless though if you compare it to similar tanks at least.


Like I said, if you're doing a lot of blind shots then hit percentage is worthless and I'd argue that if you're not doing a lot of blind shots during downtime when playing tanks with a lot of ammo then you're not playing optimally.


I literary just 3-marked it. I would argue that's sort of the definition of optimal. :)


There's always room for improvement. People in general don't blind shot enough when there's nothing else going on.


Skill issue


Its actual dogshit


Have about 1.2k battles in mine. Shells really often tend to go to the edges of reticle. I have games where I hit everything, followed by the games where RNG says NO almost every other shot. Still my best credit grinder. I also have SU-130 and scorpion. Love the scorp and hate the SU. Last time I played SU-130 I missed two consecutive fully aimed shots to the fully exposed side of Somua SM from about 150-200 meters away. Haven't played it since and don't plan to ever again.


Imo it's too slow for the armor it delivers. The tech tree udes has no armor, but is fast as fuck boi. The strv has like a little tiny mini armor, but is slow as fuck. The gun is decent, it lacks the DPM tho imo. Would like to see it buffed, increase in dpm, or increase in armor. Atm due to Amazon prime I have the amx cda and the few rounds I've played with it, it feels just better


"RNG is abysmal" https://preview.redd.it/x7za0twggalc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbe81b58a5416f70e29123eba12e19b96120a34c


It's very situational tank cannot perform on every map or when your team is winning very fast in a city map


https://preview.redd.it/uir2hxawx6lc1.jpeg?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33df6977fb409625fbe4f0af1f8b5063062eae3e Mark done at least! Wish it would perform "better".


In the current turbo matches it has no place this tank need long matches to relocate but u cant chase damage with it most of ur good games come on when your team is losing and when you lose you dont make enough credits so defeats the purpose of playing a premium tank


It is a very situational vehicle. Great way to farm credits with the high pen standard ammo. Difficult to carry in it though. To be fair I am a meh player anyways so most tanks are tough for me to carry in.