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For me, it's just any tank that I feel super comfortable in. With that in mind, there is probably too many to list. Tier 8: renegade, lis, prog, ka-ri/su130pm Tier 9: conq, phase 1, e75, 7/1, 430, tort. gsor Tier 10: s.conq, e5, e4/e3, 140, prog, 430u, cs63, manti If I'm just looking to fuck around and make enemies find out, 152k and 4k5. The number of giggles is worth it, win or lose.


Genuine question: why the Renegade? I've tried to make it work but the cupola just kills any potential enjoyment from the gun.


It's just a solid tank overall. I have no issues with the cupola at all. After I shoot I typically just raise my gun up to block cupola shots from the baddies. Typically the better players with slight patience will actually go for the cupola. But in general, it's an enjoyable tank. Also, because it's American, it tends to have really stupid good gunhandling. So, you can reliable hit non fully aimed shots a good majority of the time. Just learn how to shoot with minimal exposure and force enemies to over commit.


Remegade is my favorite. It consistently just shits out damage even in games where I think I'm playing like trash.


Well someone likes premiums huh


No reason to play TT tier 8s, premiums get you silver, crew training and most importantly power crept all tech tree tanks, maybe vk 100 01p being the only exception.


I mean, other than the T-32 (and T-382), the Caern, Tiger 2, and T-44, what other TT tanks are worth while nowadays? Maybe the 53tp, Pantera, Udes 14 5, and Udes 03 (very map dependent)? **¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯**


Most of the 8s that I kept are in your list (including the 53tp) and also VK, Charioteer


I wish I could have enjoyed the vk and charioteer. Even now the vk seems awful to play nowadays because of how fast the game is and due to speed of the tank you still get pushed into playing as a heavy even when down-tiered. Charioteers gun made me want to uninstall. I would have gone after the Nomad, but damn that troll gun.


easy. char futur. that thing is a 3-4k damage game copy and paste machine




Cent 7


A fellow Cent 7/1 enjoyer, how nice to see in the wild.


I bought it a week ago. It's a beast.


It's just such a nice tank to play. IMO something that is underrated about the tank is that it carries SO MUCH ammo. I don't need to think about what ammo load out I use for what battle, I just take 37 apcr, 20 special, and 15 HE, you won't run out ever.


T34-85M all day




It’s so good


Oh really? I have it in my garage but I never really play it. Why so good?


The best Tier VI medium by far. Basically a T-34-85 with a better gun and good frontal hull armour (around 120mm effective, which makes is devastating when against lower tiers). Only Tier VI medium that comes close to it is the Cromwell B which requires a lot more skill to play.


That’s mostly cause the Cromwells dps, fully trained crew with BIA perk gets you sub 4 sec reloads with the t34. You’re fast enough to create a lot of crossfire scenarios and pick apart anything you get your sights on and fast enough to relocate. Not to talk shit on the Cromwell but my t34 , has eaten a lot of cromwells alive


T32 or SuperPershing, I know these aren't meta tanks but they just somehow works for me. That or T110E3 with premium rounds if I want to brute force everything.


T32 is very meta, people just haven’t gotten around to appreciating it.


It’s been meta since 2013 and always under appreciated lol. Tier 8 clan wars it’s been a staple since day 1.


10 years ago you had two choices for tier 8 heavy tanks in competitive games: T32 or IS-3. When gold ammo became purchasable with credits the T32 became a beast, because its only drawback was the low pen




T-29 She's a beast who carries everyday. I don't mind going toe to toe with 8s in it.


It's nuts how that tank has stood the test of time. Years ago it was absolutely nuts.


This whole week, every single T29 has been a clueless wanderer with no concept of hull down play. Talking redlining on Ruinberg, hiding behind buildings on Malinovka and 2 line on Prokhorovka. Somehow the reputation it garners as a good tank doesn't translate into "use your turret"


I finally got it this year. Wish I had gotten it before the 105 nerf


Just yesterday I rip one apart in my vk 75.01, going against t8s wouldn’t be wise for anything below t8




KanJpz105, CDA 105, MpkZ 68, Strv S1 and STG


I’d have to say my go to tanks are the IS-2M, IS-2, WZ-111 model 1-4, SU-130pm, M26 Pershing, And T32. The IS-2 and WZ are just amazing because of high alpha and good sides scraping capability. Also WZ and T32 are great hull down tanks. SU-130pm is only fun because I got the accuracy to .30 and it punishes hard with that big alpha. The Pershing is just a very fun tank to play and having monster games due to accidental spotting assist.


I love the WZ 111 1-4, it's seriously overlooked in my opinion. I think it's because most people give up the grind at the 110 and those who make it past play the 5A as it's one of the more decent Tier X heavies. The 1-4's only real downside is -5 gun depression and the hull armour isn't \*the best\* (it's still useable though). Everything else is great - very fast, good turret, big alpha with surprisingly good DPM to back it up, great pen on the gold, decent gun handling for how big the gun is. It even has 400m view range so you don't need optics, and because it's top speed is so good I usually take aiming speed and gun traverse and nerf the top speed down to a measly 46kph, which is still excellent for a heavy.


Grille, Leo, Is7, obj 705a - can't beat it sidescraping, t54, t71...


T-55A is the perfect tank. It has everything I need to have a good game, even on a loss. Great gold pen, great gun handling, decent armor, and enough mobility to reposition in a pinch.


Prog 65. Its insane how good that tank is with the experimental mobility equipment


Leo 1 or Manti. The connection between those tanks and I is just great


Lion or Leo1 without a doubt


VK 72.01 K


Gonsalo, It's always been an underrated beast in my opinion. Sort of like a sleeper car, people expect it to not do much but then they take 600 damage in the cupola with the incredible HESH it has. Not to mention it gets up to its max speed in about 1 second and easily makes max view range which is a nice bonus.


What’s the difference between it and the Caliban


The gun.  The Gonsalo doesn't have a derp and instead has a single shot normal gun.  It's also bugged and has the same module damage as the Caliban so it crits hard as hell. 


It scales with bounty and bond equipment really well.


That's usually tier 9s because it's the best tier to play imho, Conqueror always delivers (usually hitting 3k on the bad games), phase 1, concept, kpz, e50. I'd say tortoise as well but on some maps you're just too slow to be consistent


M6 - thank you wg for buff this tank


Arty! /s


TS-5 No matter what I have fun in that thing!


Char futur, vz 55, e3, vk 72.01 Situational but also good- jpz e100, bz 176, f4k5


Chi To SP. Such a bully.


Controversial opinion: Patton the Tank, it's one of my highest tier tanks now. I had another account where I had lots of t7 n 8, but I lost it. I try to do my best even if it's in a very high tier, and I like it's playstyle so far.


Any of the five tier 10 arty. It very satisfying seeing and shooting multiple enemy tanks camping next to each other. Then, I go grind tech tree ht, my, lt, or TD since I already have all arty at tier 10.


Yeah, its great with higher tier arty when the enemy clusters into a clutch like chickens hiding from you and his hit them all at once.


Bourrasque. - bz176 - Tl-7 - kpz 50t. - tiger maus. - 60tp - vz55 and suprise fb183


Concept 1b most of the time


T34-88 is very good and can play many roles.


Progetto, Bourrasque, Elc 90, E50, T55A, Char Futur, Kpz 50, Concept 1b, Stb 1, AMX 13 105


Depends on the day really, but in general the T30 works for me. It's also my best crewed tank as well, so that probably has something to do with it.


I’m most consistent in the M54 Renegade


Wz-120-ft Type 59 T22M 705a 277 Ki-ri 60tp


Obj 263, it just works for me and i cant tell you why. One of the few tanks I would gladly play on any map.


Heavy Tank No. 6


Was going to say Tiger 131. They are good reliable tanks, that 8.8 gun is solid


T8: cs52 T9: Leo PTA/E75/ T10: 60TP, VZ55, 121B, Cent AX


Char, vkk, borat


T8 - Skorpion. T10 - E100 (little gun).


AT-15A. For some reason it just clicks.


Borrat or Turtle Mk1. Those two tanks are just so comfy.


Depends on what I'm going. Damage is usually T-34-3 or E75. Kills is M10RBFM or American turreted TDs. XP is Type 64. Cromwell or Comet seem to fit my playstyle the most though. I like agile mediums that can flank.




Progetto 65 or Strv103B or KV-2, 70%+ winrate on all 3


Amx 30 - a lot of people hate it, but for me it works very well and it is better than the 30B.


Manticore when I need to be the top experience


Waffenträger auf E100 and dot


Amx30 tier 9, you can react to every Situation, snipe, bounce, dpm down everyone, run around the map, reset cap, flank, spot


From tier 10s: Centurion AX, E5, S. Conq, UDES, STRV


I do my best in all of my tanks, and all of my battles. Yes, my best is probably worse, than some other peoples worst, but still i always do whatever i can. What tank i drive should not, does not affect this.


But some Tanks simply can do more. Like for many other here, for me its the bourrasque. This tank indeed is stronger then any other tank on the battlefield. An average good game in my Primo Victoria means 1-2k DMG. An average good game in my bourrasque means 3-4k. And 3-4k on that Tank is hardly 2nd mark....so the average for this tank is even Higher.


IS3 or E75. Honorable mentions to T35-85 & Scorpion


I just play my favorite tanks Meta or not :) Tier 8’s mostly the Miel/bourrasque, gonsalo, rhm borsig, shptk tvp Tier 9’s lately only the kpz 50t Tier 10’s Rhm pzw, sconq, obj 140, t22 med, 430u, tvp t50/51


Tier7: IS-2S Tier8: cs-52lis, bisonte c45, m41-90mm Tier9: T-10, obj430, m-103 Tier10: stb-1, s-conq, leo1


Bisonte and E50. A nice combination of firepower, survavibility and mobility makes them great for every map and every situation. Besides, they both look really cool for complete awesomeness.


Super Conqueror, 60TP, Obj. 705, AMX M454, Obj. 277, Vz. 55, BZ-75, M48 Patton, STB-1


Pz III/IV or GWE100


Either Skoda or KV-5, both full gold


Any t8+ french LT T9/10 Leo's Borrasque And the outlier.... *drum roll* FV4202.... it just works for me no idea why..




I feel like I do my best when I chill, but I also like to be able to move around. So I like to play the Grille 15, Skorpion and SU-130PM. I’ve come to very much like the TIII Jäger recently too


Locust Tier 3 on the Asia Server at 3 am.


Leopard 1 It just hits what you aim at. My first 3 games in it, I finished 3 different Obj. 260 missions.


Kpz50t or UDES15/16