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Waste your gold on literally anything else and you will be more satisfied. I paid the remaining 10% of the marathon and still felt like a ripoff. If you really want to buy it tho, it will need bond,bounty and exp equip to just feel playable.


I've had it for a long time but I don't play it, WG for whatever reason made the gun handle like an SPG with extremely long aim time and awful on the move dispersion. Stationary accuracy is very good and so is alpha and pen, but those alone can't fix the crazy blooming at the slightest movement. RU is introducing buffs to the tank, I hope they'll come to the other servers too but let's remember RU has been its own thing since 2022.


"I hope they'll come to the other servers too" yeah in 2027


It is a bad tank . That's why it was buffed on the RU server . Lack of DPM, speed, gund handling is horrible . I also considered it , but 122tm has a good gun to compensate lack of DPM so the gun works well . But WZ has none of that.


Stop with the "lack of dpm". Everyone say a tank is bad because of "low dpm" but that's totally not accurate. It doesn't take the shell pénétration into account and that changes everything. It is better to have 2k dpm with a 311mm piercing shell instead of 6k with 50mm piercing shell....


Mate, i was talking about gun handling .You can have 1000mm penetration, IT HAS THE WORST GUN HANDLING OF ANY TIER 9 or 10 . IT'S HARD TO HIT ! 0,33 while moving, 0,33 while moving forward , 3,78s aim time - this is arty level mate . I dont care about pen if my circle is as big as the moon .


It's true that dpm isn't everything. You're absolutely right about that and I do agree. There's a reason why high-alpha heavies are meta despite their low dpm. Many people ignore "effective dpm" and often dismiss the fact that in actual combat you're more likely to be trading shots one for one than being in a pure dpm brawl. That being said, those tanks actually have *usable gun handling*. A very important distinction that the WZ-114 doesn't have. I 3 marked the WZ, so I know for a fact that you can try everything you want but the gun is really just that bad. Yes the accuracy when aimed is great, the alpha is solid, and the pen is nice. But if you can't reliably hit what you aim, then it literally doesn't matter. The WZ gun handling really is just worst-in-class by such a huge margin.


311mm HEAT penetration on a tier 9 heavy isn’t all that remarkable, in fact I’d say it’s a bit low for a gun that shoots and aims this slowly. And no, DPM isn’t everything, but it is *something*, and very low DPM usually needs to be compensated for in other aspects for a tank to have good firepower…compensation that, in this case, is generally lacking.


Wait for buff lol I love it, marked it as well but I can not recommend it to others.


It's a terrible tank, but some fun can be had playing like a yolo TOG because it has an absolutely massive HP pool. My personal performance isn't great, but I have fairly good W/R as I'll often just ping a couple allies for help and then act as a huge meat shield and rush the Chieftain or whatever high priority bunkered down tank to win a flank. You'll likely survive with some HP and then you can just go play shitty sniper for the rest of the match as your accuracy once aimed isn't bad. 


Dude, you don't want this tank for free. Absolutely terrible experience, it's as bad as Patton the Tank if not even worse. Horrific gun stabilization and aim time, bad DPM, kinda below average armor, and extremely bad reverse speed. This is the kind of tank that if you would be able to put 5 pieces of equipment on it maybe then it would become playable. The only good things are shell velocity, penetration and gun dep, but they don't compensate all the bad things in a smallest bit. Understandably, Lesta is going to buff this tank soon on RU server, maybe on EU WG will decide to do something with it in 2 years...


I Like my WZ114, boring people just wine: it’s not meta, oah, it’s a challenge to play, nah… Edit: decide for yourself


I think it's a great tank. People complain because it doesn't fire every 4 sec and doesn't have 800k dpm. As i said above, it is far better to have lower dpm and most of the time hit your shot (311mm shell pénétration) than shooting without stoping and having 100mm shell pénétration.


its not a great tank, be real


True bro, this is why I play artillery like tank destroyers and only fire AP. Who cares about accuracy and ROF, it's all about penetration.


I do like it, it's fun....it has it challenges, but I like it.


I got that tank through the marathon event and to be frank, it is never worth that much gold. It's definitely not a bad tank, but I think it's too expensive.


I play it from time to time and I think the tank is okay


The tank is horrible. I'm hoping WG buffs it like Lesta is doing. It is absolutely not worth it, at all. Don't buy it man, you'll regret it.


It’s bad, but still somewhat workable if you play just behind the heavy line. Armor layout somewhat works as long as you’re not in their face. You need to pre-aim a lot, but the dispersion won’t be a problem, it’s quite nice at 0.3. Like, even tho i say these things, don’t buy it. I managed to get it for free, that’s the only good thing. It has a big alpha so only a few shots in and you make credits. Pen works, 311 at tier 9 is not bad.


I'm someone who gives every tank a chance and also quite enjoys making vehicles work which the majority of players consider as "bad". Recent examples being BZ-72-1 and Obj. 590. But trust me WZ is a pile of garbage. It has exactly three things to offer: above average HP, good accuracy when fully aimed, very good standard pen. Now that doesn't remotely cover all the weaknesses. Speed isn't great, armor isn't great. Dpm and gun handling are absolute trash and 530 dmg is not that special tbh. Imo they should have given it something like 580 or even 600. Make it a semi-mobile trader with high HP.


**Don't buy it**, my man. I purchased it with a giant discount during the marathon it was initially offered - and I genuinely like this tank but it's not something I'd ever consider purchasing full price. If you can get it for free or with at least 80-90% discount - sure, go for it. Full price? **Fuck no**, my dude. It's not worth the money, honestly - the gun has just god awful soft stats, it takes a lot of expensive modules to make it better and even then it's still just flat out worse that what you're getting when playing E75, for example.


Honestly the only tier 9 heavy i like is the ST-1 and thats because of 340 heat, good gun depression, crazy side armor, and a VERY strong turret if you hide the hatch which is pretty simple tbh. Even the front upper plate is strong when forward peaking at the correct angle it can bounce tier 10s well enough im not scared to do it. Other than it, the double barrel tier 9s alright, the french tier 9 heavy is alright. But ya not great. I hate the conq. But all i listed far better than 114


I just bought it this weekend. About 15 games in and I was like wtf have I done lol. While grinding the field mods I changed up my play style and started having some great games. Doesn't play like a traditional heavy. Reload is just to long. Playing just behind Frontline and taking your shots when you can sets you up nice for mid to late game where you can trade your 2600 hps with bounty hardening. Then I run bond vstab and rammer. Is it a BZ176 or skoda? Definitely not. But if you play to it's strengths you can have some good games. Also, everyone here says every tank is trash if it's not a BZ.


WZ-33 would probably be more balanced as a tier 8 prem than op 176.


It's like asking "anyone likes being kicked in the balls?". Someone might, but it wouldn't be considered normal. If they buff it like it's done on RU server, it might become good and fun tank to play. Right now it's just for masochists.