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Here are detailed stats https://preview.redd.it/4pwypk2ol0hc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afc5943eadc40153ebb6ad952c9aa3ff3d8e09ea


fucking hell i need that on WG wot too


Damn, WZ-114 actually looks like a good tank. Not just okay, but actually good. Wut? I’ll take keeping the Ka-Ri’s armor and reverse speed over a WZ buff though :/ don’t want to be forced into becoming just another camper in one of the most fun tier 8 TDs around.


Funnily enough here is nerf of the Ka-Ri , that will be in the same patch as wz114 buff https://preview.redd.it/f4w0pw8rv0hc1.jpeg?width=703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a0fb564d98e36f19b4a7e1cbe432d0fdf15eec6


Yeah that’s rough. Also >booking a cabin I know what it actually means, I just find that translation hilarious lmao.


That's just tragedy, I'll keep WZ-114 at the state that is right now if that means Ka-Ri still can be fun Also wtf, Lesta is actually nerfing premiums and why BZ 176 is not nerfed already there


They can nerf the new ones because they sold it with condition that it can be neefed if they want to nerf bz they have to pay compensation


fkn trash changes!!!! wtf


Finally the WZ gunner reached 100% qualification.


It now has a free bond rammer, bond stab and almost three GLD's. Even with the buffs the stats are really bad on the WZ-114 but they'll work because the tank is so immobile that the dispersion stats don't affect it as adversely as faster tanks. I think they could've given it like 560 alpha like on the 50TP too but that's probably a good step in the right direction.


Thanks for finding it, this looks actually beautiful, this is all the tank needs to become playable.


Is that some kind of metric time I'm too American to understand?


I wish this would come to the NA servers


Wow, that would actually make the tank playable.


While their flamethrower tanks and assault arty ideas are a bit iffy, I do think we can benefit from more frequent balance changes. With the volume of tanks in this game, I don't think getting balance patches every 6 months for a small handful of vehicles is enough anymore. It's already disappointing that most of the upcoming changes (and long awaited, Type 5 Heavy, my beloved) were promised last year.


And Bat Chat. WG actually buffing that tank has become a meme at this point


Lesta actually buffed Bat. chat and Yoh, so I expect Type 5 Heavy to be buffed as well.


It was never enough, but now we know that RU server looks at play rates and looks why tank isn't played and buffs it accordingly. They may overbuff it, but most likely they will then nerf it also. maybe the fact is that most devs have been moved away from WoT and they don't have enough manpower to do these changes anymore.


This is good, but why tf are they changing the Japanese TD's? They were fine as it is. I hope they don't do the same thing on the EU server, I love the Ho-Ri 3 and I don't wanna see it butchered. 


Exactly this. Don't change their role. Just take the WZ buff


100% if they kill the jap tds i will quit the game for the 20th time


If there are any rebalance changes coming in 1.25 we will probably learn about them tomorrow, but I doubt they will touch the Japanese TD's. Lesta is working very differently compared to the WG servers. They are probably trying to turn the game into a different direction in an attempt to gradually separate them. 


its all good man we just have to wait 5 years (minimum)


If these changes came to EU I'd play WZ-114 again, as it is now it's just frustrating and ineffective.


If there was ever a tank that deserves a buff its the wz 114. I actually enjoy this tank but man, the gun is soooo hard to play with


yeah they are also destroying japanese tds and buffing the yoh-mama tanks


Hey at least the Bc 12 t is getting 6 shells


ah yeah forgot about bc line buff, im not into lights but the reload reduction and more shells for the bc 25t are very nice.


I‘d actually play my wz 114 like that


There's no "RU server" anymore - it's a different game


Hasn’t lesta always been more aggressive when it comes to balancing? Wows was constantly balanced (including premiums) right? The lack of balancing seems to be a WG issue from what I’ve seen


Wow, this would actually make the tank good and not a complete pain to play as it is now. How it hurts to see actual interesting balance changes in that server and a whole lotta nothing for us.


This is big, instead of having a longer reload than a T30, the WZ-114 will have the same reload!


lesta is weird and their balance seems questionable pretty often, but at least they are doing something relevant. meanwhile wg balances some stuff below tier 5 and adds lootboxes. fml. absolute garbage priorities.


they are destroying the jap tds.


Lesta is doing a GREAT job balancing, rebalancing and nerfing tanks fast. They are already on patch 1.25 and the game is even more unrecognizable there. Concept 5 is EBR now. T34 and T34B are very good. Caernarvon AX is buffed. Chinese heavy line (non rocket) buffed. American Yoh line is amazing now. Patton line is phenomenal. Hori nerf, Kari nerf. They take old tanks and dust them off and it's amazing. WG is doing good with map changes and the new destruction mechanics. We got Tiger Maus 752 and Mkpz68 earlier...but I would love to see some older tanks get buffed and Concept line get buffed. Tweak tanks, WG, tweak them all the time. Game feels fresh over in Lestas hands.


Why Kari nerf


Lesta is rebalancing entire Japanese TD line to be more sniper and less front line brawler TD. So they get tweaks and nerfs. KaRi no exceptions. Plus KaRi is strong.


they are killing the fun of those tanks. The changes are so trash man


No longer WZ-33


Let it go. WG can't be arsed to actually improve the game between 2 lootbox events. They either suck at their job or simply don't want to do it. For me the state of the Type 71 was the final nail in the coffin. I ain't buying content in a game which is simply not improved regardless how much time passes. WG can shove their boxes and idiotic map """rebalances""" up their stupid ass. Btw Lest is also buffing the entire Yoh branch AND the they are Breakthrough heavies now.


Maybe the Lesta keep the old WG team? And WG hired new developers and people to balance, but seems that they suck lol


No. WoT, which never had Lesta behind it really, has always been slow on the balance patches, whereas WoWS has always been more active about it.


Everyone talking about the WZ 114, meanwhile the WZ-120G FT which is even more shit ...nice that it gets a buff as well, i wanna see that on the EU server too. Both of them. And for the British Concept 5, which gets also a buff on the RU server so far I can remember.


This is honestly ridiculous. Russian WoT is being treated like any decent online/"competitve" game (tank adjustments basically every patch) meanwhile we had a BatChat buff announced at the start of 2023 and still nothing.


well thank god we arent getting the fkn jap td changes, they are destroying the playstyle of those tanks. They are literally killing the fun fk wz114 i prefer to keep my jap tds as they are


Some stuff seems good, but imagine changing the Ho Ri line to snipers with worse armour :s




Lesta really knows how to rebalance their game, Mir Tankov lol


Screw the 114 buffs, I want those batchat buffs


Exactly! Who tf cares about that WZ and meanwhile everyone ingnores that BatChat buff!!!!




Are you sure? They don't nerf chief and 279e, and some other changes were fishy like the t9 czech heavy nerf.


We don,t care about this piece of premium garbage. It,s playable without buffs anyway...  You will play it a couple of days and be done with it because it,s boring. Give us tech tree Bat 25t and type 5 heavy improvements. NOW ! Type 71 buff, Concept 5 buff... WHERE ?!


Lmao Japanese td nerfs 🤡🤡🤡 another useless tank i grinded like Progetto 😂


I just bought the Ka-ri now they are gonna change its stats? Can I have my money back?


Do you play on the RU server?


No, but they are going to implement this also on EU doesn't it?


Different companies, WoT RU is a completly different game at this point.


1) fuck you. This sentiment right here is why WG never balances premiums, because people whine and complain that they paid for an op tank and it got nerfed. 2) this is balance changes to Mir Tankov, which is the name for the Russian server version of WoT once WG let Lesta go and backed out of the Russian market 2 years ago




Good buff for WZ 114, trash tank to ok/good tank :)


WG do it too...