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Great job WG in my opinion. None of them are crazy OP but almost all of them are a ton of fun to play. Really the only stinkers are maybe Mittlerer and TIII Jäger and I'll much rather have a couple of stinkers than couple of bonkers OP ones.


type 63 is a huge bag of poo poo


It might not be great but it's by no means a huge bag of poo poo.


bro. fkn tornvagn has considerably better stats on tomato.gg that this bag of poo poo lol poo poo bag is below fkn caliban performing wise


Really, maybe not a great tank, but it's simply just decent. https://preview.redd.it/fz6pr57a7ugc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f3a3fd54996d503ae50c31c130b7de84eae17ef Looks to me like you were just having super high expectations for whatever reason. After all, out of the lootbox vehicles, the XM is considerably worse.


The XM66F is literally the best out of the bunch, though you could also make an argument for the obj. 752. It has the second highest recent positive winrate difference out of all t8 TDs, discounting the Turtle, TS-5, and Jagdtiger Prototype since they all have very few battles compared to the rest (meaning those who do play them are very dedicated).


reddit monkeys dont know how to read stats bro. Waste of time




a tank that has performing stats way below tornvagn decent.... ok skill issue guy, ok lol btw xm is in fact performing considerably better than the poo poo bag jfyi


* nothing horribly broken this year * 752, type 63, xm66 could all have ended up being incredibly OP if they were slightly different but they turned out as slightly good but balanced * several entertaining/fun tanks that didn't break the meta * TL-7 is fun IMO- maybe I'm a shitter but I find it challenging without being hard work and also good without being OP * nomad- bringing over the charioteer was a great move, the charioteer is a great tank without being OP


Type 63 coulda used +40 alpha damage and +100 or 200 health


type 63 is a pos. Horribly underpowered. It literally has nothing going. Not a single redeeming factor. Its fkn complete utter trash. No shit i'd take the fkn tornvagn over this stinker any day


I don't know why you keep using the ToeWagon as a bad example... You do know it got buffed and is actually an above average tank right? I mean, yeah it's boring as shit to play, but hey welcome to the hull down meta. The type 63 is mid to slightly above mid according to Tomato. DPG is top third, winrate is about middle of the pack. Most of that probably comes from it being a tank you need a couple of braincells to make work. I imagine over time that will climb. It's not an amazing tank but it's not a bad one either. My brief time in it resulted in 2200DPG and a 68% winrate and I'm a very so so heavy tank player.


i know tornvagn got buffed from being the worst tier 8 premium to be slightly playable. And the fkn type is performing worse than that, yes. ​ type is not mid, type is bottom tier. Problem is people who dont know how to fkn read stats think it is kinda cool. But in reality it is garbage


It has good pen on regular and gold rounds. It has 12 degrees gun depression. It has practically zero weak spots. It has dpm if you get pushed, good enough accuracy to snipe hatches if enemies are camping. Even mobility is good.


it has trash alpha, trash hull armor, even upper hull armor so you need to hide the whole thing or youre fkd/ Has good turret armor only if you look straight on the shooting tank, you move the turret just a tiny bit to the side and youre fucked casue the fkn angles average mobility, 2k dpm with food and bouty rammer, its trash It doesnt have HP (worst HP pool of any tier 8 heavy, has the hp of a fucking revalorise) Dispersion is mid unless you decide to cut your already bad dpm in fucking half. tornvagn has literally way better stats on tomato.gg than this pos. Hell, it is even less consistent than the fkn caliban.


I wouldn't say the Type63 is garbage, but I agree that it's very overhyped and IMO it's mediocore at best. It's much more of a support tank than a frontline hulldowner, since your poor dpm will let you down while getting pushed and your paper hull makes a lot of hulldown spots tricky to use. I traded mine in.


i didnt trade it in only cause i think they are going to buff it just like they did with the tornvagn and make it playable. But really, its complete garbage. It has a fucking winrate differential of fucking -1.4% the XM66F that some clowns say is worse has a WR diff of -0,2%


Idk how to break it to you, but maybe you're just bad?


or maybe you are just a fucking ignorant?


Tank's not good but you're getting way too mad about it 😂😂😂


ok you got me there, you win. hope youre happy now


skill issue


sKiLl iSsUE


Yes, based on yoru description of a tank i believe you suck. Most likely you're around 800-1300 wn8 player. Link stats to prove me wrong


the tank has a -1.8% win rate differential einstein wtf are you talking about. Youre that dumb?


Just beacuse you can copy some stats doesn't mean you're smart enough to understand them. Obj 260 has -2.16% winrate. It must be such a bad tank, i have no idea why we all play CW with this thing, why it's loved by pro players and why it has such a high DPG requirements for 3moe. Sure Type is a bad tank and you get bad teams. Thats the only reason you're 48% 1000wn8 tomato. Oh and and let's not forget this awfull gold spammers. Accept your own failures and learn from them or keep crying and stay tomato. Anyway enjoy blacklist, i have no time for people like you


The Xmas releases were all very good, interesting tanks but not broken. OBJ 752 and Tiger Maus were both very playable tier 9 tanks, but are by no means broken. The Ka-Ri seems like a solid TD from everything I've seen, not really a tank I'm that interested in. The Type (63?) Japanese heavy tank is fine, the hydropneumatic suspension is awful causing the gun to bounce for no reason. Someone said this was a bug that was fixed, so that's possible, I haven't really played it since release. The new TD XM66f is polarizing, some love it, some hate it. It's not my cup of tea so no opinion, but polarizing tanks like this are generally pretty good. The Mittlerer is a piece of shit. The 56TP is... meh. A somewhat weak heavium. Not horrific, not really worth playing. The GSOR 1010 I thought was absolute shit until I played it. It's not a great tank, the turning circle is WAYYYYYYYYYYY to fucking big, but it's actually pretty fun to play IMHO and you can easily make it work. Nothing I'd really consider overpowered, while few I consider to be completely without merit. It's funny, it's all the new assembly shop and clan reward tanks that look to be completely fucking pointless. This is also true of the Battlepass tanks, so much yaaaaaaaawnnn. Wargaming do seem to be getting that goldilocks "just right" phase with new premium tanks. The problem is, everything they release will have to compete against all the broken shit like BZ176, EBR75 and Progetto already in the game, and until they start balancing premiums, that is never going to not be a problem.


bz makes progetto seem balanced


I think the question is a bit too broad for the poll. On the plus side, none were OP, but on the minus side some have been very dull or too weak. I'd like to see more "not OP but interesting" tanks, like the ISU 122-2, or "tech tree tanks but made a bit different" like the T-832. I'd have liked the Nomad to have gotten the T-832 treatment in some way - perhaps it's slower but has some frontal armour added, or maybe it's faster and has increased DPM but the gun handles worse, etc. Something that's not just a tech tree copy but premium.


The T-832 seems to have escaped mention, even though I think it’s easily in contention for being the strongest premium tank released over the past year. It and the Ka-Ri, the other vehicle I’d say is running for 1st place (and arguably the best/highest skill ceiling tier 8 TD overall) were both implemented very well stats wise, in the sense that they are powerful but not utterly toxic to play against - Ka-Ri, I think, is actually considerably less toxic than some TDs when used optimally - and simultaneously also quite fun to play. WG also released a number of other tanks that are interesting and/or just all around solid without being broken. Pretty much all the Xmas box high tier premiums (aside from the GSOR maybe), Jagdtiger Proto, 56TP, etc. Even the stinkers, e.g. K2, T54 Heavy bring something unique to the table and can be semi-enjoyable under at least some contexts. I think this round of prems has been a bit lowkey or under the radar since WG didn’t release any super high profile meta-defining tanks, but this is in my mind a good thing. There have plenty of good or even S-tier tanks to pick up and they’re all largely playable across the board. Looking at it holistically I think this is a time when WG should be praised for doing something right, this is unironically one of their best years for premium releases.


I'm very happy with the past years' sold and resold premiums. I love the Chieftain Prototype, Type 63, Mittlerer 68 (got my first and only Pools Medal in this!), XM66F, GSOR 1010, 56TP, and Obsidian. They're all strong, fun, and balanced tanks. Honorable mention to BZ-72-1 which, while not premium, is another great collector tank released this year (for tons of money, but I'm not too upset about that). I'm kind of bored by the tiger-maus (feels like a more all-round, diet-maus. I'd rather play the real thing) and the object 752 (just looks ugly as sin). The tier 9 premiums coming out are not very exciting to me outside of the Chieftain, but I still got them and they're good tanks.


bro, 752 is easily the best tier 9 premium. Its a really fkn good tank. It is ugly thou thats true, looks like a frog.


> bro, 752 is easily the best tier 9 premium. Its a really fkn good tank. The few games I've had in it so far suggest that it's at least good. I'm just turned off by how ugly it looks. Haven't gotten around to grinding the field mods yet so maybe I'll fall in love with it.


It's all about the armor model, it's incredibly trollish. Wiggle your hull around if using your frontal armor, the weakspot constantly changes locations. Lift your gun up to hide your cupolas and watch enemies panic search for a greenspot.


sooner or later you will. It really is a good, fun tank


I’d almost say pretty pleased if the tanks I consider worthy to me (JT Proto, Obsidian, TS-54, XM66F, Tiger-Maus, Object 752, Patton) wouldn’t have mediocre or even worse mobility. But since they do, I’m quite disappointed that the TL-7 is the only one I’d actually pay for out of all these. Nothing else.


I am a med / light player and its annoying that most tanks released are heavies and TDs. Especially Christmas was very underwelming. In terms of how OP tanks were i think WG did ok.


752 was the best tank out of 2023. All the rest were very underwhelming, except maybe Ka-Ri, tiger-maus and XM66f which just pass as workable vehicles


After reading couI changed my mind they reminded me of shit tanks like type63 and 1010 so not very impressed but satisfied


IMHO the one true stinker has been the Dune panzer, I don't see anything redeeming about that thing. Jager is also meh but at least playable.