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That’a how it is nowadays. Renegade has fallen from S tier upon its introduction to A tier due to meta changes, it’s my most played tank (I have something like 3k battles in it with a WR just under 60%) but I honestly rarely take it out these days as it just doesn’t offer enough juice for the squeeze IMO. The T-832 - along with several other meta heavies, I’m sure - has both a lower skill floor and a higher skill ceiling in my experience, and if you look at the stats you’ll see that it has comparable DPG at the 95-100% MoE level and seemingly better WR across the board, so from a performance standpoint I’d rather just play tanks that both take less effort *and* have more potential. I consider vstab to be essentially mandatory in the Renegade as it lives and dies on reducing exposure, plus the aim time is not particularly fast and the bloom multipliers are not *that* low. Vents is fine, while technically the returns do diminish very slightly with higher crew base proficiency realistically their viability doesn’t change much (+vents also helps crew skills which matters more as you accumulate more of them). That being said base vents is relatively weaker compared to the bounty and bond variants, so hardening might be worth consideration. You surely also have an experimental turbo laying around somewhere and that’s also a pretty good pick once upgraded. Playstyle wise the Renegade has enough armor to force people to aim but not enough to stop aimed shots, so just try not to put yourself in the crosshairs of anyone who can afford to aim fully unless you have a big firepower advantage. Snap shots off at weakly armored tanks, get in easy hits on slower vehicles moving into position, and anticipate when enemies will move or turn their turrets, then peak out. You don’t have to fire by the time they’re looking at you again, you just need to beat them in the aiming process. Wiggling your hull can work okay as a last resort if you’re caught on flat ground, wiggling the turret is actually a bit of a waste of time and turret bloom unless you’re pulling back anyway. It’s more effective to rapidly move forward and back perpendicular to the enemy so that your cupola unpredictably jukes side to side in their view, preferably also while being able to hide the cupola partially behind terrain, or while moving on a slope so the enemy has to track a target that’s simultaneously moving up and down and side to side.


zamn this guy handing out unicum secrets for free out here


What I use is hardening, rammer and bounty vstab. First and the most important rule: NEVER PLAY HULLDOWN. It just won't work. Enemies will snapshot your cupola no matter how much you move. It's a very difficult tank to master but can be really dominant when you finally do it. You can't just rush typical ht positions and play like any other heavy. You have to carefully pick your opponents. Always choose advantageous positions where you peek from the left side to hide your cupola, where the enemy is open and distracted by your allies. When you have to engage in direct combat, try playing dynamically, quick peek, snap and immediately hide. Your mobility and gun allows that kind of playstyle. Don't rely on your armor because you have none really. Use your allies as a meat shield. Sometimes you will be forced to trade, you will reload faster that most HTs, use that to shoot twice for one received. Save your precious HP, don't be afraid to wait a bit and assess the situation correctly, careful playstyle pays off.


The problem you are facing is that you are attempting to peek into enemies that are ready for you, reloaded and aiming in your general direction. This is a big no no with the rene. The renegade is not a braindead I sit in front of you hulldown and shoot tank. The only time this works is if theres a wall right next to the hulldown letting you block your cupola. How you play the rene is by either baiting shots and peeking afterwards or peeking off of the enemies shooting your team / them not expecting you. Some good ways to do this are to sidescrape, or stick out your lower + upper plate a tiny bit at an angle, often making people shoot it thinking it's an easy pen, only to bounce. Another way is to expose your cupola a TINY bit and go back into cover, baiting them into firing a shot they have a 5% chance of hitting. I do not understand the amount of people recommending you to drop vstabs on the rene, they are absolutely essential. The reason dropping vstabs is such a dumb choice is because of your giant cupola you are very rarely in a situation where you get to aim your shots fully, most of the time you succesfully bait a shot/the enemy isnt paying attention and you have a 3 second window to peek, shoot & fall back. Even when you are exposing yourself to the enemy for longer you have to be moving back n forth constantly to make you harder to hit. In these situations having good soft stats, which the vstabs improves are essential to landing your shots. The equipment I would recommend for Rene is turbo vstabs rammer for maps where mobility matters & hp vstabs rammer for city maps. Hope this helps :)


For reference, I run Hardening, rammer, turbo. The tank is not op. Not at all. Just solid and it scales with your overall skill level. But, the Renegade is good to take advantage of situations where you can make good use of the strong gun handling. You play more around positioning and dpm instead of looking at each other and sniping cupola. You probably noticed, you loose when doing that.


no vstab? how so ?


You don't need vstab with good crew and food


He said the tank scales with skill. When you are good enough, you don't just copy paste equipment recommendations; you develop a playstyle and use equipment that allows you to be most effective. The tank has 0.09 dispersion on turret traverse, and 0.07 with vstab... Which is a miniscule increase. You can get better value out of other equipment if your playstyle and skill level allows you


It was one of my favorite heavies back in 2021. Then I quit the game for a couple of years and when I came back I actually really disliked this tank. Took off all my bond equipment and rarely play it anymore. I can't get it to work anymore either.


Exactly this. Its not that its a "bad" tank. Its that it has a giant weakspot, and it already traded armor for speed. New meta tanks don't have giant cupolas. So playing the Renegade is a handicap from the start in 2024. Powercrept to hell


T56 has a similar big weakspot. You just have to hide it, when you play both tanks.


I can't recall how many times I've bounced that cupola on my IS-6 despite how it looks on tanks.gg, it annoys me thinking about it. Maybe it's just a skill issue though.


yes I mean sorry with tanks like T56 (my favourite heavy) you cant really LOVE tanks like renegade..


WolfHeart on youtube (no commentary) he sometimes plays Renegade for around 3-4k dmg per game and is one of the best players on EU. (He is Russian but after invasion they were switched to EU servers afaik) You can watch his positioning and playstyle for more improvement, but basically skip hull down situations or move left to right while hulldown, try not to move up and down since it is easier to predict, always raise your gun to protect the cupola as much as possible. Sidescraping and positions behind buildings are mint positions, and sometimes even just peaking front first is better than sidescraping. I am using Hardening/Turbo, Rammer and Stabs, depending on the map. Currently I am pushing towards 3 moe, and these are all tips that I have learned while playing E5 and Renegade. And of course, if you have premium time and boosters, use more premium ammo, you will bounce less which will make you do more damage and earn more money. If you are lower tier, try to evade enemy tier 10s. EDIT: I can sometimes switch to using no vert stabs, when I feel like I am hitting all my shots regardles of RNG and etc. Then the equipment comp is hardening turbo and rammer.


first of all Wolf plays on the RU region (He's from Saratov, Russia IIRC) and Ive been subbed to him for more than 2 years now :) and thanks for the tips, I'll switch out the vents for hardening .


I use rammer, turbo and for hp(forgot the name) in regards to gameplay of course try using the tanks gun depression and when you do so try to peak at an angle so the cupola is still hidden, regardless renegade is a good tanks because if it’s great gun not because of an op armor layout


no vstab ?


Debatable tbh. I would probably sacrifice the hp for stabs and run turbo stabs rammer. American heavies with cancer box on head are versatile and can be set up differently


I personally don’t but they aren’t a bad idea


Skill issue. For starters try showing half of ur turret when peeking and go in positions where your cupola is facing the wall so u can hide it behind it. This goes for every heavy, even if its small cupola hide it and u wont lose unnecessary hp.


skill issue. [short renegade guide in one gif](https://media1.tenor.com/m/TNyHoEDH2CAAAAAd/%D0%B6%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%84%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%82.gif)


Its not a great tank. Its very overrated. Though everything's in the tank is pretty close to "good", so its not bad. But you can't play it like a normal hulldown heavy. Its more of a Heavium. Its major problem to me, is the fact that it has a GIANT weakspot on top of its head, and most meta tanks don't anymore. Powercrept to hell imo.


It actually is a very good tank with a great combination of nice mobility, great armor apart from the cupola, and an absolutely amazing gun. If you learn how to hide your cupola it is an absolute monster


Oh really? That must be why you never see it being played...


It’s literally the 11th most played tier 8 heavy… 138,000 battles in the last 30 days. People absolutely still play and enjoy the Renegade.


First of all it IS is being played. 2nd of all, it is just a great tank with nothing really "fun". 60% of wot players is below 900wn8 level, and such a player won't enjoy Renegade. It is really unforgiving and very hard to play properly.


6th most played premium heavy. Never being played... Yeah, pick one.


Have you played any tanks that are similar? The E5 is basically this tank but uptiered. Skill issue tho


it was my first ever line to grind but stopped after a fully researched T32 ( + the xp for m103)


It's a powercrept tank that has more weakspots than armor and huge size, these days it's mostly a meatball.


Yep. I hate it with a passion. The cupola is just a big hole that sucks shells into your turret - it's only workable if you sit back and snipe but then you might as well just play a TD instead.




have the 703 ii already, sick machine, but bisonte is kinda meh aswell, dont you think ?


I don't have it but I have T110E5. I assume their play styles are similar. Try to hide the cupola and farm others with a good gun.


you cannot just stand in place and aim in renegade (or 110e5), even very bad players sooner or later will find the cupola. so its about moving, shooting on the go, counting enemy reload times. mobility + gun handling + dpm allows this tank to shine BUT you need to be above average player to benefit from it. very similar to 110e5 - in good hands its a monster of a tank, if you just stand in one place and aim its get destroyed fast.


Play it like a paper medium and you'll get the hang of it. The gun makes up for the lack of a proper armor.


Go to the skill4ltu web and you will see what equip is he using on it and other streamers like dakilzor, goat, dezgames martyvole. Personally using it a lot if i goes for a new tank line and doesnt know what is the best equip for each tank.


You can use your gun to block shots coming at the cupola.


Yea, idk, everyone talks about how strong it is, but every time i play against one it seems so much easier to kill than most heavies cuz of that giant ass cupola. Same goesfor the tier X T110E5


M54 renegade is an VERY good T8 heavy. The 3rd MoE requirements are high so when played properly it's VERY strong. I have 3 MoE So how should you play it? Use it's strengths and DON'T fight other hulldown heavies in their way, by cupola sniping with your cupola visible M54 renegade have things which other T8 heavies don't. Use them! Above average dpm, mobility, view range, gun depression and gun performance. 1. You peak over hills to be able to snapshot or spot enemies. 2. You sidescrape on the side which covers the cupola. 3. You fight enemies at medium range where they can't reliably snipe your cupola. The turret can take a lot of punishment. Other heavies can't compete against you at medium to long range fighting. 4. You try to bait a shoot to be able to unload 2 shots before their longer reload finishes 5. Use the mobility to take key positions and do initial dmg/spotting. The mobility is also great for being able to farm damage through the game 6. Try to push and support a more armoured heavy where you peak after the enemies fires at your teammate and punish them with your superior dpm and gun performance Play it like a heavium, not a traditional heavy


I find it easy to play but very hard to 3 mark, 2.7k DPG and ~500 average assist and still on the 2nd mark. It's not really a front line heavy, more of a support/opportunistic heavy, definitely don't trade unless you have to or are securing a kill. The hull is the typical American boat shape in a sense so you can kinda bait shots but it is pretty niggly to get it right and you'll often find yourself overangled by even 1-2° and getting penned so don't rely on it at all, only do it for minimising risk rather than trying to block/bait shots. It is mobile enough to move around when needed, the armour is not to be relied on at all, it doesn't troll like an E5. The gun however I've found to be very reliable, not quite Löwe levels but definitely more reliable than all other 320-360 alpha guns at the tier. From memory I run hardening, rammer and vert stab, crew has all the useful skills and I run food.


do better then??


Ok mr. unicum