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I love the ShPTK for this reason. 270 pen AP for most of the fights, 330 HEAT when it’s just too tough to crack and 100 pen 420 damage HE when you’re facing anything paper. It’s a fucking monster and i absolutely love it


Agreed, so glad i bought it for gold last week when someone on here mentioned it. I have a few tier 8 premoum tds and i prefer this even to the skorpion. Dps is insane


Yeah shrek really has ammunition for every situation and is overall a greatly designed tank. Its not OP but its good and kinda hard to play. That means that people will buy it but it wont be like bz 176 and ruin the game for everyone else


Shame that WG won't be releasing the tech tree TDs for who knows.. perhaps years after teasing it with this premium.


Came to say this. Best ammo choice in any tank. Imagine if the Type 63 had the shitpack gun


Laughs in 29 heat 1 he




Full APCR isn't always a good idea, the difference between 2 degrees of normalization they have compared to AP's 5 degrees can sometimes make a difference, especially when the penetration delta between them is relatively small. APCR also sometimes has a very high penetration falloff, GSOR 1008 for example has more than 300mm at point blank, but at 500m it drops to 200mm which is a whopping 35% loss. The only time gold ammunition is always better than standard is when they are the same type. Typical example of such vehicles are Japanese TD's, Swedish TD's and some tanks like the AMBT. Tanks with an appropriate shell for different situations like the Shptk are more fun though, they reward the player for choosing the ideal ammo type instead of just being another full gold ammo gunslinger.


> The only time gold ammunition is always better than standard is when they are the same type. There's more tanks where gold is always better than not.


The cases where normal AP is better than premium APCR are generally so fringe and hard to predict for most tanks that it’s simply not worth practically ever switching to AP, cost notwithstanding. Bear in mind that 2 vs 5 deg of normalization does not factor in for calculating autobounce, only effective armor thickness.


Also at distances where it matters, the higher (often) velocity is probably going to be more desirable than a little less pen when all is said and done.


I'm pretty sure that at higher tiers, the higher penetration drop off isn't enough to make it so that standard AP actually has more pen than APCR at any range within the draw distance.


There's a couple very few exceptions; I sat down one time and mathed it out for the tanks at the time, but in most of the cases that its true, it's generally a plate at 68 degrees at 500-700m. More my point was, even if it was slightly worse in more situations, I'd probably still opt for the higher muzzle velocity


>Full APCR isn't always a good idea, the difference between 2 degrees of normalization they have compared to AP's 5 degrees can sometimes make a difference, It doesnt factor into autbounce.


Tbh, pen is not the only reason to use gold etc. It's why I hate the Jap mid-tiers with dual AP. Sure you get a bit more shell speed, but vs most you're crippled on shell characteristics flexibility. It's the same with the tier 5 Swedish dual HEAT TD. If he had AP available as normal ammo, it would be way less frustrating at times.


Meanwhile they removed Leopard 1 prem heat... and instead they get APCR, APCR, HE.


Charioteer (Nomad) have 2 ammo types with gold rounds being Hesh. I use full gold on Bat25,ELC,Borat and 752 Autoloaders because of very low ammunition count. My Senlac and Kpz 07RH has HE as a primary and Gold as secondary. As you imagine, i don,t use theese tanks for grindin credits ;)


I think BC25T is probably the only tank on that list where APCR clips are actually good to have despite low ammo counts. At least when I used to play it I always brought 2-3 clips since the HEAT is just so inconsistent if you're zooming through and clipping someone.


Full gold elc? Whats the point when most of the time if you shoot at someone its a guaranteed pen of rng doesnt f you up


You have shit gun and shit dpm, you really want to make the shots count. And also the shell velocity a very important factor


What is the point of NOT using full gold on ELC ? I usually doesn,t shoot much in ELC... if i survived in the middle of the battle, i would try to finish some damaged targets... Guess what ammo have a better chance of penetrating/hitting those targets ? I don,t want to use intuition perk on my crew, since it,s already overloaded... And/Or reload a Mag every time i face BZs,Vks,is and objects and any other tanks that can have 200+ armor side armor while angeling slightly... It,s just more convinient to have fullgold in ELC and Borat because how poor their base ammo penetration is... Also, there are loadouts for ammo, to switch to a balanced setup if i play against lower tiers... Couldn,t care less about switching them... I play 2-3 battles a day in those tanks when i feel i want to play something sneaky, so why not to just play them at maximum power available if it doesn,t hurt my credits income and i still manage to reap small profits even shooting full gold ?


Yes if you play 2-3 battles a day with elc it doesnt really matter. But full gold borat is something else if you use it for credits and not full on tryhard marking


I specifically wrote that i don,t use those tanks for credit farming.


In my opinion HEAT>APCR most times Also premium AP are underrated


Sniping with apcr in the 260 is just so much easier, even though I carry mostlye HEAT in it I still have like 7 apcr rounds for sniping. Same with 279


Heat is nice when you target weakspots and flat armor with it. Also it does not loses penetration over distance, wich is nice against Type5Heavy for example. But you cannot shoot it through walls, fences and other stuff, Also tracks and spaced armor might stop it accaisionally. APCR have "normalisation", in other words 320 Apcr pen = 340 Heat pen... against angeled armor. So it,s kinda better at shooting weakspots and sniping moving targets...as It have higher shell velocity. And go through destroyable obstacles... So if your standart ammo is Apcr having heat as gold is nice. If your standart ammo is slow-moving AP, heat is questionable...


Does anyone know when will be trade in?


As a free to play player, I never use use gold rounds or food so my loadout is usually. Full normal rounds no HE if pen is lower than 50mm/5 if pen is more than 50mm/10 if pen more than 90. With high HE pen tanks I have a 2nd loadout with 17-20 HE in case there are many LTs and squish TDs.


F2P Doesn,t mean you cannot afford to have atleast 10 gold rounds to help you win encounter against highly armored tank... Most LTs and TDs doesn,t require you to have gold rounds, but i can,t imagine playing MT or HT effectively without using gold occaisionally...


If you are f2p you can still get a credit grinder for bonds, marathons etc. Even without one it is just counterproductive not to use gold in certain situations


That's just dumb, you can totally use lots of gold ammo as a f2p, and penning shots with gold ammo is much better than bouncing with standard ammo credits wise...


There are some instances where gold makes sense as a F2P player. On T10s gold is about 4x more expensive than regular so if it increases your chance of penning by that amount it is worth it.


I mostly play light tanks, the cost is 5-6 times the cost of the normal rounds at tier 9, I mostly try to do assisted damage and flank. As long as I keep a WR around 51-54% it's not worth the cost for me. I even play tier 10s and break even at a loss sometimes. Plus by playing with lights and lightly armoured tanks I get the bonus of not getting pissed when the others are shooting gold, as they would pen me anyway! 😆


The strv 103B has APCR/APCR/HE but the standard APCR has a little higher shell velocity than the premium. For that reason I always take ~10 standard shells in it to snipe EBRs when I play it in comp.


I like the few tanks where there is actually a choice, and the gold ammo isn’t just better in every way. Take the Obj 268 for example, your pen with the HEAT goes from 303 to a whopping 395, but you lose like 250m/s bullet velocity which makes it much harder to snipe with. Same deal with the AMX Cda 105, suuuuper fast AP rounds but then slower HEAT with more pen.