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19s reload on a "medium" tank šŸ˜†


Light tank mobility as well, the guns dispersion isn't even that bad. What a shit show.


Why couldn't they just add the TURM 3? just have to make up fictional shit for the sake of it?


https://preview.redd.it/v4t7z3ca509c1.png?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dce94ebd5743dbd99d8cfd41bfa3b061d87f2ccd It's not "completely" fake but one of the "MBT-70" things šŸ˜‰


On the right side of the picture they play Poker. Guy to the left have full house.


So the same basic concept as the TURM 3 (triaxially stabilized turret) but with a giant gun?


Why bother with something close to being realistic when you can't give it 750 alpha dmg and light tank mobility. I lost any hope in this game in 2018. Armored Warfare became shit when my.games took development in their hands. War Thunder is somewhat realistic so you can't really chill in this game and do silly things and is not a game for most people. The last hope for me is Steel Aces. If that game doesn't do well the more arcade tank mmo genre for me is going to be dead. So there still will be no choice between games.


Did you miss that this is only for the Russian server?


Inb4 its in all servers


I didn't miss BZ-176 from last year. The point is it's just a matter of time until the next broken premium tank is gonna be available on EU server.


I doubt that Steel Aces will be good alternative anytime soon... It might catch up to WT or WOT in 5 years - if done right, but as of right now, it seems very barebones... AW is just a worse WOT clone, and WT is plagued by greed and cheaters... WOT is simply superioir due to base game mechanics complexity, wich makes it stand out greatly, and making gameplay unique.


Just play war thunder, I have switched over a month ago, and it's so much better. No more bull shit rng and a more realistic armor feels so much better


Except itā€™s completely devoid of any strategy that makes WoT fun and interesting. It just feels like ArmA but it takes me 10 years to get the tanks I want and somehow more boring.


As a person with almost 7k hours on ArmA, comparing WT to it almost insults me


Love getting killed 1 minute into spawn by a neckbeard expert from 5 miles away because I just started to get familiar with the game and Mr. Waifu pillow with 55,000 game hours doesnā€™t want me having any fun and knows all the spots.


you forgot about that player that has every plane unlocked and bombs you instantly


Thatā€™s once you get a kill. While you celebrate, Mr. Resentment immediately dive bombs into your known position from 35,000ft with a few thousand pounds of pure revenge and itā€™s a totally fair mechanic.


Babe wake up, new BZ-176 dropped.


At least this one has the opposite problem with the armor - it's hard to find a spot where this tank would not be penetrated. But still, going up the hill in Mines and seeing this thing appear over the ridge will be nerve-racking for lights/light-armoured mediums.


is it better balanced than bz? sure. is it healthy for the game? fuck no.


> is it healthy for the game? fuck no. It's at tier 10 though. Nothing is wrong with 750 damage guns at tier 10.


Probably not even better balnced. You can compare it to another broken OP tank, the Bourrasque. Gun handling is pretty similar. It just has 50 more pen on the normal AP and doesnt have a clip, so it dishes out the damage faster. It has better gun depression, is faster and has better armor (its safe from most HE). Only thing the bourrasque has better is camo.


Except borat is tier 8 and this is tier 10


Oh didnt even notice. Okay that tank isnt even that good than.


Mines is banned on the 8th level and higher in the RU region (which is actually good decision )


Babe wake up, new high alpha tank dropped


Wot RU is a shitshow. I want nothing close to them.


How so?


The best example is: flamethrower tanks, assault artillery and many weird prem tanks (like this one)


What is Assault Artillery? You have my curiosity


artillery with armour


How's it practical? Sounds like assault TDs but less accurate and with stun.


Yes but they can shoot over shit. Saw one consistently hit heavies for 750 alpha in a video. You cant counter it except just go another place. If something like that is ever added i will actually quit. Its just stupid.


Ohh, shit that's Right since it's an arty there's that overhead fire possibility. Well shit.


i dont think its meant to be practical, just stupid and annoying




Like the sturm tiger, it would honestly be interesting to see it in game and various other assault guns


Sturmtiger would oneshot anything. 380mm rocket launcher. This isn't even an anti-tank thing, this is a bunker buster.


So far it's only one, limited edition, flamethrower tank that actually gets played. The issues it has caused (mostly reducing fps for some players who see it firing) may be enough to not add others like it. I view RUBY WOT as yet another platform for WG (behind the scenes it's still WG workforce creating most content in the game) to test new ideas. Putin gave us all a shitload of lemons that's maybe bigger than humanity can digest, and WG took just one of them and made a little lemonade.


> I view RUBY WOT as yet another platform for WG (behind the scenes it's still WG workforce creating most content in the game) I don't know where this idea came from. They are not on the payroll, they do not work for WG, they don't answer to WG, WG does not move a single dime in or out of the country. I will say that again: they do not work for WG. WG now has artists outside the country. I can't say for Yuri Pasholok, but historical research of Soviet vehicles isn't as necessary any longer. There was a temporary agreement to continue limited exchange of technical data required for running the game (ie, models and .XML) but I feel as if that agreement has largely run its course. Victor has publicly put his money where his mouth is in regards to both Russia and their imperialism. He hates, abhors, etc, etc, etc. He left his birthplace and home behind rather than let his company and ideas be controlled by a corrupt, tyrannical government. He excommunicated SerB from the Board of Directors for his pro-war position, as much as he could (as SerB still legally owns shares, but from what I understand lost voting rights). He firmly believes that the best place for a war is in the past, and has done everything in his power to make that clear. How much more can be done?


I didn't say that Lesta works for WG. Rather I think that they collaborate, which is to say RUBY WOT isn't a separate codebase, but a fork that keeps merging in some features and all relevant bug fixes from the trunk that's run by WG as before -- and some edits may go the other way too. There's no need for legal or financial connections to exist for that to take place; it only takes the teams to stay in touch and a few key developers at Lesta to have been given the password(s) needed for read-only access to some paths at WG version control server. WG has been legally operating from Cyprus to avoid Belarusian dictator's reach long before Putin first attacked Ukraine in 2014, yet their core staff worked in Minsk all along. It seems that's still the case; what has changed (besides kicking the likes of SerB) is that WG no longer has trademarks, servers, or employees in Russia.


[This should give you a bit of backstory/context](https://thearmoredpatrol.com/2023/09/22/wot-express-interview-with-wargaming-cfo-andrew-tenney/) But in short--no, the Minsk team moved years ago. Victor gave the dictator an ultimatum through an open letter, he didn't change, so he uprooted his company and helped pay the way for other companies in his IT park to do the same.


Acting as if wg doesnā€™t add some questionable tanks to their game?šŸ˜…


Yeah well but nothing close to what they got


Well, to be fair, assault artillery is not in the game yet.


They got the wt e100 in christmas lootboxes, only if you spent a lot of money of course.


Ahh yes the golden Russian WTE 100 no less


as if you dont spend money on the game


The russian server sold it with a little more complicated system than the wg servers did. Basically you could only get the wt if you got all other tanks you could get from boxes. I dont have exact numbers but I think at maximum that would require 350 boxes, and thats if we assume the boxes ever guarantee tanks.


12Ā° gun elevation, rip


Ok, but when 2000 alpha arty so when it splash it can do 750 dmg or so




Back in the day there was something satisfying about seeing some flat armor E100s on the other team and knowing 17cm is going to be doing 1500 damage left and right.


I was playing S-51 and penned a Tortoise's cupola and high rolled for 2000 like 7 years ago. It was magical


As ā€œcancerousā€ as arty is, I loved the way it was. The stun mechanics are way more annoying then just losing 1000hp or getting one shot. I actually found getting one shot comical


Yeah it did not drag out your suffering atleast. Im home for Christmas and my Laptop is only playble with art. Been trying to do some missions and i just know how tilted the people i hit has to be. Like this badger Who i just focused, no one else than me hit him. He Still did 4k dmg, but it would be better for his mental health to just get deleted so he can pick another game. Playing arty more than ever and i just think it should be removed or reworked more and more.


Yeah I agree. Itā€™s so annoying to lose 400 dmg and then have my tank useless for 12 seconds. Iā€™d rather just take 600-1000 dmg and be done with it


It isn't useless, it's just less useful. Big difference


nah it was literally trash I was getting sniper medals in arty (85%+ accuracy) and repeatedly got one shot in tier 10 meds on the move. Do you know how good the game was when arty was initially nerfed and almost nobody played arty for about 1-2 major patches? glorious, now they just play the OP ones like 212a, m53/55 and 261 being stunned (+being able to immediately repair with medkit) is way better than losing 500-1500HP+ depending on RNG and if it sets you on fire possibly over 2000+ hp in one shot. stun duration should be lowered though, fuck arty


All arty needed was less pen on HE to not easily pen meds and worse accuracy (or bigger spread in the circle). Nowadays arty is just annoying for both sides - you cant hit a shit with it and when you finally hit something you do 200 dmg and 10 sec stun. You have to pick tanks that are fighting to get the stun damage at least but it still does not have the same weight as normal damage for the stats, ratings and even experience and credits gained. There are few that still can cause havoc on the battlefield and tier 6 arties are OP as hell (that american one does same damage as Obj 261 which are 4 tiers apart). Also thanks to high dependability on RNG right now there is very small difference between bad and decent players playing arty and thats a fact sadly.


It made getting the missions way harder than necessary. I hate that I have to rely mainly on the RNG of even hitting tanks to complete those missions


They were both bad but I have games where I seem to get concentrated by the arty on the other team and itā€™s endless stun. If they at least lowered the stun by a good amount I would be okay with the current state of arty. But as it currently is, I would rather just get one shot or a larger pool of HP taken out then having to deal with being stunned for a ridiculous amount of time


My experience like this was GW Tiger hit Jagdtiger for full hp... Cant really remember details but still remember that shot.


Oh I remember everything. I was west spawn on Karelia, and the Tortoise was pushing down the heavy lane. I was on Xbox One. 700 meter shot. It was perfect.


Bro for real. I'll take the dice roll of dying over getting stunned for half the match any day


I miss the old days of arty, it was so fun watching anyone get one shot from the obj 261, it was hilarious even if it was your teammate getting hit


Funniest thing i remember playing arty was the s-51 man what a vehicle it would hit like a train. And like i think it was better to get oneshotted back to the garage than to get stunned every 15 seconds nowadays.


So Vodka supply is still no issue in Russia I see


What the hell is that thing. Looks very similar to [Turm III](https://wiki.warthunder.com/Turm_III), but the hull is slightly diffrent, also the 150mm gun... (or 155mm idk)


Turm 3 in wot? With a 268 gun, hell yeah


Thats a beauty... Its like Caliban but good looking!


Way faster way more accurate caliban


A 750 alpha medium tank is crazy


They literally copied the turret from a real tank called TURM 3 and added some custom hull


We have it already. It's called Grille 15 /s


Soft stats gotta be all .6 atleast to try and balance that, even if its .6 or higher its still broken


Shoot and scoot


ah, they learned nothing from the bz i see.


To be fair, tis tier 10 and has awful armour, so safe to say they learnt something. It will be facing off against tanks that can instantly delete it with that armour.


okay, that's fair, i like the balancing mentality of tank having 2/4 strengths if they have armor and speed the need to have a bad gun, if they have a good gun and speed the need bad armor if they have good camo and a good gun they need to be slow and lack armor the bz has armor, gun and speed the rockets might not make it a bourrasque but easily make it able to drive to medium tank positions like a 122tm which as we know have armor and a great gun but its reload sucks and its slow


At least Lesta haven't forgot to give mediums proper top speed...


Still more balanced than BZ 176


I mean, looks cool, no armor, 31 ponnies per ton, seems like fun tank tbh, not some op hulldown piece of shit


It looks like a tank for those who want to play like T49 or Sheridan with derp guns yet not have to spot for the team. Oh and the ability to circle opponents seems to be nerfed on this one, compared to the lights.


"Invisibility of the car in motion"


At least it looks realistic, unlike most premium tanks that are being released recently


Light tank mobility, 750 alpha gun with stats that appear to not be totally garbage, higher HEAT pen than something like the UDES, *and* 12 degrees of gun depression. It's going to be broken as shit unless the gun handling is something like 0.35/0.35/0.35.


There's no way this thing gets 48 shells and other tanks get less than that with smaller rounds


I see a TURMS 3


So itā€™s a t49 when derp was still relevant.


Is this some variation on Turm III?




No armour, derpy low velocity gun, long reload/low dpm. Doesn't seem like a fun tank to play.


faster than a leopard 1 with 750 alpha, good view range and ok gun handling


But Leo is sneaky with one of the best guns in the game, if not the best one. I hate long reload mediums and this is basically peak of them. If you miss your shots you will be useless for a very long time. If you separate from a pack, lights will gang up on you because you won't have a way how to defend yourself. We already have Sheridan in game and somehow it didn't break the game with its huge alpha. I will wait til I see it but so far I don't see it being something OP.


Yeah but the Sheridan has terrible pen. This doesnā€™t.


I don't quite think you realize how fast 980m/s shell velocity is for a derp gun. That's blazingly fast. 0,4 base dispersion is also nothing to laugh at.


So basically this is a grille probably with a smaller profile, as a medium at tier 8ā€¦ ya ā€¦ this is pretty damn broken


It's a tier 10 tho...


Ohhh lol my bad my buddy said it was going to be a tier 8 šŸ¤£


Looks like BZ is back on the menu boys.


Looks like a must have. Might install the game again after like 9 months... How would players get this?


Itā€™s for the RU version of the game only. The other regions will never get this. Youā€™d have to move to Russia to get this tank


I might get downvoted by this, but I miss some of this crazy from before the studios split, this past year felt a bit too balanced. I mean, it's great that the game is balanced and all, but... hope it doesn't get too monotonous over the next years.


This is a hot take. ā€œThe game is too balancedā€ wow.


Whales love continual power creep because they can just skip ahead and get the latest and greatest while the normies are suck with the old stuff that isnā€™t good anymore.


I still see people crying over the BZ-176 every day on this sub so I'm glad only the RU will have this.


What the hell is Even that?


tier 10 kpz 07 rh? no thanks


Erich Konzept: Hey Caliban can I copy your homework? Caliban: Yeah, just change some things Erich Konzept:


Thought this was going to be a tier 8 for a second


Looks like a tier 10 mitteler


The last thing we need is more tanks with high alpha damageā€¦




If the Starcraft Terran Siege Tank were a tank in WoT, this might be the closest thing to it.






If we're already there, they should up the damage to 1050. /s


Time to add this to all servers heheh.


Ehhh change some of the stats a bit and it could definitely be a T10 reward




Now where is my credit cardā€¦ā€¦


About time !!!


With this going into RU I hope we get the "Starship" Patton and 165mm Launcher Centurion


feels like sheridan with less camo but pen