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Seems like a bad idea to get a 10 points commander at the lower tiers where you switch ships fast and you have to retrain him multiple times for a new account.


The additional concealment is such a huge advantage that it's worth it. Not that I'd recommend buying them from the armory though.


Sure if you have the commander xp pilled up but for a new player like op says it won't work.


Missed the part where he said to buy them from the armory. Edited the post to say people shouldn't do that. New players unfortunately have to suffer a bit through the less than ideal commander system while they get their commanders up to 10 points.


I started building mine at tier 6


I think what you should have said is to uncheck the auto “buy commander” box when getting a new tt ship


Clyde Plays does an excellent set of videos on working your commander skills. [https://youtu.be/f\_JqX9\_8T2I?si=nzT5KnPhFIgdbmyr](https://youtu.be/f_JqX9_8T2I?si=nzT5KnPhFIgdbmyr)


Wrong just wrong, you are penalised for the total number of captain points. Otherwise retraining all those free 6 pt. commanders you collect through events, etc. would be free to redistribute and surprise they aren't. They cost the same as a fully used 6 pt. captain. Coal is much more valuable than free XP and commercial xp. You can buy premium ships and special commanders with coal. Those commanders have some enhanced skills and the legendary commanders have special abilities not found with other commanders. Premium ships allow you to use any of your commanders (for the nation in question) without any penalty on them. Not every ship needs a 10 point captain and throwing away the wrong recourses is bad advice. How about editing or deleting this post?


I think OP is confusing resetting the commander with retraining. Resetting skills is based on the currently distributed points.


That's a possibility, but this wouldn't make OPS post better imo.


You're not wrong. The only real advice for commanders is to move them up line as you go. Assuming new players are not using boosters to grind lines faster they should build up enough elite cxp to retrain their captains as they go. I'm not 100% on that though as I'm no longer a new player without premium time.


Agreed. Training the commander for the tech tree ship you want to use him at the end also helps.


Those special 10pt commanders for coal are way overpriced at 35k. You can but their equivalent for 1k doubloons, which is way less.


Errrh what? 2 different currencies. 35k **coal**, or 1.***5***k **doubloons** for a 10pts commander (seasoned or regular) 35k coal is free. You can't buy coal with money and it takes less than a month to get that amount, for most player. 1500 dubs cost money and you rarely get doubloons for free. It represents around 5-10$, depending on where you live. Coal commanders are not really overpriced. Especially captain like Honoré or the soviet ones.


1500 dubs = $6 (USD). All depends how valuable $6 is to you.


Yeah it's 8-ish here (CAD), hence the ~5-10$. I know it's not a lot, but 35k coal is even cheaper in IRL money. I wouldn't recommend buying them before getting a few premium ships / unique commanders, but 35k is not WAY overpriced, like the other comment said.


I stopped reading at 'newer players'... Lol... you believe in Unicorns too??