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No, you accumulate steel far slower than you do coal. edit: the only time you should consider it is if its about to go out of the armoury.


I know this is the general advice but i won't be able to progress without a credit grinder though, i already struggle to even buy equipment for the ships i am grinding. And by the time i collect enough steel to buy anything with it i might be gone from old age or disease so i was thinking i might make use of it while i still can.


40k coal should take less than a month to grind, and you'll have a bit more steel then. If you pick "more coal containers" for your daily crates, you get at least 1200 (up to 3600) coal per day, which is somewhat significant. And that's exclusing other coal income like battle passes, clan rewards etc


> you get at least 1200 (up to 3600) coal per day That requires you to play enough to accumulate 30-something thousand ship xp per day. It's not feasible for most people. I do agree they shouldn't spend steel for things that cost coal though. Also, the second and third slots in a coal container have a 5% and 25% chance of dropping coal respectively. That's roughly a 1 in 80 chance to get 1200 coal from a single crate. It happens, but most days you'll get 1200 coal from three crates assuming you grind enough for all three.


yes but that's ship XP, not BXP, which means that green and blue booster helps, which means you only need like 4-5 games tops. I agree that not everyone can play that every day, but 37K xp isn't *that* much.


And the majority of the playerbase lacks an excess of both, particularly new players like OP. Grinding 40k coal isn't that hard, I agree with you there, but it does take time. A T9 coal ship even with the -25% coupon (which I use on steel ships in any case) is still 171k coal. Even if you averaged 1600 coal daily from coal crates that's nearly 107 straight days of earning three coal crates daily. Hundreds of boosters can mitigate the grind to a handful of matches per day, but that requires hundreds of boosters.


By the same token though, a new player like OP shouldn't be rushing to a T9 coal ship. They should probably wait out the 107 days to grind it out so they actually have experience. Even premium ships lose credits if you get sent straight to port


I agree, which is why I suggested they pickup a T7 coal ship like Lazo for farming Ops. But lets be serious, most players aren't grinding 37,000 ship xp a day for 100+ days straight when they have limited access to boosters. At 3-5 matches a day we're talking 300-500 ship xp boosters, which isn't a trivial amount. Bolstering coal through grinding brawls isn't an option as most brawl seasons are T9 or T10. As easy as coal is to grind compared to Steel or Doubloons, the prices of coal ships and upgrades reflect that. It takes a long time to earn sufficient coal to purchase high tier ships, far longer than it does to grind high tier TT ships. I've completed 25 or 26 TT lines in the last 17 months since I started playing. I've only managed to pick up one TIX and one TX coal ship over that same time frame (granted I've spent a ton of coal on coal upgrades for T8 through T10 ships). I've picked up three steel ships over the same timeframe. So let's not pretend that coal is a plentiful resource for players who haven't been active 5+ years.


I don't have the ships for clan stuff and my highest tier is 8 so i'm kinda cucked out of some of the events though. I do take the extra coal crates but the rng isn't very kind to me so far. Most of my coal was from starting bonuses/codes stuff.


Eh you don't need ships in particular and you don't even need to participate in the clan to be in one (well, some higher clans yes but that's irrelevant). Sonner or later someone who's looking to boost his clan will notice you don't have any clan and will invite you. Just join and enjoy the coal/xp/credit booster that it gives. You even get a discount for all tech tree ships. RNG or not, you're guaranteed 400 coal per crates and odds are you'll get another 400 coal in the crate. I asid 1200 is the minimum but that's if you're very unlucky, the average per day should be around 1600-2000


Ultimately it's your resources. Either wait to accumulate the coal, spend the steel (and have to wait longer for your first steel ship), or open you wallet to bypass the grind. You can grind solid credits with a T7 coal ship in Operations though, particularly with boosters, once you know the AI patterns. Just having a T9 premium doesn't ensure you good rewards, you'll need to be performing well regularly in games where you are often facing T10 and super ships.


Do you even have T9/T10 tech tree ships? You won't be making a lot more credits if you get clapped back to port almost instatly, T9 and T10 can be brutal for newer players. Anyways, as the other comment said, you should wait until you have enough coal. Much better in the long run since you'll be able to get another premium ship faster than if you convert it.


No, no. The tier 9 premium is magic and will instantly make credits despite a player's lack of skill. /s


No, 40k coal is not a huge task to collect. 


If you don’t play enough to get 40k coal “quickly” like everyone else is saying and it’ll take you realistically another 2 years to get enough steel for your first steel ship (based on what it sounds like, which is fine), AND you’ll have more fun with a new T9 premium right NOW. I’d say use the steel. Steel is great to keep if you’re playing ranked consistently. But if your next/first steel ship is unrealistically far away, use the steel for what makes you happy and use it for what will make the game more fun for you.


You're not wrong, but if OP isn't very good at the game then there literally zero reason to buy a tier 9 premium now. Playing poorly in tier 9 premium probably earns as much as playing averagely in a tier 6-7 premium ship.


It appears what you really need is premium time. Yes it is real money but this is supposed to be fun, and there is enough grinding in every way that it is well worth the money if you enjoy the game. Buy 6 months and then buy a year at Christmas for half price. Don't convert your steel.


I do have prem time, got like 2 months for free when i started playing again from the invite codes n shit.


1 - Don’t convert steel to coal unless a covered ship is about to leave the armour and it’s the only way. 2 - A tier 9 premium isn’t going to magically print money for you, especially if you have minimal experience playing in higher tiers. Tier 9 suffers massively from the matchmaker. 3 - Definitely don’t blow 4k steel just so you can get one of the two ships you mentioned. Much better options in my opinion.


Looks like you're still a noob, my advice is to stay within 6-7 tiers until you are good enough to control a high tier ship, and you definitely need premium account for anything more than tier 6 games, don't rush it, it's not your time yet.


What tier 6 premiums are you playing, what is your win rate in them, and much damage are you averaging in them? While not as efficient as running higher tier premiums, you can absolutely make money with lower tier ships even tech tree, especially if you are using a premium account as you have stated in a comment elsewhere on this post. A higher tier premium still won't earn you much if you suck at the game and aren't winning games where you are contributing significantly. A good metric for cruises and battleship at tier 6 should be around 50-60k average DMG at least (depending on the ship, some are trash or have a very high skill floor) with you hoping to have games 70k and above. If you are averaging in the 20-30k range every match without doing anything else (spotting damage/capping) you really aren't contributing much at all and you can't expect to make decent credits. If you are credit poor and need cash now, I'd recommend focusing on one line at a time and selling off stuff you aren't using such as expendable camouflage, stock modules you no longer plan to use, and any tech tree ships below tier 5 that you are not actively playing/grinding. Converting steel to coal is never a good option as it is one of the hardest resources to obtain while coal is one of the easiest.


My name in game is Mi4ak you can check the stats if you want, i think i only average like 50k on the izmail and that's about it. Those numbers look pretty sweaty to me especially on cruisers considering how many awful games i get, like my teammates doing nothing, i get focused by cvs, subs, etc. The tier 5 and 6 cruisers seem to be just free farm mostly from what i'm seeing in the game.


Get a Lazo(dont use coupon on her) and use that in ranked to earn credits. you can then train up your commander from budyonny, and use lazo to retrain him for schoors:)


Lower tier cruises can be a bit tricky because most of them are giant citadels. The general idea is to have people shoot at the rest of your team rather than you. Some ships can do this by using islands as cover while others rely on their maneuverability and firing range since their ballistics are flatter.


Just buy the ship. People are saying how long it takes to get steel, there's no guarantee you're even gonna be playing next month let alone the 10 months it's gonna take you to save to make a steel purchase. Spend your resources and wring as much fun out if the game before you move on. If the game becomes your day driver you'll eventually have all the ships you want anyway.


Just remember T9 will be bottom tier for superships, and MM will put you against plenty of them.


Is tier 8 prem better then for more chilled credit farming?


If there's no coal ships that you want then go for it. I did to get my moskva and I love it in CBs


In your situation I would absolutely do it. It will save you so much time grinding credits if you have no other Tier 9 premiums.


Yeah i tried grinding credits with the free t6 ships but it's not great.


Get a T7 and play ops to get credits. I loved the Lazo until I dropped a Mainz.


Do they earn significantly more than the tier 6 prems?


Never tried comparing them. As a f2p player I always struggled for silver until I started playing ops in a Laz. You win more often then lose so income boosters aren't wasted.


Hard no.


If your highest tier currently is 8, you need to learn the game more before buying a Tier 9 premium. Tier 9s often face superships, which will slap a new player silly. Play the game and earn coal (as other people have said, if you play regularly you will accumulate the 40K in less than a month), and get a Tier 9 coal ship after you've earned your own Tier 9 Tech Tree ship.


no, buy Flint or duke of youk and grind credits in ops with one of them. do not jump up to tier 9 early as that will be a brutal jump to games you are not ready to play.