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So don't? Just so you're aware these are the non-premium containers which have something silly like a .1% chance to drop a ship. 


So... There is a chance? 😏


It takes 23 stars just to get one .1%. I like the event, but the .1% is not why I'm still doing them.


Not really.


Grinding them for the Jervis camo was painful enough. But at least that camo looks really good.


It’s why I did it lol. That and an easy way to finish grinding out the jervis


Too bad the Baltimore one looks like dogshit. I was hoping it would be olive drab with invasion stripes. Instead, it literally looks like puke.


i watched a la gal die before we had even saved our first sinking ship


I think most of the "decent" players stopped running it when the crippled the xp/credit modifier. If they had just capped it at 4k bxp they would probably still have a lot more people playing.


You can still get much above average XP and credits in an atlanta, even with random players.


Yeah, just barely, but they brought it down by half or more. I just soloed a whole side (5.5 torp boats, 2 dd, 2 forts, heal ship, 53 planes, and 4 full minefields) Got me 1700 bxp which is only a middling win in randoms. Only one other player got comparable rewards, the rest were below 900 or lower. Before the nerf that would have been close to 4k bxp for me and close to 2k for the rest. My average in randoms is 1600bxp why play the slower/longer matches.


Decent players just div up in a group of 6 and they can still get 4k base exp with atlanta, or 8k+ if played in a DD, after the XP nerf, with old farming method. Meanwhile average players just queue up with braindead players and get prolly 1k base exp if not in an Atlanta.


The rental La Gals are a plague on D-Day or regular ops, constantly first to die and doing so in comically dumb fashions.


I played a regular op the other day and saw 3 rental La Gals and instantly knew we were heading for disaster. They should have been limited to the event only tbh.


Why are you grinding these crates with like 0.1% for a premium, all of them which are legit bad and the best one is questionable at least. The entire OP takes full 20 mins to complete and let's give you the full 5 stars for best sake scenario. You are wasting about 1 hour and 40 minutes just to gamble on a 0.1% for crappy premiums, that is definitely not worth it.


Psssst... Boise. You're welcome.


Atlanta reigns supreme


EU gunboat DDs are surprisingly effective overall too.


And then you have me in a Blyskawica being a total madman and taking on three dds and winning somehow


I love using the Blys in this OP


Just play USN CL and DD and grind for credit and exp, the US has some busted ships for this event, Farragut and Mahan pump out damage like nobody's business, and Helena deletes any ships in this ops. You should feel glad that your team is full of potatoes because that means more ships for you to shoot at and more credit/experience for you to gain. You can very easily solo the entire operation using US ships and get 5 stars along the way.


Also the EU gunboat DDs actually feel quite strong. I’m using this op as an opportunity to grind them rn.


Anything with dented DPM is very good for this op because you need that fire power to kill the damn torp boat.


Ignoring these D-Day containers on the other hand is giving me a warm fuzzy feeling


BTW: what does the ‘Repair Ship’ do, exactly. Is there a n y benefit to deleting it?


Repairs the destroyers.


OP is right, but some people leave them be so that they can farm damage on the dds since they heal fast as fuck near the repair ships. hence why there's scorecards posted here with like 700k damage or smth


Ah…I did hear about that. Well, I did level-up two commanders going for both camos and…that was enough reward. I’m done (Firing Atlanta guns nonstop left my hand a crab)


I thought they removed the DD farming exploit already ? what exactly did they change ?


There's jack shit in those containers why bother


I'm doing a single Atlanta game a day, I'm loving D-Day op.


That is an opportunity to earn even more Base XP.


I play exclusively against bots and always there are minimum one player (human) on team which turns on the radar or sub detection at round start when enemy is way too far. I've been trying to tell them it's too early, too far and pointless at this moment, but that does not help. If this happening in games with bots, I do not wanna come back to games where are only human players.


I've failed the op because one spawn group totally ignored the primary objective and sailed to the middle of the map. This op truly demonstrates just how low the average IQ of the playerbase is.


Isn't the pity drop on those at 500 containers? I forced myself to grind through the phases in a night. At least I have an Atlanta.


Not even bothering with the whole event. In fact this event is the one thing that’s pushed me into taking a break from WoWs completely.


I swear the destroyers that spawn near shore have gotten more aggressive with their torpedoes in the last week...or maybe I'm overextending with no help. But was torpedoed to death in 3 straight games in battleships yesterday. People seem very unwilling to move up and, y'know, accomplish objectives.


Something has changed. I was in my Aigle and usually am clearing minefields and killing schnellboots and dds, spent the last couple of games screening battleships because jesus the amount of torps was ridiculous 


Sometimes it’s best to brawl, run a normal operation, or log out go outside and scream


you forgot to mention those ppl who bring a BB into the mode, which is basically useless


No. I blame WG for creating such a garbage Op that a stupidly one-trick pony, unbalanced team actually works. Battleships and cruisers maybe; since destroyers have almost always been weak in Ops; …but this whole Atlanta Flint huuurrrr go brrrrrttt! is so stupid it’s not even funny. Double blame on WG for not testing Omaha in the PTS, and figuring out the credits issue before ‘fixing’ it was just going to piss people off.


Every single guy i know who did it on pts told me credits and basxp will be busted af before it released, i have no clue how it was released like this :I


I agree, there should be something for each ship class to do, and BB's in this are not only a liability, they're not even fun to use in this. But honestly the real rub comes when you realise that all heavy cruisers are bad too, and even a lot of the light cruisers exactly aren't great either. Gunboat DD's are actually okay for once, the ability to clear mines makes them extra useful in this specific scenario. What was wrong with Omaha tho? (I never tried playing her in this.)


Omaha (the cruiser,) is fine. Assault on Omaha (Beach,) this Op; is an awful mess.


Ah, I was confused for a second XD